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RP Pub night with The Resurgence

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 44.3
RP Location
The Resurgence, docked at Pisces Station
After some time had passed where frank woke up from the pod as was informed, he died, the mission over as well. Frank decided to put together a group to head to a cozy pub from his olden days with a list in hand he began knocking on doors of those who might wanna come along. first on the list....mochi. knocking on his door Frank asked, "hey I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me and a few others from the resurgence crew for a little R&R and a stiff drink. I'll be paying....but also figured if you want, I could also pay to get you some new threads."
After some scuffling behind the officer cabin's door, it would slide aside to reveal a rather dishevelled looking Mochi, golden hair messy and all over the place. Behind him, a flurry of pink wings and tiny feet appeared and disappeared behind his silhouette. "Oh-- Hey Frank." The Elysian gave a kind smile. After hearing the offer, Mochi breathed a sigh of relief and leaned in. "Thanks. I needed a rescue.." He closed the door gently, still dressed in his work uniform, which had survived better than most of his outfit. At the mention of new clothes, he chuckled, "All I really have other than my work and senate stuff is some suits--."
Frank nodded "well i gotta list of people I wanted to gather up before we go, but thats good to hear that your up for it." He squinted for a moment before saying. "Uh mochi is that a grey hair?" he stated gestering his hand to the location..."anyway im going to go get the rest of the guys ill see you in the rec room before we all head out." he stated before heading for the next persons location. "okay lets here next on the list is Thad..."
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Mochi's cheeks flushed as he reached up and ran a hand through his yellow locks, seeming quite embarassed at the declaration. "Oh god, I bloody well hope not." He half-chuckled, "Although I wouldn't be surprised, Arbs is due any day now and.." He leaned in conspiratorially to Frank and whispered, "She's kind of.. eccentric right now." Mochi gave a knowing smile, turning and closing the door behind him to the family's room. When Frank gave the plan with the Rec Room, Mochi nodded excitedly. "Sure! I'll err-- get dressed once things have quietened down in there- Civvies, right?"
Reactions: Wes
YSS Resurgence - Officer Cabin Area

"Hey," Kinie said, poking her head out of her cabin. "Are the ladies invited or is this sort of guys night?" shed asked. "I can bring my sister and Pidole," she offered. "Maybe it'll be like old times when were stopping in Ternifac while getting redeployed for the big operation at Glimmergold," she grinned, pausing to apply her black lipstick.
Frank shrugged his shoulders. "Anyone's welcome really I was going to take people down to an old pub down on Pisces station. Mabie even help others find buy clothes down there." Frank said to Kinie before adding, "feel free to tell others and have them meet at the rec room before we head out." Frank offered before heading off to go find Thad and Zanven. After stumbling around a bit trying to remember their room numbers frank came into where Del was staying. "Hey, sleeping beauty, were heading out to go to get alcohol at a pub you want to tag along?" frank asked lightly poking her where she wasn't injured.
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Delmira made a bunch of noises when she was prodded and the half naked neko propped herself on her elbows hiding her modesty from Frank. "What now? Whats the dress code?" She said laying on her stomach waiting for Frank's response and for him to leave so she can get dressed.
Reactions: Wes
Thad was out doing Thad things when he noticed Frank. "Hey, long time, how you been." He paused for a moment before taking a peak into the room to see what the deal was. "Ah, well isn't that a pretty sight. Beats how I found you last time, was a little crispy." He chuckled to himself. "So, it seems like you are hunting up people. What is going on?"
Reactions: Wes
Frank chuckled at dels response. "its a old bar from my old days so far as im aware no dresscode where what you want." turning to he patted Thad on the back. "Ive been good mate, I was just coming to look for you as im putting together a shore party to go down to a old pub from my old days to unwind. so far mochi, you, Del, Pidole, and Kinie" Frank said the last name looking over to del. before turning around. "Im gonna check on a few more people when your ready meet up in rec room, if your able." Frank stated before heading out of the room.
Nalini Chumana was reading in the rec room under the sunning lamp. The cook was a quiet Separa'Shan with dark coppery skin. Her long black tail that shimmered with rainbows if the light hit in the right way marked her as a pythus. Her long black hair was braided into a simple crown braid. She wore a pair of rimless glasses that usually seemed to have some sort of data projected onto them. She also carried a tablet with her. No one on the crew had managed to get to know her very well. Even Agrippina, who was her boss, hadn't seemed to have been able to make much headway with the Nitô Hei. She quiet, diligent, mostly kept to herself, and only mingled with the rest of the crew when she had to. As they came in, talking about going to the bar, her eyes flicked across her glass to look at something and took a breath. She approached them and asked, "Can I join you?"

