Star Army

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RP: Reactivated Reactivated Intermission: Not so Rested, Not So Relaxed

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.2.16
RP Location
Several Hours after Mission.

Morris sealed the airlock behind the squad and sighed, the mission had been a near disaster, but they'd pulled it off. It had only cost them the low low price of the possible death of one squadmate.

Cheapest deal yet he'd say, if it wasn't for the fact that the intel may amount to nothing but 'chasing nostalgia', and it was likely going to be the same of the tagged vehicle either.

They'd passed the intel off to the squire waiting for them, who had run off to the central gantry in a hurry, but not before telling them to get some rest. Poor bastard; as they underwent the standard decon procedures, he sighed. "Welp, haven't got any new orders yet," He commented as the last of the toxic dust was washed away in a slurry of decon spray, "And it looks like we've actually got some time off-best get some food and rest while you can." The air became almost unbearably hot for a moment as they were blasted to dry the fluid before the inner lock was unsealed for them to pass through. The big man walked forward, dropping his combat shield and impaler off with the supply smith, who immediately collected them for repair for the former and examination in the latter's case. Grandmaster had been awful insistent on getting more than a few of those lately.

Oh well, wasn't his business...and honestly he didn't give a shit at the moment; all he wanted was food, family, and bed-in that order...
OOC Notes
'Chasing Nostalgia' is a term the Vahallans use that is the equivalent of the phrase fool's errand; mostly related to their Ancestor's works and trying to recapture their glory, but is also used to describe what are seen as pointless or worthless tasks
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Michelle, followed through the airlock, unclipping the belt from her Brigandine to hand off her pistol and shotgun before unslinging her rifle to turn that over to the supply smith. For once, she had been glad for the decontamination bath washing the grit and grease and blood from her armor. Sure, she felt naked without her camouflage, using the grease to stick dust and grit to her armor to make her seem a part of the storm. But it wasn't without it's downsides. Everything stuck to her. And her especially.

"So I can go back to my night? I got some fresh veggies and fruit I want to get to Freya before I go visit Tacho. I know it's not her first rodeo getting shot down, but that crash was really bad."
As Auli'i stood in the airlock, the faint hum of the machinery filled the small space. The door to the outside world, where the atmosphere was hostile and unforgiving, sealed shut with a metallic clang. The brief respite from the planet's toxic air was a relief, but the short fox knew what was coming next.

She braced herself as the decontamination process began. The spray hit her fur in a fine mist, and despite the protective suit she wore, the smell still managed to seep through. It was a sharp, chemical scent, something that always made her nose wrinkle. She glanced over at Morris and Mike, who seemed unfazed by the smell. They had long grown accustomed to it, but for Auli'i, it was a different story. Her heightened sense of smell made the experience far less pleasant.

As the spray continued, covering them in a slurry that was supposed to cleanse them of any contaminants, Auli'i couldn't help but think back to her earlier task. Cleaning the waste tanks had been particularly grueling, the stench lingering in her nostrils even after she had finished. It was one of the many chores she often found herself assigned to, thanks to her small stature and ability to squeeze into tight spaces.

The airlock grew unbearably hot as the drying phase began, the heat blasting away the remaining fluid on their suits. Auli'i endured it in silence, knowing it would be over soon. Finally, the inner lock opened, and they were free to step into the safety of their base.

Auli'i removed her mask, shaking her head as she pulled down her hood to reveal her fur-covered face. "Food sounds good," she said, her voice a mix of relief and exhaustion. "I'd love to treat my nose to a better smell, and my belly, and then I think I’ll visit Tacho."

Her thoughts had already shifted to what she might eat, eager to replace the lingering chemical scent with something far more pleasant.

Auli'i approached the supply smith, her footsteps echoing softly as she handed over her weapons. The familiar weight of the gear left her hands as she passed them to the smith. Her eyes drifted toward Mike, watching as her big sister unclipped the belt from her Brigandine armor. Mike moved with the practiced ease of someone who had done this a thousand times, smoothly handing over her pistol and shotgun before unslinging her rifle. Auli'i admired the confidence in Mike's actions, feeling a pang of self-doubt in comparison.

