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RP Pub night with The Resurgence

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Yayoi turned her head as Koyama made her presence known to them. Then Sanda spoke first. For the first time, though, Yayoi did something possibly neither expected. Yayoi laughed at Sanda’s goofiness. It was funny to her that her friend, her sister was so funny. Yayoi set her glass down as the conversation went to their Giretsu training, and she nodded her head at the mention of her challenging herself. “Indeed, ever since I came into existence, I’ve desired the chance to challenge myself, to see my limits, and if possible, overcome them. Sanda’s right, the training was difficult, but I just kept thinking of everyone, my crewmates, and my family, how disappointed they might be, and as you might be aware, I’m a people pleaser”

Yayoi allowed a small smile to grace her lips as she said her last part. Yayoi also nodded in agreement. She too, liked the cherry blossom on her uniform. Koyama commented on their drinks and nodded. "Hey, I fought for Chateau Hanako as much as Hanako’s world, the least I could do is drink one of their drinks. He’s right though,” indicating the barkeeper. “I’ve had to raise the prices for the drinks as well”
Somewhere in the station
A research vessel's cargo was being checked by a saint operative, despite seeing the manifest stating <Dangerous Biohazardous material don't open 10 Pack roaches +1 queen> However with Saint operatives' ego on the line they were going to check it, personal safety be damned. Upon opening the box, however, a swarm of something Jumped out at the saint operative, ripping them open and screaming at the top of their lungs while the other creatures of the container swarmed out killing a few bystanders before retreating to the vents of the station intent on making a next somewhere warmer.

Del and Kinie
The women would be able to hear from the other side of the airlock sounds of screaming and tearing sounds from the other end of the airlock. The clicking of mandibles on the other side of the door was followed by something dashing into the vents.

The Bar Group
The loud music and friendly atmosphere were cut short at emergency lighting being turned on. An automated voice came on to alert the bar group. "Due to biohazardous contamination of the station a lockdown has been put into effect please remain indoors until the lockdown is lifted. Thank you for choosing Pisces Station." As the automated message started going to repeat the bar patrons could hear screaming somewhere on the station someone right outside the bar could be heard screaming as something could be heard tearing them apart right outside the door.
"I see! Elite training, huh?" Was all that Mochi was able to say to Cheilith before the alarms started going off. "Aw, shit. Really?" The Elysian growled, screwing up his features with annoyance. With some regret, Mochi downed the whiskey in one go, rather than savoring it as he had hoped. Someone had to go out there and find out what the problem was.

Pushing a patron aside, the blonde strode a step towards the door, just as the sounds of rending flesh carried into the bar. Eyes widening, Mochi glanced back towards Koyama, communicating urgency in his emerald eyes. He'd heard those tearing sounds before, during a Mishhu attack in which he'd nearly lost his wife. With that trauma, Mochi found himself taking action before he realised it.

"ATTEN-HUT." He bellowed, sunburst wings rustling as they unfurled behind him. "Barricade that door and arm yourselves! Combat personnel to the front! DOUBLE TIME!" Mochi barked, hoping to snap any dazed bargoers to action, buying time for their XO to formulate a strategy.
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Pidole slipped her communicator out of her purse and pointed it at an open spot in the water of the simulated beach and then sent the coordinates to Norita on the YSS Resurgence, and then gave her a call. "Norita, It's Pidole. We're out on the station and there's some creatures loose in our area. I want you to suit up in a Mindy and then start teleporting to these coordinates and back to the ship, taking one of us to the armor bay on each trip. If the local security forces need help we can come back in our armor with weapons. I'm not going to go bug hunting with my bare hands in a white dress."

"Got it," Norita said.

In 30 seconds a Mindy appeared in the corner of the bar in a flash of light. Cassie ran over and into Norita's arms. "Iemochi said to arm ourselves. So take me first, I'll suit up too," Cassie volunteered.

Norita nodded and, dropped a large duffel bag full of guns on the floor of the bar, and then disappeared in another flash.

"The Ke-M2-P3802 can fire every 15 seconds," Pidole told Euikoshi. "We'll be out of here soon." She opened the bag to find NSPs, hand grenades, and GP-12 pulse rifles that Norita had grabbed from the ship's armory. She grabbed an NSP and passed out weapons to the other Resurgence crew.

