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RP Pub night with The Resurgence

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Cassie, who had been guarding Iemochi, tried to protect the senator from the bug but somehow it had got around her. She started cussing and grabbed the Elysian and teleported back to the YSS Resurgence's power armor bay, where medic Poppy was waiting, still wearing her pretty dress that she'd put on for the pub night. She and Cassie lifted him onto an anti-gravity stretcher and into the lift to take him to the ship's medical lab.

Norita teleported back to the gunship with Pidole (and Bidole) and once aboard, Pidole immediately joined Poppy to assist her in treating Iemochi in the medical lab. She grabbed some engineering fireproof gloves from a damage control locker and immediately removed all the barbs and stuck them in a metal tray while Poppy sprayed a neutralizing agent on the acid wounds and then started irrigating them. She used a PMS-1 medical scanner to start diagnosing his internals, and hooked up a hemosynth IV to provide healing blood.

Back in the bar, Cassie appeared again with a flash and boom, carrying an aether saber. She established a link to Euikoshi, who was using scans and station sensor data to help locate the creatures. She entered the ventilation system and started actively hunting down some of the remaining creatures and boil them with an aether saber stab. She was faster than them, more armored then them, and smarter than them so she had the advantage...and after seeing them get Iemochi, she was now angrier than them.
Mochi was unconscious, missing an arm and a wing. A number of barbs were sticking out of every part of his body and he was drenched in his own acidic blood (which luckily wasn't doing anything to his skin). It was good that he wasn't awake when Cassie instinctively teleported Mochi to the Resurgence. Teleportation outside of a PA was a dangerous at the best of times. The resulting shockwave at close range and between enclosed spaces seared Mochi's body - rupturing his ear drums, burning his skin so it was what a Nepleslian chef would call 'well-done' and irradiating him badly. It was definitely a sight to behold for Cassie, Pidole and Poppy, perhaps even traumatising. At least Mochi had done what he'd set out to do - draw all the fire from his comrades.
Inside the Bar

Thaddeaus having come from the NDC knew well of these creatures. For a short while he even had a couple as pets since they did make for great guard animals. "Back in my day, we had to outrun the pack roaches while we went up hill both ways to get to school." He said with a chuckle as he took another drink of his beer. This was his day off and was not about to get worked up over a few man eating roaches. This was a station filled with troops, let them handle it. He took another drink before one of the spines from a roach broke his beer mug. "Oh come on, for the love of all things good in this world. Can't a man have a moment to drink and stare suggestively at the opposite sex." He let out a sign has he stood up.

His theme music started to play in his mind as he toss the broken beer mug handle over his shoulder. Then he seen his feathered friend stumble back into the room. He was badly hurt and missing a few parts. His eye started to twitch, a moment flash back to a time before. He watched as he was unable to keep his bear bro from dying. This enraged Thad to no end. He reached into his coat and pulled out his new toy, a gun pistol. The volume in his mind went to eleven and the world blurred. He lept forward towards the door, putting rounds into roach that had made it inside. Granted this wasn't before it had tasted Frank. "Fall back Frank, I will go help our Mochi."

Thad charged forward towards the door where Mochi had taken his final stand. "Not today satan!!" He yell out as his arm came crashing down onto the head of a roach trying to break through the door. Its shell was tough but not tough enough to stop an aether blade. Thad knew this wouldn't stop it but would be enough to at least get the door closed. Thad had a moment to send out a message to the one person who would enjoy cleaning up bugs. "Alastair, hey buddy, so got bug juice on the station."

Across the Station

Alastair stood at attention as reports came in about bugs being on the station. Just what he needed during his time to shine, big bugs to deal with. Granted this failure was just a reminder of why he aimed to be put in charge. Clearly someone forgot to purge whatever container these things came in. Either way this was his show to run and be damned he'd let some bugs take the spot light. "If you will excuse me, I have some heresy to purge off my station." He walked over to his Mindy that had been brought to him and suited up.
As soon as the pull back order was given, Spark did as she was told, moving back into the bar to sever the spine of the roach attacking Frank. The problem, she knew, with most people going off on their own after pack roaches, was the belief that they were smarter. Spark knew for a fact that she was not smarter than a pack roach, especially not in matters of killing. They were also slightly faster than her, and had far better mobility, especially in small, three dimensional spaces.

"Who's still alive? Sound off! Anyone know how many of that pack are left?"

