Star Army

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RP (non-canon) Sacre's Snippets

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Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 42ish
RP Location
YSS Artemis
OOC: These are short RP snippets from the Artemis Discord channel. They are at best semi cannon. I am not the only one who contributed here.

Dramatis Personae:
Sacre - Tsundre Snek
Klaus - Longsuffering peon
Maradia - Sad Separa'Borg
Gravity - Sacre's beloved girlfriend
Setsuya - Klaus's beloved girlfriend
Jericho - A meat wall that's more like a machine than a man.
Menelik - Annoying peon 37
Kiki - Overly enthusiastic engineer, banned from having coffee
Elenor - Ranger chick in charge
Bjorn - The only full robot
Niwa - Top boss
Makoto - Ninja with catlike tread


Jericho: Why are you staring at me with that knife?
Sacre: I think you know why.
Jericho: You're name is sacre isn't it?
Sacre: You can read, your highest achievement, I'm sure.
Jericho: F*^& you.
Menelik just kinda sighs and shakes his head.
Kikos: "You can't scare me"
Sacre: I don't remember it going that way, Kiki. I guess knowing some of my tricks might help.


Kikos: oh no
Kikos: menelik just


Jericho: Menelik NNNNNOOOOOOO, you've doomed us all!!!
Menelik: Menelik comes from a subculture where coffee is drunken and revered like tea is in asian cultures.
Sacre: Sighs I'll go get the tranquilizer gun.
Jericho: has shock rounds
Sacre: At least we don't have Gravity along for the ride.

Menelik: It's not like his family's company plans to open a division that grows super coffee.
Sacre: no free samples of your disgusting bean water, we have enough trouble with the regular stuff.
Menelik: Come on, I wouldn't push coffee on you people. Now, Tej and Tella, absolutely. I don't see how you drink that stuff made from rice.

Jericho: Sips a can of cola from his stash
Jericho: Sips a can of energy drink from stash.
Kiki: OwO
Sacre: You don't have to push coffee on a black hole


Sacre picks up cross stitch
[Cross stitch with seven knives and text "no spoons left, only knives']


Jericho: Anyone seen my LCK? wasn't in it's sheath when I was doing a gear check.
Sacre: I guess that makes you un-LCK-y


Maradia: I can touch Sacre because my arms are robotic, it's not actually a person touching her, it's a machine


Sacre: Deep Lore: Sacre is what amounts to Essian Nobility
Maradia: If Maradia were blood nobility to something, would she only have half the claim to nobility since she had a lot of parts replaced with cybernetics that have no blood


Menelik: ... am I a bad person?
Sacre: Probably not, but get into stabbing range and we'll see


Menelik: Picks up Sacre, pushes her into the Wardroom
Sacre: After that Menilik's body was never found and all of his backups turned out to be corrupted


Sacre: working to get Jericho back up "Stupid Unreliable Geists, whoever designed these needs to get shot."
Jericho: "General Nagato has in fact, survived several gunshot wounds since the G1-NI's creation date."
Sacre: Too bad he survived. Can you send him a bullet with my regards?


Maradia: tried to replace her own battery again
Sacre: Kiki, do you know where I can get some more AA's for Maradia?


Maradia: Entire infantry squad sits on Maradia's tail
Random Grunts: This is the most uncomfortable bench I've ever used.
Maradia: There's several cables running along her spine so... Not the most comfortable thing to ride
Sacre: Someone accidently sits on Sacre's tail, and is sent on a short flight into a bulkhead
Sacre: I think Maradia is more comfortable to sit on.


Maradia: I'm gonna hide under the bed now
Maradia's hips: No, I don't think I will
Sacre: The hips don't lie


Menelik: ... so, Sacre's going to confront Menelik with a knife again when she realizes that he's involved with Kiki, isn't she?
Sacre: probably not 'waving' a knife


Kiki: Laughs and literally bounces off the wall
Sacre: Did you give her coffee
Menelik: Silently nods
Sacre: Pulls out shotgun and shoots Kiki "she'll live"


Sacre(to Klaus): Great, yet another stone around my neck
Sacre(to Setsuya): I'm glad to have Klaus along

Sacre: This is Klaus.
[Picture of a Lemming]


Sacre: what am I thankful for? Not having to interact with knuckleheads, oh look you've ruined it. And heatlamps, I guess.