Cheilith came around a corner and almost ran into Frank at full speed. "Whoa, oh, hey Frank, what are you up to?" She asked, juggling the dozen small boxes that she was holding to keep them from falling.
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"what is this crowd around the burn victims door? Go im not showing everyone my boobs you all need to work for it." She said and threw a pillow with her tail at the group outside her door. After her door finally shut she would get up and take one of the pills that Poppy gave her for her back and went over to her wardrobe and looked at what she had. With the burn on her back she was suddenly self conscious about what she should wear. She laid out a dress and laid out a nice shirt and pants, the dress would show her bacon skin back but it would fit more or less loosely around her she the pain wouldn't be as severe.
Reactions: Wes
YSS Resurgence - Interior

Kawa Kinie, dressed in shiny black leather pants and a black T-shirt with lightning bolts on it, pulled her boots on and then went down two decks to the enlisted cabins to visit the funzone where her sister Euikoshi lived with her handy roommate Poppy Pink, the moody catgirl Cassie, and the quiet engineering wizard Pidole (and her bug). "Hey, we're going to a pub! Get dressed and bring your money cards!" she told them.

Delmira stood in front of her desk with her clothes laid out on it. She was still trying to pick out what she was going to wear.

Mochi dipped back out of the cabin he shared with his family, having managed to negotiate the controlled chaos within just enough to fetch some appropriate clothes. Well, 'appropriate' might have been a stretch. Aside from his SAOY uniforms, a traditional Elysian robe and swimming trunks, the only other outfits he possessed were suits. Making the best he could out of the situation, the Elysian was dressed in a nicely tailored black 2 piece suit. Mochi had rather embarrassingly taken a moment to consider whether or not to wear a waistcoat before making the correct decision. A thin tie hung loosely from around his neck, with a few buttons at the top of his shirt undone for comfort. Time to wait for the others.

Nalini slid quietly into the area where everyone was going. The quiet Separa'Shan seemed content to wait watching everyone else gather for the trip.

Cheilith was wearing a nice blue dress as she joined them, she smiled at Mochi. "So what's up?" She asked.

Shortly thereafter, Euikoshi, Poppy, and Pidole joined the group dressed in cute little dresses they'd picked up on White Harbor station back in Resurgence's Mission 3. Euikoshi's red was bright sparkling red while Poppy wore gold and Pidole wore white. Cassie also came, wearing a frilly pink pair of shorts and an oversize one-shoulder sweater with the word YES on it.

Thad showed up wearing the only suit he had and wore a duster over top of it all. It gave a nice contrast between the black suit and the leather duster.

Mochi smiled at the new Separa'Shan, not having had the pleasure of conversing with them before, but not wanting to scare her. To Cheilith, he grinned, "Hey! I'm just waiting for the others, nobody gave a place to meet up so I'm guessing here is as good as anywhere." The Elysian gestured to her dress, "Very nice! I wonder how big a difference there will be between people's outfits."

"Probably a third of of us actually looking nice, a third looking pretty shabby, and a third wearing whatever." Chelilith responded.

Nalini didn't tense up at Mochi's smile, she actually looked slightly confused before giving a small smile back and then diving into her tablet.

Mochi nodded to Thad, somewhat relieved that he wasn't going to be the only guy in smart casual. Once Euikoshi and the others showed up, he whistled playfully. "Looking good ladies. The locals won't know what hit 'em."

"Thanks!" Euikoshi grinned.

Pidole cradled her blue beetle buddy in her hands. "Hmm. No pockets."

Thad walked over to Pidole and opened his jacket like a shady dealer. "I have many pockets for your little buddy." He then motioned to the inside of his coat and outside that was covered in pockets.

