Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 188604 (Psychopomp) House of Horrors

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ace
  • Start date Start date


Deep Space
This area of space used to be quite lively with cargo shipments coming in and out of filled with research specimen, results, workers, and scientists going around at constant time all year round. But now for some reason all was still and although all lights on the station were on. This normally would not be enough to warrant an investigation but between the distress call and the rescue team that went missing Psychopomp was getting desperate and were now sending some of their finest and even going so far as to ask USO for help. The station floated in space awaiting its arrivals. Only one dock was open however as the others were full of empty ships some were even floating lifelessly around the station as if some had tried to escape but whatever ailment was afflicting the station followed them out to their ships.

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Jack was piloting a black U-1 with red markings as he approached the station with a troop module equipped, as it had Sarah and Uso aboard.

"ETA one mike to hangar, anyone wanna fill me in again as to why we're here?" Jack spoke through the comms to the module as he began the docking process.

Sarah sat in one of the seats doing a final check of her gear, "Beat the hell out of me, boss lady said she'd fill us in." she responded after putting her R1-SPA helmet on.

Mark sat aboard the Gart shuttle wearing his type 35 combat gear with helmet, a battle rifle, gauss revolver, and his Sheska. After the horror show on the S'ukan colony, he was just looking forward to a normal mission. "ETA to dock five minutes!" the pilot shouted from the cockpit.

Lazarus had already come aboard the station a few minutes prior in his custom Gekido, and as he stared around the dark bay he was looking forward to hopefully killing something. "I might have been sent as a backup plan, but I never thought I would be sent to potentially such a bloody good time.", Lazarus said to no one in particular as he began to stroll forward.
Somehow, Shizuka had managed to get away from her life being controled by her creator. The fake Neko had stowed away on a ship and breathed a sigh of relief. Her robotic bare tail wrapped around waist as she took a deep breathe, nervous as she stood up and walked around. HEr metal cat ears lowered as she glanced around. So far she hadn't seen anyone, not really sure on if she was suppose to find anyone. What she wanted was to stay away from her creator but at what cost? IF she found someone in here, then they would probably just turn her in when they got to the next planet. Well she hadn't done anything wrong honestly. Her hands held onto the handle of her frying pan as she walked though when she heard the voice of the pilot she let out a startled squeak.

She had found hersel on a Gart Shuttle, in which Mark was currently a passenger on as well.
"Distress calls have all the best stuff! Everyone's probably dead already so this whole place is just free shit laying about." Uso said, fixing her hair back in a bun before putting on the helmet of her R1 power armor. The suit had been modified with interlocking Zesu coin plates along the front and forearms which had been hit with a blast of matte black spraypaint to get rid of the shine. She carried minimal weapons, an EMP pistol on one hip, her P1 on the other.

"Besides, it's a great chance to get out and stretch our legs a bit. Try out Jack's new armor... get some familiarity with working together. No training quite like doing!"
Jack landed the U-1 in the hanger before dropping the ramp of the troop pod. The bottom of the craft underneath the cockpit would open up dropping Jack to the deck in a crouch in his commander variant of the Revenant armor which had a much bigger left pauldron and twin bladed heat blades integrated into the gauntlets. "Alright everyone, Sarah take point, I'll take middle.", Jack said checking his gear after standing up, he activated the integrated heat blades of his gauntlets. The modules popped out and forward before deploying twin crimson heat blades of sword length on both gauntlets as the handle for each flipped into his waiting hands.

"Ok Jack, stop playing with your new toys." Sarah said as she came around the side of the craft as the under section closed.

Mark had heard the squeak of the stow away, "Ok little one, you can come out. You know it's not a wise idea to stow away on military craft. Stay here where you'll be safe.". Mark got up and drew his battle rifle as the ramp lowered after touchdown.
Shizuka stumbled back, pushing against the wall of the ship with her metal ears down. Her disheveled appearance would be rather obvious, including the odd hose sticking out of her neck and attaching to the back of her head. She watched the man walk past, her frying pan cradled in her grasp. She honestly didn't want to stay here, sitting there and feeling scaared. Though she ended up getting up and following after Mark.

"It was either stowaway or spend the rest of my life in the same worse condition it was before. Where...where are we?" She asked as she followed closely.
Station Hanger
The hanger was illuminated by a single flashing emergency light. By its light the group could see that a battle probably had happened here. The weird thing though was that there were no bodies just large pools of blood which made no sense since it seemed recent and the hangar was fully intact. Before anyone could move to take a closer look an unnatural screech would echo through the hanger as if to notify them that they weren't alone and that whatever was still here knew that they had come.
In the hanger there were 3 ships all of which were powered down and devoid of any signs of life within. The Hangar had 2 exits one went to the maintenance shaft and the other led out to the inside of the ship. Both were located at the back end of the hanger on the left and right walls respectively.
"Sweet, extra ships," Uso said, watching from the cargo module of the U1 on a datapad. "Just some blood all over the place, mind letting us off so we can get a better look? There are probably drag marks or something if we're dealing with a classic slasher-movie killer type... its kinda weird everything is working though. I figured there would be poison gas or like... explosive decompression.

