Star Army

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OOC S.E.A.R.C.H. Initiative (Tomb Raiders Story)


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Good day all,

While you most likely are wondering "What's that new guy doing, there are enough stories" or I am just pre judgemental lol. But be not alarmed as I won't propose a new faction, a new company, new enemy or anything related. I find that I am not yet enough settled into the community to do such a thing. Thought a new faction is tempting Mutters. No, I am here to propose something unique (I hope) and plausible fun to RP in :D

The idea is as followed, the title gave a clue as to what I am leaning onto. But the Kikyo Sector is big and most likely some NPC ships or teams might exist, but basically I am proposing to form a team. A team of archaeology folks that are always trying to discover new ruins and ancient civilizations with a keen eye for knowledge gathering and also some profit along the way. Will they be a bunch boring mishmash professors? Plausible, but I am more aiming at something like Nathan Drake, Lara Croft or Dr. Indiana Jones that seek justice for the artifacts, but at the same time attract unpleasant danger.

Of course, I require to make a lead character for this endeavor but basically looking for other players who are interested in such travels as well. Plus with the war now starting, who knows we might get to the frontier to protect some artifacts from those bad guys! But how does such a team come together? How will they travel and do they even got a ship? Interesting you are asking of plausible thinking about.

The ship is something on loan, yes you read it correctly. The idea is that my character loans a ship that is old, rusty, but gets us from A to B. The idea is that character respond to the recruitment hail of my character on yet-named-location. The money is done by NPC government or Factions (of course the latter is more fun in my opinion). But another idea I am toying with is that of sponsorship, a Faction can sponsor a dig with the goal to gain history value to their people's history. Or just want a cut from the found artifacts (if there are artifacts found). Such sponsorship can gain extra benefits for our team. Like extra armored suits, support in guards or extra supplies, it really depends if the FM is interesting. If no FM is interesting, no harm is done! Then the team got to do with what they got.

So now the question in general, is there any interest in such adventures?

Crew manifest
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Good day all,

While you most likely are wondering "What's that new guy doing, there are enough stories" or I am just pre judgemental lol. But be not alarmed as I won't propose a new faction, a new company, new enemy or anything related. I find that I am not yet enough settled into the community to do such a thing. Thought a new faction is tempting Mutters. No, I am here to propose something unique (I hope) and plausible fun to RP in :D

The idea is as followed, the title gave a clue as to what I am leaning onto. But the Kikyo Sector is big and most likely some NPC ships or teams might exist, but basically I am proposing to form a team. A team of archaeology folks that are always trying to discover new ruins and ancient civilizations with a keen eye for knowledge gathering and also some profit along the way. Will they be a bunch boring mishmash professors? Plausible, but I am more aiming at something like Nathan Drake, Lara Croft or Dr. Indiana Jones that seek justice for the artifacts, but at the same time attract unpleasant danger.

Of course, I require to make a lead character for this endeavor but basically looking for other players who are interested in such travels as well. Plus with the war now starting, who knows we might get to the frontier to protect some artifacts from those bad guys! But how does such a team come together? How will they travel and do they even got a ship? Interesting you are asking of plausible thinking about.

The ship is something on loan, yes you read it correctly. The idea is that my character loans a ship that is old, rusty, but gets us from A to B. The idea is that character respond to the recruitment hail of my character on yet-named-location. The money is done by NPC government or Factions (of course the latter is more fun in my opinion). But another idea I am toying with is that of sponsorship, a Faction can sponsor a dig with the goal to gain history value to their people history. Or just want a cut from the found artifacts (if there are artifacts found). Such sponsorship can gain extra benefits for our team. Like extra armored suits, support in guards or extra supplies, it really depends if the FM is interesting. If no FM is interested, no harm is done! Then the team got to do with what they got.

So now the question in general, is there any interest in such adventures?
If you do this, I encourage you to base it on Kennewes.

Look the system/planet up and you'll understand why. This is the kind of plot that planet is basically designed for. Of course, I also know you want to move/travel... but I really do think Nepleslia's world is one of the best for "finding and preserving ancient stuff".