"You think Bidole will scare the locals?" Poppy asked Thad. "Nice to see you somewhere other than my medical lab."

"If Bidole can remain still, they will probably think it is a piece of jewlery." Nalini offered quietly.

"No more worse than my little buddy." Thad's glowy little friend poked its head out of one of the pockets.

Yayoi made her appearence now dressed in a simple shirt and skirt perfect for an outing. She'd heard that they were going to a Pub, and while she felt awkward since she had a bar, she thought it might be good to go.

Sanda had come out with Yayoi. She was wearing a bright blue dress that had little straps over her shoulders and came down to her knees. It was the same color as her tattoos which seemed to sparkle in the light. Despite the dress, she still had at least one firearm strapped to her thigh, out of sight, and two blades.

Delmira sighed and went over to her other clothing and rummaged around she found her gym sweatshirt that looked baggy enough to not bother her back to much. She didnt bother with a bra as she put it on and found a pair of pants to wear. when she was dressed she exited her. The neko was looking a little down.

"How'd you get that on the ship?" Poppy asked Thad. "I'm pretty sure Aoba allowed the beetle but not this...uh, what is it?"

"Should I bring a gun?" Cassie asked, looking at Sanda, scratching her head in a very catlike fashion.

Sanda shrugged and smiled deviously. "It's against my religion to go anywhere unarmed."

Thad just smiled at Poppy. "The same way I got everything else on the ship. Amazing what a wink can do to the right people." He let out a light laugh knowing sometimes things just don't get checked. They more than likely thought it was a plushy and not a real living creature.

Pidole stared at Thad and his pet in fascination.

Yayoi lifted her sleeves allowing them to see the hidden blades she had hidden inside them. "same, looks like we are of the same religion, Sanda"

Sanda smiled and winked at Yayoi. "Guess that's why we're hermanas, hu?"

Yayoi nodded "indeed, that's exactly why we are."

Delmira joined the group finally She rolled the sleeves of her sweatshirt up and stood a bit of a distance away from everyone.

Nalini watched the exchange, but didn't say anything. She was unarmed because they were going to a place where crime was statisticly low enough that it shouldn't be a concern. However, if it was the fashionable thing to do, then perhaps it might be worth it. She weighed the options, lost in her own head for a moment.

With everyone gathered up and seemingly ready to head out, Mochi decided to take the lead a little. "Alright, awesome, we're all here. Let's head out towards the airlock and see about setting step towards the watering hole." He grinned with some mix of excitement and smugness, knowing how this night was likely to end.

"Who's that?" Euikoshi whispered in Kinie's ear.

"I don't know, roster says she's a night shift cook," Kinie whispered back to Euikoshi.

"Oh, I thought it was just Rossa," Euikoshi shrugged. "Did know who invited her?"

"Not sure," Kinie quietly answered with a shrug.

Euikoshi went over to Nalini. "Hello! I'm Euikoshi, science specialist!"

Pisces Station

Koyama was free, finally free. Free of negotiations. Schmoozing with dignitaries. Dancing around cultural differences. Long-winded discussions and speeches. It was an experience that was certain. In patience and education. She had spoken a little with the Empress. Bringing up matters, a little chit-chat. Their budding friendship still as wobbly as a newborn colt. But moving along at a delicate pace. Things had been as they should be. And on the morrow she hoped more akin to normal than the day before.

But until she managed to get back aboard the ship she knew she would not be unguarded. Perhaps not visibly, but she knew one was a pace behind. After a while one could simply tell the presence of the invisible guardians. A skill learned over a lengthy period of time.

"A day of entertainment instead of trade deals and avoiding diplomatic incidents." murmured the Neko and feeling the mirth wriggle its way into her mind from the tall unseen guard. Her face became a calm mask as it was all she could do not to kick the woman in the shin. Her purse was tiny, thin-strapped, unassuming and black. But the dress she wore was red slashed with silver, leaving her pale as milk shoulders bare. The chiffon skirt a little flared for easier movement while the main component hugger her torso not too snuggly but enough to accentuate her modest curves. Not exactly formal, nor informal but a happy medium that could work for either.