"I can't express how disappointing this is," Euikoshi complained, grabbing a pistol and some grenades. "I thought were going to get sloshed and laid."
Delmira was swift as soon as she registered the noises as something bad she scooped Kinie up in her arms and ran carrying the other woman in her arms. She ran into the airlock leading the resurgence and hit the emergency close button with her tail and the door slammed shut behind them however she was not satisfied until she was on the ship proper.

"Man what the fuck, i'm sorry your night suddenly got ruined." She said and set Kinie down. "Come on lets go to armory get you a gun then you should get to the bridge." The neko was already unhappy with how this night was going and now they had some infestation.

Not seeing Norita Del hopped over the counter and went to work she grabbed two nekovalkriya side arms and handed one to Kinnie. Then Del walked over and grabbed her westech shotgun and started to load it with shells. Delmira turned and aimed her shotgun right at Norita the short neko's tail fluffed up as the woman teleported in.

"Holy shit i almost shot you, I didn't see anyone in so i came back here and grabbed two sidearms and my shotgun." she put the box of shells on the counter and slid over. "Third box from the left it should be listed as Delmira's stuff can you pull it down and hand it here? It may be heavy also do you have a backup mindy for me to use?" Delmira asked and started to remove her clothes and Kinie would see what had Del so worried as her back looked like a literal mess.
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Spark Pine, C6I, Duskerian Legion PAIN trooper, a behemoth of a human woman... Had been trying to enjoy a quiet bar night when the screaming started. From the chittering and the growls, she knew exactly what was doing the killing. Hell, she hunted these things for fun. Hearing Mochi's call to arms, she looked down at her casual tee shirt and jeans, closing her eyes inhaling deeply through her nose.

Breathing a deep, rumbling sigh, she spoke calmly, "What dumb asshole brought pack roaches up here...?"

Ultimately, though, that wasn't important right now. She quickly reached over, stealing a knife from the bar before approaching Mochi and offering a crisp salute. "Sir! Warrant grade six, Spark Pine, Duskerian Legion Power Armor Infantry. I hunt those things for fun, and I can handle a one on one fight with one. Get the civilians into the water. I need one of the roaches, then I can tell you how fucked we are. For now, anybody who has weapons should aim for the underbelly, use armor penetrating munitions. The brain is under the second and third dorsal plates, with the brain stem between the third and fourth. Head shots'll only piss them off. Given they've dragged off a few kills, they'll probably retreat for a bit, assess, and reengage. Only reason I can think that they'd come straight here means we got a pregnant one. At least one, and she's ready to lay her eggs. She'll be looking for soft, sandy soil in dense cover and concealment. If you need to get close, try to disable those tentacles. They can send spines through the sound barrier. And that venom is nasty. Speaking of, I have words for whichever idiot brought them out here. Possibly a fist or five."

Sure, at six and a quarter feet, Spark was distinctly shorter than Mochi's current body. But she was distinctly a woman who did not need the muscular assist to run her power armor nearly at full capacity. From high G training to high rep and high weight lifting, her training was visible in her stance and build. If he didn't know any better, she might have had ID-SOL in her blood. But she was still, visibly, a lady. And from the scars on her shoulder, she had survived a shot from one of the Legion's weapons systems. Not that he would know it, but she was to date, the only known survivor of a storm rifle hit, despite it being a malfunction and a glancing blow. More, the scars on her bicep indicated a near miss with at least one of these creatures' jaws. It might, then, have been a thankful thing that he couldn't see the rest of her behind her modest denim pants and tee black tee shirt, with the blue stripe running from left shoulder to right hip. The same stripe that was visible on her armor while she had been on guard duty at the conference. Her eyes glowed red for a moment as she used her Geist to transmit the situation to her superiors, and just as quickly received a reply.

"My armor's two sections away, on the other side of the lockdown. Worse, the nearest storm rifle that has any ammo is on the cruiser parked halfway across the system. So I'm gonna need a yammie gun. Armor penetrating, preferably high energy kinetic. I don't want to ruin the meat. We kill 'em, I'll grill 'em."
Norita ran over to the Armory, which she'd deliberately left unlocked, and grabbed the items Delmira has asked. She gave them to the neko, pointed out an available Mindy 4 on an armor rack, and then lined up next to Cassie and they disappeared from the Resurgence's armor bay in a flash.

