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RP [SACN] Active Assets Report (YE 46)


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
From: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence
To: Internal Investigations Service, Executive Intelligence Directorate
Bcc: SAINT.all.secure; Taisho Ketsurui Yui (@Wes)

1. All commands, squadrons, field stations, and operatives are ordered to report their current operational status and/or force disposition following the end of the Kuvexian War.

2. Operatives and analysts are requested to provide any novel analysis, regardless of their current assignment, concerning real and perceived threats to the Yamatai Star Empire or security-related trends in the broader Kikyo Sector.

Authorized by: TAISHO NAKAIDE SHIDA, Director of Star Army Intelligence
4日15月YE46, 0700 Yamatai Time
Executive Intelligence Directorate, SAINT

With a lot having happened lately, I wanted to bring back this SAINT mainstay. This is a good opportunity for any and all SAINT PC and NPCs to check in, speaking on missions they're undertaking or have undertaken and anything intel-related that came from therein. Due to the Mishhuvurthyar war becoming less fresh and new, perhaps information related to that could be shared, especially from the Uesureyan theater @raz. I know @Rizzo is finishing his first mission up, so it would be a good time to disseminate any preliminary findings or needs. I know @Sunny D is not able to be active, but if you wanted to make up a story for what Erika has been able to get up to in between Resurgence missions, this might be a good time to do some solo RP just for yourself. Further, anyone can reply that I haven't tagged that plays a SAINT character.

ᴇɴᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴɪᴛɪᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ
ᴇɴɢᴀɢᴇᴅ - ꜱᴀᴄɴ

From: Taisa N. Saiga, Task Force 282
To: Office of the Director, SAINT

1. The Star Army's coordination with Emperor Uesu's forces against the Mishhuvurthyar in southern sectors, spearheaded primarily by the YSS Kaiyō II (NG-X1-501 [note: legacy IRN]) and Task Force 282, is proceeding well. Although combined actions since the Reconquest of Kessica have been limited, increased cooperation between the Star Armies of Yamatai and Uesureya has resulted in better joint forces integration. This increased productivity has been evident both during the Liberation of Hanako's World—wherein Uesureyan forces stationed in the Kikyo Sector gladly assisted—and the recent capture of a wormhole in the Venushhurl System located in the Uesu Sector.

2. During initial stages of the mission to take the wormhole at Venushhurl (called "Grakkaflarl" in the Mishhuvurthyar tongue), which connects the Uesu Sector to the Kikyo Sector directly, several Mishhuvurthyar Umbral leaders were killed by Chusa Ketsurui Aiko of the YSS Kaiyō II when a team from that ship infiltrated the wormhole's controlling star fortress. Additionally, the Mishhuvurthyar War Council was present and witnessed in discussions by Taisa Taiyou Hoshi and Ittô Hei Molli Byrne of the same ship, which provided new insights into internal conflicts present among disparate Mishhuvurthyar warlords from both the SMX and NMX military organizations. A more detailed report is available separately for consideration by Director Shida and Taisho Yui, and both soldiers are able to give first hand accounts if required.

3. The bridging of the Kikyo Sector and Uesu Sector following the subsequent cleansing of the Venushhurl System by the First Fleet, Uesureyan Fleet, and Nepleslian exchange assets with Task Force 282 will allow for both the Star Army of Yamatai and Uesureya to better coordinate strategic planning in pursuit of the Third Mishhuvurthyar War and the ongoing Uesureyan War—which has raged since the former Emperor's departure from Yamatai in YE 30—by way of the space-time bridge between the two empires.

4. Mishhuvurthyar dispositions at the Battle of Venushhurl indicate some similar integration between SMX and NMX forces despite conflicting ideals among Mishhu leaders. This may simply be the result of Mishhu battlegroups using whatever equipment is available to them without bias, as was the case during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. Thus, basic equipment identification is not sufficient to differentiate between whether the enemy falls under SMX or NMX ideological paradigms; the Yamatai Star Empire's enemy is the Mishhuvurthyar regardless of which warlord they follow. No new bioforms have been encountered since the previous "Enhanced" type evolutions.

