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Rules Enforcement

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In an effort to prevent drama I plan to step up enforcement of rules, particularly ones about being respectful to each other and preventing harassment by one member to another.

I am also interested in hearing your suggestions for updating SARP's rules in order to make sure everyone here has a good experience.

Also keep in mind we're also working on separate plans to focus on forum hotspots like the setting submissions forum (currently we're doing a trial of moderating replies).


My suggestion regarding animosity between groups/individuals that has lead us up to this point, is to have a neutral, moderating figure who isolates key individuals from both 'sides' and assist the two of them in cordially resolving their issue, or at least reach a compromise. I said it in the Discord channel too; I'd be willing to take on a role such as this. I honestly really love everyone on this website: Everyone brings something unique to the table, and I want to make sure everyone feels they have a fair go at doing so. Facilitating roleplay comes first.
I think we honestly need the current Discord moderators replaced if we're going to look at fair treatment. And we need the bans from this drama lifted, so people can try again, rather than assume someone is the problem and keep them out. Especially considering we killed a poll with the vote leaving heavily in one favor and teetering to still hold a close lead, even without countless people getting on to vote.

If we're going to preach sensibility and rule enforcement, then we need to clean-slate the site and stop showing favoritism in our Discord.

Here cometh the insanity. Because, like I said on Discord, I don’t throw problems forward if I don’t have a solution.


We have successfully identified all problems start from the NTSE. Good. This means that we’ve got the problem of SOMETHING going on.

What’s complaint #1? RP consistency. Weird things happen when you try to mix and match factions and some plots do weird things that others just ignore or even weird Deus Ex Machinas happening and *what the hell there’s Mishhu right next to Yamatai?*

I suggest for consistency to be kept and enforced. Plot plans must be approved as well, probably by setting managers.

On top of that, enforce the transfer of tech. Deus ex machina’ing in other faction’s tech is just...wat. Why.

A “trading rules” must be established as some of the interpolitical trade routes are just downright weird. Additionaly black market transactions should be approved only by setting manager.

That and a rule concerning tech must be made, making tech intellectual rights of each faction’s FM, unless said FM leaves the site without naming a succeeding FM. Then it becomes SM intellectual rights and they do with it as they see fit.
Right now, if we're talking about rules, what we need is not NTSE rules, or RP rules. Those will come after. The big problem is that large portions of the SARP community act like children, either blatantly ignoring the rules or pulling "I didn't touch him, I pocked him with a stick." kinda line. There are several words I want to use to describe the portions of the community but they're all very rude. What you need to first do @Wes is look at the rules you have for behavior now, figure out any holes in those rules and fix them, then you need to make a clear set of punishments. Clear enough that no moderator has to second guess whether or not it's the right punishment for the offense, and clear enough that when someone says "That's not what's supposed to happen." The mod can point to the rule list and say "Yes it is" and there be no question about it.

I'm looking at the 'Site Rules' right now and the only clear punishment for any of the infractions is the ban policy. The other part says "These usually result in warnings" and if you have more than 3 warnings it can result in a ban. as stated int eh ban policy. This is firstly too light language. If you're going to use this warning system it needs to be once you hit X number of warnings you're at least banned for a week. Then as multiple bans pile up, you eventually get perma banned. Not a "Maybe" or "Possibly" it needs to be concrete. Also honestly 'warnings' do nothing as they are now because of the lax enforcement of bans. Privileges need to be removed for warnings. Like if you get a certain number of warnings you're blocked form NTSE for a week. Pretty much there needs to be other punishments between warnings and bans because not everything is worth a ban, but if all you have are bans, moderators will be hesitant to do anything about it.

After that language has been cleaned up and there is a more levels of punishment and they're clearer, you move to the NTSE. You establish an image of how you want the NTSE to behave, and you set a cod of conduct for it. You have some listed punishments in the Submission rules, but they again use weak language. However the NTSE's biggest problem is there are hardly any rules about how you should -behave- in the NTSE, rather it's all about how the submission should be. The only rules for behavior listed are;
  • You can't justify your submission by saying "Well this got approved" (This is broken numerous times, and even called out but nothing done)
  • Reviews have to be constructive (The placement and wording of this rule and section make it seem like it only applies to official reviewers)
  • Rules on appealing rejections (I have never once actually seen this followed properly, but it also seems out of date since we have a "Has this already been submitted before" line)
  • And a line at the very bottom of the page about not trying to rush the process and not bumping the threads (Which I can say the majority of the people submitting either don't even know this exist or just don't care)
This too has a scaling system of "When you have enough infractions" but with how things happen with the NTSE, I'm under the impression that either no one keeps track of how many 'demerits' someone has, or simply hardly anyone with moderation ability can see it. So one thing I really suggest is that maybe it's time to incorporate some kind of 'karma' system. Maybe it's visible to everyone, or just to moderators, but something that is attached to a person's avatar or some equally visible area, so mods don't' have to 'look for it', that clearly says how many demerits a person has. So a mod can go "He's already got 4, and what he just did is worth a fifth, looks like he's to be banned for a month now".

