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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reactivated M3: Dune Prowling

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.2.16
RP Location
It had been over two weeks since the failed mission to the outpost-it hadn't kept them from sending in a drone and shelling it, but Steiner had been less than pleased by the results. They'd found a patrol, skitter mines-which had turned out to be a genuine concern, but had nothing else to show for the expenditure of resources. Several patrols had already encountered them-though while they were easy enough to spot once they started moving the trick was seeing them before that happened. Conventional minesweeping equipment was out of the question, so until they could figure out exactly how they worked-or even if they could be jammed, all they could do was set their sensors fine enough that they went off at even the slightest feedback.

Not ideal in the least.

At the moment, the grandmaster was currently pouring over a tactical map he'd brought up on his hud. "So you're saying engagements with patrols are ramping up?" He looked at Revjak; the squire nodded. "Yes grandmaster." He pointed down-indicating as a series of rolling dunes to the east labeled with a bright red four; "Mainly coming from east/southeast-most of it's just light ordinance; the odd scout vehicle and mechanized infantry, even a few technicals, oddly enough-though one of the patrols did report what looked like a giant bug of some kind disappearing into the duststorm; though we haven't been able to confirm as of yet." There wasn't any native life present on this world-at least none that they were aware of-a problem that they'd have to deal with at some point. The mechanoid filed that away for later, returning to the subject at hand. "Any indication as to why the shift?" A shrug, followed by Revjak taking a sip from the bottle he'd been drinking from and grimacing; probably swamp water. "At this point we don't know; it could be they're trying to find another route of attack, maybe trying to find away around-hard to say." A pause.

"Take your cohort and move to cover the area to the south-intercept any patrols that move through the area." The grandmaster replied, indicating the aforementioned sector; Revjack looked at him for a moment, seemingly taken aback. "Grandmaster-are you sure-if we head east we should-" Steiner silenced him with a raised hand. "I am certain; you have your orders-carry them out." The man hesitated for a moment, then saluted; he knew it wrinkled the squire's pride as a noble, but he had his reasons. Now he just had to hope they were up to the task. With a sigh that sounded like tearing paper, he toggled his comm. "Yeomans Auli'li, Morris, and Tacho-report to the main Gantry."

The airlock cycled as Morris shook the last of the dust off his hardsuit-guard duty was guard duty; no matter what planet you were on. Patrolling trenches, manning posts and the occasional bit of blood-pumping combat when some gribbly trooper decided they were feeling lucky and decided to take a few potshots. They and a few of the Common Guard had taken bets to see how many times a sniper would take a shot at them. Despite their technological superiority-they had lousy aim-hell anyone would have lousy aim on this planet-but they were still going to get made fun of. The big man was looking forward to a good meal and possibly seeing his family tonight when the words that every yeomen dreads came through: "Yeomans Auli'li, Morris, and Tacho-report to the main Gantry."

"Thurok-Fucking Ancestor's damn it!" He snarled as he grabbed his shield and weapons; he'd just gotten off his watch too! Morris stomped down the corridor that would take him to the main gantry, cursing all the while as his fellows looked on in sympathy-and in some cases laughter before turning back to their work. Arriving minutes after the call he did his level best to keep his irritation out of his voice. "Yeoman Sergeant Jacob Morris reporting." He said with a sharp salute.
Yeoman Andrake listened to the overhead call as she stepped from her hydroponics Bay towards a well deserved shower. Fuckin' safe! Her thought rAng like a bell as she pumped her fist. "Still off mission, fuck yes! Been saving my ale rat, I'm'a have a good night!"
"Andrake!" Morris shouted, seeing the short woman emerge from one of the bays-he could smell the tangy sweet smell of oil fruit wafting past, "Get your sorry ass over here-Grandmaster's got a mission for us!"
"Fahaawk!" Mike cried out, her shouldersfalling back as she bent her knees, craning her head back to cry out. "I been saving my ale rat for months! I didn't hear my name called. And I just wanna get drunk and get some dick!"

Nonetheless, she complied. "My world burned and I have to deal with you people? Only thing worse than this rock's facking climate! I swear,some days I wished I'd stayed on Waterfall! Stuck in a new facking 'verse! Be a good girl, Daddy said, join the Navy, he said! It'll be fun, he said!"
Auli sighed as she emerged from another place on base she’d been in doing busy work. “Man, it sucks being small, but atleast I can help” She muttered to herself as she walked, she passed another member on her list of Dirt. Whom made a comment about her. “Inbred shit for brain knucklehead” Auli’I muttered under her breath when she heard the call. “aw man, I need a shower damn it!” Auli said with a sigh, before making her way to the gantry as reported. “Yeomen Apprentice Smith, reporting as ordered!” Auli’I saluted smartly like Morris. Though She didn’t blame her big sister Mike for wanting the showers.