Turning her attention back to the path ahead, Auli'i moved forward, her thoughts spinning as she considered her next words. "Have fun on your date," she teased, trying to keep her tone light. There was a moment's hesitation before she continued, "And also later... would you be willing..." Her voice trailed off, uncertainty creeping in. "Never mind, you're probably busy," she finished, her words coming out in a rush as she stretched, trying to shake off the nervousness.

She made her way toward the mess hall, the thought of food a welcome distraction. But as she walked, her mind kept returning to the question she hadn't been able to ask. She had been thinking about requesting more weapons training from Morris and Mike. The idea had been on her mind for a while, but every time she thought about asking, she hesitated. After all, she was supposed to be a smith, not a fighter. Would they even be open to it?

Her uncertainty only grew as she considered another question she had been too scared to ask: their opinion on her conduct during the mission. Auli'i replayed the events in her mind, wondering if she had done well or if there were areas where she needed improvement. But the fear of hearing something negative held her back from seeking their feedback.
"Never too busy for my battle-sister, Auli'i." Michelle was still shrugging off her armor to shove in a bag for her own maintenance and cleaning before she fell in step next to Auli'i. "You wanna talk about it helping out in the greenhouse later? I gotta do some work on some of the aeroponics stacks, could really use your help. Especially for one of the pumps giving me trouble. Another I gotta pull some spray nozzles to clean them. Fortunately it's not the oil fruit stacks, it's just the sweet fruits. Barley's doing well, though. We're gonna have a good crop if we can keep the pests out of it. And if someone would bring me a hive of honey producing pollenators, I can boost yields. Little sick of hand pollinating."
As Michelle casually offered her assistance and shared details about the tasks awaiting her in the greenhouse, Auli'i's ears perked up with interest. The mention of working on the aeroponics stacks and cleaning the spray nozzles ignited a spark of curiosity in her. She had always been fascinated by the intricate systems that supported the base's food production, and the opportunity to learn more and lend a hand was something she couldn't pass up.

"Sure, I'd love to help out in the greenhouse," Auli'i replied with a bright smile, her earlier apprehension melting away as excitement took its place. The prospect of working alongside Michelle and getting a closer look at the aeroponics system was an enticing one.

Listening to Michelle's description of the different crops and the challenges faced in maintaining them, Auli'i's mind raced with possibilities. The idea of troubleshooting the faulty pump and cleaning the spray nozzles intrigued her, and she made a mental note to pay extra attention when assisting with those tasks.

As Michelle mentioned the need for honey-producing pollinators to boost yields, Auli'i couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. The thought of increasing crop production and finding solutions to improve efficiency resonated with her. "I can help with the pump and the spray nozzles, and I'll keep an eye out for potential solutions to bring in honey-producing pollinators. We'll get those crops thriving," she declared, her voice filled with determination.

Auli'i fell into step beside Michelle, their conversation shifting from the recent mission to the upcoming tasks in the greenhouse. The prospect of working alongside her battle-sister filled Auli'i with a sense of camaraderie and purpose. As they made their way to the mess hall, she felt a renewed sense of energy and eagerness to contribute to the base's food production efforts.

With a smile on her face and a spring in her step, Auli'i looked forward to the challenges and opportunities that awaited her in the greenhouse, knowing that with Michelle's guidance and support, they could make a real difference in ensuring the base's food security.
"Chirugeons likely won't let you in Mike," Morris responded, shucking off his armor and sorely wishing for a change of clothes from the sweat-soaked undersuit, and changed into a pair of boots; normally he would've opted to change out of his armor in his family's quarters or the barracks, but he'd been feeling it after a while-gods above he was getting old, "Same way the last time they had to operate on her; spent 12 hours digging out bits of shrapnel while trying to figure out how to do it safely." That had been fun; Norians were always a treat for Chirugeons, trying not to kill them by giving the wrong meds. "And Freya will likely appreciate it." His wife always appreciated fresh foods.