Kaiyo Klaus: High Fives.
Artemis Klaus: Contain the high fives
Sacre: Mainly because high fiving me might mean he no longer has a five to high


Sacre: If Sacre had a youtube, it would probably consist of her shooting/stabbing people and then medicing them back to health. I'm not sure who would co-star as the nearly mortally wounded every episode. Although she could be like batman or something.
Maradia: Maradia comes in injured "Oh boy, we're gonna need power tools for this one"
Klaus: Probably be Klaus
Sacre: Again Klaus? Bad lemming!!
Sacre: I'm glad your not dead, but did you have to spurt blood everywhere?

Sacre: Well, at least you're not leaking hydraulic fluid like Maradia
Klaus: I believe that spurting blood is what happens, WHEN SOMEONE IS STABBED!!!!
Elenor: Getting shot does that as well.


Sacre: The field surgery kit I always carry around is not an accessory.
Maradia: Is that battery you carry around an accessory, because- flops over limply
Sacre: plugs the new battery in to Maradia. I'm going to go with no


Sacre, with the personality of a cheese grater, strikes again.


Maradia: "I made a picture of Jericho" It's a poorly drawn stick figure
Sacre: It is the worst drawing of Jericho I've ever seen.
Maradia: I'm glad you like it.
Sacre: I'm serious, Jericho will probably be offended if you show him this sorry excuse for art.
Sacre: Now go draw me 500 pictures of Jericho, and I better see some progress.
Elenor: The fuck did I just witness?


Maradia: Uses blood pressure cuff
10 seconds later

Sacre: ... That only works on biological arms.
Maradia: .....oh


Maradia playing it real smooth: "these implants must be magnetic because I'm attracted to you"
Sacre: shakes her head No, he's got a magnetic personality, that's why your attracted to him.


Elenor: walks around muttering, papers in hand. One falls out of stack. On it reads 'Infantry get to be big damned heroes'
Bjorn: sees the dropped paper Ma'am you dropped something
Sacre: sees the paper and reads it. "Put the infantry into a wood chipper" got it.
Bjorn: wait what?
Sacre: People don't get to be heros for the easy stuff, and ribbons are too expensive for my taste.


Elenor: hey now, we checked in properly 2 hours in, we just missed our 4 hour check-in because Spetznaz
Sacre: because a marching band playing the anthem would have been making less noise


Klaus: I like to imagine that the entire Black Wolf Squad makes sure that nobody eats eggs around Sacre.(edited)
Klaus: That they coerce everyone else to eat eggs while they are training.
Sacre: Yhea, that's probably true.


Jericho: Takes a bullet for Klaus.
Klaus: Takes a bullet for Jericho.
Maradia: Takes a bullet for them both by coiling around them
Kuvy Snipers: WTF?!
Maradia: "I can feel my life slipping away... it's over... goodbye Jericho..." It bounced off her metal bone
Klaus: Don't worry! It's just your battery! Plugs in a new one
Sacre: Oh, you aren't dying, your not going to get away from me that easily!
Maradia: "oh, good"
Maradia: "Now then"
Maradia: Attempts to grab Kuvvie with her claw, accidentally pinches their arm off
Klaus: You're doing great! Keep it up!


Klaus: looks at Sacre's knife collection wow, that is a lot of knives. Uhh, she's probably going to want... you know what I'll go with all of them. Umm, can I get some help here? I'm not sure I can carry all of them myself.
Klaus: XD

Klaus: Just a full duffle bag of knives
[Man with huge backpack]
Jericho: Sacre be the only one carrying a three day assault pack XD
Sacre: That's not a three day assault pack, it's her knife collection, part 1. /jk ... ish
Sacre: Thinking about it, Sacre probably only has in the range of a few hundred knives. Definitely less than a thousand. However, her knife collection is very tightly curated. That said, once she leaves the army, it's probably going to balloon in size.
Klaus: O_O

Klaus: Ò_Ò


Someone: You got a knife?
Sacre: Sure Whatcha cutting?
Someone: Why do you need to know?
Sacre: Because it will determine which knife I let you borrow.
Someone: ... Which knife? How many do you have?
Sacre: Whatcha cutting?


Klaus: wakes up
Sacre: stabs him
Klaus: What was that for?!
Sacre: Dying in my arms idiot!
Niwa: I'm fine with this Sacre. walks off
Callisto: Does this mean we get to stab as greetings?
Fusami: No.
Niwa: Oh, and Klaus... Don't forget to bring some anger with you when you finish reading the after-action reports.


