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Approved Submission REE warhead

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  1. I agree
I guess I didn't put the link in right last time?

REE was used as the name since Wazu-stuff tends to be named for exactly what it is and REE sounds better than just EE (and there is a ton of other acronym going on with the rest of the parts anyways so I wasn't going to spell out emergency enclosure like I did with 'emergency helmet').
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I can't believe I need to say this but:

SARP is a science fiction website, meaning we don't need to comply with real world theories, or even the real world in general. This also means that - in relation to things like nebula's, they can be as dense, dangerous, what-not as the creator decides. They can block sensors, damage shields, damage the hulls, that's the point of being a creator and that adds to the RP.

Thank you Alex for your explanation.

Now, I will agree that the tracking can happen up UNTIL the ship enters the Nebula, beyond that - no it can't happen as Alex himself has already given the reasons why. Although the explanation of a telescope being that accurate and capable is dubious at best, I will permit at least in this case.
I would prefer a @Wes review in this instance. Claiming that your characters are invisible because youโ€™re using your GM authority to say other people canโ€™t see them is kinda silly.
Did the nebula happen before the incident where ships were lost? If not then we donโ€™t really have a problem.

You seemed just fine a bit ago with the nebula blocking the tracking, so what changed? Iโ€™ve compromised to a pretty good extent here, after an NTSE mod and a staff member asked you to change it.

Iโ€™ve held out an olive branch and you seem to be determined to do nothing but rebuke my attempts to compromise with you.
If the timeline allowed us to just not address what happens later that would have been fine. We could always have felt with it then.

I also donโ€™t see how this is a compromise. You are asking for everything you want, and Iโ€™m getting nothing that I want. Being able to view other characters that are out in the open shouldnโ€™t even be a GM or FM issue.
Iโ€™m getting nothing that I want

That is incorrect, please review the thread, you were told that you can keep the telescopes and track the fleet up UNTIL it reached the Nebula, then from there you can't keep tracking it. Please do not lie ok? I will not tolerate that kind of stuff, also, you won't always get *your* way, espically when it goes against what a GM has stated (or in some other cases, an FM)

In regards to your telescope, you stated about one or two light days, at two that would put the distance roughly 32m miles (if the conversion is correct) which means roughly the distance between Earth and Mars when they are at their closest. Mind you, at that distance, unless you had some pretty advanced technology, a bloody great super-computer, and accurate data you'd still have a hard time seeing anything. Now, such tech is possible in this universe which is why I was willing to allow it.

I have also stated once already that as FM's we can't just ignore what a GM says, we can't just toss out their opinions or dictate what goes on with their plot. After all, if the Uso are able to track Exodus even in the Nebula, then ANY ship, faction, what-not can track them as well. This would have ramifications for RP in the future, such as not allowing for stealth gameplay - or surprise attacks from a Nebula, since all it'd take is someone with a telescope being able to see into something that would block sensors.

You've been given some compromises, Alex has also provided you with an olive branch. I was also willing to go with some of what you requested, override Frost in his suggestions, and accept what Alex has gone on. There will be no further compromises. Please make the requested changes. Then this item can finally be approved. However, if you want to ignore a GM, NTSE Mod, and a staff member, then I will reject this submission.
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It looks like the thread has a lot of arguing over whether or not some fleet was tracked. Please link me to the thread where the fleet was tracked in RP. If no such thread exists, then I'm ruling that it's not canon that the fleet was tracked.
I dont mean to barge in like a bull in a china shop here, but how does a fleet being tracked even decide if a warhead was made. From reading this it seems like its included in the page but, if this vier hadnt tracked them at all couldn't they still make a warhead...
Part of what I'm going for with Vier is the whole 'robot overlord' thing, but I don't want to do 'robot tries to kill humanity' because that story has been done better than I could do it.

Instead, it is taking the track of trying to improve people's lives. The RP linked to earlier is her deciding to take a more aggressive approach towards that goal: Mandatory life for everyone. That is kinda spurr'd on by her watching people make decisions that get them perma-killed.
I am assigning this review to staff member @Kyle and requesting the checklist.
That's not a thread in which the fleet was tracked. That's a thread where you decided that they were tracked on your own.
Ok, as Wes just pointed out to me, for some reason the submission review sheet I posted a few DAYS AGO isn't in the thread anymore. As a note, I had posted the checklist back on the 15th -,-, so it's a little annoying that for some reason the reply isn't here anymore. So I've gone and pulled my backup and here it is again:

[ x ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ๏ธx ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ x ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ x ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ x ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate
[ x ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ x ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ x ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ x ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ x ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Now, as for why this got held up, the reason was due to non-canon information being included and used as a reason. I am asking that such information please be fixed and once it is fixed then we can get this thing approved.
I'm not seeing anything about Exodus fleet in that post, which is not really written in a readable format. Additionally, Exodus fleet is a plot GMed by Alex so I'm going with the GM's word on what happened in his plot. @Zack I think you should update the WIP article to remove that particular reference, so that it doesn't hold up the submission.

Edit: Ninja'd by Kyle
I made-generic the first few lines to remove mentioning of the Exodus fleet.

I still think it is silly to use GM authority to keep someone from seeing what you're doing when out in public like that.
You've already been told *why* it can't be made possible, GM Authority has no bearing on it in this case but even if it did, SM also states that it can't be done.

Now that the non-canon references have been removed:

[ x ] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[ x ] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[ x ] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[ x ] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[ x ] 5. Link other articles to the approved article as appropriate (equipment lists, etc.)

Thus it is approved!

In an effort to make these processes easier in the future, please do not argue with staff when they make a decision on something, I do have Wes's authority in these matters.
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