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RP Psychopomp: [The Bastards of the Sector] Part 0 - Formation of Crni Moljac


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Lethe Station
/| Jios System - Lethe Station | Date - 30D 02M YE 43 |\

/| Sector 1 - Launching Bay |\

To (Insert Character Name(s) Here): All personel who are recieving this message, report to Launching Bay 3 for debriefing. Please arrive in appropriate attire, we will be departing at 15H00M, You have 5 MINUITES to arrive or you will be either repremanded or your contract will be revoked. - Kyro-vek Draguun

Launching Bay 3 - 05H25M

Standing alone by himself, Kyro stood tall in his impressive custom black uniform. His hand tilted the hilt of his sheathed blade back and forth as he waited for those he had sent the message to, to arrive. Looking around himself, he took a moment to admire the grand size of the station wing. The architecture still amazing him, despite having been there for over a month. There was much to space he had missed in being the ruler of a planet. Perhaps it was for the best, and maybe it was not. He watched the few and far spread Psychopomp technical staff wander about, doing it is what they do. Not that he would know their craft, he was a leader and a soldier, not a technician.

Interrupting his trance, a young auburn-haired boy ran up to the behemoth of a man. Laughing as he called to him, "Down Xeno!" wielding in his hand a small wooded sword, playfully smiting his holy justice down upon the large man's leg. "I'll cut you down from where you stand!" The young child beckoned as he went to swing again, only for his overly dramatic swing leading him to lose grip of the wooden sword. A soft Chunk sound-making itself heard upon it smacking against the floor.

Kyro smirked in amusement at this, reaching down and petting the young solder atop his head. With encouraging words he said, "You must work on your form if you are to become a solder of Dovania. Swinging wide like that will only leave yourself open for others to get you." Releasing his hand from his head, Kyro then changed languages, telling the young man in opšti, "I am busy right now, play elsewhere young one. I will return to you later." Standing back up and gesturing for the lad to leave, the large man looking to be in a state of peace as he interacted with the boy. A genteel smile cracking beneath his large and well-kept beard.

Giving Kyro a 'firm' salute across his chest, he fumbled to pluck up his weapon. The young child charging off across the Launching Bay to hide within a set of cargo containers. They appearing to have been moved to resemble a makeshift fortress. "
I will defend my fortress of awesomeness now! Ha Ha HA!" The child cheered in victory as he disappeared behind the large metal containers.
A woman dressed in a crisp Neplilsian Technician's uniform appeared in the landing bay, giving it a glance around the place and pulling up publicly accessible files on the people just as a casual thing she did all the time. One interesting thing was a child attacking one of her partners in this expedition. She'd step up to him and give a coy smirk.

"Wood is hard to work with, but if you can install an resonance chamber into it and then make it not shatter, a frequency of 120,000 mhz would create an oscillating edge that mimics the actions of a chainsaw. My suggestion would be Honduran mahogany, with some chemical reinforcements via a synthetic lacquer. Then he really could cut you down where you stand with his wooden sword"

Egwene's ice-breaker was certainly......very Egwene...

Eldon was vaguely aware of noise and light emanating from his bedside table. Not yet fully aware of what was going on, he reached out and grabbed his communicator, lifting it so he could see the screen. He groaned as it felt like the device was searing his retinas, even after he dimmed it to its lowest brightness setting. Keeping one eye closed, he slowly acclimated to the light and began reading the message.

When he finished, he moaned softly and began the laborious process of getting out of bed. He set the infernal device down on its screen to block out the light and opened his eye that was still accustomed to the darkness, trying not to dawdle as he started putting his clothes on.


As he entered the launching bay, Eldon felt a massive yawn overcome the stoic expression he was trying to maintain. Spotting a tall bearded man and a much shorter plain-looking woman who both seemed somewhat familiar, he began shambling over in Kyro and Egwene's direction. At a speed somewhat slower than what could be generously described as glacial, the thought occurred to him that at this time of the day it was a miracle that he'd even made it this far.