She hadn't been back aboard the ship yet. Instead waiting at the 'lock, patient as a stone and trying not to paw at her eyes or the smokey kohl that accentuated her eyes. Or to fret with her hair. Koyama had already caught herself more than once stroking at a length of the silken strands. It was hard not to fret over it truth be told. But as she waited, the princess did hover a centimeter off the deck, mostly to save on her feet from aching while waiting.

Cheilith headed off of the ship and into the station. She waved at Koyama, "hey! we're going to the pub, want to come along?"

As Sanda exited the ship with everyone else she noticed Koyama. She was very happy to see her, but it looked like eveyone else was also very excited to see her again too so Sanda held back to wait until she could have a word with Koyama.

Mochi winked warmly to Koyama as he drew up towards her with the crowd. "Good to see you made it back in once piece, *Princess*." Mochi teased, giving her a smirk. "I've rounded up everyone, looks like you got the memo?" His emerald eyes betrayed how impressed he was with Koyama's fashion sense, not for the first time since they had been aboard Pisces Station.

When Thad finally got Koyama into his sights, he took off like a bull. He had been missing her and was going to get to her one way or another. "Excuse me, coming through. Body guard of the princess needs some space." He yelled out as he pushed towards her with all due haste

Yayoi spotted Koyama and bowed her head to her, in respect, though she hoped that Koyama hadnt heard about their last mission,

Delmira smiled at Koyama and nodded her head at the other woman.

"Oh Dios, tal vez debería dispararle y sacarla de su miseria." Sanda said as she saw Thad rushing her. Maybe one of the samuri were nearby and would mistake him for an attacker. That though brought a smile to her face.

Nalini was the last of the group to exit the ship, following the rest of the crew.

Yayoi heard Sanda's words and attempted to not smile in response.

Koyama dipped her head, sparing a look to the Elysian that seemed to hint that she would cut him. The IRC had been its own fresh hell and being a Princess was the last thing on her mind for the moment. But as she heard Thad, an eyebrow twitched, and knew her unseen guardian had placed a hand on her blade. A sharp bit of static passed between them and the Samurai let it go.

"Yes, I got the 'memo'." she said vaguely, smiling to Chel, nodding to Sanda and to the rest. "That is why I'm here. To finally have free time."

Sanda sighed, disappointing that Thad hadn't been cut to pieces.

Yayoi couldn't help but pat Sanda's shoulders as she got the sense of her sister's disappointment.

"Well, hopefully we can all blow off some steam together." Mochi offered a sympathetic look to Koyama, knowing a little of what it was like to be swept up with political assignments and not being able to tell which way was up. When he had once organized the evacuation and defense of Virginia came to mind.

Sanda smiled at Yayoi and shrugged her shoulders in a what-can-you-do fashion. She was ready to go. She could practically taise the rum.

"Koyama," a familiar voice called out. They had run across Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, the Director of Star Army Personnel, who was out with her yeoman, Honoria, buying some wine. She gave the group a friendly wave.

Even though she wasn't in uniform, Sanda snapped to attention ¡Santa trueno!
Es Hanako!

Yayoi immediately reacted like Sanda had and snapped into attention as well.

Koyama's eye twitched a second time. But out of shock more than composure at Thad. Slowly she turned, seeing Hanako standing there. "Aunt Hanako..." she murmured just within hearing of the woman. Even off-duty, she bowed to the woman. She was senior in and out of the army.

Cheilith reacted be coming to attention and saluting the Taisho.

Nalini paused as everyone else reacted to Hanako. She had heard of her, and she was sure that Hanako had probably heard of Nalini. However, they hadn't actually met. Looking around, she followed what seemed to be the popular thing and came to attention with a rushed salute to syncronize with everyone else.

Mochi's disposition brightened even more at the sight of Hanako. It wasn't often three Senators were together outside of official business. Even if they were rivals at times, that was no reason not to be cordial. "Ketsurui-taisho." He came to attention like the others of their cohort, but executed an Elysian salute rather than a standard Yamataian one. Lowering his head and extending his sunburst wings out backwards, Mochi kept eye contact with Hanako and placing a hand lightly over his heart. "A pleasure as always."

