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RP: ZHS [S2:E2] Wanna Be The Ultimate Muscle W: Love And Wrestling

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Well-Known Member
RP Date
Summer, YE 40
RP Location
Tsubomi, Yamatai
Kawaridane Sports Stadium, Tsubomi's Ward 4, Yamatai
Summer, YE 40
Tonight's The Night

After a few weeks of preliminary classes, the students assigned to the recently introduced special class at Zenjinkaze Fighting High School had finally received word that their dedicated, specialized instructor would be arriving for next week's classes. And, since they'd recently gained a few new teachers that needed to settle in at ZHS and connect with their students, classes had been cancelled to give everyone a long weekend. The perfect time for a little field trip. The fact that their Principal already had to attend this event and wouldn't be available to nurse any students back to health had nothing to do with the decision. Her ability to provide everyone with free tickets and backstage access, not to mention the convenient location, certainly didn't factor in at all either.

The adults had the tickets and their orders. The students had their allowances and weeks of cabin fever to work off. And tonight's event promised more than enough bright lights, loud noises, junk food and overpriced merchandise to make this a night to remember.

The already rowdy crowd rose from their seats, as the familiar (to some) voices of Venus and the Avatars were piped in over the venue's sound system, launching into the rousing theme song “Senshuken Ni Nare” that began each of these events. The group was late, still trying to fight past (or stop at) displays selling food, programs, recordings, T-shirts and other souvenirs. They could still hear the pyrotechnics, see the flashes of light through gaps in dark curtains currently blocking their view. The roar of the crowd almost drowning out the announcer's voice.

"Welcome to...LOVE...AND....WRESTLING!"

Keiko drew in a deep breath and gave a small smile, this was certainly an interesting place, she wasn't too interested in all the various stands and food around the place although she was a little curious of them having never been to a festival like this before. The neko had managed to avoid giving away much about her actual position within the school although Gunny had gotten close to taking a full wallop when she nearly walked in on Keiko with her anime gear out of its hiding places, if that had happened the neko didn't think she'd be able to show her face again to the class.

With no real idea where to go or what to do Keiko had just been following the staff for the most part.

Speaking of Gunny, the energetic Neko's mess of strawberry-blonde hair bounced with each lively step that was taken - she was wearing more or less what she usually wore when not forced to be in uniform, a pair of heavy boots, denim shorts that showed off her athletic legs, a white tank top that showed off her equally toned arms along with that signature leather jacket of hers being wrapped around her waist and the amber-lensed aviators that covered Gunnhild's ocean-blue eyes.

A yellow tail that snaked out from under her jacket flicked around playfully a few times and was the only warning before Gunnhild half-pounced toward Keiko's back, lazily floating behind the tomato-hued Neko as Gunny wrapped her arms around her friend's neck and spoke, "So, Toma you nerd, what do you think? It's pretty cool right?"
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"AH, you nearly gave me a fright Gunnhild. I suppose it looks nice enough but I don't really know what to do in a place like this." While Gunny at least may have been dressed in more casual clothing Keiko remained in her school attire, claiming she didn't have anything nice to wear to a festival but really just having no idea what to wear to a festival. Despite only knowing each other for several weeks it seemed Gunnhild had become rather comfortable around her, either that or the other neko was naturally like this she wasn't quite sure, she seemed to be a little crazy here and there but hadn't been totally wacko at school.

Keiko was still getting used to how her friend liked to express herself physically rather than verbally, the hugs being one thing. The red neko didn't hate them or anything but she was still trying to understand them and their supplier and why they came so sporadically. One day she'd be leaving her room and get tackled from the air other days her friend wouldn't even touch her and the reasoning was still a mystery. Maybe she should hug her back? But what if she messed up and insulted her, or it wasn't good enough and she stopped hanging around her, so many things she didn't yet know.

Gunnhild didn't seem to be concerned by such things, the two Nekos were as opposite as day and night but they somehow had managed become close friends despite all the differences - hell the fact they were so different was the dynamic their friendship was built on, they managed to keep each other in line and got on well so neither party was complaining too much.

Besides, it was pretty funny to watch Keiko squirm around as Gunny wrapped her yellowed arms around her friend.

She wasn't evil though, so the strawberry-blonde released Keiko after a few moments and moved around to walk alongside, but a little bit ahead, of the Tomato.

