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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reactivated Side Mission: Shaping a New Aegis

Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44
RP Location
Steiner was currently delving through data he'd retrieved from his black box; much of it was well over a century old, but it was a veritable treasure trove of technical data-combined with all the data on manufacturing techniques that were available to the public had led him to some unique insights-particularly in the realm of miniaturization technologies. While they had access to it, the Mule was wholly inefficient for fighting the Gribbly's armored units-often requiring them to dogpile it. The only real options they had were armored units-which were not always available, mechs could be outmaneuvered if not supported, and infantry-even with heavy weapons it was touch and go. Attrition would eventually take its toll-so it fell to him, and by extension his smiths, to see to this. His efforts had not gone unrewarded; the data from an old experimental power armor that had been meant to replace the venerable Dragoon.

At the moment, sitting in front of him having been freshly manufactured from his warden's nanolathes was an environmental undersuit laced with an electrode system-along with the servo units and armor to form the necessary suit, along with what seemed to be a heavier version of the servo system, and two far larger units; one resembling an egg with digitigrade legs and overlong arms and the other was a large box machine, almost barrel-chested and with a canopy of sorts with the faceplate attached to it and lifted upwards. Satisfied with his work, the Mechanoid considered who he'd have assisting him with the testing...a certain fox-morph came to mind. Likely she'd be grateful for the work as for the most part during her tenure with the company had seen her mostly doing busy work and routine maintenance.

"Smith Auli'il-report to the Central Gantry." He called over the comms.


Morris overheard the transmission and shook his head, peering through his spyglass over the blasted landscape from his position in the trenchline. The big man wondering what the kid had done to warrant the grandmaster's attention, before shrugging and returning to his watch. 'Good luck fuzzball,' he thought, 'you're gonna need it.'
Auli'i sighed heavily as she extricated herself from the cramped ventilation shaft, her fox anthro form now smudged with the residue of toxic dust. With practiced efficiency, she shed the makeshift outfit she had worn for the task and slipped back into her standard-issue Iron Company uniform. It was a routine she knew well, having grown up amidst the clangorous bustle of the Iron Company under the watchful eye of her adoptive father, Morris. Assigned to menial tasks like vent cleaning, vehicle repairs, and occasional septic system maintenance, Auli'i often felt the weight of unremarkable chores that seemed to define her existence within the company. Despite her yearning for more meaningful assignments, she remained silent, determined to prove herself through actions rather than words.

Ever since witnessing her adoptive mother, Tacho, command her formidable Norian Power Armor, a spark of ambition had ignited within Auli'i. She harbored a secret desire to one day wield such technology herself, though she never dared to voice this aspiration aloud. As she glanced down at her task pad, contemplating the next mundane duty awaiting her, a booming voice shattered her reverie. It was Grandmaster Steiner, whom Auli'i affectionately referred to as "grandpa" in her thoughts, summoning her urgently to the Central Gantry.

Gasping with a mix of excitement and apprehension, Auli'i wasted no time, her digitigrade feet propelling her swiftly through the labyrinthine corridors of the Iron Company base. Each step resonated with determination, her heart pounding with the hope that this summons might finally mark the beginning of something greater. “I swear, if that fucker, Revjack had come up with some fucking lie, to get me into trouble….” Auli’I muttered to herself as she moved to where she was summoned. Soon she arrived. ‘Sir! Smith Auli’I reporting as ordered!” The Fox Anthro said.
Steiner looked upon the fox-morph, arms crossed. Punctual-he would grant her that-time would tell if that would translate to the task at hand and prove the beastwoman was more than a simple menial. "I will not waste time with pleasantries⁹ Auli'il," he told the girl, uncrossing his arms and gesturing towards the assembled armors, "The task I have called you here for is one of urgency-what you see here before you is the Guardian Power Armor; as we have had to contend with the Mishu's own machines." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing, "The original was conceived some 80 years ago on the Company's previous homeworld, but was not able to be brought to fruition until now. "

A shame, had the former knight council just been able to keep its hubris in check they would not have been in the state they found themselves in now.

