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SACN Request to Propose Marriage by Commanding Officers


Well-Known Member
To Tange Ayana-Taisa
Senator, Jiyuu Cluster

I apologize for bothering you, but I have something to propose for inclusion in law.

I have noticed my crewmen forming relationships which are not explicable as simply lust between shipmates, but a couple starting to truly gain romantic interest in one another. It got me thinking about their future, and the ancient Nepleslian tradition of Ship Captains being able to legally marry members of their crew.

Happiness for soldiers and officers can be seldom and far between, and this is just one thing we can do for those who fall in love from living together, saving each others' lives, and serving for the same cause.

I would like to adopt this practice in the following way, though it can be amended as needed for passage:

Proposed Amendment: Marriage by Commanding Officers

Section 1: Purpose and Elaboration
This Amendment permits Star Army Commanding Officers (white Panels) Shoi or higher to make legally binding unions of marriage between crew, or between crew and civilian entities upon the consent of both parties.

For the purposes of this Amendment, Marriage is the legal union of two people, regardless of gender and age, who are of sound mind and body upon the wedding day, of an age of consent, and 25% or less of their alleles in common. This is regardless of gender and is permissible between any races who are members and allies of the Star Army of Yamatai.

Also, this formally recognizes marriages performed by Commanding Officers in any branch of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia or other applicable allied government, or marriages performed by the old Star Army of Nepleslia, if legal by Nepleslian Law.

Section 2: Requirements
The White Panel officer unifying the personnel must be a higher rank than both parties being wed for the purposes of respect, unless permission is granted to the White Panel from another Commanding Officer truly higher in rank, or unless the union is conducted by a pair of COs, one of whom is higher in rank than the two to be wed (See Sub-Section 2-3).

Sub-Section 2-1: Soldier/Officer and Civilian or Plebian (Yamatai Star Empire)
The CO of the Soldier or Officer can conduct the union as outlined.

Sub-Section 2-2: Soldiers/Officers, same assignment
The CO of the Soldier or Officer can conduct the union as outlined.

Sub-Section 2-3: Soldiers/Officers, different assignments
Both COs must approve of the union. It is recommended that both COs perform the marriage if possible, though one can if their rank exceeds both of those to be wed, or if they possess the consent of the CO who does.

Sub-Section 2-4: Soldiers/Officers, one from YSA, one from the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia or other applicable allied government
This requires not only both COs to conduct the marriage, but consent from Admiralty of the fleets both parties are members of.

Sub-Section 2-5: Soldier/Officer and Civilian (Democratic Empire of Nepleslia or other applicable allied government)
The CO of the Soldier or Officer can conduct the union as outlined, but only with the consent of the Admiralty of the fleet of the YSA personnel and the permission of the Democratic Empire of Nepleslia or the other applicable allied government, preferably in the form of a signed Nepleslian Marriage License or other applicable government document.

Sub-Section 2-6: Soldier/Officer and a non-member of the YSE or DEN/other applicable allied government
This is not permitted without the permission of Yui-Taisho-sama or the Emperor/Empress.

The details can be amended as needed, I just believe a system should be finalized for this issue.


Taii Kage Yaichiro
Director, Starship Improvement Project, Hotaru Star Fortress
CO, YSS Asuka, NS-X5-23
(Registered Resident of Tokyo, Jiyuu)
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To: Kage Yaichiro - YSS Asuka
From: [email protected]
Re: Request to Propose Marriage by Commanding Officers

Dear Kage-Taii,

It is always nice to hear from one of the brightest gentlemen that we have the honor of employing in our illustrious Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. Your suggestion intrigues me and admittedly caught me off-guard from the usual duties and requests I fill each day as part of my usual workload. It is quite refreshing to see suggestions come through that might help strength the bonds between our citizens; as well as, our esprit de corps.

When I first received this I thought that perhaps we already had something in place about marriage but after some research, there is not. I hope that after some deeper thought in regards to your suggestion and once our new peace treaty with the DIoN passes, I can propose this to our Senate and the Nepleslian ambassador.

My main concerns are that in accordance to our agreement with the DIoN we do not allow dual citizenship and nekovalkyrja are illegal on SMoDIN soil or property. But if so filled with passion, one might be willing to ST to a Yamataian body to be with the one you love or renounce citizenship.

I will have to work out the finer points with the other Senators and the ambassador to see about the possibility of making marriage an affair that doesn't require a full vote from the Senate or the Royal Family. I assure you, I will do everything I can to get this passed to legally make this proposal possible.

I thank you with all of my heart for all of your contributions or our fleet, our military, our nation.

May the road rise up to meet you and the wind always be at your back.

~ Tange-Katsura Ayana
Senator, Yuugumo Cluster.
Governor, Tokyo, Jiyuu.
