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Laz Public Network pub.discussion.answer


Retired Member

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
To fold infinity in the palm of your hand
An infinity in an hour.

What is the system
that everything has to adhere to,
If there is no god?

Start:          call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,offset ScreenRect,0
                call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,offset WindowRect,0
                sub     WindowRect.r_right,5
                call    SystemParametersInfoA,SPI_SETWORKAREA,0,offset WindowRect,SPIF_SENDCHANGE
                xor     edx,edx
                mov     eax,ScreenRect.r_bottom
                mov     ebx,20
                div     ebx
                dec     eax
                mov     MaxVert,eax
                call    GetModuleHandleA,0
                mov     hInstance,eax
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW or CS_DBLCLKS
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset WndProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset ClassName
                call    LoadIconA,hInstance,1000
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,eax
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset PropDlgProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset PropClass
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,0
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     wc.wce_cbSize,SIZE WNDCLASSEX
                mov     wc.wce_style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
                mov     wc.wce_lpfnWndProc,offset AboutProc
                mov     wc.wce_cbClsExtra,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_cbWndExtra,0
                push    hInstance
                pop     wc.wce_hInstance
                mov     wc.wce_hbrBackground,COLOR_BACKGROUND
                mov     wc.wce_lpszMenuName,NULL
                mov     wc.wce_lpszClassName,offset AboutClass
                mov     wc.wce_hIcon,0
                mov     wc.wce_hIconSm,0
                call    LoadCursorA,NULL,IDC_ARROW
                mov     wc.wce_hCursor,eax
                call    RegisterClassExA,offset wc
                mov     eax,ScreenRect.r_right
                sub     eax,5
                call    CreateWindowExA,ebx,offset ClassName,offset WndName,WS_POPUP or WS_BORDER,eax,0,WndSize,ScreenRect.r_bottom,0,0,hInstance,0
                mov     hBar,eax
                call    UpdateWindow,hBar
WaitMessage:    call    GetMessageA,offset msg,0,0,0
                cmp     eax,1
                jnz     StopPrg
                call    IsDialogMessage,hBar,offset msg
                cmp     eax,TRUE
                jz      WaitMessage
                call    TranslateMessage,offset msg
                call    DispatchMessageA,offset msg
                jmp     WaitMessage
                call    ExitProcess,0
End Start;


The first bowl on the earth

The second bowl on the sea

The third bowl on the rivers

The fourth bowl on the sun

The fifth bowl on the beast

The sixth bowl on the stars

The seventh bowl on the air

- :54:68:65:20:53:65:76:65:6e