"You will be assigned to assist in further developing this armor system; understood?" The grandmaster's optics zeroed in on Auli'il as he awaited her response.
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Auli'i listened intently to Grandmaster Steiner's words, her red eyes widening with a mixture of awe and determination. The mention of the Guardian Power Armor stirred a fervor within her, and the realization that she was being entrusted with such a crucial task filled her with a sense of responsibility. Straightening her posture and meeting Steiner's gaze with unwavering determination, she nodded firmly.

"Yes, Sir!, I understand," Auli'i replied, her voice steady despite the surge of excitement coursing through her. "I will do everything in my power to assist in the development of the Guardian Power Armor. I am honored by this opportunity and will not disappoint you." With a newfound sense of purpose driving her, Auli'i was ready to prove herself and rise to the challenge laid before her.

As she turned her attention to the assembled armors, a sense of pride welled up within her at the thought of contributing to the advancement of such remarkable technology. This was her chance to showcase her skills, creativity, and dedication, to carve out a path for herself beyond the confines of routine maintenance tasks. With a determined gleam in her eyes, Auli'i stood ready to embark on this new chapter of her journey within the Iron Company, eager to make her mark and shape the future of Iron Comany.
"Good," He replied, "The first model you will familiarize yourself with is the T-1, also known as the Mark 1." He gestured to the egg-shaped machine-it's overlong arms sporting a pair of maulers in its grips; cockpit canopy open and almost resembling a miniaturized mech cockpit in the interior-though it seemed almost cramped in some ways for the average valhallan. "This was the original proposed prototype intended to replace the Dragoon; you should be more than familiar with those."

"Some of it's systems are quite similar, save for the fact it is considerably smaller and lesser armored." The Mechanoid shivered; given his size the smiths in charge had tried everything they could have him act as a test pilot before his internment-thankfully the Forgmaster had something to say about it, even if had been to avoid losing his gopher, "Its systems consist currently of autocannon, life support, anti-spall system and targeting computer-get a hardsuit, you're going to get a feel for this machine before we move on to the others-afterwards work will commence." He proceeded to the gantry door, waiting for the foxmorph to ready herself.
Auli'i absorbed Grandmaster Steiner's instructions with rapt attention, her keen intellect already dissecting the specifications of the T-1 Guardian Power Armor in her mind. As she approached the T-1, she couldn't help but marvel at the sleek design and compact yet formidable appearance of the prototype. With a sense of reverence, she gently ran her hand along the smooth surface of the armor, feeling the hum of its systems beneath her fingertips.

As she donned the hardsuit provided to her, Auli'i felt a surge of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins. This was a pivotal moment, a chance to step into the shoes of a test pilot and immerse herself in the intricacies of the Guardian Power Armor. With a focused determination, she settled into the cockpit, the controls fitting snugly in her grasp as she familiarized herself with the layout of the systems before her.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Auli'i prepared to engage the T-1, her mind racing with possibilities and strategies. She was ready to push the limits of the prototype, to showcase her piloting skills and technical acumen in shaping the future of Iron Company's combat capabilities. With a determined glint in her eyes, she nodded to Grandmaster Steiner, signaling her readiness to embark on this transformative journey. As the gantry door opened before her, Auli'i felt a surge of adrenaline, eager to prove herself and demonstrate her worth as she prepared to test the T-1 Guardian Power Armor.
"Alright, the T-1 is akin to most mechs we use; minus the Neurohelmet or any other such interface as it can piloted without one," Steiner said as he trundled forward, "To propel it forward use the footpads on floor-these can also assist in steering by essentially 'shifting' your feet either to the left or right-it is relatively slow however but it can maneuver-weapons are controlled via the arms-you will notice how there are 'gloves' around the joystick units?." The mechanoid paused for a moment looking back at her. "These are to control the hands, the joystick handles are meant to provide pilot feedback rather than any real means of control; they twist and turn like your own wrists allowing for greater movement, though the arms are somewhat limited in movement."

