Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: SS Raider Raider Run #2: KMS Chaos, Part Deaux.

"Redistribute power to propulsion. I want us nimble as a feather in the breeze." Nanashi ordered about. "Begin evasive maneuvers and focus what available firepower there is on the closest Patrol craft." The captain instinctively brought up her thumb, biting it's nail with her teeth as she thought. 'Out of positrons. Low on shields. I'll just have to keep moving and evade fire. Let the Raider and fleet do most of the work. Preferably the fleet taking most of the damage too.' The Cashew banked hard to port and attempted to erratically maneuver itself in a series of sharp turns, accelerations and decelerations in an attempt to throw off enemy aim. It's turrets fired back, but with a reduced intensity due to the energy being rerouted. Nanashi sat back and waited, knowing this was the last fight before safety; there wasn't much to do left but fight.
Jon threw the ship into a hard, banking maneuver "You heard the lady, Itsuki. Fire to disable when you can, but I'm putting everything not needed for the guns into the shields and engines." Itsuki nodded, and began to pick her shots, trying to aim for engines and weaponry specifically, rather then just shooting to destroy. She also went out of her way to conserve power, only firing as many weapons as could be brought to bear effectively on the target at any time.
The Nearby patrol was quickly disabled, beginning to drift at an odd angle, with obvious venting along its sides where there used to be turrets. A couple still fired, but they were anti-fighter turrets and didn't even do notable damage to shields.

The other Patrol, however, was still working its way closer to the small group, a large energy signature hinting that it was charging up for an EMP blast, so it could take out shields and electronics, effectively killing the Origin ships.

The Ake rushed forward in an attempt to get a better firing solution on the remaining patrol, but that turned out to be a brash decision. The Main gun punched a hole in the escort's shields, bringing them down to nothing, and then the Patrol fired off a torpedo. As the weapon contacted with the craft's hull, the three feet of Nerimium buckled from the force before the munition exploded, causing the front half of the ship to disappear. The Ake drifted, pushed backwards from the explosion.

"Dammit! Who authorized that maneuver!" Aerin yelled over the group comm, knowing it was a useless gesture; the Ake was done for, though some of the crew may have survived. In retaliation for the move, Aerin unloaded on the closes Escort-destroyer, firing two positron blasts and as much HLT fire as her ship was capable of, as well as her Ion cannons. The Raider's lights dimmed and many auxiliary systems, such as gravity control, shut themselves off due to the massive power draw the Raider's captain had just ordered.

The results of Aerin's rage were half of her HLT's burning themselves out, the Raider leaving itself with only one positron blast left, and one very dead Escort destroyer. However, the second took advantage of the Raider's predicament, bombarding the gunship and taking its shields down to nothing, peppering the hull with armor damage, and the loss of even more turrets.
At the edge of the NMX battleship's anti-FTL field, space began to shimmer with the telltale teal glow of starships defolding. As the light on their hulls faded, the Raider and its enemies picked up on their sensors of force consisting of, 3 Sharie-class Battleships, 10 Irim Heavy Gunships, and 18 Eikan-class Heavy cruisers, carrying a swarm of several hundred already-launched fighters. Immediately the task force began deploying FTL stabilization fields to nullify the field blocking their FTL, and moved toward the NMX battleship with a singular purpose: to get it in their guns' range and destroy it.

"Civilian vessels," a female voice blasted on all Yamataian frequencies. "This is the Taisa Sora Tsunade YSS Eikan Minato II, N B S Six Zero One. You are now under our escort."
"About time..." Aerin muttered to herself before responding to the SAoY commander, in a very relieved manner. "Thank you very much, I think we'd just about had it." the CEO responded, before continuing to ask "How far shall this escort take us?"

Outside of the Raider's bridge, Alarms were blaring, damage control was going in full swing, and systems were being shut off, worked on, reset, and what have you. A few engineers in normal suits began rushing out of the Raider's shuttle bays on cables and assessing hull damage, to see if the ship could take the strain of FTL travel.

A Kylie swooped out of the Power Armor bay, carrying behind it a long, thick cable to be attached to the nonfunctioning Ake, so it could be towed in close enough to the Raider for the CDD to be able to carry it.

"All captains, Report!" Aerin called to her ships. As suspected, the Ake would not respond.
"We will take you to the other end of the blockade zone," the Taisa replied. "But after that you're on your own."

Meanwhile, the NMX ships withdrew, not wanting to take any unnecessary losses. In a short while the Origin ships were alone again in the vastness of deep space.
With the battle over, Nanashi gave out a sigh of relief; she reached back behind her chair and was delighted to find that her juice box was still there where she left it. A loud slurping noise filled the bridge as she finished. 'Two words...Onion Rings.' the Geshrin thought to herself. Her eyes glanced at the others aboard the bridge, their stressed faces as they reported the ship's condition and worked to refresh the systems and repair what they could. A single lance of hair suddenly broke free from her bun as she winced upon seeing them like this. They were all exhausted, and so was she.

Nanashi opened a communications channel with her boss, and was pleased to see Aerin Tatst was fine, stray, messy hair aside. "We got some minor damage to the hull. The Cashew hasn't gotten to recycle the shields and positrons either yet, but that'll be fine with some time. Everything else is squared away here ma'am." When Nanashi finished her report, she made sure to close down the comm channel before speaking in a whiny, sarcastic voice. "Everything is squared away ma'am, except for getting shot at!" the Captain's voice turning nasty at the end. "Ugh. You guys wait here. I'll be back." she spoke, exiting the bridge.

"I know we just went through hell, but she's extra cranky for some reason, right guys?" Roberto asked. Tsuya chimed in and added her own comments to the mix,

"Who knows, maybe she's bleeding a lot." Tsuya snickered as she talked about the captain behind her back.

"Gross." Hideki flatly stated. As the youngest, youngest looking, and youngest sounding, he might have well been mistaken for some girl's shota plaything. The others laughed as he did his best grossed out kid expression. As they laughed, Nanashi came back into the room holding a tray, the trio of bridge officers fell silent when they saw her; she gave the three a thin smile before speaking.

"Nuggets. Fries. Onion Rings. Apple slices. Oranges. Water. It might be the last, so no harm in clogging the arteries. Eat fast alright? Time's short." The captain paused in sagely thought for a moment before continuing. "Maybe I should have gotten bacon too...Anyways." Nanashi waved that thought off and laid the laden tray down on behind her chair again, and told the others to make sure to lock the lid on if trouble started. "I'll look after your stations while you eat. But you guys better not leave any crumbs behind...And leave something for me!"

As the others gratefully ate, Nanashi took her seat and gave herself a weary smile as she went over the damage reports; she pulled out another juice carton from a pocket in her uniform and sipped.