Is there explosive gas?

Can we detect explosive gas?

I mean.... I guess I could take off my helmet first and find out... you guys just pretend its toxic out there until I give the all-clear."
Sarah stopped in her tracks,"THE FUCK...was that!"

Jack readied a RKAR-1A, "Dunno but be ready for shit to go wrong real fast. Uso, I'm going to link our helmet feeds to your pad.", Jack said before doing so.

Mark sighed as he walked down the ramp, "Fine but you stick to my ass like glue, I'm not going spend the mission hunting around for you."
The screech made her jump, she didn't really know on what that horrible sound was. Her robotic ears lowered as she leaned against Mark. Her frame shaking as she stood there.

"What was that noise?" Shizuka asked, her ears remaining down as her tail wrapped a little harder around her waist.

Still, she held onto her frying pan. Holding it high enough to where it was easy to assume she was going to use it as a weapon.
Once the U-1 had touched down, Uso opened up the rear-facing hatch on the cargo module and hopped out,

"So, I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything... but if I turn green or something put this back on my head," Uso said, before taking her helmet off... followed by a big gulp of air.

And then another breath,

and another...

"Ok, I don't taste anything funny..." She said, her eyes scanning around while her ears perked up out of her hair, scanning the room independently of her eyes. "Check the doors and... uh... fuck. We don't have anything to jam the doors with do we? We want to make sure we've got the entrances to this room covered before we start exploring the rest of the place. Keep Vier on your U1's autopilot just in case we need it to react to something.... uh... then lets check out this place, we can have junkers come back for the other ships later on."
"Everyone stack up and let's take this slow. Rifles ready, safeties off, fingers off the trigger." Jack said doing as he had just said.

"No shit sherlock, like I haven't killed people before." Sarah retorted but doing as instructed.

"Trouble and a whole lot of ugly. You sure you don't want to stay here?" Mark said as h began to continue in with his rifle raised and scanning the area.
"I honestly don't want to just sit there alone..." Shizuka replied, her metal ears twitching as she found herself more nervous.
Banging could be heard from the door that lend to the maintenance shaft along with some screeching. The door was holding for now but small indents were beginning to form on it.
Mark unholstered his gauss revolver and offered it grip first to the neko, "then you better learn how to use this. Frying pans don't work at range."

Lazarus heard the sound of metal as it was being savagely being beaten, and he liked what that suggested, "Oooh, savage prey is the most fun, let's see if they are worthy." he stated to no one but himself.

Jack turned his rifle in the direction of the noise, "yeah got it boss, but I think we might have company soon."
Shizuka paused, tilting her head as she looked at the weapon in their hand. She knew it was a gun, that much was easy to tell.

" it?" Shizuka asked. "I know it's a gun but that's it."

Her creator never allowed her to have such a thing in her reach. Though she heard the weird sounds, making her more uneasy as she just stood there. Fidgeting her fingers on the frying pan's metal handle.

"Clearly," Uso said, motioning towards the U-1 that they had flown in on, and then to the door. She wondered for a moment if Jack understood what all the hand motions meant, or if he even saw them.... certainly seemed like a good time to give additional verbal instructions.

"Take positions and get the big gun ready. Anything that can fit through the door we can blow away with the U-1. I'll check the rest of the hanger."

While those two were left to their own devices, Uso would check everywhere else, just to make sure there wasn't anything waiting to surprise them while they were distracted by the door. The neko readying her pistol.
Mark heard steps coming their way, "Someone approaches. Ready the weapon by pointing it forward and keep your finger off the trigger." Mark readied his rifle as a shadow became visible on the deck as the person neared the corner, very light in weight by the sound.

Lazarus found himself looking at a group of power armored troops from the far side of the hangar, and he could only see two. "More play things? Looks like I might get to practice my surgeon skills." he said licking his lips.

"Understood, Sarah go crouched." Jack said before doing so himself. Using his Geist, he assumed remote control of the U-1. It rose in the air and took aim for the door.

"Shut up and do your your creepy cyber shit already!" Sarah said agitated, but still doing as instructed as the U-1 moved.
With a loud crash the door would finally give in to the punishment as it flew off it's frame slamming into the floor halfway across the hanger. A humaniod creature would stumble out taking in it's surroundings it would notice the intruders. With a screech like the one heard earlier it would bound it's way towards the newcomers leaping off the walls and climbing along the ceiling towards them.