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Yamatai News (YINN) Ryu Keiretsu Seeks Partnerships to Explore the Frontier

Tatiana, Inuyama City

"The Kuvexian War was a trying ordeal with the Yamatai Star Empire and our allies. For the first time, we battled a foe from distant space that wished to impose their will against all who did not fall into line. Only by coming together as a sector did we defeat and crush these invaders. We honor the lives of those that paid the ultimate price to secure our ability to continue to live the way each of our nations wish to live.

Even as they are defeated, the Kuvexians and their allies are still a nuisance to those living within the frontiers of the sector. It is the belief of Ryu-Mizumitsu Yuki that only with the continued cooperation forged in war can we hope to discover future threats before they come to us. But there is also much that was lost before and during the war that still should and could be reclaimed within this sector. Mitsuya is a particular interest for us as it can will be a template for we hope will be partnerships.

With that, I officially call this symposium commenced gathered individuals. I look forward to hearing the fruits of these discussions."

Remarks made by Yokota Tamafune (Vice President of Relations), at the opening of the week long "International Symposium of Archaeology and Exploration"

Invitations were made to explorers, scientists, and archaeologists within the Yamatai Star Empire, Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, New Dawn Conclave, Poku Saeruo Degonjo, and the Elysian Celestial Empire. The International Symposium of Archaeology and Exploration is hosted by the Ryu Keiretsu's Fuji Corporation in hopes of fostering cooperation and share of information on the subject.