5. The Uesureyan Star Empire, following the Reconquest of Kessica, has begun deploying new technologies and equipment against the Mishhuvurthyar. Notably, a new heavy power armor called the Empire of Uesureya Nekovalkyrja Armor (official reporting name: "EUNA/Euna," pronounced "Yuna") was first seen by Star Army forces in the field during the Liberation of Hanako's World. At about the same time, Taisa Taiyou Hoshi witnessed Emperor Uesu's renewed industrial capacity to produce these armors and other weapons on planet Kessica Prime alongside Taisho Yui during a tour for them hosted by Emperor Uesu himself.

6. The good relationship between Uesureya and Yamatai is partially contingent upon the continued combat exploits of Chusa Ketsurui Aiko—who Uesureyans refer to as "Kitsurugi" Aiko—similarly to the reverence she receives in the Kikyo Sector. Future military cooperation should leverage this reality. Analysis indicates the cultural difficulties between Star Army of Yamatai soldiers and Nekovalkyrja from Uesureya would be minimized if Star Army of Uesureyan assets fell under Task Force 282's chain-of-command. The Uesureyans are already accustomed to fighting alongside TF282's Rikugun contingent, and respect the warrior prowess of the Task Force's visible leadership even beyond their inherent biases toward non-Neko allies.

Compiled by: TAISA NICHOLAS SAIGA, Intelligence Executive for the Uesureyan Theater
8日4月YE46, 1955 Tami Time
Star Army of Yamatai Task Force 282
From: Capricorn Station automated mail relay
To: Office of the Director of SAINT

1: Shuristan response to Mishhuvurthyar incursion on Shurista indicated recent interactions between the two factions, but no Library records support this. It seems that the Shuristan response was not based on knowledge of the specific enemy, but based on knowledge of similar enemies, possibly more mythological than actual. Moreover, they treated it as a big game hunt, not a military action.

2: Shurista's civil Service has started crew selections for what they are classifying as a cruiser, however, preliminary measurements and armaments align more properly with a battleship or battle cruiser, which raises concerns about whether or not the Shuristan defense plan is honest or if they are planning an offensive. Request authorization to ST operatives into Senti bodies to infiltrate the Civil Service, as traditional avenues of communication are not revealing any useful information.

3: Capricorn Module geneticists have examined crops affected by the crop blight, and corrosion samples from the hull, separating out genetic information. Of special note is that the blight is a hexagon shaped platelet virus bearing an NX genetic tag, indicating it is a Mishhu engineered virus. This also aligns with a rise in missing persons reports.

4. The crop blight has also been infecting Shuristan cargo and patrol vessels, causing widespread quarantine and cargo shortages. Knowing how reliant the Shuristan economy is on agriculture and outside trade, the crippling of the cargo fleets and agricultural domes will likely cause an economic collapse and widespread shortages if not addressed.

ᴇɴᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴɪᴛɪᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ
ᴇɴɢᴀɢᴇᴅ - ꜱᴀᴄɴ
The lead on Yicubiqu I proved to be a hoax. The hypnotist turned out to be a man being scammed by an illegal salvage operation. They have been dealt with and order restored, as much as can be on such a backwards planet. We are moving our attention to an NMX warlord, Zaxyllbrph. Reports indicate he is operating in the E-5 sector, potentially on the third planet. His psionic abilities are rumored to be legendary and he has been taking many of our people hostage. Reports indicate 9 operatives killed by this Mishu and 3 are being held by him. We are linking up with a Rikugun century to assault his fortress, with fleet support to destroy his hold on E-5-III. We will pursue him until we track his ST and swap it for a virus. We will then kill him and allow them to discover his true death long after we extract. We will most likely need extraction and have YSS Presage of Nashoba of on retainer for our escape.

Jinja, I got this. Put me in and I'll bring you his head.
ᴇɴᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴɪᴛɪᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ
ᴇɴɢᴀɢᴇᴅ - ꜱᴀᴄɴ

From: Chujo Tsumura Hatsue, Seventh Fleet Chief of Intelligence
To: Office of the Director, SAINT

1. We are completely operational with assets distributed across both the Kikyo and Kactist sectors. Due to ongoing and future intelligence efforts we are developing our recruiting and training capacity resulting in additional assets that we can deploy. We are also embedding intelligence assets in the colonies that are being settled in the Kactist sector since the destruction of the Mishhuvurthyar shipyard.