"Well shit, we can probably do a lot of stuff - we could go check out the fights," Gunnhild offered first, projecting a set of holographic boxing gloves onto her hands and throwing a few punches before touching her thumbs and pointer fingers together, projecting a red heart in the space.

"We could try and find you a big strong guy OR GIRL or... whatever you are into if you are into anything at all, to help you relax," she half giggled with a wink before changing the heart to a padlock that she crushed in her hands, "we could try go get into some trouble... or we could always just wander around and see what happens, that is a very valid option too."

Gunny ceased her holographic projection-ing and crossed her arms behind the mess of strawberry-blonde hair on her head as they kept on walking, her chest quickly rising and then falling as she let out a huff and spoke again, "Well, do you have the faintest clue for what you want to do? anything at all?"

Being a bit delayed due to an issue with her ticket, forcing her to bust out identification and even go as far as to hook up her SPINE and show her body was a registered model, Tenshi half walked half ran over to Gunnhild, who she originally told to just go ahead, that she'd catch up. Which she was now doing with her shorter than average legs.

"Dear empress," the ravenette spoke as she fell into step next to the two other Nekovalkyrja who seemed intent on hugging it out. Clad in her usual, casual attire. Tank top, skinny jeans. The same, fingerless gloves that were long enough to reach past her elbows. And ofcourse, the silver hairpieces that caused her hairstyle to be just that. Her hairstyle. "I'm pretty you two can take the stage like that." She joked with a faint smirk on her face, before clearing her throat and dodging an already drunk patron swiftly.

"Anyhow, whatever you're planning on doing, it's good to get a change of scenery." The lithe Neko murmured, pocketing her gloved hands with an arched eyebrow. Glancing over her shoulder momentarily.
"There we go, two of my five favourite people are here with little old me, now it's a real party! We just need Addi to jump in," Gunny beamed down to her raven-haired friend with a smirk as she fell back a bit to embrace them both, one arm going around Keiko's shoulder as the other found a spot to casually rest on Tenshi's hip. A friendly squeeze was given to both companions' respective body parts as she held them in her arms, it filled her with a warm and fuzzy feeling that resulted in her tail whipping around from side to side playfully.

"What about you Tenshi, do you have anything specific in mind or are you feeling as indecisive as we are? Honestly I'm down for anything so if you have an idea, feel free to lay it on us," Gunnhild replied to the Ravenette, that yellowed tail deciding to linger behind Tenshi as the question was asked.

Keiko didn't have a chance to react to the initial question and simply stood quietly as she was embraced by Gunny, she wasn't quite sure what to do, and while gunny may be racing to go, Keiko had no idea what to do first or where to go. "I uh, I don't really know what to do, I've never been to one of these before. I don't, I don't get out much." The red neko dropped her gaze slightly and shuffled her feet, she was too distracted and flustered by all the questions and action she forgot to say hi to the arrival.
It was at that moment that Addi caught up with his classmates, having been held up at the gate as both the security guards and their combat-engineering instructor, Jackson Howard, had to explain why he couldn't bring a fire-breathing robot into the event.

Having never been separated from Lightning for very long, Addi had none the less commanded the dragon to fly home. If nothing else, because his man-crush had told him to.

"Hey guys!" Addi called out as he stepped into the group, wearing a grey hoodie and jeans. Behind him, Jax stood in a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a tee shirt emblazoned with the Love and Wrestling logo. His personal friendship with Koga Akemi meant he was a little more familiar with the neko's business persuits and thus had prior access to some merchandise.

Jax ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He'd taught explosives handling and whatnot to his fellow crewmembers aboard the Eucharis, but never to kids. Being responsible for a class of neko younglings was a whole new adventure for him. However, his experience as the CEO and founder of a major tech company meant he knew how to lead others without resorting to military discipline, so he was generally lax and rather animated in his teaching style.

"Alright, kids, I'm following y'all," he told the class with an easy-going smile. "But Ms. McBelle's gonna wring my neck if anything happens to you, so try not to wander off without a buddy, mind your P's and Q's, and no fighting... Gunny." he said in a sternly-joking way, pointing a finger at the gunslinger.
Jax had the group's tickets in hand, being the most familiar with this sort of event. The kids were obviously a little overwhelmed by the whole thing, so many different sorts of people crammed into tight confines. Although the crowd was beginning to thin out a bit in the outer corridor the group was currently loitering in while waiting for the final straggler to join them.