Pulling up alongside Egwene, he caught the tail end of what she was saying. Something about chemical reinforcements? The idea crossed the distance between Egwene's mouth and his ear at the speed of sound, but as soon as it entered his auditory cortex it slowed down like an insect trying to plough through a wall of treacle. Worse still, once his brain began to actually unfold the notion, he felt his two hemispheres making a desperate attempt to separate from one another. In response, his usually eloquent mouth did its best with what he was working with at this unpleasant hour, as he closed his eyes, stuck his hands into the pockets of his bomber jacket, and tried to imagine he was still in bed.

Nora, clad in the darkest uniform she's allowed, rushed into the Launch Bay. She glanced around quickly, looking for Kyro, before fast walking over to him and the others. She was obviously nervous but was ready for whatever situation they were about to get into.
"I'm here." She mumbled, wanting to ask if she was late. She didn't, however, as she thought it would get her in trouble. The topic of wood was a strange thing to walk into but Nora kept quiet about it.
The large man looked down to his wrist where a small watch was strapped to his wrist. The time read [05:29], Kyro gave an affirmed nod before looking up to the three. "Very impressive, it only took four minutes for you all to arrive. Impressive." Looking between the three who had arrived he frowned as he noticed someone was missing, "Well that is disappointing, I suppose we will have to speak with them later." Waving his hand dismissively, the large 6'11" man turned his attention back to those who had recently arrived. "I am Kyro-vek Draguun, leader of the Dovaniaks, or as Psychopomp calls us, Dovanians. Either way is appropriate. You may be wondering why you were called at such a time? You are here because I know none of you, therefore, I would like to know my new hires personally. Once we get to know each other, I will go over your mission briefing."

Gesturing outwards to them, he offers the floor to them to introduce themselves, along with any questions they may have.
...Ok, Egwene hadn't exactly opened in the most understandable, socially agreeable way, but she was used to more of a reaction to her speaking than being totally and completely blanked.

"Flummelblouse" she'd exclaim, staring straight forward for a few seconds and then nodding. "Ok, my voice box is still working properly. I did just speak then. Did he just ignore it? What a strange man. I wonder what else he will ignore?" Egwene muttered to herself. When he was done talking, Egwene would shift some hardware inside herself and then start to shine a laser into his eyes. It wasn't of any level enough to actually hurt anyone, though having it shone in your eyes wasn't particularly comfortable either.
Eldon shook himself awake when Kyro-vek stopped talking, aware that he was supposed to introduce himself to the group. After a moment spent blinking and looking around, he felt the speech centre of his brain slowly catching up with the rest of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Nora and suddenly realized that he must have been half asleep because he didn't remember her arriving. After Egwene said her piece, he took a moment to release a big yawn before it actually dawned on him what Egwene had said.

"Wait. Flummelblouse? What does that mean? I 'spect Kyro here is implying that we're meant to introduce ourselves. To that end, I suppose I'll start. I am Eldon Mosfet. I usually have more of an explanation for where my name came from, but I simply cannot recall any of that at this hour. I ain't leader of nobody, nor do I have a powerful cybernetic body like this one." He gestured to Egwene. "But I can shoot a gun and fly a ship and I'm happy to do so in support of your cause as long as I get paid and y'all don't ask me to hurt innocents."
Nora shifted her footing nervously, stumbling over the things she could respond with in her head. However, she gave up on thinking once Eldon was finished and decided an attempt at free speaking might work.
"I'm, um, Nora Yamazaki. A dovaniak. Or, maybe not one. I was, uh, picked up a year or so ago after my... previous ship of undesirable homage exploded and I was left adrift in the starry expanse." Nora wasn't sure how to continue, nor was she feeling up to it. Her past was not something she liked speaking of and she has no idea why she thought free speaking was a good idea. To avoid further thinking on her past, she started to hum quietly and thought of different tunes and notes that could go with her little song.
Raising one hand up to shield his eyes from the laser, Kyro protested, "Cease. I am not interested in entertaining childish behaviour from anyone who is not a child." Her words have not gone unnoticed as he remarked, "I heard you, I did not ignore you." Pointing over towards the boxes where the child was with his tablet, he followed with, "You appeared to be speaking with young Uniform over yonder." The man glaring through his hand as he continued to stare in the direction of where Egwene was. As she had proven to just be annoying and has yet to introduce themselves. Something he was not surprised by, having already assumed that some of the hired help was to be far less than formal. At least when compared to his own soldiers.