As he fell in step with them, his armor placed within a large pack slung over his shoulder the big man listened to the two talk about the hydroponics bay, he called out to one of the yeomen as they approached. "Hey, what are they serving in the Mess tonight." The yeoman showed him the tin he was eating from, "C-Rations; word is that the one storage unit they were keeping the standard rations suffered a cave-in and they're still sifting through it." Morris wrinkled his nose in disgust; C-rations were just one step above B-rations; little more than tasteless loaves made with powdered thurok tallow and just enough healthy stuff to keep you from getting sick. "Not willing to risk any further possible contamination?" He guessed as the man shrugged, returning to his meal. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"Alright, thanks." Whelp, that settled it; he was heading home for supper, looking back toward the two, "Guess I'm coming with you two then to Hydroponics; maybe the wife will feed all three of us." He said quietly as they moved further away from the gathered troopers.
As Michelle led the trio to her corner of the agricultural section, a bit of her own little verdant paradise, she picked up a basket, beginning to harvest as she moved. "I've been having a lot of luck with root veggies and tubers, but the water requirements of some of the sweeter berries and accessory fruits are starting to tax my skill. To be honest, I'm better with soil and irrigation than I am with hydroponics. Take what you two want, harvest is only a couple weeks away and I kinda want to do something special with what doesn't get preserved."

It didn't take long for her to gather the basket of tubers and fruits and herbs she would offer to Freya, hopefully a fair trade for those hand pies. "Any thoughts on my request, Morris?"
As Morris shared the details of Tacho's likely situation and the difficulty she'd faced in past medical procedures, Auli'i's expression softened with concern. The mention of the Chirugeons' cautious approach to treating Tacho’s injuries highlighted the seriousness of the situation, reminding Auli'i of the risks that came with their line of work.

"I hope mama Tacho recovers quickly and that the Chirugeons can provide her with the care she needs," Auli'i expressed, her voice carrying a note of sympathy for their fellow squadmate's predicament. The dedicated and skilled Chirugeons had always impressed Auli'i with their ability to handle complex medical procedures, especially when dealing with the unique physiology of Norians.

As the trio walked together toward the mess hall, Morris inquired about the evening meal, only to receive disappointing news about the limited food options due to a storage mishap. The prospect of being stuck with unappetizing C-rations didn't sit well with Morris, and Auli'i could sense his displeasure at the situation.

Auli'i nodded in agreement, understanding Morris's reluctance to risk consuming potentially contaminated rations. The importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, especially after a mission, wasn't lost on her, and she shared his sentiment regarding the unappealing menu.

When Morris mentioned the possibility of joining them in the hydroponics bay and the chance of enjoying a meal prepared by his wife, Auli'i's ears twitched with curiosity. The idea of sharing a meal with Morris and his family held a certain appeal, offering a moment of respite and connection outside of their usual duties.

"I'm sure mama Freya will appreciate the company, and it'll be nice to have a home-cooked meal after everything," Auli'i remarked, a faint smile playing on her lips. The prospect of experiencing Morris's family's hospitality filled her with a sense of warmth and gratitude, knowing that such moments of togetherness were rare and precious in their line of work.

As they approached the hydroponics bay, Auli'i's anticipation grew, eager to lend a hand in tending to the crops and assisting Michelle with the various tasks awaiting them. The camaraderie shared between the squadmates, bound by their shared experiences and commitment to their mission, brought a sense of unity and purpose to their interactions.

With Morris by their side, Auli'i felt a sense of comfort and familiarity, knowing that no matter the challenges they faced, they could rely on each other for support and understanding. As they entered the hydroponics bay, Auli'i looked forward to the shared moments of camaraderie, hard work, and the simple joy of partaking in a meal prepared with care and love.

She listened intently as Mike shared her thoughts on the challenges she faced with the water requirements of certain fruits, nodding in understanding. "You've done an impressive job with the crops, Michelle. Your attention to detail and care really shows in the quality of the produce," she remarked, genuine admiration in her voice.

As Michelle offered them the opportunity to take what they wanted from the harvest, Auli’i scanned the selection of fruits and herbs, considering what might complement his wife's cooking. She selected a handful of herbs and a few of the sweet berries, knowing Freya would appreciate the fresh ingredients for her culinary creations.

When Michelle brought up her earlier request for help with the aeroponics system, Auli’I paused, gathering her thoughts before responding though she wasn’t asked, but wanted to give her imput. "I think it's a great idea, Michelle. Collaborating on the hydroponics system could benefit both of us. Your expertise in soil and irrigation paired with my experience in mechanics and maintenance could help us optimize the system for better efficiency and yield," She suggested, a hint of excitement in his tone.