While she waited for an answer, she rolled the dead packroach off of Frank, using his own belt to tourniquet the arm, before standing and walking to Thad. "Dude. I took you hunting these things back on Sirrus. You know not to aim for the head. First thing I taught you. What the fuck? Also, the door's on fire with at least three on the other side that'll be deciding to go through in about ten seconds. You honestly think you can handle three pack roaches with something that should be burning your arm off?"
Frank stumbled to his feet pain searing up his arm or what's left of it as. Looking around as Spark asked who's all left, Frank raises his good arm "Present Spark, good to see you again." he says before he stumbles forward as the pain is just too much for him. With the number of broken bottles of booze and expensive alcohol the amount of plasma burns from emergency teleportation's and the Aether blades being swung around a fire breaks out within the bar.
The roaring inferno causing the civilians in the bar to panic even more and start rushing to get out with leaving the last three pack roaches.
two of which going after the clivi's and one dragging off the severed wing of Mochi into the simulated tree line within the beach area.
As the fighting is drawing to a close more security forces from the other sections of the station arrive to aid the group. some of which attempting to help put out the fire before it gets worse.
Ahrim had heard the Elysian, but he hadn't stopped his counter-assault on the predatory insect species. A palpable sense of dread exuded from the man as an empathic barrier was exuded from him. A clear and present warning to the roaches he was not one to come against. Intelligent and aggressive predators would often give ground to prey that proved as dangerous or their numbers were whittled down sufficiently. The audible clicks, the foreign scents of the air and now flaring of pain coming from the young man who had come to warn him disappeared in an eyeblink. It was there and simply gone.

Even the dying left lingering traces of their pain and death throws behind. No, whatever had, happened had corresponded to the cracking boom emanating from the bar.

The High Guardian soon vaulted into the bar covered in what could only assume to be the blood and guts of the invasive Sirrisian species. As if to punctuate the point of his entry into the bar, Ahrim calmly smashed one into the faux bamboo walls with a sickening thud. The once crisp, white flak shirt was torn and tattered. Innumerable scars crisscross his exposed torso, arms, and a patch of the bare calf. Spark had said three. Now there were two.

"None remain outside," the first time the Sund Wakir said in deep, soothing, and reassuring tones and seemingly unflappable demeanor. Part of the tattered remnant of the flak shirt sizzled from the digestive acid making contact with bared skin. The High-Guardian had lived more than five centuries and was little more than a heavily armored brain encased in a skull. The rest of him fell prey to the most dangerous of all predators. A lifetime of service to his cause and sheer time. One of the Guard, a Knight if anyone knew them by rank rushed forward grappling with one of the pack roaches, Koyama's guard had her blade in hand shaving off a goodly portion of one's thorax. The remaining Knight meanwhile had found an extinguisher behind the bar, and had begun to proceed to spray the liquid at the worst of the blazes.

Koyama spat and hissed like a doused housecat, "How did these things get onto the station!"
Pisces Station
A Certain Fiery Pub

With the twang! of electromagnetic coils rapidly energizing and discharging, an Elysian - who, after emerging from the one of the restrooms at the room’s other end had opted to simply lean against the nearest wall as her compatriots handled (or, at least, attempted to handle) the insectoid riff-raff - finally elected to make her presence known as the fluid, organic-looking heavy pistol in her hand sent a crimson-striped round shrieking towards one of the two remaining instectoids at a speed measured in the hundreds of meters. The individual’s name was Selaphiel; though her aim and the speed at which she’d drawn her sidearm implied that she was in tip-top shape, the rest of her body language - and the fact that she’d bolted (in a decidedly undignified fashion) to the restroom nearly twenty minutes prior after taking a sip from the Iromakuanhe beverage she’d ordered - explicitly stated that she wasn’t.

“That, Taii, is an interesting question,” she retorted in a velveted - yet also ironclad - tone that was surprisingly sharp and stable for one so visibly queasy, “especially since this is a Yamataian station hosting a diplomatic function - an unimportant one, but a function nevertheless - whose security, and the safety of its attendees, is supposed to be guaranteed by Yamatai. This mess…” - the Elysian, clearly a Patrician based upon her size alone, paused (probably to ward off another wave of nausea) for a moment, then continued - “…clearly shows that Yamatai is incapable of guaranteeing either such thing, even for its own Senators.”
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The Random Alien diplomat decided that they would joint the Elysian in arms. moving to them, and quickly, beginning to attempt to fight off the bugs with their sword. By now, the Random Alien knew it was a better idea to get up and close, and parry attacks. the Barbs were too dangerous to fight at range. "NO! Don't fall back! Get up close! The barbs are laced with some kind of toxin, and they won't shoot them if you are in melee range!" they said, quickly looking to the elysian, as they attempted to fight off the onslaught of three more bugs. "It would seem that way. Although, as a newcomer to this sector..." There was a slash as the Random Alien continued to fight off bugs. "... I have to say this is a most interesting welcome. I've seen some things like this before, but it suffices to say I never expected them to be here, or while I was trying to take my break."