TL;DR: Look up and read it, cause it's too complicated and important to summarize.

Now I need to head to bed.
On another forum I frequent, before all other rules about name-calling, what curse words are acceptable or where you can or can't post giant gifs there is Rule 0: Don't Be A Dick.

You can follow every other rule to the letter and never 'technically' do anything wrong, but if enough people think, "Wow, this guy is a dick," then you get banned.
The problem with that is the whole "mob" problem we have here. What if a whole mob conspires to make you the dick?
I'd like to believe in the idea of his rules, but there's no cleaned slate to allow the enforcement to be fair from here on out. Because of that, I'd rather not have the discussion. Fixing rules after it's already dealt damage that could be fixed easily seems absurd and insulting to those impacted before the sudden focus on rule enforcement.
I want to try and be a part of a cleaned slate for such rulings, if possible. Leaving these same circumstances unchanged will inevitably result in a repeat of history.
I want to try and be a part of a cleaned slate for such rulings, if possible. Leaving these same circumstances unchanged will inevitably result in a repeat of history.
If you really wanna get radical I suggest a full wipe of everyone in a position of power. Reassign new staffing from there.
I want to try and be a part of a cleaned slate for such rulings, if possible. Leaving these same circumstances unchanged will inevitably result in a repeat of history.
I'm now faced with so many things, it's precisely why I want a clean slate and undone bans. If we can get fair, just rule enforcement set in place, then everyone who's been banned would get banned again. But it's clear that our goal is not to make it fair and inclusive, but exclude those that may have been wronged due to our uneven enforcement in the past.

I've been fairly drama free because I try not to think on any of this crap. But today, I lost multiple friends because of "not so clear" rule enforcement that still feels more akin to an ultimatum fulfilled than one with well-stated reason and documentation. I've spoken to @Wes about my disapproval of the current (previous?) chat mods and a lot of what @Syaoran brought up, we've discussed at length well before today. I've never been one for anything but justice and rule enforcement, so today was something that greatly marred my muse and hope for SARP.

It's why I want a cleaned slate, undone bans, AND the rules. I want justice to be carried out at least in a way I can accept and countless other members can understand. All I want is just, well-communicating mods who are going to someone I can trust and not feel like I got slighted 5 minutes later when someone with a worse history gets zero or minimal punishment for the umpteenth time.


If you have players in your community that actively antagonize other players for fun, you should stop them.

The current staff worked very very hard to ensure that there was a clean slate for the main faction already. Ame and Raz had driven away a lot of players and those players are now starting to come back again, even within moments of that decision. Are you saying Kim is biased? Fred? After Raz specifically belittled and threatened them just for doing their jobs? No. Reality check yourselves. This was a long time in coming.

I firmly agree with Reynolds. When we have poisonous members of the community who directly and repeatedly threaten people's plots those people need to go. Not the staff, who have been stellar. Not the mods, who have been fair, and you know they have. The people screaming threats and threatening to pull their art and money, or trying to use positions of power to get what they want, they go.

So Legix , Meta, reality check; don't be dicks on the Sarp Official. Never be dicks again. If you were one of those people screaming threats on the channel after Raz, possibly one of the most toxic people I have ever met, and his wife, who you know darn well was his wife and Wes's best friend and the only reason Raz didn't catch a ban for the numerous things he had pulled already, finally caught his ban? Try appealing that process to the people you insulted and belittled and quit gaslighting them like your bad behavior is their fault and I just bet they will explain their decision to you, take the time to listen to you, and then when they feel you are calmer and won't just go back to whatever behavior got you kicked in the first place, they will treat you fairly. I bet you just need to talk to them. This backroom stuff and appealing to Wes all the time like he is some sort of political tool ought to stop. Try sorting your issues directly with other members if you can, and that includes the mods.

You agreed the channel mods were fair in the first place and now they are doing their jobs and keeping the peace on the channel while Wes is going through this, while people are trying to stir up as much shit as possible. You are hurt. We get it. Everybody saw the like counters on the bottom of everyone's threads. Nobody made their "camp" secret. You probably feel a bit threatened right now and I don't blame you, I would too, but this isn't that kind of thing. I'm sure they would ask you to trust it a bit, and to trust them, because they put a lot at risk to give a lot of people the space to feel safe on the website again. There is an opportunity to build trust again.

So yeah I agree with you in a way, except I think the clean slate is here. Its time for peace and the mods you are trying to take dumps over have had to listen to all the reports about this for longer than you can imagine and I can personally assure you that eventually every single one of them save Ametheliana herself, who was in on it, to the same conclusion all by their own. They don't need replaced, they need uncollared. I can't recall how many times I've peeked into the channel to see Gunsight or Kim trying to gently solve problems and everybody ignoring them in favor of snark. They have patience like oxen. Doshii and Fred are two of the most long suffering people I know. Fred, particularly, is incorruptible and trust me, by God, I tried. Even when Fred is in a terrible position he will stick to his guns and see it all out to the bitter end.

