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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reactivated Side Mission: Shaping a New Aegis

As Auli'i absorbed the information Steiner provided about the Guardian armor's key features and systems, she felt a mix of excitement and curiosity. The INDMT system sounded advanced and versatile, offering her a range of functionalities to enhance her performance in combat scenarios. She visualized the HUD elements he described, carefully noting their locations and purposes within her field of view.

With her suit briefly locked for the systems check, Auli'i took the time to familiarize herself with the layout of the HUD and the vital information it displayed. The ammunition count, targeting reticle, armor condition, energy reserve, tactical map, chronometer, and comm arrays all seemed crucial for maintaining situational awareness and making tactical decisions in the heat of battle.

As Steiner explained the need for programming inputs for the control system, Auli'i nodded, understanding the necessity for setting up physical or audio commands to interface effectively with the armor's functions. She made a mental note to ensure she had the necessary inputs configured to maximize the efficiency of her interactions with the Guardian's systems. Feeling prepared and eager to test out the full capabilities of the Guardian armor, Auli'i stood ready for the next phase of the trial, ready to push the limits of the technology and prove her mettle in the field of combat under Steiner's guidance.
Morris had been watching the shifting dunes for the better part of an hour; a few unwelcome guests had popped in-mostly the usual skirmishers they'd trade fire with-a not unusual occurrence-but other than that it had been quiet. As he looked down the line the big man spotted the grandmaster and what looked like some kind of fancy hard suit-though the tail was a dead giveaway that it was Auil'il-made him wonder what in the hell the grandmaster was cooking up, and he decided it was well above his paygrade. ("Hey Morris!") He perked up as someone called his name-turning as one of his fellows jogged up to him, ("We've got movement out there!")

("Already?") He replied, pulling his spyglass and giving a quick brush in a vain attempt to try and clear the nigh omni-present dust before bringing it to his helmeted face-they'd already undergone a skirmish once today, ("Where?")

("Due south by southwest.") The yeoman pointed as he began scanning the horizon...


"We are going to start with basic maneuvers." Steiner explained as he paced around the course, "This will help familiarize you with the suit's various mobility systems. I have placed several magnesium torches with electronic igniters-you will need to trigger each one along the course-once active we will move on to more practical applications of the systems."
Auli'il listened attentively to Grandmaster Steiner's instructions regarding the start of the trial, focusing on the basic maneuvers that would help her familiarize herself with the mobility systems of the Guardian armor. She felt a surge of readiness as she prepared to engage in the initial challenge, eager to showcase her adaptability and mastery of the suit's capabilities.

As she surveyed the course ahead, Auli'il noted the placement of the magnesium torches with electronic igniters, each presenting a target for her to activate. With a sense of determination, she adjusted her stance and prepared to demonstrate her agility and precision in triggering each torch along the course.

Steiner's guidance echoed in her mind as she visualized the path ahead, ready to push the limits of the Guardian armor's mobility systems with finesse and skill. With a focused gaze and a steady hand, Auli'il set off along the course, navigating the obstacles with grace and efficiency, eager to prove her capabilities and readiness for the challenges that lay ahead.