Sacre: If Klaus was really smart, he'd figure that Kusanagi had been lost and get her a replacement.
Klaus: Maybe he runs into a guard that kept Kusanagi as a war trophy?
Sacre: That works too
Maradia: "don't worry, I made you a replacement" Maradia attempted but made a really really crappy knife that slightly resembles a Kusanagi
Sacre: .... I'm going to stab someone with this, just because this is what you give me to work with. When we get back, you've enrolled in the Sacre school of knife making.

Maradia: um... does that means I did good?
Sacre: You'll be taking 'how not to be incompetent 101', so no.
Klaus: Laying down suppressive fire "Less talking, more killing!"


Maradia: Attempts to shake hand with claw
Maradia: Crunching noise

Sacre: If it wasn't for the fact that Kikios would probably turn your hand into a demented science experiment I'd ask her to put pressure sensors in your claw.
Maradia: Alarmed beep, hides claw worriedly
Sacre: My advice, don't change my math on that one.


Klaus recounts how he got to know Sacre

Sacre: Don’t worry. I’ve still got a few knives up my sleeve.
Klaus: Don’t you mean tricks?
Klaus: She did not mean tricks.


Klaus continuing to recount

Klaus: WHY? Why did you give them a knife?!
Sacre: I’m sorry. He said he felt unsafe.
Klaus: Now I feel unsafe!
Sacre: ...
Sacre: Would you like a knife?


Klaus has nearly endless Sacre stories

Klaus: You can’t just bring knives to a friendly game of charades! Who does that?!
Sacre: pulling out a 10inch blade The prepared.
Makoto: hmm.. Sacre seems to have the right idea, of being prepared.


Some don't always star him

Sacre: …and I put a little note in your bag to tell you I love you!
Gravity: Sacre, this is a 10-page letter. takes a peek But yes, I would like to try that sometime.


Klaus on Sacre's Alpha Fork, Sanssinia

Sacre: Who are you?
Sanssinia: I’m you.
Sacre: No, I’m me.
Sanssinia: “I’m me”, she says.


Klaus on getting fed up with Sacre's insults

Klaus: I will not stand here and be insulted!
Sacre: Then stand somewhere else and I’ll insult you there, I don’t care.
Klaus: Little does Sacre know, I was playing into her game! I’m well versed in drama after all.
Sacre: Do you know how hard it is for two straight men to be funny? Oh, you were trying to be the stooge, sorry.


Klaus: Sacre gave me a gift once. opens and dumps bag. Knives come out.


Klaus: Sacre, I’m here to rescue you!
Sacre: About damn time. What took you so long?
Klaus: Dumps duffel bag full of cutlery
Sacre: You are forgiven


Klaus relates more stories

Klaus: I dare you to kiss the next person who enters the room.
Sacre: Screw you, I’m not kissing anyo—
Gravity: walks in


Klaus on Sacre's bedside manner

Klaus: Ugh! This is killing me!
Sacre: Good.
Sacre: Die.
Maradia: It's ok Klaus, she might not mean it
Klaus: Maradia....Not helping...
Maradia: Sad beep


Klaus: Im sorry!!!
Sacre: You will be now, peon.
Klaus: unintelligible scream of anguish


Klaus relates more

Klaus: dies
Klaus: Ah. Finally.
Sacre: brings Klaus back to life
Klaus: oh for fuck’s sake—


Yet another story from Klaus
Klaus: What is this?
Sacre: Oh, that? It’s my to-do list.
Klaus: Oh, that’s amazing! I’m so glad you’re finally starting to try and be more organi—
Klaus: Klaus: …This just says “Gravity”
Klaus: And it's not even once.
Klaus: And also marked, "Gravity, maid outfit", "Gravity, bomber jacket", "Gravity, Kimono"


Klaus on Sacre's relationship advice

Klaus: Hey, Sacre, I need some relationship advice, can you help me out?
Sacre: Okay just because I’m dating Gravity doesn’t mean I know how I did it
Klaus: You too?! Damn. I did it with Setsuya and Mehitabel, somehow


Klaus on Sacre's interrogations

Kuvexian Prisoner: I really like this “good cop/bad cop” thing you two have going.
Klaus: Thanks.
Klaus: But it’s not really a thing, it’s more like I’m nice and Sacre is not.
Klaus: I'm not the good cop. I'm the one that kills you after she's done.
Sacre: He called dibs, sorry