Their other new teacher, the spooky one, had yet to appear. Although that was kinda her whole thing, so the few that had already heard about her might not be too surprised. Howard had worked with 'spooks' before, so he was likely the most prepared for this scenario.

All around them the merchants were trying to call people over to make a few final sales before the festivities really kicked off. Snacks, soda, alcoholic beverages. The group had plenty of options to choose from! They could even pick up some merchandise, like the shirt Jackson was wearing, already faded and worn, obviously not a recent purchase. Of course, nobody besides him were likely to recognize any of the faces or logos on display.

Although, after a second glance, one did seem somewhat familiar to Keiko...
"D'aww, aren't you sweet," Tenshi added. Maybe a hint of cheek to her tone, but she giggled nonetheless as the larger Nekovalkyrja pulled her into the embrace. Though the ravenette seemed to mull it over momentarily. And while she thought, she wrapped an arm of herself around Gunny's waist. "Well, I'm glad you ask," a soft chuckle, "I don't mind at all. I would love to see the fights, naturally. But right now? I'm just delighted to be off campus." She cleared her throat softly, before grinning. "Let's get ourselves some-... refreshments," the girl advised. "A bit of drinking in, you know. Become a bit buzzed," she pressed a finger against her bottom lip. "Inebriation's always a plus to watch fi-..." She glanced over her shoulder, before offerring Addaiel a short wave. "Heya Addi," she greeted with a smile, before glancing back at Gunny.

Then at Jackson, before nodding. "Hey mister H," she greeted with a nod, somewhat awkward. But it was good to at least acknowledge the people that presented themselves.
Gunnhild had never gotten into drinking that much but it sounded like a good idea nonetheless, especially with some good company - she let out a small pur at the hand on her hip and was about to start thinking up some sly remark when the two familiar voices moved up from behind them, the strawberry-blonde leant back in a rather limber manner until she was looking at the two guys upside down and somehow the sunglasses managed to stay on her face.

"Addi! Mr H!" she called out before returning to a more normal position and deciding to just turn her head as she spoke. "I've got my arms full for now Mr H, but I won't make any promises I know I can't keep," Gunny shot back, half joking before she responded to Tenshi's earlier suggestion.

"That sounds like a bloody grand idea to me!"

Hoshiko had remained close to the students though hidden and grumbled a little. She felt out of place wearing anything other then her typical black paneled uniform, but mother had sent her here to learn to be more... Calm. Maybe more accepting or understanding or hell she had no clue. Now she just knew she had to teach brats how to be more like her, trained killers and assassins, and see maybe if there could be one or two worth while recruits from these little meat bags of annoyance. It was just another part to play, as annoying as it was. She had remained silent and hidden the entire time they were in line, hidden in a nice little cubby of space between everyone. As they entered through the ticket area, the machine would beep and register a ticket, and it was only until they were past the booth that she suddenly appeared next to Jackson.

Short blonde hair slicked back and up like little spikes, her blue eyes seemed to peer around and take everything in. Her clothing was fairly boring, a pair of tennis shoes and blue jeans with distressed holes here and there in the fabric. A boring t-shirt with some nondescript band name scrawled across it, she watched the students silently and took each one in, wanting to gauge their reaction to the sudden appearance of the blonde haired Neko at Jackson's side.

Keiko gave a slight wave to the teachers and other students as they made it through the gates, she noticed the hand of Tenshi snaking its way around Gunny and quietly removed herself from the group embrace. The neko wasn't necessarily uncomfortable from the hand on her shoulder but it looked like the two of them were getting ready to go drinking, not really her idea of an awesome night out but it looked like they wanted her to go to.

"I haven't had anything alcoholic before so I'll pass on the drinks thankyou." She said politely, trying very discretely to put a few paces between her and her friend who almost sounded like she was purring. Keiko knew how many nekos could be, they were often vat born which meant they came into the world with the mental capacity of an adult and of all of her kind she'd met almost all of them were very playful.

The red skinned neko looked around, as she had told her friend she hadn't been to places like this before so she was very interested in her surroundings, one item in particular catching her eye although she couldn't actually put her finger on it. The green hair on her head slid down to one side as she tilted to the side in thought, as she continued looking around she noticed their teacher Hoshiko making herself known beside Jax. "Please excuse me, Gunnhild, Tenshi, I just need to speak to Miss Hoshiko for a moment."