"Senator Iemochi," Hanako bowed. "Have a good evening," she smiled, heading on her way

Delmira stood straighter as Hanako appeared.

"Cool," Kinie grinned. "A lot of big names here for the conference," she whispered to Euikoshi.

Pidole stared at Hanako with interest as she went.

Mochi looked back at the group, checking that Thad hadn't embarrassed himself or anything of that nature. Satisfied, he gestured after Hanako as she left. "In case any of you have lived under a rock for the past decade, that was Taisho Ketsurui Hanako, crown princess and Director of Star Army Personnel." The Elysian added after a moment, "Not often one finds themselves crossing paths with her, except on official business of state."

"Or a book signing." Nalini offered quietly. Mochi nodded approvingly to her once she did, with a thankful look.

Thad was looking around like a lost puppy. He was not sure why everyone seemed to get so formal. "Uh, so who is this Hanako person. Are they important?" He asked in a low voice. While he was just told who she was. It just was not clicking what this all meant for him.

"Have you ever sang the national anthem?" Euikoshi asked. "She wrote it."

Pidole rolled her eyes at Thad's ignorance. "Um...where is this pub of Franks?"

Sanda closed her eyes and muttered under her breath. ¡Santo trueno! ¡Por favor! Que alguien me ordene matarlo y lo haré ahora mismo sin pensarlo dos veces.

Yayoi slammed her hand into her face at Thad's reaction.

Nalini thought for too long and realized that the moment to explain who Hanako was had already passed.

Koyama sighed afterward. "Thad, how's your son?" she asked in a friendly enough tone at the Taisho's passing. Thanking her lucky stars it hadn't been Himiko. After her asking she looked to Yayoi, Sanda, and the others. "Well your memo did say this was a pub venture. Where are we going?" then promptly elbowed Thad hard in the ribs.

"She is a Taisho, a member of the ruling family and my Aunt."

"My boy is as strong as ever." Thad said in reply to asking about his son. "And Mia is just as wild as when she was on the ship. Always talking about having to beat the ladies off me."

Del will wander over to Kinnie. "I'm not really feeling like heading out with the others right now. I'm going to head back to the ship for a bit and then maybe wander around."

Oh, do you want me to come with you?" Kinie asked Delmira. "We could chill in your cabin."

Delmira smiles. "With how great you look? I don't want you to miss out on the fun I'm not feeling up to it and my back is still messed up."

"Ah, I understand," Kinie nodded, giving Delmira a look of empathy and concern.

After a short walk, the crew arrived at a cozy pub situated on a gorgeous simulated beach with a pretty volumetric sunset.

- - -

OOC: JP by Wes, Demibear, Ajax, Charaa, Cowboy, Soresu, Soban, Spaceeye, Shadowwalker, and Ethereal
From the outside it looks rustic, cozy and welcoming. Hard wooden planks and hard wooden beams make up most of the building's outer structure.
It's near impossible to see through the small, frosted glass windows, but the laughter from within can be felt outside.

As you enter the tavern through the heavily used, metal door, you're welcomed by overall happiness and cheerful singing.
The bartender is working hard, but still manages to welcome you with a wink.

It's as enchanting inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the sconces attached to them. The walls are decorated with sports memorabilia, it's clear the owner, and probably the customers, are avid fans.

The tavern itself is packed. Workers seem to be the primary clientele here, which is often a good sign. Several long tables are occupied by happy, excited groups of people, some are dancing on the table, while others cheer them on with clapping and yelling. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who clearly enjoy each other's company, though they seem to be strangers who have met here. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

You did hear rumors about this pub, supposedly it's famous for something, but you can't remember what for. Though judging by the music and how many people are dancing, it must be the live band who just started playing. You manage to find a seat and prepare for what will undoubtedly be a great evening.

Frank would arrive shortly behind everyone else wearing a black tank top with baggy dark grey cargo pants and boots. A navy blue short, sleaved jacket made of synth leather clung to his frame snugly. A crow resting on a metal skull rests squarely between the shoulder blades on the jacket. A simple collar was tightened across his neck. Walking forward he patted the back of Mochi.

