Bug Alley
Koyama's response to Cassie's warning was a subtle hiss as she utilized her wireless capabilities in place of a throat mic. While kitted with a communications suite, the Neko had come to prefer to simply use her innate abilities instead. Perhaps it was pride talking. Or simple logic. Yet what came next as Sanda disappeared, her suggestion warranted as she moved in silence. Being behind both Thad and Cassie, the Nekovalkyrja contemplated merely grabbing the pair or one at a time and floating them to the top. Though she wondered if the Nepleslian meathead would make a big deal of it. Or if the ambiguous anthro would complain as a result.
Deciding for them, Koyama said in a rather succinct sentence: "I am moving us up top." before grabbing Thaddeaus by the scruff of his outfit with a 'Hush' tossed in, she yanked him back behind cover and did just that. It was an effort. Lifting both her kit, his, and the giant (compared to herself) Nepleslian hybrid skyward before unceremoniously letting him down. It was not a flat-out drop. But enough for him to catch his feet with minimal effort. With a look that brooked no-nonsense, the Chui leaped from the building again with ease and down to Cassie.
Ensuring the female-seeming being was aware of her presence, and equally unceremoniously, but more delicately, Koyama placed an arm about their waist and did much the same as she had the much heavier half ID-SOL. "No complaints" her voice low over their comms.
"You do not want to fight Rixxikor in confined or narrow spaces. Kill a few and they swarm. If they get within several meters of you they can spray you with flesh liquifying acid from their claws which also double as sharp instruments capable of decapitation."
All of this was said over their little secure network. "Better to have a vantage versus doing so where such a thing can be done. They can climb, but with the high-ground on our side and if they are forced to do so... we stand a much better chance. And I can move us easily and quietly. On the ground depending on their number, by the time we killed a few, they would be upon us or near enough. They are that fast." it was not without risk. Especially if they had some sort of explosive ordnance launchers.
She also hastened to add: "And watch for their secondary eyes. Motion-sensitive and no volumetrics! It glows to them." from her explanation, if a little long-winded, it was clear she'd either read about them or had fought them more than once. In truth she had. Having joined the Star Army before the war back in YE:35 and seeing it through to Glimmergold aboard the First Expeditionary Fleet's flagship, the YSS Tokyo, a Dreadnought and all but wiping out a colony with the press of a button. Although the last had been a group effort between Aradia and herself. Leading the engineering staff had been easier than dealing with a situation such as this.
Running her next set of orders through her bracelet's more heavy encryption methods, Koyama signaled the shuttle, "Leyton-hei, you may have possible inbound Rixxikor. They are wandering in your general direction. They are in no hurry, however, if you feel the need, dust off and find a second landing site with better cover. As for Benna-chui, I would suggest trying to keep her as calm as possible. Volumetric camouflage projection systems will only serve to alert them to your presence if they come within range." the last she added for good measure. Having been alone for so long, and having lost those she'd linked up with over the years may have been a traumatizing experience for the woman.
And with the enemy possibly being near, there was no telling how the female would handle the situation.
"If I can, we can set up a cross-fire position at the very least and catch them all at once should it be necessary." her own choice of weapon had been picked for just such an occasion. No noise, and set to fire invisible pulses of energy. Yet what may be invisible to the average human or Nepleslian may not be so to her eyes, or what she very much considered a blight of a race. Indeed, the XO was rather prejudiced against the Rixxikor. And rightly so for how they reproduced. Given time the egg-laying crass insects could overrun a world within mere weeks unless stop-
With a blink, Koyama sent another message to the shuttle: "Leyton-hei, did Hanako's World warrant Nodal system placement?" her question came with another in mind. A specific command could be run through such a system if it were indeed in place to deal with Rixxikor infestations. But if the planetary systems had already been compromised, the jet-haired Neko was unsure if it'd even be possible to initiate without an IES system above or on the same level of a MEGAMI, or even KAMI unit.