"I'm more than willing to lend a hand and share my knowledge with you. Together, we can tackle the challenges and find creative solutions to enhance the crop production here," she added, this kind of work would be far more enjoyable than some of the tasks she’d had to do.
"Well. There's that. But I was more referring to my permanent placement under his command. There aren't many Waterfallans left, so I requested to stay here with them. I'm an agriworlder. I should be left to grow things when I'm not fighting. My biggest peeve is the lack of good foodstuffs, and as much as I hate asking, I could really go for a new stock of freshwater fish and crops to help build out the diets, here. Maybe some small avians for meat, pest control, and eggs. Maybe even some honey producing insects so I'm not spending a week at a time hand pollinating everything. But I have to be here to do that work. I can't go back to Waterfall. But maybe we can make Sandraker as beautiful one day. Maybe it'll be my kids that do it. Maybe theirs. I don't know. If I ever get kids, considering I'm tiny. It's... A family thing. Andrakes are small." Mike popped a piece of fruit in her mouth as she finished speaking. "But I'm still gonna make a green Sandraker."
Auli’is listened intently to Mike's words, her expression thoughtful as she shared her desire to have a more permanent position under his command, specifically to stay with the Waterfallans and focus on agricultural work. Her connection to her agriworld roots and her passion for growing food shone through her words, painting a picture of someone deeply dedicated to nurturing life in all its forms.

As Mike expressed her frustration at the lack of diverse food sources and her vision for expanding the base's food production capabilities, Auli’i felt a sense of respect for her battle-sister's dedication and determination. The idea of creating a sustainable and abundant source of fresh food resonated with her, highlighting the importance of self-sufficiency and resilience in their challenging environment.

"I hear you, sis," Auli’i replied, her voice filled with understanding and support. "Your vision for Sandraker is inspiring, and your commitment to making it a reality speaks volumes about your character. We'll figure something out together, make Sandraker as green and bountiful as you envision."

She admired Mike's determination to create a better future for their community, one based on sustainable practices and a deep connection to the land. The idea of introducing freshwater fish, avians for meat and eggs, and honey-producing insects to enhance the base's food sources reflected Mike's innovative thinking and practical approach to food security.

"It's a noble goal, Mike," she remarked, a sense of solidarity evident in her words. "And I believe we can work together to make it happen. Your expertise in agriculture and my experience in technology could be a powerful combination. I'll support your efforts to expand our food production capabilities and create a thriving ecosystem here at Sandraker. Personally, I think this might be a better and more enjoyable work than I have to deal with."
"I think you need to take it up with the Grandmaster;" Morris replied, gathering up a few of the tubers-it was some exotic root vegetable; sunrider's root the big man thought it was called-shit was expensive as hell-but was good; he briefly wondered where she'd gotten it before getting back to the subject at hand, "I can put in a request but ultimately the decision lies with him." Either that or he'd dictate orders to the Knight-Captain's council and they'd be assigned where ever-they'd been lucky so far to not have to deal with them but that could change at any time. "And I hate to be the dulled blade here, but Sandraker can't support life; we're lucky we can even exist here with the equipment we had on hand." That was an understatement-ancestor's knew how the gribblies had lived as long as they had on this toxic mudball, likely some bullshit they either made or stole from the skirts.

"And we were supposed to get A rations, remember? Pound of Meat, Pound of Bread or flour, Pound of Veg, fruit, and either a gallon of ale or pint of spirits per day-and whatever else they decided to serve for the week." Company A rations were good-you'd have to cook it yourself sometimes and were usually fresh outside long-term field operations-and even then you'd get fresh more often than not-unless command decided they were in a hurry then B and C rations it was. "Alright, let's go see the wife." He finished as he gathered up the last of the veggies, "Think she got some oilfruit from the market yesterday so we might have some White Stew tonight." With that statement, he turned thinking to the delicious meal ahead of them.

