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Research Costs?


Inactive Member
Wes, or anyone, what are the costs for research into new technologies on a monthly (or whatever) basis? If there are research and development costs, i need to know as some major (and minor) projects are currently underway...
*Grumbles* Somehow this topic never got highlighted and so I didn't know to read it until browsing the forum just now! Sorry.

Research is usually quite expensive (in the real world, anyway). What did you have in mind?
Let me geuss, theors no guide lines in place? So I suppose Rob when he's doing his finance puts in a large figure for research and you lot tell him whether it's high enough or not given the new stuff NovaCorp might be bringing out.

If anyone has any ideas about guide line, they could be very intresting to read.
I'd like to add that time is also a factor. Nothing gets researched in one day. If you have something specific in mind, then I'd suggest throwing it out here for the players to discuss. We can collectively work out issues such as believablility, power levels, potential implications, etc. And this will take time, which is good, since it lets people get a chance to become comfortable with the idea, and also reflects the time it takes to research something with applications.

And if people go against your idea, don't take it personally.
Like my drawn out Gyroc idea? Would you say thats had enough time to be researched (really it's not that complicated, well other than the homing bullets). I like the idea though, posting time coresponds as research tme, and all the complaints are somewhat like problems in the development. 😉
Well I play a character who could potentially be targeted by assassins, so I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of a bullet that can home in on his head. But I don't have any technological objections to it.

I'm interested in what other people have to say though. And "gryocs sux" doesn't count. :p Tell us why it wouldn't work, or would, or whatever.
The thing about it is that it fires rockets which follow the rules for rocket propultion. If you want the equation for that I have it but to say it simple: A rocket continuously accelerates but looses mass as it travels. The rocket would always have less kenetic energy than a bullet of the same size.
Now that is something I hadn't taken into acount. Now could I compenstate by giving it a very high powered fuel? Or I could make it so the missiles aren't accelerated just by themselves, but with the assistance of a magnetic coil type acceleration in the barrel of the gun. This would grant it a lrage amount of starting acceleration and kinetic force, yet still allow the acceleration, manouverability and range part of the missile.

At least thats how it might work. (Sigh). If you can tell me whether this works out any of the kinks in the design or raises new ones, or whatever, that would be great.
If you have something in the gun that throws the rocket out then you loose most of the advantages of having a rocket handgun. First you have recoil and second it is no longer a small, easy to use weapon because of the fireing mechanisum.

Reguardless the rockets would loose effectiveness over range you just need to decide if you want a short, medium or long range weapon. For short consider solid fuel, it burns fast but it would accelerate the rocket faster. Burning out quickly dosen't matter if your close to your target. Liquid fuel burns more slowly so it would carry more mass allowing it to go a bit further than solid fuel but accelerate slower. Consider it for medium ranges. A plasma drive of sorts would require a bit of help to get going but would have longer range (and the need for a energy supply of some sort but if you have a projectile that tracks its target you'll need that for a computer and guidance system anyways) For long ranges you could also give the weapon an chemical energy tip to vaporise its target on impact with.
OK it seems obvious I'm going to have to re-think some of this. Maybe I'll have to produce a wide range of different Gyroc type weapons, or at least different types of ammunition. In any case I wasn't actualy planning on the usual Gyroc missile being tracking, just a more exspensive variety.

I suppose I could make a larger more powerfull version for a mecha, or adapt it for that sort of use. Do you think it would be any good?
That is the brilliant thing about a weapon like this, the only real part it has is the ammunition so it can be instantly scaled to any size for any use (with some exceptions). It could just as easy be a handheild weapon or an orbital attack device.
So can you give me some advice on how to make a gyroc weapon, with power yet having the tracking abilities I've hinted at. I'll take any advice very seriously and try to make it into a weapon to sell.
Well... its unwise to help develop a weapon to be used against yourself.

I'll give you technical advice if you ask questions and let you design the weapon.

Here are some different kinds of micro-missiles I've come up with. See anything wrong?

Different types of micro-missiles:

Conventional: these are non-explosive, and have a speed of and a range of .
High power: These burn up their fuel quicker and travel much faster, meaning they hit with a lot more force, but don't have the same sort of range. This uses solid fuel
High Range: These burn for longer meaning they can travel for further without slowing down. This uses liquid fuel
Low explosive: These have a low grade explosive centre, which they let off when they hit a target
Medium Explosive: These have a regular grade explosive centre, which they let off when they hit a target
High explosive: These have a very high grade explosive, which they let off when they hit the target
Heat seeking: These have a heat seeking sensor in them, and fly towards the hottest source
Tracking: These have a variety of scanning devices in them and follow any object that matches several of the sensory specifics that have been programmed into it
Smart: These
Very smart: These micro-missiles have advanced circuitry in them that allows them to make rational decisions. It has sensory data in it and has the sole purpose of either dealing the most possible damage or taking out a certain individual
Nuclear: Has a very small amount of fissionable material in the centre of the missile, creating a very small nuclear explosion
Armour piercing:
Tangler: Explodes before hitting target and covers them with polymer threads, immobilising them
Cluster: split up into several smaller missiles or bombs
DumDum: If it comes to stop in a body, it shoots out barbs to make it impossible to remove.

So just tell me whats wrong (or right) and I'll change it accordingly
Keep in mind that you require a certain ammount of HEU in order to produce a workable fusion device. The actual amount is a classified secret but some belive that it can be as small as 1kg. A nuclear round would be unworkable for anything smaller than the davy crockette nuclear weapon system (think large rocket launcher).

As for explosive rounds, the rocket fuel is explosive enough and you might as well use it as the explosive instead of a warhead unless you are simply trying to deliver a special type of explosive.
Thanks for the feedback. I suppose the nuclear centre was a bit over ambitous. About the explosive, their are some very powerfull explosives that could be used, including Francium (if you can stabalise it) which should be significantly more powerfull than Caesium (have you ever seen a water Caesium reaction?) There also a two stage explosive I've been toying with, in which the first explosion spreads a explosive dust or gas throughout the area, and the second explosion sets that off. Impressive no?

However can anyone think of a powerfull explosive that could fit in a micro-missile which doesn't resort to anti-matter (although this is possible), fussion (also possible according to an article I read somewhere), or fission. Also quantum and aetheric devices probably would be a little overpowered (and a little to bulky).
I do know of a lot of different fatal poison and nerve gasses (thorium and VX stick in my mind) but I was thinking that a Gyroc micro-missile would usualy kill from impact. However when against heavy armour I suppose it could puncture and inject a concoction of ricin, thorium, VX and something else I've forgotton. Seriously this would kill anything.