Shortly thereafter, Cassie and Norita teleported back to the pub in their MINDY armor suits. "Next up," Cassie shouted. Kinie and Euikoshi helded on tightly to the two as they teleported back to the Resurgence. Euikoshi flew through the air up towards the science lab and immediately called the station's command center and asked for access to the station's internal sensors in the affected section, which they gave her so she could work on how to track them. She also told the computer to start running the calculations on making a nanomachine spray that could disable them. Kinie went to the bridge and began coordinating the Resurgence away team on the station.

Cassie spun up her teleporter to head back once more, and told Norita, "I'm staying there this time to fight if needed." Norita nodded to the anthro catgirl. "I'll get Pidole," she told Cassie. They blinked back into the corner of the pub again with a loud bang. "Pidole! Your turn! Is that the last of the unarmored crew?" She asked. Cassie positioned herself by Iemochi and Pidole asked for his permission to get back to the ship or at least get her armor.
Inside the Pub

Sanda laughed at Yayoi's claim that she was a people pleaser. She felt good. The rum was great and the company better. The music stirred a longing in her to dance. Maybe she'd give Caffran a call and see if he'd like to come down here and dance.

That was when Sanda's beautiful evening went to hell. The announcement began to come on over the loudspeakers but over that Sanda could hear the sounds of screaming. She reached under her dress and pulled out her Dark NSP Type 33 and her Straight Silver. She cursed the fact that she was so lightly armed. She almost never went anywhere without her Plasma Revolver but this was suppose to be a time to just relax, get drunk, not have to fight some unknown horror. "¿Qué rayos fue eso?" Some was going to owe her big for this.

She was already moving towards the door when Mochi yelled. The door began to open and something very ugly began to stick it's head in when Sanda lunged into it. The door slammed closed onto the horror and Sanda brought her pistol up and began to shoot at it on the highest setting. She blasted away while pushing against the door trying to keep the thing from getting in. She finally managed to beat the thing back and close the door. Two big off duty Nep soldiers had a big heavy table ready to place in front of the door and Sanda quickly got out of their way.

As there seemed to be a slight lull in the fight, Sanda took a moment to tie her hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of her way.
Koyama's lips had touched the rim of the glass. The odd mixture of scents tickled her nose when the alarm sounded. Shooting to her feet, one of the pre-offered weapons was now in hand. Her invisible guard formed a barrier between their mistress and these assailants. "Any civilians within this bar to the rear! Those with any inkling of medical training be prepared in case of injury." her voice calm and assured looking to the Elysian.

"I've connected with the station's PANT-IEs system. I am putting in a priority request for identification on what these things are and where they came fro-" her words choked off as one of these 'bugs' sailed through the air with the velocity of a small missile. It hadn't jumped judging from the way it tumbled in the air, ichor, and bits of chitin coming free as someone had cleaned its clock and hard. But all the same someone, something, bisected the critter clean in half. A long blade coated in what passed for viscera dripped as a Samurai showed herself.

She stood of a height just shy of 'Spark' but with glittering eyes at seeing her charge begin to flush and hyperventilate. A calming hand on her shoulder accompanied a shake snapping the princess free of whatever was beginning to take hold. On the other side of the barricade stood an oddity.

A white flak shirt and cloak bedecked the swept-backed horned alien. Tousled grey hair and bio-luminescent gray eyes took in the scene at a glance. A thick book hung on a gold chain at a hip, bars of rank, six in total all silver glinting as he moved with inhuman speed and strength. Without so much as a weapon in hand, the High Guardian of the Vigil, the Iromakuanhe diplomat Ahrim Ehrish Anyu Cu'Seddir waded a path forward shoving civilians behind and into the welcoming arms of his lessers who saw them to safe harbor toward what had been the beginnings of a pleasant evening at the bar.

One had gotten close enough for the Sund Wakir to raise a leg, and bring it down with enough force to elicit the shriek of metal as the decking came away heavily dented. The man moved with an almost per-natural sense but even giants (however figuratively) small could be brought low if swarmed.