The diplomat nodded, moving towards the two going for the civilians, and attempting to parry their blows with their master swordsmanship. Adrenaline pumping, but slowly dying down, they were starting to feel the pain. However, they planned to fight till the end.
Nalini retreated fron the roaches that had gotten inside the security perimeter. Behind her the civilians cowered and the flames from the burning bar encroached on them. 'This is what fear feels like' Nalini thought to herself. In all of her long existence, she hadn't really felt it before. Not like this. She had read the ancient texts, passed on to her from her forebears about it. She had even done her best to translate them into something meaningful for her people. However, she was determined to protect her people. Firing the rifle at the encroaching bugs as the pair closed in on her and her charges. Backing up slowly. The heavy spines hit her tail as the pack roaches approached, lodging in her muscle. At least pain was familiar. She took a deep breath from the pain, letting in the smoke and causing her to start coughing, losing track of the pack roaches for a moment until one leaped on top of her and knocked her over.
The Random Alien looked towards Nalini, as the bug jumped on top of her, and quickly they moved to assist. The less casualties the better, Yulata thought, as they began to run towards them. They pressed their sword into the bug's carapace, slicing through it in an attempt to get it off. Yulata was looking tired now, covered in the blood of thesmelf and their enemy. For a diplomat, they sure could fight, but the adrenaline was wearing off, and they were beginning to feel the pain. As they pressed their sword into the damned bug, they said, loudly, "Quick, we need to get you out of here. We're both injured, we both need medical attention. I've done what I can, but we need to get the civilians out of the bar, there appears to be a maintenance tunnel out back, We should get the civlians out of the bar through there..."
Inside the Pub

Sanda and Caffran lade down covering fire as most of the fighters outside retreated back into the bar. A few aliens that Sanda had never seen before elected to stay out and fight. If they wanted to play hero and get themselves killed that was their choice. Sanda watched in horror as Mochi took hit after hit. "TAII!" Sanda screamed as one of is wings was ripped from his body. She could hardly believe that he was still going. Quickly Sanda and Caffran fell back to inside the doorway. As Mochi finally made it inside, they slammed the door closed.

While Caffran worked to move a table back in front of the door, Sanda turned to Mochi. The Nepleslian born Ranger had seen a lot in during her service, but the Elysian was definitely in the top five worse things she'd ever seen. Before she could try and render aid Cassie teleported in, grabbed the wounded Taii and teleported out. Sanda had barley time to move back to not be hurt by the teleportation discharge.

Then Thad came out of no where swinging and Aether blade. Caffran had been holding the door. He knew it wouldn't hold for long but every second would allow those in the room to regroup and present an unified front. Thad almost hit Caffran as he stabbed through the door. "What the Feth are you doing?! You'll..." But before Nep Sergeant could finish the door caught fire. "Sacred Feth!" The fire quickly spread across the floor that was covered in spilled alcoholic beverages.

With the place now on fire, it wasn't safe for the civilians. Thankfully, the stations security team seemed to finally make it and were working on putting down the last few roaches and putting the fire out. Caffran helped evacuate the civilians out of the pub. When he finished he looked around for Sanda. She was standing off to the side staring down at a dead roach. Her dress was torn in several places and she had minor cuts and bruises all over. She had a knife in her hand and as Caffran approached he could see that she was shaking. "Sanda?" Sanda didn't look up. "The one time I go out and really try to relax and this shit happens." She said in a quivering voice, her rage barely contained. "Maldito Frank y su Pub especial... ¡Malditas sean estas cucarachas!" Sanda started stabbing the roaches dead body with furry. "¡Maldito sea el bastardo que está a cargo de esta maldita estación!" She was screaming at this point, tears rolling down her face. "¡Maldito sea el idiota bastardo que trajo estas cosas aquí en primer lugar!"

Caffran stepped over and took the knife from her. Sanda swung a fist and hit him in the chest, but her energy had been mostly spent. That made her more angry and she went to hit him again. Caffran pulled her close to him, pinning her arms against his chest. Sanda just buried her head in his chest and wept. It seemed she had finally reached her breaking point. It wasn't just the death and destruction of the night. It was a dozen things over the last few years that she had kept burred all now springing to the surface. Caffran removed his camo-cloak that he always wore and wrapped it around her shoulders. After a few minuets Sanda was finally able to calm down. Caffran gently put his arm around her and led her away from all the destruction.
When the roaches didn't come through the flaming door to finish them off, Spark sighed, moving to grab the roach that had been on top of Frank and toss it down on a table, her new knife being used to dissect the creature, field strip the remains, find its eggs and the SAINT badge in its stomach.