2. There are several developing threats within the Kactist sector that Seventh Fleet will need to deal with.

2a. Mishhuvurthyar

The Mishhuvurthyar threat in Kactist was the original reason for Seventh Fleet's deployment to the sector. They call themselves the Rushhu Vutcryar and are led by an individual named Hixplelorstyas. We have confirmed that this is the same Hixplelorstyas that was a Master Commander during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. This has warranted caution from some of our analysts due to his relative success during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. The Rushhu Vutcryar appear to be a splinter group from the NMX that has broken ties with the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift.

Their Society is founded on what they describe as “The Principle of Inequality.” The principle of inequality is that no two beings, not even clones, are truly identical. One is better than the other. Power is the only thing that truly matters. The Rushhu Vutcryar consists of three 'castes': Mishhuvurthyar, Nekovalkyrja, and Slaves. While in general, it isn't possible to move between different castes, movement between castes has been used as a reward or punishment. They have a very advanced system of property law, in which everything not in the Mishhuvurthyar caste are considered property that belongs to one Mishhuvurthyar or another.

Mishhuvurthyar are the highest caste and control and direct Rushhu Vutcryar society. Advanced types are the highest among them, with Crab types and Parasites occupying lower places on the social hierarchy. Rushhu Parasites and Crabs are slightly different from standard in that they will naturally grow over time into Advanced types.

The Nekovalkyrja caste are the on the ground soldiers of the Rushhu. They are much better treated than slaves, but are not allowed to have any profession or even a hobby outside of things with a military application. That said, they are allowed to acquire and own things of their own, but not slaves. Decorating and making their armor unique and customized is allowed.

Everyone else, including Nekos and Mishhu outside of the Rushhu Vutcryar, have zero rights of any sort and are forbidden from possessing weapons. Slaves may be claimed by specific Mishhuvurthyar, in which case they have the protections of being someone else's property. However, this is a very thin protection and depends on the specific individual who they are 'owned' by.

The differences between Rushhu Vutcryar and Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift appear to be significant. More intelligence work is required.

2b. Feteseyn

The Feteseyn are an elder race that seems to have some sort of significant sway in this area of space. Some anyalists consider their 'protection' of this area of space to be similar to the Essai protection of their 'dreamworld' suggesting that they might be the same species. More intelligence work is required.

2c. Swarmtide

The Swarmtide have a large hive at the edge of this sector and extending deep into the next sector over. While they do make appearances, it seems they are primarily engaged with a larger threat on the other side of their space. More intelligence work is required.

2d. The Scionate

The Scionate are an advanced robotic species that seeks to destroy and replace all non-robotic species. However, there seems to be a disagreement about the exact methods of doing this. During first contact, we believe that one of our Operatives was able to embed themselves into their society under deep cover. More intelligence work is required.

2e. Kuvexian

There are several Kuvexian corporations operating in the Kactist sector. They own roughly a dozen systems. More intelligence work is required.

2f. Vordachibeans

Vordachibeans inhabit this area of space. There are rumors of an advanced planet of them, but this has not been corroborated at this time. More intelligence work is required.

2g. Senti flotilla

We have reports of a Senti flotilla in the Kactist sector. Images obtained indicate that it may be a daughter of Turassiel as it's shape matches pieces missing from Turassiel. More intelligence work is required.

2h. Colonization

With the destruction of the Rushhu Vutcryar shipyard, this area of space is being opened to colonization efforts. We are embedding intelligence assets in the colonies as they form. The distance from the Kikyo Sector makes it ideal for those disillusioned with their current governments to relocate here. Some of the colonies may be 'wildcat' colonies that are not approved by any government. Additional care will need to be taken to keep an eye on such colonies. Intelligence work is ongoing.

Compiled by: Chujo Tsumura Hatsue, Seventh Fleet Chief of Intelligence
4日15月YE46, 1300 Yamatai Time