Maradia: Attempts to pick up Sacre to get her out of the Kuvexian prison
Klaus: Things get a bit hectic out here.
Maradia: Cheats by spinning claw


Sacre: Sometimes you just gotta twirls knife
Klaus: You gotta what?
Sacre: You just gotta


Gravity: You keep a list of everyone based on how good-looking they are?
Sacre: Yes, I do... number one.
Klaus: That is so messed up.
Sacre: Keep your concerns to yourself, tw— uh, Klaus
Sacre: I definitely was going to say two thousand, not two
Maradia: ooh what number am I?


Sacre: It's a good start.
[There are 88 killing weapons on my body, you bastards.]
Makoto: decent set.


Sacre: I wonder if cables's tail has any good spots for holding knives.
Maradia: What?!
Sacre: These are important questions.
Elenor: peers
Maradia: Why are you holding wire ties?!
Sacre: Well you have wires don't you?
Maradia: NO! I-I mean yes but no!
Elenor: Why?
Sacre: Gotta attach the knives somehow.
Maradia: Hiding Helllp meeeee!


Sacre: Roses are red. Violets are blue. I find you tolerable every other day or two.


Kikios: So how's the water?
Klaus opens the channel to the room Sacre's in
Sacre: ...Catfish who deserve all of the disgusting leftover things that no other fish would want. Lice would be welcome house guests compared to that. No, not lice, lice are too dignified and refined. A tape worm perhaps, sucking all of the energy and force out of you. It exists only to be torn out, root and stem so it never gets within a thousand lightyea...
Klaus turns it back off
Klaus: I think you'll be fine, just wait until she tells them to do it again.
Klaus: They're getting used to it at least. Only 3 broke down in tears this time.
Kikios: Is... is she talking about her squad?
Klaus: Yeaaaaaah.
Kikios: Oouuuchh....
Maradia slithers in having seen none of that
Maradia: hey guys what's going on
Klaus: Sacre’s new recruits made a mistake. Shakes head Poor fools.
Maradia: Oh no, what did they do...
Elenor: Someone flagged the line while on the range.
Elenor: The whole line.
Maradia: Yeah at least we would never do that


Sacre: I do have a positive attitude, I'm positive your a screwup placed here by fate to torment me with your incompetence.
Klaus: Used to it at this point... Ok.
Maradia: I'm not incompetent! Angry beeping


Maradia: so if chlorate hugs sacre she gets thrown right
Maradia: what happens if maradia hugs sacre
Sacre: Maradia probably gets an arm poped back into it's socket and a "Your fatter then I expected."
Maradia: "Wha!" Looks at her belly "I'm not fat!"
Sacre: Sacre: I saw you sneak that extra cookie at dinner, that's probably a thousand extra calories we have to work off. So let's get started.
Maradia: "What! No I... OK I... IT WAS JUST 2 COOKIES"
Klaus: “To be fair, they were covered in a chocolate layer.”
Maradia: Annoyed whirr "You're not helping!"
Klaus: “Sorry. I’ll do the exercises with ya. Share the pain.”


Sacre: So the slimy Limpet continues to cling to the bottom of the rusty garbage barge, pathetic. She's actually kinda happy to see you.


Sacre: If we could turn your stupidity into power, we would have a greater power source then Aether.
Klaus: raises finger, thinks
Klaus: Yeah, you're probably right.
Sachiko: frowns not liking her papa being insulted. Thats not polite
Klaus: Don't worry Sachi. Sacre's just a Tsundere. That's just how she shows affection.


Charra: Today i, a giant snake, will consume an entire small animal on camera and then lay under a heating lamp in slightly revealing attire but at an angle that keeps you watching on the off chance you think ill show some skin any time i stretch. Like, comment, and subscribe to see me do more giant-snake things every monday and dont forget to support me, a giant snake, on Space-Patreon for as low as 5 KS a month for in depth behind the scenes footage on me doing giant snake things!