A grim, pained expression took hold like a man who didn't enjoy the killing as he flung off the cloak showing a person so thoroughly decked in scars won over centuries of service running along exposed forearms slowly blackening as if armor were beginning to coat them. A length of cloth in hand shaping into a wicked-looking blade.

"Sweet Chiharu's grace," Koyama hissed close to Sanda, "That is one of the diplomats from the Conference!" pointing to the olive-skinned Iroma as he pivoted, going low his blade high and slamming down with a crack. The delegate had always worn a warm fatherly smile during the talks. Now it was as if Old Grim was out there coming for his reap. And he was damned close to the bar screening anyone unarmed using himself as a buffer while they got to safety.

"If he falls it could cause an incident!" A chitined talon smacked into his side, staggering him before retaliating. Grabbing the appendage and just yanking it forward slicing it cleanly off.

"Get him in here!" Koyama yelled to Mochi, pointing toward the wiry man. The Elysian was closer to the front than she was. The Samurai making a visible effort to keep her at bay.
"We had a Mishhu problem on Sirrus a few years back. One of our satellites caught the landing craft. They never took off. By the time we got there, the roaches had gotten 'em. All we found was a lot of blood and some pieces of exoskeleton. We think one of the carapace plates we found belonged to a Nightmare. The pack that operated in the area was a lot more docile for a few days after that. I've seen one of those things pull apart power armor like a tin can. It's those lower claws and teeth. If they get on top, it doesn't take long. You aren't gonna do anything to those dorsal plates unless you can shoot through high grade body armor, and a low caliber pistol or carbine's only gonna do damage to the underbelly and crook of the neck. Anyway, I better help those guys hold the door."

Well, that had been her thought, until the heavy thud of a dead pack roach landed not far away, and she turned to see whatthe Samurai and the Iroma were doing. Without a second thought, she charged. The sharp crack of a tentacle whipping spines past her didn't slow her down as she gave a bellowing war cry, her bulk slipping past the Samurai to engage the roach that was attempting to flank her, both fists slamming down on the creature's head to drive the toothy maw between her legs. Sheclamped her thighs, hooking her knees under its jaw as it attempted to bull her up, only flinging her against its back as she turned the knife to land cleanly between the third and fourth dorsal plate.

With an ugly crack of bone and steel, and a pained yelp, the creature dropped, and she drew her knife's handle back. "Shit," was all she had time to say before she was grabbed by the boot and flung to one side, hitting the deck hard and rolling to her feet. She couldn't put up an effective fight, anymore, but she could some of the critters distracted enough that the others could actually do damage. But she could only keep it up for about two minutes. "I need a weapon over here!"
A lone Random Alien diplomat entered the room. Yulata. They had been here for the Interstellar Relations Conference, but had decided to take a brief break. Looking around the pub, at the ensuing chaos, they stared. This would be a valuable opportunity to learn about... whatever this was. Then it hit, the stench of the pack-roaches. it took a while to figure out what was going on, but when they saw the people around them pulling out pistols, a pack roach could be seen running towards them; and as any military official would, they pulled theirs too. It's just that it wasn't a pistol, it was an ornate ceremonial rapier.

The Random Alien saw the other diplomat, and as they were both at the front, Yulata grabbed their arm and yanked them in to the back of the fight, towards safety, before quickly looking around to ascertain the situation. Quickly as ever, Yulata pressesd a button on their rapier, as a bright blue glow enveloped the blade.

"I have no clue, they're shooting some kind of toxin, though. I'll try to get the civilians back to safety, you seem to have things covered."

They said, impaling a roach dead to rights between their head and neck of a packroach, the blade moving into the body and slicing off the left set of legs of a packroach, parriyng its spines. A single one hit, however, and Yulata recoiled in pain, but it was nothing major. Nothing that their immune system couldn't handle. Due to the unique nature of rathenkans, puncture wounds could be treated easily. It was the crush damage, Yulata was more worried about.

