Star Army

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OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)


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I've been thinking a lot about my next roleplay plot and things are starting to come together more.

Here's a concept for a new plot:
RESURGENCE OF YAMATAI - With the Kuvexians defeated, the Yamatai Star Empire once again becomes the dominant force in the Kikyo Sector. In the aftermath of a costly war, the newly-constructed YSS Resurgence sets out to help the Empire take stock of what is left, both in known and unknown space, and to rebuild not only Yamatai's defenses but its relationships with their neighbors. Players will join Star Army's founder and first game master, Wes, on an epic journey to visit every corner of the Star Army universe as well as expanding it with new levels of detail.​

The plot would be based on a Fuji or Plumeria 2E and it would basically be on a trip to visit as many places in the setting as possible and do some interesting RP - basically ground around improving the setting's detail as a whole, adding history, fleshing out the Star Army universe, and having fun RP along the way that would be a "life in the Star Army" plot with lots of exploration, some smaller-scale combat but not all the time (Kuvexian leftover need cleanup!) and some diplomacy as we visit worlds of other factions and meet non-Yamataian ships. The idea would be to start at Yamatai and kind of work our way out. We will also discover new stuff. But keep in mind there's a lot of already canon systems with very little development that are just as ripe for building on.
If it's newly built, then it's probably a Fuji. That said, I really like the Fuji class. I'm in for this, trying to decide if I'd want to make a new character or reuse an old one.
Oh that does sound fun. I will have to make a new character for that since Trowa just got back to his old ship.
Cool! I'm glad there's interest. Some additional thoughts:

- Would like to start in January 2021
- Not sure who the captain will be yet. Might be my NPC or might be a PC. (If PC, influences where we go next)
- Will have at least one "old salt" NCO NPC who can provide solid advice and GM insight to any player leadership
- Ship may not necessarily be built when the plot starts - might be cool to kind of watch it happen and a good excuse to wander around planet Yamatai initially.
- Accepting new players on a regular basis is a major OOC goal. Would be an "easy flow" plot where people can come and go easily.
- Not every character has to be in every episode
- We will try to invite a lot of guest stars to RP with us and touch the other ships and factions as much as possible instead of staying in an RP bubble
- Probably max of 10 active players but the ship is big enough that we can drag around semi-inactive players who don't post much lol
- Forum posting mainly but...
- would like to do occasional self-contained JP "Mission in a day" episodes so we can accomplish more. It would be OK to miss these if you can't make them.

That said, what would you guys like to see out of the plot?
Your first pitch was very intriguing. Flying around a war torn empire has the potential for literally anything and everything to happen. This is also a plot that could go on for quite awhile since in reality it would take an empire a long time to recover to the point it was before the war.
A more lax approach to the enforcement of SA regulations, perhaps. By this I mean, allowing a little hijinks here and there at the discretion of the GM/Captain/Officers. For instance, the engineering crew putting rubber spiders inside mindy armors for the infantry to find, the infantry in turn sneaking into Fabrication and hiding devices that play really annoying music until they're found.

For harmless things like this, an officer may just repress their grin and "sternly" tell the crew to knock it off. If it goes on, that's when actual punishments start getting doled out.

This in turn, I believe would allow room for players to actually create a little conflict between crewmembers. I feel like in most plots (and I'm certainly guilty too) the PCs act so unnaturally polite and nice to one another because the players themselves don't want to get in trouble/booted from the plot. As a bunch of 20-somethings in a metal can lightyears from civilization, soldiers will be soldiers, people will have disagreements, so on and so forth. In my opinion, this would do wonders to help promote the theme of "life in the Star Army".
I know what you mean. One example, which sadly we never got to do much with, was near the end of the YSS Eucharis plot, there was actual RP where Cherry, chief engineer, took photos of her coworker's wang, and then printed out ten thousand stickers of the photographs and hid them throughout the entire starship in places like behind maintenance panels, under bunks, in storage lockers, etc, so that it was impossible to technically service anything without seeing the meaty one-eyed monster...all as a bored joke.
I'd throw you my Shoi since I am ICly kicking him off as acting Centurion soonish. But committed him as an exchange for the new NDC plot (which will be hilarious). I'll figure who else might be a fit.
If you need an intelligence officer, Saiga’s always there to defy death-by-Hanako (or whoever of a more appropriate rank ends up in command). I’ve got some unused lower ranked Neko, too. Looks cool!
If the Hanako Shall resist thread is concluded, with Victory for the good guys, i can free my Neko Yayoi for the plot.
I could always use someplace to put Matsuvo. Things just haven't gone right for him since the Eucharis was removed from normal duties, so getting back to some low stakes stuff could be nice.
If you want a less-friendly neko to add some variety i can offer my Tabako who you'll never have to worry about promoting since she'll just get demoted again and hears occasional GM posts about her as a voice in the back of her head like a lunatics 6th sense that shes convinced is out to get her.

She also sounds like Doctor Girlfriend from the venture bros.
If it's newly built, then it's probably a Fuji. That said, I really like the Fuji class. I'm in for this, trying to decide if I'd want to make a new character or reuse an old one.

Oh that does sound fun. I will have to make a new character for that since Trowa just got back to his old ship.

So it'd be basically like the Enterprise.

...Hell YESS!

I have Space Elon Musk standing by.
Go on...

Screw it-this has got my attention, if I can get my char finished before then, I'll sign on as a mercenary if the SA will have me.
The Star Army doesn't work with mercs!

I'd throw you my Shoi since I am ICly kicking him off as acting Centurion soonish. But committed him as an exchange for the new NDC plot (which will be hilarious). I'll figure who else might be a fit.
I need a captain and First Officer!

If you need an intelligence officer, Saiga’s always there to defy death-by-Hanako (or whoever of a more appropriate rank ends up in command). I’ve got some unused lower ranked Neko, too. Looks cool!
Would be be interested in him being the captain? Other than that he might be kind of overqualified.

If the Hanako Shall resist thread is concluded, with Victory for the good guys, i can free my Neko Yayoi for the plot.
When will you be able to know?

I could always use someplace to put Matsuvo. Things just haven't gone right for him since the Eucharis was removed from normal duties, so getting back to some low stakes stuff could be nice.

If you want a less-friendly neko to add some variety i can offer my Tabako who you'll never have to worry about promoting since she'll just get demoted again and hears occasional GM posts about her as a voice in the back of her head like a lunatics 6th sense that shes convinced is out to get her.

She also sounds like Doctor Girlfriend from the venture bros.
I'm kind of unsure but I'm leaning towards giving her a try at least.

Need a pilot and veteran from battle of Nataria ? Would be up for a few missions.

At this point I'm going to start building the crew so I can get everyone's character on the crew roster chart and see what gaps need to be filled in.

Please post a Request for Orders or post the URL of your relevant orders thread here. If you need a new orders thread let me know and I can post one.

Still very stoked to do this plot.
Yeah, Tabako could use an orders thread reassigning her from the Komainu if ye could be so kind, wesman since i won't be at my PC until the late afternoon~

Shes currently a Ranger. So if ye want to keep her on as ground-crew/security I'm prime with that but if you need another role filled feel free to slot her into something that would make sense~
@Wes Unfortunately, that will depend on Demi, unless someone else takes over the plot. but maybe i can say she got injured and had been lifted off planet or something since its closed.