Charra: Honestly i would dread viewing a media platform with likely billions of childish or girly neko all uploading simular content every single day, bottlenecking the whole platform with prob simular clips of random goings on on their ships, teasing their crewmates with the same pranks since trillions of neko can only be so original when there are trillions of them with the same formative experiences, etc. Ah, yes. The 7-millionth review of origins new delsaurian meatballs today. This will go well with the ten billion reccomendations i just got around "trolling the bridge bunnies on the YSS SHIP NAME HERE (MEGAMI SNITCHED TO SAINT?!). Oh. Something new? Nevermind its just ANOTHER elysian wing care tutorial...

Kiki: Watches intently

Sacre: Not to mention that they all likely have similar tastes. Hopefully there would be a "Algorithm God, I am not a NEKO!" button. Seeing a Separa'Shan do anything would probably be novel. And the one that does the same Neko stuff that they like has a zillion viewers.

Maradia: Runs out of battery on a stream and leaves it on for hours
Viewers: "is this a bit? is she supposed to be doing that?"
Long Time viewers, "She's done it again, where is she streaming from? Let's see if we can get her a new battery."

Elenor: "Hey, get that shit outta my way. No, I don't care that your trying to become the new NekoTube star. Do you know how many are trying to do just that? No I won't do a cute neko thing. I'm not vat-grown like you are, remember?"

Klaus: would totally be a booktuber or a trash taste style podcast


Sacre: Sacre's place doesn't have rats, it has snacks that have stopped showing up.


Kikos: A fire triangle is made up of oxygen, heat, and fuel. When you have those three things, you have a fire. But really you can make a fire triangle for anything.
Klaus: You can make a fire trangle for anything?
Kikos: Yhea.
Maradia: Do Sacre!
Klaus: Easy! Bitching, Bitching, and Bitching






Kiki: I'd like to think that we're all friends
Sacre: Your bird brain liking to think it and it being true are not the same thing.
Also Sacre: Kiki, I had an extra knife and thought you could use one.


Klaus: So I was thinking...
Sacre: With what?
Klaus: (Continues on without noticing)


Sacre: Being a tough as nails badass survivor is significantly less awesome then not having to survive it at all, but we didn't get that choice. Our choice is between badass survivor and victim. I chose survivor.


Maradia: Fails at video games because she doesn't have another hand for the mouse/controller
Sacre: Skill issue
Sacre: Yhea... Sacre would probably insinst she play video games twelve hours a day until she's top ranked.

Char: But that would never happen cause theres always a freespacer with 7 arms and 79 fingers on a single game controller, a Nepleslian hacker cheating, some neko who machine-learned being the best at video games ever and uses their OP super processing brain to outperform, or some space-korean kid with space-gamerfuel and who only spends 10% of his day at school and the other 90% with a space-korean sponsored top-10 space-esports team...

Char: Plus the salty kids who will troll our beloved and overly serious sacre. The moment she reacts on the mic to them they have already cross-analyzed her like a goddam phycologist and will make her rage quit in under 10 insults.

Sacre: Talk less, split-tail and mayb- Some kid: Your tail is fat and your scales are coarse as hell. Go sit under a hotlamp and eat some mice, fat-tail! -XxXBestSnekYE69XxX has left your game-

Sacre: I don't know, Sacre does have weapons grade vocabulary.

Sacre: No, u.
MLG airhorn montage sounds

Sacre: more like...
Sacre: Listen here you little piece of trash, no wait that's an insult to...
Sacre: gets tuned out


Sacre: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Rangers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on kuvexia, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Yamatai armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the empire and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Yamatai Star Army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Char: Less than a nanosecond later by the high pitched voice of a child: Its spelled "Guerrilla", Fat-tail.


Sacre: There is a knife with your name on it, I might not know where, I might not know when, but I will personally deliver it straight to your shriveled apricot of a heart.

Suzume: poking her head through the doorway Apricots are not a viable replacement for a heart, let alone most organs, Sanssinia-san.

The audible sound of teeth grinding in frustration as children hearing that through sacre's mic start cackling at her

Sacre: Part of the problem is that Sacre doesn't have the required amount of Chill. Perhaps she can livesteam and get some of her simps to harass them for her?


Sacre: If I had to enumerate all of your flaws, we'd be here until the heat death of the universe.
Soldier: uhhh...
Klaus: she didn't say all eternity so your good.
Klaus: The heat death of the universe is when she starts blushing. It's super cute.


Sacre: this is my presentation on all of your positive attributes
Screen shows 'no slides' error
Sacre: this concludes my presentation, thank you.