Yulata saw spark, and threw over their service knife. "Take this, it's the best I can do." The blade itself seemed standard enough, but there was a button on the hilt that activated a piercing hardlight blade coating, to form the blade into an infintely sharp point.
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The older man at the table looked up, but didn't seem to perturbed by the alarm. His eyes darted around the pub before landing on the Resurgance crew that was very quickly organizing to repel the pack roaches. 'Have our Mindy armors delivered.' He told the Neko calmly, standing and drawing his own sidearm and joining the Senator and Yulata at the barricade. The Taisho was out of uniform, trying to enjoy some time away. However, he hadn't become an Taisho by being able to stand around doing nothing. He used aimed controlled shots at the center of mass, but he was slightly out of practice. "I've got to stop letting the A.I. do the aiming for me" he grumbled to himself. There was the pops of teleportation from behind him as the civilians were evacuated and armored crew coming back. Hearing that Spark Pine needed a weapon, he tossed her his, a ornate but still completely functional pistol, and stepped back to grab a new weapon, when his Mindy arrived, so he began to put the armor on instead as the fight raged.

Cheilith was teleported to the Resurgance's armor bay and rushed to put her own armor on. She took her huge sword and grinned as she teleported back. She stepped forward into the fray and bisected a packroach with her massive sword.

Without weapons or armor, Nalani hung back, putting her tail between civilians and the possibility of getting impaled. She grabbed a rifle, but she had never actually used one in combat. There were too many others in the way for her to use it effectively, so she kept an eye out for any sort of flanking or unusual maneuvers that might be used. She analyzed the creatures, gathering data and looking for anything useful before passing it to where she thought it might be useful.
Mochi scooped up a GP-12B from the offered bag, which luckily came with a RIKUPAT sling. Looping the gun over his neck and under his right arm, the Elysian glanced to the Duskerian who had answered the call. "As you were, Pine. That name sounds familiar.. Regardless, glad to see someone here knows what the hell these things are." Mochi cocked the rifle, activating its battery. "You'll be lucky to find any slug-throwers in that bag, but you can help yourself. Let's see what we can do about getting you an intact one."

Mochi nodded to Pidole as she asked permission to leave, "Go, go, go. Do what you need to do." Sanda, always the fighter, was already holding the door closed and keeping whatever was out there from getting in. Koyama had clearly seen someone out there while it was open, instructing Mochi to get out and reinforce him. With a grimace, the Elysian crouched a little, tensed his legs and shouted, "Open the door!"

If it was opened, he would spring off the ground, orange-red wings billowing as he launched himself forward with one mighty flap through the air. In an instant, he was beside the Iroma, hands on his rifle and trying to force these creatures out of melee range. His wings shimmered, becoming less feathery as they seemed to almost flow, becoming more like that of a bat's. With sharp edges and points, Mochi was using them to cut, stab and shield against the intruders while still being able to use the rifle. When one got too close, he would execute a kick or punch from his SOFT training, pushing them back best he could. "Sir!" He addressed the Samurai, "Get inside! We've got this!"
Yulata stood fighting, doing what little they could in this fight of epic proportions against... Bugs...

But as they began to hold off the roaches for the time being, Yulata gave a nod, and quickly began to rush forward with the sword, attempting to slice and dice their way through the roaches, hopefully shrugging off the penetrating spikes, with only a minor amount of pain. It seems the K'ai diplomat was resistant to these attacks...

Parrying as many blows as they could, they pushed the line forward, making room for the unarmed to escape. Looking to the old man, the diplomat said, "Good shooting, friend. What's your name?" As they pushed forward with them, attempting to drive the roaches out of the bar, and away from civilians.

Plunging the rapier into another pack roach, Yulata smiled as she twisted the blade, hopefully liquefying its insides as they poured onto the ground with a rather gruesome slurping noise.
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Reaching out, she caught the knife, flipping the blade to slash forward from the back of her hand. The pistol was just as handily caught and armed. As she slammed the pommel of the knife against her thigh, she gave a roar to assert her dominance over the rapidly dwindling pack, her voice joined by the roar of pistol and blade. She could feel herself moving, dancing around Mochi and the samurai, the Iroma's might exceeding her own and the Rethenkan that just took three barbs to the chest and kept going like they didn't notice. The flash of the Samurai's blade and the strike of Mochi's wings was punctuated by the bone shattering report of pistol in hands that knew where to shoot,
Whether into the back to force it to flare the dorsal plates and a vicious knife strike to sever the spine or by a vicious uppercut to force the creature to rear up followed by slash and roar of pistol deep into the wound, Spark's expert knowledge of the creatures' anatomy would rip them apart, whether she had power armor or not.

