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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

Ruined Chances [Language Advisory]


“SHIT! SHIT ! SHIT!” Raji hissed through gritted teeth as he flattened himself against the broken marble flooring of the ruined Chancer corporate building as five .45 caliber pistol rounds whizzed into the desk where his head would’ve been a few moments ago. He scrambled on all fours in a half army crawl to find the wall access panel that he had used to enter the damn building.

“HEY KID, JUST GIVE YOURSELF UP AND YOU WON”T GET A MAGAZINE EMPTIED INTO YOUR ASS,” the man with the pistol bellowed after him. His heavy boots thundered across the marble in hurried pursuit that echoed widely throughout the building’s shell.

Raji kept his head down and tried to keep his breathing as quiet as he could as he scrambled forward, trying to keep low and not make too much noise. He was thankful that the building didn’t have any electricity and his eyes were made for night jaunts like this had been. He just assumed that the man didn’t have similar cybernetics since he hadn’t filled him full of good old-fashioned lead yet.

The man’s footfalls stopped as his flashlight slowly swept across the wreckage, illuminating broken husks of desks and old fashioned computer CRT monitors splayed across broken expensive dark green marble floor tiles. He listened trying to recall the location of all the tunnels that lead into the building, this punk wasn’t the first to try to get his rocks off in here but he was the first to see something that he shouldn’t have.

What the fuck is going on here? SHIT, I only wanted to grab a handful of scrap metal and okay, maybe do a couple lines but FUCK, what is this guy’s problem? Why the hell would anyone give a fuck about this place?! It’s been empty for like… 20 years after that fucknut blew himself up in here! I don’t even think they did anything aside from accounting here! He’s gonna kill me unless I get my ass into that panel and get the fuck out of dodge…. Raji hurriedly thought as he stumbled forward towards the wall, he could see the panel now but he was out of cover.

Raji heard the explosion of the bullet from the muzzle of the .45 a second before he felt himself fall forward. He managed to let out a startled groan as his blood trickled down what was left of his face from the gaping hole in his forehead.

The man with the gun grunted as he walked over to the boy’s body and turned it over. He looked over the face curiously as he poked it with the tip pf his boot. He couldn’t recognize the brand of ‘netics the kid was sporting. “You should send her down here to clean this crap up, I’m gonna salvage these optics and see if I can play back whatever them recorded into their little data banks. It should be in the memory, it’s only been a few minutes and… computers don’t get stressed,” he said rather calmly over his neck microphone.

“You know damn well she’s not allowed down. Clear the area and we’ll let the Dog get the mess,” a voice replied back through the man’s earpiece.

The man shuddered at the thought of what the Dog would do and nodded, despite knowing that no one could see him and pulled a knife from his pocket after reholstering his .45. He skillfully pried out Raji’s eyes and ran as fast as he could out of the room back upstairs to the safe zone.

A large creature half-rushed half-crashed into the room and sniffed the air. It smelled the bouquet of slowly cooling blood and the onset of decaying meat. It salivated and shambled over to the body, and lifted and arm up to its long malformed snout with very human hands and sloppily began to eat….
Medea Sparks stood outside of the Chancer Corporate building, shivering in her thin grey jacket as a strong breeze flung dust, debris and her black and green hair around her spot on the crumbling sidewalk. It was a cold, overcast night and the wind was the sort that made your soul freeze. She inwardly cursed herself for not wearing a thicker jacket before stepping outside that night.

She felt incredibly small beside this large 60 story husk of a once grand building with its broken tinted windows and tarnished brass trimmings. It was a gigantic eyesore and it was a wonder that it hadn't been bulldozed and replaced like many of the other buildings in the neighborhood. "What the heck I am doing out here? This is a weird place to meet up for a blind date... I really hope that this 'Aetherspermoholic guy isn't some freakin' psycho," she muttered softly to herself as she tried to pull her jacket tighter around herself.