OOC: White Stew is a Valhallan dish that combines a light sweet cream sauce and meat taken from Thuroks-a large lizard-like beast Valhallans use for war, work, and sustenance, root veggies and oilfruit-a citrus fruit that serves as a staple crop for them to make a rich, tangy, sweet and savory meal. It's quite popular no matter your standing, and can be easily made by any one with the right ingredients.
"White stew sounds wonderful. But yeah. I'll take it up with the grandmaster," she nodded before following Morris. "But I guess I was spoiled before getting here. Agriworlds tend to be you sell whatever you don't eat and you grow a shitload. Besides, I was looking at the soil results, and I think I could teraform this toxic mudball. There is some life. Just microbial. It might take eight or nine hundred years just to purify the soil and make the atmosphere breathable... Maybe a few dozen water rich asteroids dropped on Gribbly outposts to add water. At least with the resources we have. It'll be easier if we use some of the Company profits to finance Skirt planet building tech. Or other. But I have... No authority. Even if I were Noble, agriworlds never had much sway. Especially given how few of us there are."
Auli’i nodded in understanding at Morris's mention of discussing the matter with the Grandmaster and the importance of seeking his approval for any permanent placements within the command structure. The reminder of the limited resources and harsh conditions of Sandraker served as a stark reality check, emphasizing the challenges they faced in sustaining life on the inhospitable planet.

As Morris recounted the details of the A rations they were supposed to receive, Auli’i couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the fresh and varied food they had been promised. The thought of a pound of meat, a pound of bread or flour, a pound of vegetables and fruits, along with a choice of ale or spirits per day sounded like a luxury compared to the meager rations they had available.

"Sandraker might not be able to support life in the traditional sense, but with your expertise and Mike's vision, we can certainly make the most of what we have," Auli’i remarked, her voice tinged with optimism. The idea of creating a sustainable food source and expanding their culinary options resonated with her, sparking a sense of hope and possibility.

As Morris mentioned the possibility of enjoying White Stew for dinner, Auli'i's mouth watered at the thought of the hearty Valhallan dish. The combination of sweet cream sauce, meat from Thuroks, root veggies, and oilfruit promised a flavorful and satisfying meal that would provide a welcome respite from the usual rations they had to endure.

"White Stew sounds delicious," she commented, her excitement evident. The prospect of sharing a meal with Morris and his family, enjoying good food and lively company, filled her with anticipation and gratitude for the simple pleasures in life.

With her thoughts focused on the upcoming meal, Auli'i followed Morris and Mike as they made their way to Morris's quarters, looking forward to the warmth and comfort of a home-cooked meal and the camaraderie shared among their squadmates. Amidst the challenges and dangers they faced, moments like these offered a sense of normalcy and connection that provided solace in the midst of uncertainty.

Michelle's words lingered in the air as she followed Morris toward the mess hall, the basket of harvested produce cradled in her arms. The mention of her past experiences on agriworlds and her vision for terraforming Sandraker sparked a flicker of curiosity and admiration in Auli’i. The idea of transforming the harsh and inhospitable environment of their current base into a thriving habitat capable of supporting diverse life forms was a monumental task, one that required careful planning and extensive resources.

As they walked, Auli’i listened attentively to Michelle's insights, nodding in understanding at the challenges and obstacles they faced in their quest to make Sandraker a more livable and sustainable place. The mention of microbial life and the potential for terraforming the soil and atmosphere piqued her interest, stirring a sense of wonder at the possibilities that lay ahead.

"I hear you, Michelle," Auli’i replied, her voice tinged with a mix of contemplation and determination. "Terraforming Sandraker would be a massive undertaking, but your vision and expertise could be the key to unlocking its potential. It's clear that you have a deep understanding of agriculture and environmental science, skills that could truly make a difference in reshaping this world."

As they neared the mess hall, Auli’i's thoughts turned to the future and the possibilities that lay ahead for their base and its inhabitants. The idea of using Company profits to finance advanced technologies for terraforming and planet-building resonated with her, highlighting the importance of innovation and investment in creating a sustainable and habitable environment.

"I believe in your vision, Michelle," she affirmed, a sense of optimism in her tone. "Together, we can explore options for transforming Sandraker and making it a place where life can thrive. Your dedication and expertise will be invaluable in this endeavor, and I'll support you in any way I can. Let's make this dream a reality, one step at a time."