That was how these creatures were so dangerous, after all. By counting on the fact that very few creatures were like them, and that so very few creatures hunted like them. It was easy to underestimate, or just as lethally, overestimate the animals' capabilities. Spark kept her battle dance of blood and alien pain, losing herself in the swirling combat, hoping the roaches would get wise before she lost herself completely. If they were as intelligent as she had seen, they should be retreating momentarily. Still, the war songs of the Tsumi of her homeworld slipped from her throat as the dance raged on around the unaugmented human that had trained her entire life to keep up with or even exceed the capabilities of the bioweapons and supersoldiers she fought alongside and against.
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Inside the Pub

Sanda barely had time to finish tying her hair up when Koyama pointed out some important diplomat and Mochi ordered the door to be opened again. "¡Decídete, maldita sea!" Sanda had the two Neps push the table out of the way and quickly opened the door back. Before she could turn around the Res's chief science officer was through the door and putting up an impressive fight. "¡Miércoles! ¡El hombre pájaro realmente puede luchar!" said Sanda as she took position to keep the doorway clear so that they could fall back.

Sanda braced her pistol against her other arm and began shooting. Even though her cybernetics allowed for pinpoint shots, she kept her fire as far from the combatants as she could. She almost didn't see the bug coming until was almost right on top of her. Swinging her weapon around Sanda fired point blank until the thing barreled into her. The Giretsu trained Ranger dropped her pistol and slashed with her knife, activating the Aether blade as she did so. The bug seemed to retreat, but Sanda couldn't risk moving forward out of the door way, lease another one make a dart inside.

See that Sanda wasn't following it, the bug launched a barb at her. Not wanting a stray shot to go inside and risk a civilian, Sanda raised her right arm and took the barb on the forearm. She cried out in momentary pain, before her cybernetics turned down the receptors in her arm. She needed to move, but dared not, less the bug get inside.

Out of the shadows a ghost seemed to materialize beside her. An arm was outstretched and bright blast of plasma launched from a sawed off shotgun. Sanda turned in surprise to see Caffran standing beside her. He was smiling at her. "Sorry I'm late. You look beautiful by the way." Sanda felt her face warm. It was incredible, even in the middle of a fight he seemed to have the ability to make her blush. Sanda carefully pulled out the barb out of her cybernetic arm and retrieved her pistol. "Thanks. Now help me keep the doorway clear. Taii!" Sanda yelled at Mochi. "Fall back! We've got you a clear path!"
Reactions: Wes
Inside the Pub

Yayoi actually smiled as Sanda laughed, which was what she intended, laughter and cheer. The Giretsu-trained Ranger found herself relaxing as she drank wine. She thought about her bar, which in Trade was known as the Hidden Neko Den, she’d gotten the name after the hidden area she used on one of the missions they’d gone on. But then things started going chaotic, and Yayoi audibly groaned as she got off her stool, her drink was abandoned.

Unfortunately, she’d just had her hidden blades, but she needn't worry as another was offering weapons. So she took one for herself too, and moved to the door, following Sanda. Her Heterochromia eyes blinked when he saw the creature, and then heard the voice of a Spark Pine telling them about it. “bugs?!” She inwardly groaned as she had her fill of bugs in the Resistance, and as a result, she’d had a sort of PTSD as a result, and she’d been dealing with it.

She’d learned that these things took on a Mishu nightmare, “wonder if they will be friendly to Rixlor..” She couldn’t help but say, but she didn’t want to think of using is creatures to destroy other species. She was a little distracted by the diplomat. “whoa” she said then heard Koyama’s orders and nodded as she tried to look for a way to accomplish this.
Yulata distracted her, and she found herself impressed with their skills and Spark made her think she was crazy as she joined the fight against the creatures. She helped Sanda, and allowed her to speak to Mochi.
Reactions: Wes
inside the pub
Frank cursed under his breath as the shit hit the fan with all the various groups started coming out of the woodwork to deal with the pack roaches Frank found himself shaking his head. "Pack Roaches why did it have to be Pack Roaches." Taking up a firing spot He shouted. "Stay away from the Windows and vents these things will rip you asunder." Frank said as he started blasting with his service pistol, he would chip away at the chitin on a pack roaches upper back before shots started hitting its squishy flesh underneath. eventually brining down another one of the creatures trying to get to mochi.