To put it another way, Kennewes is a factional graveyard; not just Nepleslia or Yamatai, but far more ancient factions within the Kikyo sector all have roots/originated some form of power on the planet. It's effectively the Coruscant of SARP in a lot of ways, given that it has been razed, rebuilt, and resettled many times. Not to mention it has been the site of conflict and great wars in Nepleslia's history. It's pretty much just waiting for the discovery of ancient materials and the like... not to mention swamp shootouts with smugglers and the like, due to Nepleslian crime.

Just trust me on this one, buckeroo.

Edit: Furthermore, given I run a corp there, I could also provide a corporate (albeit small) sponsor and provide technology that's perfect for excavation.

Edit 2: Okay, I also realized your people could be professors/students at Kennewes University. Come on, it's literally perfect.
Awesome to see there is already support coming from the Faction Managers in regards to both contract and sponsorship. It gives my idea some foundation and it becomes to my taste also realistic which makes it more fun! I also gained support or sparks of interest to be part of this team, totally awesome! It spikes my motivation, even more, to do this :D As said I will create a character for this RP type and slowly is gaining form in my head. I do want to get a growing misunderstanding out of the way, we do not stick on one planet. While @Legix gracefully offered a location to start the digs at, which I am grateful for, the idea for this RP is to travel from planet to planet. I would not be surprised if Kennewes would be a repeated order in that regards thought.

Now with the faction support on both front, it creates also options that our team can grow upon or use in the field. From excavators AP to supplies from the Factions to get the ship fat up with goodies. But what would attract a player to get to this type of RP? It sounds plain boring if it's just a dig right? I know how it sounds, which is fully intended as I want to stay true to the cause of this RP. So basically there will be problems along the way, I got experience in writing and for those that have read my post, I like to write in length and give others as much and solid details to work with. I can go from war setting, competition with ill intention to horror settings of releasing an old curse or activation of some kind of bad artifact. I know I might be new here, but I will do my best to provide :)

How does a basic team look like? Well, that is also something I am puzzled about, but basically I am open for any position that sounds legit useful.
  • Principal Investigator (Or another word is Team Lead, which I will fill)
  • Senior Excavation Supervisor (Kinda the XO, rest his soul that wants to hop in as my right hand lol)
  • Field Technician
  • Academic Archaeologist
    • SHPO Archaeologist ( State Historical Preservation Officer (or SHPO Archaeologist) identifies, evaluates, registers, interprets and protects historic properties, from significant buildings to shipwrecked vessels. In this case, they deal with governments with regards of cutting deals on the finds, so most likely an NPC)
  • Research Librarian
  • Security Chief
    • Armory Officer
    • Security Officer
  • Any position that comes to mind for you?
So if you are interested to pimp this idea up, do reply, do discuss and I will respond as soon as I can! Or hit me up in discord, RaWolfe is my nick there :)
Also I would like to say, that whatever Nexus Private Security has to offer, is yours to use as well. Whether they are an NPC enemy, or a supplier of goods, or even NPC ally. Which ever you prefer, and they can flip flop as they are paid mercenaries, so their allegiance is simply based on who's paying them.
I am still working hard to get the foundation set up for this, but I do need players to be part of this story :) Or unique roup of people ^^ if you got interest as a player, do hop in here and show your interest so I know who to poke ;)
I've added a crew manifest, the ship and all I am still dealing with but I got my character approved and @Jack Pine joined in with his. I believe that @Whisper was also interested in this plot if so let me know what kind of position you wish to fill? :) I added also the element Support in it, this is more than you can have your character have a second position that is lower tier.

Interested? Do sign up! If you got questions then do ask!
I'm thinking I might play a hardass security chief who doesn't "get" all these archaeologist nerds, but is along to keep them out of trouble. Nep, maybe? I'll think on it some more!
Thought I got a RP communication going with @Legix to get us a ship and I know @Jack Pine is fighting a flu (get well soon mate!) I was wondering where we stand? @Whisper how is your character coming along? :) no pressure just saying I am still here ready to rock some ruins!