Star Army

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Research Costs?


Inactive Member
Wes, or anyone, what are the costs for research into new technologies on a monthly (or whatever) basis? If there are research and development costs, i need to know as some major (and minor) projects are currently underway...
OK now I have the figures for the most dangerous substances currently known to man:

Most toxic substance: radioactive element Thorium 228 also known as radiothroium
Just 2.4 x 10 ^ -16 g per m3 (1.1 x 10^-17 oz/yd3) of air is lethal to a normal human

Most toxic non-radioactive substance: Beryllium
Is lethal to humans at a concentration of 2 x 10^-6 mer m3 (9x10^-8 oz/yd3)

Most toxic man made substance: TCDD (the full name is meaningless)
Enviromental conentrations of TCDD above 50 parts per trillion are haxardous to health

Most powerfull nerver gas: VX (Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminothylmethylphosphonothiolate)
This is 300 times morce powerfull than the nerve gas COCl2 used in World War and 0.3 mg (0.00001 oz) is fatal

As you can see you don't want any of this stuff near you, so if you put in a Gyroc to be injected, or in a grenade to be dispursed in the air well ... B)
I to have played Red Alert. A little. But what does anyone think of toxic substances? Are they at least intresting? or usefull? I mean even an amzingly tiny amount of radiothorium or berylium spread in the air would kill ... many
Fine I'll just assume that everyone is fine with me using those kinds of substances. Still it might be intresting that any person not wearing a powerfull gas mask could be in serious danger of a gas cannister filled with radiothorium or berylium. In fact an entire cannister might wipe out a small city. And the nerve gas that almost instantly kills anyone that even gets a drop 1/8th the size of a raindrop on their skin. Or TCDD, of which even a small amount can make a large area uninhabitable for a very long time. I'll just assume I can go ahead and turn these into weapons (don't worry I'll also create the relevant protection technology ... probably)

Anyway I was wondering how computer in Stararmy work, how have they managed to get passed the minimun sculpting on silicon? How fast are they? What is the state of AI's and how small can a computer be and still be sentient? What is the most powerfull computer? Can anyone give me any info on stararmy computers? I have some ideas, but I need to see what there is first.
Anyway I was wondering how computer in Stararmy work, how have they managed to get passed the minimun sculpting on silicon?
Things are way past integrated circuits. These are quantum computers, not anything like the ones we know today.
How fast are they?
Very, very fast. The ones on most starships are FTL.
What is the state of AI's and how small can a computer be and still be sentient?
AI systems are widespread and can be found even in things like clothing, stuffed animals, or wrist watches.
What is the most powerfull computer?
The most powerful computers are the ones that make up the top level of the PANTHEON system.
Can anyone give me any info on stararmy computers?
There's a whole series of them. It's best to look at them by starship.
OK so having a AI in a micro-missile isn't impossible, just very expensive.
Don't know why you'd want sentient missiles, anyway.

Is Quantum Computing technology restricted?
No, but if NovaCorp suddenly pulls a quantum computer out of its arse, it's not going to fly (just in case you were pondering that ^_^;; ).
Oh no of course not (gulps, sweats, pulls on collar). I'm sure NovaCorp will not be pulling quantum computers out of its orifices. Not for a long time yet it anycase. I'm quite willing to stay with (relitively) low powered computers, might even bring in some ideas of my own.

Oh by the way what did you mean not going to fly? Did you mean that NovaCorp would have to buy designs, or spend massive amounts of time and money developing it (not that we want to 😉 ). Any ideas for less powerfull computers?
But what does anyone think of toxic substances? Are they at least intresting? or usefull? I mean even an amzingly tiny amount of radiothorium or berylium spread in the air would kill ... many

Fine I'll just assume that everyone is fine with me using those kinds of substances.

Why would you ask, and then an hour later say "Fine"? Were you expecting an answer that quickly? Anyway, I don't know how useful they'd actually be, considering any soldiers you'd fight would probably have some sort of resistance because if you haven't noticed, a lot of war machines here are overpowered. That's why ballistic weapons aren't used. If you wanted to kill some civilians though, I don't see why not.
Oh by the way what did you mean not going to fly? Did you mean that NovaCorp would have to buy designs, or spend massive amounts of time and money developing it (not that we want to Wink ).
I meant that if I don't think the technology could've been developed, I won't allow it in the RP. The key things are I'd like are for development to make sense and not to be instant.

Any ideas for less powerfull computers?
Well, you don't have to settle for less powerful computers. You can always buy quantum computers from Kessaku Electronics (or Qel'noran Fleet Systems, to an extent). If you want to make your own, bio-neural types and DNA computers would probably be within a decent reach for starting, given a proper research base.
Actualy I don't think it was an hour. I posted the question 06:06 AM and said my fine post 19:48 PM (these are both my time, minus five for your lots time). This is not one hour, unless the laws of space time have mucked up. But I admit I was being a little hasty, I get impatient sometimes, and the time differance between Britain and America makes this kinda hard. I'll try harder.

Okay thinking about bio-neural, DNA, bacteria based comuters. Thanks
Zakalwe said:
I to have played Red Alert. A little. But what does anyone think of toxic substances? Are they at least intresting? or usefull? I mean even an amzingly tiny amount of radiothorium or berylium spread in the air would kill ... many

People tend to clam up when you say stuff that make them nervous.

I'm not trying to be antagonistic here, but is it just me, or is NovaCorp's future product line looking more and more sinister? :|
You know I think it is mwahahahahaha. Only kidding. To be fair I'm just bringing in ideas I've had for a long time, and trying to fill in gaps I think have been left in the stararmy's technological development.

However if something is TOO sinister, I'm sure Wes will declare we can't sell it to anyone (other than the stararmy). I do actualy have some more ideas (evil glint in eyes he strolls of whistling).

Does anyone actualy have an reasonable problems with me creating a weapon which is efectively a 3cm cubed sphere which contains beryllium or radiothorium and lets it out once it hits the ground, or once it rolls a certain way?
After reading this, I can see it sorta went off-topic from the title to zero-in on a specific weapon that the OP wanted to make. But this thread gained my attention quite a bit since there are species and factions who would likely want to develop/experiment in research categories and there's still not really a guide on how to execute this sort of stuff via IC and OOC legalities. Obviously IC could be as simple sometimes as researching it, but the OOC implications of the setting mod could cause research costs and even actual research RP'd into wasted efforts on stuff that isn't viable.

TLDR: since we have setting mods, maybe they can come together to make a more step-by-step presentation of how developing new/different forms of technology works to more properly/more likely achieve approval.