SAINT bracelet in its stomach? She held the little piece of metal before her face questioningly. "Fuckin' dumbasses." She pocketed the bracelet before setting the eggs to one side and beginning to dress the roach's body, separating meat from bone to throw on a grill, the meaty goodness being placed on a large serving platter from nearby. "Who wants to have a little revenge? In some cultures you can gain strength from the enemy in the butchery and consumption of them. And pack roach is good eating. So find me a grill and we'll sit tight for the medics. with full stomachs and knowledge of a well fought victory gainst these bugs!"
Koyama's Samurai lowered herself, murmuring in her ear as she ignored the outburst from the Patrician. The princess and diplomat looked to the other giantess of a woman—a critical eye on her pocket. "I hope you will turn in the bracelet at the nearest opportunity," her words, were not a suggestion. She wore one of those even now. They were hidden through built-in volumetrics. The glint of her golden eyes on the pocket lingered a few moments longer. The Iromakuanhe man stood a fair hand shorter than the Patrician. But the edges of his eyes crinkled. Not in anything other than faint amusement as he stood close by still covered with the efforts of his victory. Granted by now much had turned to a semi-gelatinous substance he seemingly did not mind.

"My dear, you do well to hide your discomfort." glowing bio-luminescent, ancient eyes (From a man who looked no more than in his early thirties) looked to her stomach, "But only to arrive in such a fashion when the fighting has neared its end and offer criticism," he took a pre-offered towel. Crisped around the edges but nonetheless dampened he began to pat at and slough away the dead skin only to show a brighter patch had grown in its place. Slightly concave only adding another scar amongst the rest. Before working on his face then began to slowly remove the tattered remains of his shirt. One of his knights gave their leader her flak cloak.

"Is most unbecoming of one of the standings of your caste."

Koyama looked at the man quizzically, then to the Elysian, eyebrow raised ever so slightly. "If you require, we do have medicines for an upset... tummy." the Neko offered in an exceedingly neutral tone. Afterward, Koyama swept a hand forward, her other silent guardian exiting the now smoking establishment to scout and secure.

All the while, well-disguised, she fumed on the inside. How many times had she told those fools of power armor pilots using aetheric weapons within the confines of an interior could wreak such destruction? Let alone the possibility of radiation poisoning. They could've very well caused everyone inside to die! Giretsu training indeed. If this was what it meant then clearly a lack of common sense had been bred out of them.

"Shosa Belmont," her wirelessly communicated 'voice' even as she spoke, "I want to know how these things got aboard this station. We already have an injured Senator, and a dignitary from the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth had to take to the field."

"My own life was placed in danger. Check with your station's PANT-IES and KAMI if it has the latter use it to hunt them down. I want them exterminated as they also lay eggs I do not have to state the obvious on what that means."
she knew of the man's reputation for cleanliness. And if roaches invaded his domain...

"Civilians take priority," the deep resonate tones of the Iroma said just as the princess was about to say the same. He held a hand, palm up to Spark declining, "I must politely decline, the safety of the people is of far greater concern than what I am certain is a fine meal." Koyama looked at him, then her eyes narrowed to the eggs, "What is the incubation time for these... roaches?" she asked the much taller Spark while watching her work.
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Yayoi could not believe that Thad was such an idiot as to use Aether in a closed place like this. She tried to control her anger since last time; it wouldn’t do to have her lose control. When Caffran spoke, she turned her attention to Sanda and heard her outburst. Her mind translating what her sister was saying. Caffran seemed to go to her, allowing Yayoi to focus on the environment in the now burning bar.

Being a bar owner herself, this looked horrible, and she felt pity for the owner of this place. Her head turned to Spark, as she began offering a meal, but the Iroma refused, and she herself wasn’t in the mood when a situation was going on. She was surprised at the Iroma who said civilians took priority she had to admit she liked that. Since Spark was already asked, she chose not to say anything more to her.
"Depends. Roaches can hold their eggs till they're ready to hatch.". Spark shrugged, "Anywhere from six weeks to a day."

She picked up an egg and slammed it against the table firmly, cutting open the leathery shell to kill the grub inside. "Just as this one did. They only lay in sandy or soft soil, and the grubs need a lot of care. Meat and warmth. They don't get lethal till about eight weeks old. But this one could have been less than a week from hatching. The grubs are pretty good eating, too. But I raised mine from a grub. I'd feel kinda bad about eating babies. Princess was such a cutie back then. As long as you cut the tentacles off when they start growing in, roaches aren't so bad. They get friendly and trainable. And a lot bigger. I know a few folks keep them as pets. Myself included. Princess just hit two hundred and fifty pounds last month."
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