Returning his attention back to the rest of the group, glancing down to his tablet before addressing those who had introduced themselves. "Let's see here, an Eldon Mosfet and Nora Yamazaki..." His thumb scrolling through the list of partisans that were assigned and hired to the mission. His eyebrows perked as he spotted them on his list, "Yes, I see. Mister Mosfit, you are an auxiliary support hire. I'm sure your experience in space will be useful in the bridge and landing parties. I thank you for coming along with us."

Kyro then began to read on Nora Yamazaki before his lungs decompressed, a deep sigh escaping from his lips. Snapping his tablet back onto his belt before stating, "You, my dear, you are going to be directly under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hodžić. He will be the one directing you, however, I can assume that you will be a combatant. Which occupation is to be determined. You are a Purple Blood, so there is only so much jurisdiction I have." Changing into Opšti, Kyro added, "May the Gods bring good fortune."

"If you heard the language I spoke and do not recognize it, it is the language of the Xunoks. They call it Opšti. Roughly it means Universal. If you would like to learn the language, ask the quartermaster. I believe we still retain a few Trade to Opšti dictionaries for you to use." Kyro addressed after what he had recently told Nora. "The main objective of the mission is simple, You all and myself will traverse the stars in search of new systems to explore for Psychopomp LLC. Upon the way, we will also conduct anti-piracy and collect any information from them. Especially regarding the Kuvexians." Kyro waved his hand dismissively as he knew that they were already informed of this before being hired, "Now I know you know this. However, what you all do not know, is that any salvage that we capture, you all keep what you find. So long as it is not essential for the Kuvexian investigation. If you can carry it, you can keep it."

The large man's eyes shifted back to where Egwene was, as she had not introduced herself yet, and he did not intend on continuing any further without her introducing herself.
Ahh, reaction, and reason for being ignored as well. Though, that just confused Egwene. She'd stop shining the light and start talking, now she was actually engaged in conversation.

"He had left the immediate area by the time I started talking. Plus, contextually, I was talking to you about him, with you being the target and him being the verb. Though, I shall in future ensure that those who I talk to are well aware that they are indeed the subject of my attention before I begin talking to them. To avoid complications" she'd nod.

The mention of some new language was interesting. Doubly so, there were dictionaries about you could just take, so Egwene downloaded a few of them to play about creating a vocal subroutine and real-time translation matrix in her spare time. Still, she felt a need to correct an assumption that another had.

"My cybernetic body isn't powerful. It's pretty standard fare for cybernetic bodies. I'm Doctor Tai, I am here to ensure you die when your frail flesh is shot by the enemy, rather than the far more ignobly, because someone left the window open during void travel"
Nodding along to Kyro's summary, Eldon barely registered that he'd pronounced his name wrong the second time around.

"I s'pose the only way to see if my experience in space'll be useful is to get us up into space and see what use it has. So I'm hopin' that you're about to explain what exactly we're departing to do at 1500 and why I had to be roused at this unseemly hour to do it. What I can say is that I ain't never been one to let experience nor the lack thereof get in my way, or at least not prevent me from accomplishing m'goals. Nor am I really the sort to dwell on any kind of hinderance, up to and including my own general incompetence."

Eldon chuckled softly to himself and started drifting back asleep on his feet, but was caught off-guard by Egwene misunderstanding him, which made him suddenly feel much more awake. That made for the second time out of the two times they'd met where she'd misunderstood what he'd said. He knew that he should just let it be, and he wanted to on some level. But he just lacked the level of impulse control required, so instead, he laughed and started doing a kind of jerky dance that might have been meant to mimic the motions of a clumsy robot.

