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SACN Request for KAMI: Pisces/Star Army Logistics


Well-Known Member
To Star Army Logistics, Nataria

I am Santo Juni Kage Yaichiro of the Scorpio-class Pisces Star Fortress.

I well understand the need for tending to the front-line needs of the army first, but our need for a high-level IES has become, quite literally, a matter of mortal concern. I request one of the following:

1. That a KAMI system be sent out as soon as possible to Pisces

2. A vessel with a MEGAMI be sent out to act as an interim until a KAMI can be sent out (we lack our 24 vessel compliment at this time as well, any one of which would be suitable if they were sent)

If not, I plan to scour the debris field for a damaged vessel with a MEGAMI in it, but my Daisy 1B also has yet to arrive. I understasnd the need for the other front line vessels to be equipped, but we are in desperate need as well. Please respond as quickly as reasonably possible.


Santô Juni Kage Yaichiro
Head Weapons Engineer, Pisces Star Fortress