With a shared sense of purpose and determination, Auli’i entered the mess hall alongside Morris and Michelle, looking forward to the comforting meal of White Stew and the camaraderie that awaited them.
Morris snorted as Auli'l tried to enter the Mess Hall before stopping her. "Wrong way fuzzball." He said, before responding to Mike. "Yea, I know the feeling-I was a quarryman before joining up-imagine my surprise when I got a lecture when we first started digging by wet-behind-the-ears fieldsmith about how to set the braces on my tunnels or how to keep them from flooding." That had been a fun conversation-was even funnier when he'd bitched to Pascal-who'd told the smith all civil like to shut the fuck, "Don't get me wrong, dropping a few rocks on the gribblies sounds good, but the problem is we're already having trouble operating on this dirtball-and the way our luck runs those asteroids will make things worse." Nobody liked operating on Sandraker as it was, and while the prospect of having a few Mishu bases reduced to smoking craters was a fun prospect, the aftereffects could not be understated.

"Anyways, let's go get some supper."


A few minutes later, they'd all arrived on the Second Sublevel; Freya had been insistent on settling here as it was fairly quiet compared to the fourth level and it was one of the better-built early expansions. The door cycled and the smell of cooking-that of meat, veggies, and spices, greeted them. "Freya!" Morris called, "I'm-got Mike and Auil'i with me." Freya's gentle voice floated through the air. "Welcome home-got the stew a simmering." As they entered the kitchen, he spotted his wife, dressed in a plain brown and white dress currently stirring a pot-Helena was wrapped in swaddling cloth in a sling around her chest so she could be supported without endangering her. "Olaf working?" At the mention of his son, she scowled. "Yes, a trade deal with old Besser." Oh-the sausage wonder she wasn't happy. "He'll just have to learn the hard way." He leaned to give her peck on the cheek-to which her face wrinkled. "You smell like you've been working in the quarry all day-go shower!" She scolded-to which he just laughed and collect some fresh laundry before padding off to the bathroom...
"You're looking lovely as ever. Freya," Mike laughed as she set her basket of veggies on her hip and moved into the kitchen. "Got the sunriders to propogate, expecting enough to drop the price this season if you want more of them. And I brought enough veggies Helena's gonna be her daddy's size, with her momma's beauty."

With a warm smile, Michelle started laying out fruit and veggies across the counter, not sure where Freya would want them placed. "And the grains are doing well. We could be looking at an increase in the flour ration in a few years if we can keep production up."
As Morris redirected Auli’i towards the correct direction before entering the Mess Hall, he shared his own experiences of transitioning from a quarryman to his current role in the squad. A smile played on Auli'i's lips as she listened to Morris's recounting of the humorous incident with the fieldsmith and the challenges he faced in adapting to a new set of skills and responsibilities. The camaraderie and shared experiences among their squadmates added a touch of familiarity and warmth to their interactions, reminding Auli'i of the bonds that tied them together.

Auli'i nodded in agreement with Morris's comments on the potential challenges and consequences of dropping asteroids on Sandraker to alter the landscape. The delicate balance of operating on the planet's unforgiving terrain and the unpredictable nature of such actions highlighted the complexities they faced in their mission. Despite the allure of dismantling enemy bases, the long-term ramifications needed to be carefully considered to avoid worsening their already challenging circumstances.

"Supper sounds good," Auli'i replied, her stomach growling in anticipation at the thought of the hearty and comforting meal awaiting them. The familiar routine of sharing a meal with her squadmates offered a sense of normalcy and connection in the midst of their demanding and unpredictable lives, providing a moment of respite and camaraderie.


Moments later, the trio arrived on the Second Sublevel, greeted by the inviting aroma of simmering stew that filled the air. The welcoming atmosphere of Morris's home, with the sounds of his wife Freya cooking in the kitchen, enveloped them in a sense of warmth and comfort. As Morris announced their presence, Freya's voice floated through the air, welcoming them home in her gentle tone.

Entering the kitchen, Auli’i's eyes fell on Freya, dressed in a simple brown and white dress, tending to the pot on the stove with their daughter Helena nestled close to her chest. The sight of familial love and care warmed Auli’i's heart, a reminder of the ties that bound them together beyond their shared mission and duties.

Auli'i observed the exchange between Morris and Freya, the playful banter and the shared moments of affection reflecting the deep bond between them. The mention of their son Olaf and his trade dealings added a touch of humor and realism to the scene, underscoring the everyday challenges and joys of family life in their unique circumstances.