"Beep boop! My organic flesh isn't frail. It's pretty standard fare for organic flesh." He stopped his jerky dancing. "But I for one don't want to stand around pickin' each others' nits. Leastwise not when there's a mess of other things we could be doing what are much more fun. So, Doctor Tai, please consider my statement suitably modified."
Nora shivered at the mention of piracy, as the root of the word itself was directly linked to pirates. She did not like pirates at all and her nervous expression downgraded into one of displeasure and annoyance. Her expression stayed that way as she thought over the rest of Kyro's words.
She recognized the Opšti language, given that she's lived around a few Xunoks for the short years she was an occupation-less combatant in Dovanian territory. Everything always seemed to crumble under her feet for her so she never had the thought to actually decide on an occupation.
"Thank you for my new command, sir, but I have not been informed on what a Purple Blood is. If it is worth our time, may I have an explanation?" Her tone has shifted greatly, from her quiet nervousness to a sharp, respectful voice. Her voice was louder and sharper and it seemed as though she grimaced at her own words.
Nodding to young Miss Yamazaki, Kyro addressed her minor comment before continuing, "Essentially, a Purple Blood is one who is in the process of becoming a Dovaniak." Returning his attention back to the others, using his tablet to distribute to each of them their current orders prior to departure. Explaining it aloud so that all may hear. "Today's objective is simple, we are to depart from Head Quarters, then settle in. Once everyone has become acquaintances or has met everyone else participating with us, we will depart to investigate piracy reports. The specifics I will give once I obtain them. Any final questions, concerns, or statements that you all wish to make? If not, report to the vessel immediately further down the Launching Bay. After you have collected your belongings of course." Kyro directing them as he pointed further down the large bay towards a ship behind large cargo crates. "I will join you once I am done with my business. Also, Miss Yamazaki, may I please request that you and Mister Mosfet please keep an eye on young Uniform over yonder." The large man stated as he glanced over to the young child who continued to play behind the metal crates. "Hope he won't be too cumbersome."
"If it is standard fare for organic flesh, then it is frail. Flesh is notorious for ripping apart under even moderate stress. And what's with the beep boop? You are sending mixed messages here, guy" Egwene gave him a stare of confusion and minor disgruntlement. Not quite push him out of the airlock, but certainly burn his food kind of disgruntlement.

Still, they were departing to investigate piracy reports, which was interesting. If Egwene was going to be fighting pirates, then she'd want to make sure that the ship she was doing it in was a ship worth doing it in. So she'd have to make sure that was just so.

"What's the vessel we are manning? Pirates generally aren't known for polite conversation so making sure we can make them explode would be a time well spent"
"I am genuinely surprised to hear that there's a process for becoming a Dovaniak. I thought that was a matter o' where y'all were born." Eldon gave Miss Yamazaki a sidelong look and noted the range of emotions she was displaying as she spoke. His mind turned back to what Kyro had said, trying to put the pieces together. "I think maybe I got Dovaniak confused with Xunok. I do hope my ignorance don't offend, 'cause there's plenty more where that comes from.

"I am also thoroughly confused as to why we got up so early and why we're reporting to the vessel immediately after collecting our belongings if we ain't departin' 'til 1500. But I s'pose there's there's a whole acre o' things what I'll never understand. Been a long time now that I've accepted this, so I'll jes' dump this new confusion along with the old."
Eldon's gaze flickered momentarily over to the playful young child. "You named your son Uniform? I think I knew a Uniform once, back in Nepland. Didn't figure all y'all for simple names like that."

Eldon turned to Egwene and saw her stare of confusion and disgruntlement, but wasn't really sure what to make of it. He was having a hard time getting a read on her, and getting his hackles up hadn't helped none.

"If your cybernetic body is standard fare for cybernetic bodies, then it is powerful. Cybernetics ain't notorious for ripping apart under moderate stress." Eldon regretted the "beep boop" as soon as he heard Egwene say it, but he wasn't going to admit it. At least, he wasn't going to admit it to her. He did admit to himself that she had gotten under his skin with embarrassing ease. He was tempted to blame it on the early hour, but he knew that would be a lie.
Terry was busy loading crates onto the ship. He was supposed to participate in Mr.Draguun's project and report their progress back to the company. He had some misgivings about this as he doubted any of them spoke his language but was happy to be of use since he'd mostly been sitting around after the war had ended.

Seeing the others look his way he gave a small wave and a bright smile as he ducked out of the ship to grab another load of supplies.
Nora nodded in response to Kyro and glanced at the child, studying him closely. She watched him for a moment before a shiver unexpectedly raced up her spine and she decided to walk over to Uniform. Her steps were quick but quiet as she got closer to Kyro's kid. Then she crouched down and sat near him, a small smile gracing her normally neutral sad face.
"Hello there. Mr. Kyro wanted me to watch you. What do you happen to be doing?" Nora asked Uniform, slowly brightening her expression as she watched the kid.