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Rules Update Regarding Adult RP Situations

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Due to recent conversations that happened on the site, I'm considering a change to the rules that in adult RPs where non-consensual sex (rape) happens, it cannot be roleplayed out. I've been looking around and some of our competitor sites already have this rule in place and it seems to work well for them. As you may or may not know, a surprising and concerning portion of our members have personally had bad experiences in their lives that give them strong feelings when it comes to this subject matter, and also some members have said that, in their view, rape is dealt with too lightly on the site, or even used for entertainment value by some roleplayers instead of being treated seriously, which could hurt our reputation and make the site uncomfortable to many people. But I will leave that up to you to decide. Star Army is, as always, committed to keeping this a safe community and also a safe place to exercise your imagination.

Please respond to the poll. Please don't reply.
Wow, I'm really surprised that this poll is favoring allowing these types of scenes to be depicted in detail.

Alright, so, if the poll ends looking like it is now, here's my game plan: We'll honor the votes and keep allowing those RPs, but we'll also start to require a type of trigger warning which basically says "hey, there's potentially disturbing sexual violence in this thread, you may not want to read it if that will make you get upset."

I am concerned about a gender bias with these results, which is because men might treat this question differently than women because they likely aren't confronted with these sort of traumatic situations, or the fear of those situations, as often as men are. Perhaps after the results are in I may analyze the voters and come up with additional results by gender to see if there's a difference.
Why are we making a short tag? The actual act itself is illegal in some countries, isn't it? We need to make it very clear what the content IS that the tag is for.

Edit: I want to specify the act of reading/being in possession of the content is what I meant. Not the writing itself (unless someone in those countries does it, I think). Important to specify this.
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