"Glad to see you decided to join in the fun." Taking out his cash card he looked around to the resurgence crew. "Alright first rounds on me now lets make the most of tonight shall we?"
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Delmira sighed and put her hands on Kinie's shoulders. "I love you but i hate when you give me that look. You look sexy and i look like a crawled out of a cave, I feel like it to. Tonight would have been a great night to wear a dress or something i bought just for this occasion, and not my regulation sweatshirt and and some pants i pulled out of my locker." She looked the other Neko in the eyes and looked Sad herself. "I don't want to go in there wearing something backless with my back looking like a side of bacon and my options are limited as fabric rubbing against it irritates my back. I feel very self conscious about how i look right now." Her hands moved to Kinies and gave them a squeeze. "But more importantly i want you to go and have fun with your sister and the others and i will figure something out."
Inside the pub

Sanda sidestepped to the right as soon as she got inside the door and took a moment to visually scan the area. Even though she was off duty, some habits were so ingrained that they weren't worth fighting. One such was as soon as you enter a room you take note of every entry and exit, where is the best cover and escape route and where is the most likely danger. In less than three seconds, Sanda had made a mental note of every point of cover, exit and areas to avoid.

Satisfied, she made her way to an open spot at the bar on the side, where her back wouldn't have to be towards the rest of the room. It the bartender a moment to get to her but when he did Sanda said, "Hanako's Dark Rum please." The bartender smiled. "That's good stuff. We keep it in the back. Since Hanako's world fell the price just keeps go'n up on it." Sanda smiled. Her lighting tattoo over her eye seemed to flash as if it was real. "I'm a Ranger on leave with a lot of backpay. Besides," She tilted her head and looked towards the doors. Frank was standing there ushering in the rest of the crew and flashing around a money card. "He's paying."

While Sanda waited for the bartender to return with her bottle, Sanda did another scan of the room. Looked like people were having a good time here. Maybe she'd even loosen up a little bit. She laughed at that thought. Soon the bartender returned with the bottle. He held it up for Sanda to inspect. There was no mistaking the Chateau Hanako label. She held it up to the light and gave the bottle a gentle shake. Smiling she nodded and let the bartender open the bottle and pore her out a few fingers of the dark liquid. Sanda swished the liquid in her glass and gave it a sniff. It smelled amazing. She took a sip, savoring the burning sensation. "This is indeed top notch stuff." She said as she nocked back the rest of her glass. "Just leave the bottle. We'll settle up later for whatever I don't drink."

Taking the bottle and her glass, Sanda made her way over to a small high top table that had four tall stools around it. She sat down on one of the stools, naturally the one with the best view of the room and poured herself another shot. She saw that Yayoi had finally gotten her a drink as well and waved her hermana over. "Now if we can just get Koyama away from Maximus it'd be just like that little party the three of us had just before Koyama found out that she was a princess."
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Inside the pub
Yayoi had ordered a Hanako Wine, and took note of the price. She nodded her head in agreement with the Bartender as she too had to raise the prices for the Chateau Hanako drinks she sold in her bar. With her drink in hand, she scanned the area and spotted her Hermana waving her over, so she moved to join her. Sanda’s statements about getting Koyama away from Thad almost got a chuckle out of her. “Indeed, We wouldn’t be proper Giretsu-trained Rangers if we allowed him to be with her, hmm?” She asked as she took a sip.
Mochi grinned broadly as he saw the inside of the bar. It reminded him of the places he'd hopped between in his youth. Lexhur, his adoptive father of sorts, had always a preference for these kinds of places, so had often brought him along to them rather than leaving Seinosuke alone at home. The Elysian took in a deep breath, smelling the scents of alcohol, wood and other signature smells that made him feel more at ease than he would have been.

When Frank patted his back, Mochi blinked a couple times, brought back into the moment. Greeting the other man with a friendly grin, Mochi stepped aside, realising he had almost been blocking the door and wanting to give Frank proper room to enter. Wandering over to the bar in his suit, Mochi seemed out of place given his attire, but it was obvious that he didn't care at all about that.