Maradia: Makes mechanical clattering noises
Sacre: Oh look, a rattlesnake


(Adapted from star trek)
Klaus Four weeks? Are you telling me I've been hanging around with a Changeling for over a month?
Sacre And you even never suspected it wasn't me?
Klaus: No! And the worst part is, the clues were right in front of me!
Sacre: What clues?
Klaus: Well, for one thing, she was a lot easier to get along with.
Klaus: Didn't throw a knife at me or anything.
Elenor: No knife's flying through the air at people too
OOC: These are some roleplaying snippets. I didn't write all of the lines.

Klaus: Setsuya, quick question, have you ever been to the Snowdrop Hotel in Aomori in Yamatai?
Setsuya: nooo?
Klaus: Ok, it goes on the list then.
Klaus: I'm making a list of places that are new to us and that could be fun for us to go to. Together. Doing couple stuff.
Sacre: my advice? Avoid Ralt.
Klaus: Not on the list, actually. It's my home and I love it with all my heart, but some of the old timers there can be a bit narrow minded.
Sacre: and It's a frozen wasteland.
Klaus: Hehe. Yup. So Sacre have you been in touch with Gravity? Last I saw her she was doing alright.
Sacre: we talk and write letters.
Klaus: Good. Don't worry about her, she's got her sister and Saya looking after her.
Klaus: I miss them sometimes.
Elenor: I strongly recommend not hitting the bigger tourist traps. They can be nice, but they also tend to be packed.
Setsuya: I'd like to make Terra Multa one of those stops, and Sirris VI as well.
Bjorn: What are these places you speak off, they sound..... pleasent
Klaus: Gotcha. I'll start working on other planets as well. It'd be good to go to Osman as well, see Mark's place.
Klaus: They are tourist spots. Places that have something unique or remarkable that makes people travel there to experience it for themselves.
Bjorn: And what use are these Tourist spots for combat?
Setsuya: Klaus......Mark's place is Sirris VI.
Setsuya: Osman is a military junta now.
Setsuya: There is also a Mark at Terra Multa, he took over for Mr. Arturius before we left for the Artemis.
Bjorn: feels awkward and goes back to his tea
Jericho: Mr. Bjorn, tourist locations are for recreation.
Jericho: Combat is avoided in such locations.
Menelik: What if it's like, cute girls fighting in a mudpit?
Elenor: Rarely do they have much military value, though a few may be set on sites of military actions that have historic military signifiance.
Sacre: At least for you it's just sometimes Klaus.


Maradia: Maradia appears to be in the VR room, looking in a mirror
Sacre: Sacre also happens to show up in VR room with training knives oh, hey Maradia
Maradia: Oh, hey... She quickly turns off a projection that was being projected over herself
Sacre: What you up to? Sacre asked casually
Maradia: Oh, just uh... looking at... things...
Sacre: Things?
Maradia: Yeah, like uhh... armor?
Sacre: Armor, yes, it's an inportant decision. What combinations were you thinking of?
Maradia: I think... the Mindy with Kalamari arms maybe? Strange, it definitely didn't look like she was in armor
Sacre: Kalamari? Intresting, why?
Sacre: Sacre moved to a new holographic table and put the practice knives down.
Sacre: She casually took off her uniform jacket to reveal a body covered with scars.
Sacre: The only place that they aren't are her forearms with some of them even distinctly dead ending onto the much smoother skin.
Maradia: It'd just be useful to have more arms, I guess...
Maradia: She glances at Sacre then looks at her own entirely metal arms
Maradia: She might have some scars where the implants were installed, but it's not exactly possible to heal out implants
Sacre: Sacre slid over to Maradia. or to have biological arms again.
Sacre: there was a pause.
Sacre: You weren't looking at armor
Maradia: Maradia is silent, the projection turns back on and reveals she was looking at her old self with no implants
Sacre: Sacre nods sadly Sometimes, the changes we under go are not our choice.
Maradia:Maradia keeps the projection on
Maradia: I don't understand why they thought they were making me better. Was this not good enough?!
Sacre:Sacre purses her lips. Then steps forward and shoves Maradia out of the hologram, seperating the two so now there were two Maradias, the hologram and the Cyborg.
Sacre: Does it matter if it was or wasn't? It is not who you are now.
Maradia: Maradia looks down
Maradia: But it could've been... I didn't ask to be changed...
Sacre: Neither did I.
Maradia: Can I ask you something?
Sacre: Anything
Maradia: What did they do to you?
Sacre: Sacre turned away. Clinching a fist and sliding away.
Sacre: Do they eat eggs where you come from?
Maradia: No, why?
Sacre: Sacre looked up to the simulated sky with her back to Meradia.
Sacre: here I grew up, we didn't. Our ancestors taught us that children are precious.
Sacre: It is said that long ago our ancestors made an oath to a fertility spirit. We would not eat any eggs for their blessing. So none of us eat eggs, it is said that the one who eats eggs is cursed by the spirit.
Sacre: Over time, it became worse then murder.
Sacre: pause
Sacre: When I was young, I got into a fight with my father and ran away to the stars. But the blackness between was where I ended up.
Elenor: pokes head in Hey, lunch's almost over you two.
Maradia: What was the fight about?
Sacre: "We should get lunch." Sacre said, the moment broken by the interruption. She put her uniform jacket back on, covering the scars. There was a disquiet silence as Sacre left the room.
Maradia: Maradia follows Sacre, watching the hologram of her original self disappear