the station

After a while when secret forces were Mobilized Sections of the ship were secured and locked down leaving those at the bar location with the task of eliminating the hostiles and securing their section of the station. There shouldn't be many of the bugs left but they were still fighting fiercely like they had something to protect.

inside the pub
Either from bad luck or some divine running gag just as frank stated his warning the vent right above him breeched open as a Pack Roach jumped out and began rending his arm apart from the shoulder. "ah!, get it off someone help!" Frank stated trying to punch the thing as it slashed and mauled his arm before being knocked off causing it to scurry around the room.
Delmira opened the box and pulled out a Megumi environmental suit and put it on, hissing as the cool fabric hit her back. She smiled to herself and walked over to Kinie. "Wish me i'm going to back up the crew." She said and leaned in to give the other woman a kiss on cheek before she suited up in the provided Mindy. She took her usual LATR but stuck her shotgun on her waist weapons mount. It was a funny sight to see such a advanced suit of power armor wielding a relatively simple weapon in comparison.

Delmira teleported into the hallway and walked up a guard. "Nito Hei Delmira Lulie, Resurgence. What's the situation?"

"Honestly Nito Hei Lulie we have no idea. Some SARA guys brought some pack roaches on board and we think someone from SAINT let them loose but we cant confirm." He eyed the shotgun the neko held. "What's with the shotgun?" He asked

Delmira smiled under her helmet. "I like to keep this handy for close encounters."

He groaned. "Any way we think they are in the bar but there's lots of gunfire so we assume someone has it handled."

"You assume or know? Get it in gear they may need some help." Delmira said and walked over to the area of the bar. Sure enough she could hear weapons fire and she could see the little critters some dead and some alive. She fired her shotgun and racked it. The roach hissed at her and skittered into a vent which she responded with by tossing one of those pineapple kuvexian grenades inside. The grenade exploded and made a weird sound as it exploded and she was sure it was shurreded from the kuvexian weapon.

"I am a much happier Neko." She said and shot the twitching form a pack roach that was on the ground already shot.
Mochi's head snapped back to Sanda as she called a fallback, having a better overall view of the skirmish than he did. The Elysian took her word for it. "Fall back! Inside! Sanda has cleared the way!" Being right at the very front, Mochi figured he had to distract the remaining pack roaches from pouncing on his friends who would need to fall back too. Stretching out his now-leathery wings to either side of him, a good area behind Mochi was now obscured. Hopefully that would give the others a chance to dart back inside. The 12 foot wide, 5 foot tall plumage would do a decent job, but left him with less defenses. With a shimmer, the wings began to change colours in patches, rapidly, hopefully acting as a peacock to take attention from his comrades. There were at least four Pack Roaches still out here, formidible opponents for an unarmoured Elysian, but he wasn't going to let any of them pounce past him onto his retreating friends. If more than one of them decided to stay back, they'd get stuck trying to get through the door at the same time.

The pack roaches bit and raked at Mochi's wings, tearing chunks out of them as Mochi roared in pain. With each claw, tendril and tooth that pierced his body, the Elysian's blood burned like acid to them, dulling them. Mochi took a low stance, the flesh of his fingertips, knuckles, elbows, knees and feet hardening and sharpening. The Pack Roach's venom was setting in quickly, but Mochi needed to buy a little more time. Clawing, punching, elbowing, kneeing and kicking, as he went the Elysian was driven back step by step towards the door. Switching fighting styles from from Floga to Roi, and using a mix of Pankration and SOFT martial techniques, he was somehow pulling it off, if barely. He was aiming for the underbelly, the joints and between the dorsal plates - the places Spark had highlighted as what to target.

Finally, taking a heavy hit with a razor claw that sent him stumbling backwards, Mochi was the last one back into the bar. The one wing still attached to his body was a tattered leathery messes, stuck in a polka-dot of colours, missing large chunks and dripping corrosive blood to the floor. The Elysian himself was missing his left arm, bleeding profusely from a number wounds, with many Pack Roach barbs embedded in his torso and legs, fizzling and bubbling from the acid within him. For a moment, Mochi stood there, woozy and blinking rapidly as the venoms set in. Wordlessly, he fell to one knee, before rolling back and collapsing in a heap.
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