Leaning on its glossy wooden surface, the Elysian winked at the bartender. "Hey mate, can I get three fingers of single neat malt please? Whatever the best in house is." Noticing that Frank was taking first round, Mochi clicked and pointed at him in realisation. "I'll get you back for my order. It'll run you more than a pint of whatever's on tap-" The blonde glanced back to the bartender as they poured out Mochi's drink, nodding in appreciation as he swept it up into one hand. "By the way, how was Giretsu training? I hear that's part of that new spec-ops organisation -- what was it called again.."
Reactions: Wes
"I can collect orders so we don't all have to go up there." Nalini offered, but perhaps too quietly.

"hey, yeah, the good stuff!" Cheilith enthused. "It's not spec-ops, it's elite training. It's easier to get into the THOUGHT armors if you've done it!" Cheilith happily responded.

In a back corner a man with greying hair and dark skin talked intensely to a compatriot with a truly black skinned neko with white freckles beside him.
Koyama's mouth had opened and closed before entering the bar. The last time she had entered one she had exited a princess of the Empire. It made her stomach perform a little flip after crossing the threshold. Enough to look over her shoulder. No Samurai lurked with giant golden scrolls thankfully. But she knew a few lurked elsewhere. "Koyama found out she was a Princess because an armed guard marched into said bar bearing a giant golden scroll."

The Princess announced as she drew near to Sanda. Nekovalkyrja hearing was exceptional if appropriately used. And her ears had been swiveling back and forth picking up on the conversations and sounds. This was new ground for her. Everything was different, and unique, and curiosity abounded. But her instinctual urge of assuring she was not in danger on unfamiliar territory had taken root.

"Your Giretsu training," murmured the woman after placing her order. She had foregone anything Hanako-related, instead ordering something exotic. And as such more expensive. If Frank was paying, his wallet would regret its life choices. A fluted bottle was placed in front of her as she sat. Her order was placed wirelessly. The contents were visible, appearing to be a light orange-brown (Tawny) coloration. A small glass accompanying it. The bottle's writing wasn't written in Trade or Yamataigo. Iromakuane script ran along its length. And once the bottle was opened a scent of coffee mixed with pears perfumed the air in front of her.

The thick brandy poured forth. Just shy of syrup-like in consistency. Eyeing the drink critically, Koyama smoothed the chiffon skirt of invisible wrinkles. "Hmmph," she finished, "I am glad you both are pleased with it." lifting the glass with both hands the princess looked over the tawny-liquid-filled rim with eyes a few shades lighter and more golden than naught. "I was surprised you both decided on it."
Sanda filled up her glass again. The Dark Rum was excellent. Had to be at least 10 years old and well worth every KS. Sanda raised her glass to Yayoi and took another drink. It was her third so far and she could feel the warm liquid spreading through her body, although she usually had a pretty good head for alcohol. As she set her half empty glass down Koyama approached. Sanda hopped off her stool and did a little curtsy to the princess. "Your highness, we are honored that you would grace us with your presents. Us two lowly..." She had kept a straight face at the beginning, but couldn't keep it up. She smiled and took her seat again. "Ah forget it, just sit down Koyama. We're very happy to see you again."

Sanda finished her third shot and poured herself a fourth. She should probably slow down. She hated getting completely drunk. When Koyama asked about Giretsu training Sanda smiled, "Well, to be honest I was a little surprised myself. It was during some down time during the Candy festival. I met someone, long story short, he wanted to enlist so I went with him for moral support. At the recruiting office I spoke with a Giretsu recruiter who said I had the mental mindset and should apply." Sanda gently swirled the rum in her glass, momentarily fascinated by the rich color before continuing. "I'm always looking to becoming a better soldier and the Giretsu's have a great reputation as being some of the best, most professional soldiers in the SA. Plus, they specialize in Mindy and space combat which is one area I was lacking." Sanda nodded to Yayoi. "I though Yayoi might enjoy challenging herself as well, so I invited her to go with me." Sanda smirked then chuckled. "I guess I was the popular girl on the Res because as soon as we applied half the ship decided they would too."

The lighting tattoo over her eye seemed to flash and Sanda frowned momentarily as she took a sip of her drink. "I'm still don't know how everyone made it through. It was hard, way harder than I thought it would be." The momentary cloud passed and she smiled brightly again. "But I made it and now have added those lovely cherry blossoms to my uniform."
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