The tomato coloured neko made a small bow and moved to stand beside the teacher, in truth she'd been wanting to learn a few things from her based on the military service and skills she had in the past. Making a gentle sound to try and get her attention she spoke softly, "Excuse me Miss Hoshiko, I was wondering if you could humor me with some of your time." Her tone had taken on similarities to that of her class voice where she regularly asked questions.

Gunny couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as Keiko pulled away from the friendly embrace, she knew that she wasn't exactly a social little tomato and maybe Gunnhild had tried to push too much on her too quickly - it was understandable but still sucked, the strawberry-blonde looked back and mouthed the word 'sorry' along with an apologetic smile.

It was then that she noticed the school's blonde SAINT spook standing next to the school's blonde tech-head, it got her synapses firing but not before she patted her side like one might when calling a pet as she beckoned Addaiel closer, "Addi, scootch up over here."

"Hi Miss Hoshiko," Gunny called out with a friendly wave before she turned back to the two students and shot both of them a quick telepathic message, "Do you guys think Mr H and Miss H are... well y'know," she began explaining before the mental image of the symbol for the male gender could be seen rather explicitly entering the female one, it was the best way she could bring it up while still beating around the bush.

"Addi, you're a guy - what do you think?"
"No we are not..." Gunny would hear while the others would hear the buzz of encrypted telepathic communication. She turned her blue eyes toward the Neko before she nodded to Keiko.

"What can I do for you?" Hoshiko asked as she tried to sound as professional and composed as she could. Truthfully she itched a bit being around so many people and not having her friend near her bothered her even more, but she regardless waited to be asked. She also waited to see if the tomato looking girl would take her aside or simply ask her qurstions.

Keiko gave a small bow as a gesture of thanks as the teacher prompted her to continue. "Your sudden appearance got me thinking, I'd just like to know a little more about your training and how you have always been able to hide your presence in crowds and even at school." Keiko said quite simply, as much as she was here to train for martial arts, being able to disappear would be pretty useful when she tried to hide from social events.

"I understand if you're not allowed to tell, or if you don't want to, I just saw an opportunity to ask you outside the class so the others wouldn't think I was trying to find a way to hide from them." In truth Keiko wasn't planning to ignore the new classmates, and since she usually wasn't the type to have friends now that she had some, she didn't want to lose their trust so easily.

Hoshiko looked at the student for a moment before she peered around for a second. "That is what my class is about, Stealth operations... The key is environmental awareness. Would you try to stealth through this crowd? Or would you find another way around it?"

She posed her question to Keiko as both a chance to teach and a teet of sorts, to see if Keiko could be SAINT or not.

Gunny gulped as she heard Miss Hoshiko's voice spear into her mind, she applied a tiny bit of volumetrics to hide the pink tone of embarrassment on her cheeks as the strawberry blonde broke away from the embrace and approached the intrusive, spooky teacher. "Uhh how about something else?" the young Grimsdottir girl asked, sending a mental apology of "shit uhhh, sorry Miss H" at the same time with little effort as she inserted herself into the conversation with Keiko and the teacher.

"Why not go under or over like in 0 g training? or even under? sewers and storm water drains might smell like complete ass but there aren't many people down there!" Gunnhild added rather confidently, fading the projection away now that her cheeks had cooled down as she put a hand on each of her shapely hips.
The red neko surveyed the crowds, she'd changed fully into classroom mode now and was applying her full knowledge to the task at hand. "Well it depends on the task I would think, provided you knew how to dress to blend in to such a crowd you could probably tail people and eacesdrop with some ease, the issue of course being when they leave the crowd you'd have no chance."

Keiko listened to her friends reaponse as she sauntered over, it seemed odd that Gunny would say something like that so quickly without thinking over even a little bit, "Are you sure you'd want to do that Gunnhild? As you say there is a distinct smell, so if you came above geound people would notice. What you mentioned about 0g manipulation, I assume thats what you were talking about, could definitely help though. If your goal was long distance recon then moving between the nearby buildings and rooftops would be useful."

The red neko looked back to her teacher, "I find myself coming to the conclusion that going through the crowd would definitely be an easier option and opens up other opportunities, but I'm not really sure if that's correct..." she trailed off, Keiko had always had an issue with self confidence on the academic side of things, she dropped her gaze to the floor and didn't say another word.
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