As Morris headed off to freshen up, Auli'i lingered in the kitchen, taking in the sights and sounds of the cozy space filled with the aromas of home-cooked food and the gentle hum of domestic life. The sense of familiarity and warmth that permeated the atmosphere offered a moment of tranquility and connection, a welcome respite from the chaos and uncertainty of their world.

With a smile on her face and a sense of gratitude in her heart, Auli'i joined Freya in the kitchen, “mind if I help with anything, Mom?” she asked the woman. Since she was Morris’s wife, that made her also another mother to her. As Mike shared her updates on the sunriders and the flourishing crops, Auli'i marveled at her dedication and skill in agricultural matters. The promise of an abundant harvest and the potential for expanding food production brought a spark of hope and optimism to their shared future on Sandraker.

Offering to help Freya with laying out the fruits and vegetables, Auli'i arranged the produce across the counter, mindful of creating an organized display for their meal preparations. The mention of the grains' success and the possibility of increasing the flour ration in the future highlighted the progress they had made in enhancing the base's food production capabilities, reflecting their collective efforts and ingenuity.

"It's impressive how much progress we've made in such a short time," Auli'i commented, a sense of pride in her voice. "Your dedication and hard work, along with Morris and Michelle's support, have truly made a difference in ensuring our food security and well-being. I'm grateful to be part of such a resilient and resourceful team."
Steiner had been pouring over the brief after-action report he'd received from Morris during their transit back for the last half-hour or so; while his squad had been successful in gathering a great deal of intelligence, mostly due to the enemy's carelessness; the actual fulfillment of their original objective had left a good deal to be desired. However, through providence or simple arrogance, the damaged truck that had been reported had apparently not only been recovered by the mishu, but the beacons that had been placed were still transmitting and had yet to be discovered.

With any luck, it would lead them to wherever they had decided to go to ground. However, there was still the matter of Tacho; he could feel a headache coming on. The mechanoid had cautioned her time and time again against using her armor's jets so liberally; how many times had she almost fallen because of the overconfidence and false sense of security that the Crixa had brought her? A low, rumbling noise, almost like an engine slowly groaning to life followed as his optics shut off for the moment. 'Ancestor's damn it woman,' The grandmaster thought angrily, subconsciously reaching for a connection, and thought better of it-now was not the time, 'of all the times for you to be injured.' He turned them back on before glancing at the holoprojector...watching the beacon's progress...

"Sir?" A man in chirugeon's outfit approached him, "Have an update on Tacho." He turned and looked at the man. "Report."



The warmth from the water slowly worked its way into Morris's joints-the dull ache that seemed ever more present by the day as the 'shower'-more akin to a sonic cleanser; something that was meant to save the Company on water resources as all one had to do was hit the tap, and let it do the rest-then drain it back into the dedicated reservoir where it would be filtered and sterilized. In some ways it was more akin to the water jets he'd once seen at the local slaughterhouse-blasting meat clean from bone. Though they couldn't bathe Helena in it-she was too young-so they used a basin. The big man reached for the soap, ignoring his inner thoughts about today's debacle...