But we get it, seriously. This last week has been hell on Earth for a lot of people who really love this website. I am trying to really meter my words here because I am trying to be sympathetic as opposed to combative.

You have lost friends too, here, but Wes is suffering the most out of everyone for having made this decision. Everybody is suffering here. Try not to make it worse by blaming the people who had to make those hard decisions. Someone told me when I was frothing angry earlier this evening to think of how all this must make people feel and I get that you are angry but it doesn't mean you have to try to burn everything down. The wound is fresh but it can heal. If anything there is less favoritism now than there has ever been, and more opportunity to extend hands and shake them, and work together for a better website. There is a hole here that needs filling and we need to fill it with a lot more trust and acceptance than has been shown over the last year or more.

Because, let me tell you, yesterday, I watched the impossible happen and Wes made me straight up eat my words. It took a lot of courage and fortitude to do what Wes did yesterday, and you know, Wes asked me to come back after I had already decided to leave and he spent a lot of time really listening to people who have felt harassed, bullied, and powerless over the last year or so. He held off doing anything for the sake of his friend, Ame, and when he finally decided to do something I was already out the door on another website along with the rest of my friends and the people who loved this website but hated how they were being treated. It surprised me. It still surprises me. I still don't quite trust what I see here as totally real. So I find the concept that the mods are the problem, that they need to be purged, like they are somehow to be blamed for what happened when in fact they had been dealing with it, unable to act, for months to their detriment and had finally had enough... no. His staff stuck by him through everything, even if they didn't seem happy doing it. I have to say they, too, are as patient as oxen, and make me ashamed to think I have a shred of that patience.

So this thread here? This isn't for taking out your personal vendetta. It's for figuring out how to prevent Wes having to make this hard decision between literally one half of his website and the other in the future, so if you can't come to this thread with a bit of forgiveness and forward thinking then don't post in it. Bury your hatchet. This website needs to move forward into less finger pointing and more trust all around and that means we need to each try to understand the other person's involved. I am even now trying to understand your hurt here. I know you just lost a lot of friends. TBH that is why I finally made the decision to pull stakes and it's actually a bit jarring to be back. I can only imagine how jarred you must be. If I'm dazed, it must be an understatement for you. But it wasn't their fault, and they don't deserve your blame.

Having said that.

Personally I want to see more transparency in the rules. I want to see why people are banned. When moderators moderate, I want to see a channel where they explain what rule is getting broken, and where we can see that the rules are being enforced. The backdoor way in which moderation had been conducted has always unnerved me. Once I was banned from the website for a month and managed to misunderstand why. I know other people's bans have been passed off as "vacations" before. It gives the impression nobody is ever punished for bad behaviour and it breeds this idea of favoritism a lot faster. I think it also makes leaders more consistent by habit and provides an example to the community. I think that measure would provide what you want, too; more accountable leadership with less favoritism.

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Gallant a lot of what you say is true but a lot of it is false as well. I'm not going to name names and start a fight, but the reason people mention a clean slate is because, yes Raz has done things that are worthy of ban. But Raz isn't the only one who has constantly done it. Even by the weak old rules, there are people on Asteria who should be banned as well. The balance and justice is lost when the staff decides to go back and say "We're counting your crimes" to one person, when there are other offenders in roughly the same scope. Banning one person to get past this situation is not proper moderation, it' actually finding a scape goat.

I don't like using such wording, but honestly, it's true now, and the apparent situation it happened in doesn't help. Maybe what people are seeing the events of yesterday as aren't exactly the truth, but that's a problem with the current system. Not talking about moderation leads to misunderstandings. We've now hit the point where the system's failings are being brought to light, and are trying to fix those problems, but only right after the systems failed massively, and people can clearly see that failure, and the power is present to fix it, but nothing is being done to fix the failure, just to 'ensure it doesn't happen again.'
I am not certain what part is false but I won't test the point. I'm not a saint, myself, but I'm trying to be better and have been trying for months now. That's what I think we should all be doing.

You could boil my post down to;
  • The current moderators are fair, but haven't had a lot of power to act previously.
  • Moderation should be open and the reasons public.
In retrospect I should probably also be trying to be less wordy.
Okay, so what I'm getting here is the staff could use more transparency when it comes to the "why" actions are taken.

Also with actions like warning points it's impossible for non-mods to actually see that a person was acted against so in the past there was a lot of questions over "did the person get away scot-free over this violation I reported?" so silent warnings (via PMs to the person who broke the rules) are not the best policy.

Already one thing I think I would like to start doing is make sure any moderator action comes with a "receipt" that says:
  • Why staff took action
  • What was done
  • How long it will last, if it's temporary.
I'm in full support of this, because by being transparent, people can see that action was being taken, promoting confidence and trust in the site's administration and staff.
That's a start @Wes but that will only make the moderation that happens more noticeable. There are still plenty of cases of moderation either not happening, or it being too lax, so you'll still have to make the current rules more clear at least if you want to improve the workings of the system and not just make it look better.
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