A ping emerged in Auli'il's hud with the designation 'Nav alpha' 200 meters out, as he continued, "Proceed to Navigation Point Alpha-I will meet you there." Steiner set off at a run-he knew the machine would trail behind but it would be a good mobility exercise for her. Before Auli'il was an "Obstacle Course" of sorts mostly consisting of a scrapyard of sorts outside the main gantry, along with the 'Highway' of trenches that litter the interior of Bifrost's surface level between the various surface structures.
Auli'i absorbed Grandmaster Steiner's instructions with keen interest, nodding along as she familiarized herself with the controls of the T-1 Guardian Power Armor. As she settled into the cockpit, her hands instinctively found their place on the joystick grips, the feedback mechanisms providing a sense of connection to the machine. With Steiner's guidance in mind, she carefully engaged the footpads to propel the T-1 forward, feeling the thrum of its systems as it responded to her commands.

With a sense of exhilaration, Auli'i navigated the obstacle course before her, deftly maneuvering the T-1 through the scrapyard with precision and control. The challenge of the course tested her reflexes and spatial awareness, pushing her to adapt to the unique handling of the Guardian Power Armor. As she made her way towards Navigation Point Alpha, Auli'i felt a rush of adrenaline, her focus unwavering as she embraced the opportunity to showcase her piloting skills.

With each twist and turn, she honed her ability to navigate the terrain, the T-1 responding to her commands with fluidity and grace. As she approached Steiner at the designated meeting point, a sense of accomplishment filled her, her determination unshaken by the obstacles that lay in her path. Ready to face whatever challenges awaited her, Auli'i stood poised and determined, eager to continue her journey of shaping the future of Iron Company's combat capabilities with the Guardian Power Armor at her command.
Steiner watched the machine bound across the landscape; despite it's awkwardness the T-1 suited the girl, though he pinned this more on the foxmorph being far smaller than its intended pilots. "Very good, now as you have no doubt noticed you're equipped with a pair of autocannons-though these are akin to hand weapons; you have 800 rounds total; 400 are the standard armor piercing, and 200 of HE and Cluster." He gestured to their arrival point; what seemed to be an empty gantry in the main vessel with what seemed to be a series of prefab buildings that had been, ten in total, arranged to resemble a town of sorts. "I have taken the liberty of setting up several dummy units; drones of sorts-your system is currently fitted with a training module; upon a hit it will reduce the overall effectiveness of the machine unless it is a kill hit." He paused for a moment, before adding. "The rounds are not live, just a powerful laser pointer of sorts-the module sensors will pick it up and adjust performance accordingly. You may proceed when ready."

Let's see how she handled it in a combat situation; even if only a mock battle.
Auli'i listened attentively to Grandmaster Steiner's instructions, her focus sharpening as she familiarized herself with the weaponry at her disposal. With a steady hand, she adjusted the targeting systems of the T-1 Guardian Power Armor, preparing to engage the dummy units set up for the training exercise. As she gazed out at the simulated town ahead, her heart raced with anticipation, eager to put her skills to the test in a mock battle scenario.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Auli'i activated the autocannons and directed her focus towards the first dummy target. With precision and concentration, she fired a burst of rounds, watching as the projectiles struck their mark with accuracy. The training module responded to her actions, simulating the effectiveness of her shots and providing valuable feedback on her performance.

As she advanced through the simulated town, engaging each dummy unit with calculated precision, Auli'i demonstrated her ability to adapt to combat situations and make split-second decisions under pressure. The feedback from the training module guided her movements, highlighting areas for improvement and reinforcing her successes.

With each successful engagement, Auli'i felt a growing sense of confidence in her piloting skills and combat prowess. She remained focused and determined, showcasing her agility and marksmanship as she navigated the mock battle scenario with skill and finesse. As the last of the dummy units fell before her, Auli'i stood victorious, her determination unwavering as she proved her mettle in the field of combat.