Freya smiled in reply. "That's good to hear, Mike." She adjusted Helena as she could feel the babe's weight pressing in on her shoulder, "Hopefully they'll stay down for the next month or so, but I doubt it-Tyrgison and Melchoir from what I heard are buying up all the produce in the market." The nobles had been stocking up for something-though from what few rumors she heard it was something big; a wedding maybe? The two had been at each other's throats for years from what she heard, but perhaps things were changing now. She was going to say something before seeing the fox woman. She suppressed the shiver of fear-Auil'i was a sweet girl, but the stories of beastkin were far too fresh at times; she'd been furious with Morris when he'd brought her home-and it had led to several arguments, but since then the Fox Morph had become a fixture in their family despite her initial misgivings. "Hello Auil'i," Freya's tone was warm, "Would you mind taking Helena a moment? I'm worried she may be getting a little too warm this close to the cooking." Overheating was a real concern, swaddled as she was-but Freya also couldn't leave her unattended.
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"Either a wedding or they're trying to monopolize the markets and make themselves some coin. I'm just a grower. I don't get a say in how my product gets used. My... My Prince tried that. You know what happened." Michelle looked away for a moment, hiding the deep, almost familial shame that crossed her face before settling into her thoughts. Tyrgison, if she remembered correctly was from a manufacturing world and training center. And Melchior some form of trade hub. Insufferable idiots, both of them. But an agrworlder like her wouldn't dare speak openly about men who saw her people as only strong backs for fighting and farming. A place to throw the small people because they're not suited to the heavier tasks. It was why the Waterfallans were so rarely as tall and powerful as Morris or Freya. "But they aren't buying like you do. They're placing contracts for supplies. Buying us out before we even hit market. Honestly I prefer the market. I haven't taken any of their contracts, so my produce should be safe from their meddling. And you'll get to make the best white stew on this toxic rock."
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Auli'i listened attentively to the conversation between Freya and Mike, her ears perking up at the mention of Tyrgison and Melchoir and their recent activities in the market. The dynamics of power and influence among the nobles and their impact on the everyday lives of the people on Sandraker painted a picture of intrigue and manipulation that Auli'i couldn't help but find concerning.

The mention of contracts being placed for supplies and the attempts to control the market hinted at a larger power play at work, one that threatened the stability of the local economy and the livelihoods of individuals like Mike. Auli’i's heart went out to Mike, understanding the challenges and uncertainties that came with navigating the complex web of politics and commerce on Sandraker.

"I understand your concerns, Mike," Auli'i spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy. "It's frustrating when those with power try to manipulate the market for their own gain, especially when it affects hardworking individuals like yourself. Your dedication to your craft and your commitment to providing quality produce should be protected and respected."

As the discussion turned to the forthcoming White Stew and the prospect of enjoying a delicious meal amidst the tumultuous events unfolding around them, Auli'i's gaze softened with gratitude. The simple pleasure of sharing a comforting meal with her squadmates and their families offered a sense of normalcy and connection that served as a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty.

"I'm looking forward to tasting your famous White Stew, Freya," Auli'i said with a smile, her expression reflecting genuine excitement. "Your culinary skills never fail to impress, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to enjoy a home-cooked meal in such welcoming company. Thank you for inviting us into your home and sharing your warmth with us."

"I've got her, mom," Auli'i reassured, her voice soft and reassuring. As Freya entrusted Helena to Auli'i's care, the Fox Morph gently cradled the babe in her arms, mindful of ensuring the infant's comfort and safety. The weight of the child nestled against her chest brought a sense of protectiveness and tenderness in Auli'i. As she held Helena close, the connection between them felt natural and comforting, transcending their differences and bringing a sense of unity in their shared care for the child.

As the aromas of cooking filled the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and conversation, a sense of contentment and belonging settled over the kitchen, a reminder of the bonds that held them together as a family, in all its diverse and beautiful forms.
Freya frowned. "I'd hope not-at least if it's the former at least the less fortunate will get some alms." Usually, the leftovers were given to the poor, to build some goodwill; though if it was the latter, not good but not unheard of-if the duo were indeed looking to turn a profit this would be the way to do it and chances are the Company wouldn't do a damned thing about it unless it drastically undermined the stability of the colony, "If it's coin their after they'll toe the line just enough as not to draw the ire of the Grandmaster while lining their pockets." The usual nonsense.

"Well, enough of that talk-the stew should be finished soon, so we'll eat once Morris finishes up." She pulled out a few wooden bowls, spoons, and pewter mugs and set them upon the table, followed by a loaf of fresh baked bread and butter with the latter having been sourced from somewhere in the sector or from Njord-though who knows what horror it had come from in the latter's case.


Morris dried himself down, dressing in a simple roughspun tunic, trousers, and his combat boots-the last of the water in the cleanser draining back into the reservoir; padding his way back into the kitchen. "Food's ready?" He inquired, seeing the dinnerware upon the table. Freya nodded, taking the heavy pot and setting it upon the table, after which she collected Helena from Auil'il before scooting a small wooden rocker near her chair and laying the child upon the bed within and ensuring she was tucked away gently the older woman began to ladle out soup in the bowls before settling in herself. Morris sat down next her, and gave her a smile before tucking into his meal...