Female!Klaus: A female Klaus enter the wardroom, sitting down with a bit of a limp
Sacre: Do I want to know what happened?
Female!Klaus: I've experimented with my lovely girlfriend. She liked it. A lot.
Eric: Eric is sipping coffee and looks over Nani?
Sacre: Well, I think we always knew who wore the pants.
Female!Klaus: If she's happy, I'm happy.
Eric: sips his coffee and nods
Female!Klaus: Now I just need to wait a bit more and Vindication will be mine!! Dramatic pose
Eric: looks up tired can't take Klaus seriously
Sacre: You'll need a lot of it...
Maradia: Maradia looks over and does a little robotic giggle
Menelik: Menelik shrugs "Well, It's not the weirdest thing to happen on a Yamataian ship."
Klaus: Indeed, it is not.


Maradia: Maradia is trying to find a way to hide her implants
Maradia: She's in her squad's cabin
Sacre: Sacre comes in, "Concealer, then blend."
Maradia: H-huh?!
Maradia: She hides herself under a very large pile of blankets
Maradia: She takes extra to cover her tail
Sacre: "Are you deaf? I said concealer, then blend it in. That wire is going under your skin."
Maradia: won't work. There's too many and they stick out too much.


Menelik: I feel like a heel. What right do I have to be anything but perfectly happy and cheery when my life has been picture perfect, compared to damn near everyone else on this ship?
//Sacre: because your author is nicer then ours
Menelik: You've all had it worse than me, but you keep on trying every day, giving it your best.
Menelik: What right do I have to even try to help with your issues- I can't possibly know the trauma that any of you have gone through.
Sacre: ... Menelik, your a half blind dopey moron. I might wish trauma on you, but it's for your own perverted failings, not just because I enjoy seeing you in pain.
Sacre: Although that is an added side benifit.
Sacre: There is only one scale, and we measure all of our experiences on it.
Sacre: The worst day of your life might not be as objectively bad as mine, but it's just as subjectively bad.
Sacre: We don't have to go through the exact same experiences to feel empathy or to help.
Sacre: A medic who's never been shot can patch a wound as well as me.
Menelik: "... Getting called a pervert because I love Kiki doesn't make me feel less guilty, y'know.
Sacre: "Your not a pervert because you like a entirely too energetic and peppy bird.
Sacre: I think anyone attracted to the feminine might be dragged along like a idiot donkey watching a carrot on a stick when looking at that one.
Sacre: Or loving someone who's so precious that I'd have to hurt anyone who hurt her.
Sacre: your an idiot if you give her coffee, then all that's left is to hope her new contraption doesn't kill us all.
Sacre: Your a pervert because you put your boxers in my laundry.
Menelik: ... Wait are you still mad about that- that was our laundry getting mixed up, its a simple mistake.
Menelik: And yes, I give her coffee, she likes my coffee, and she's cute when she drinks it!"
Sacre: starts loading up on tranquilizer darts. "Good thing Gravity's not around for her to synergize with."
Menelik: What? She's cute when she's energetic. She keeps me on my toes!
Sacre: ... that's one way to put it.
Menelik: Look, she's important to me, and I've completely fallen for her. Is that enough to at least make you trust me that I won't hurt her?
Sacre: Nope.
Menelik: ... You haven't even talked to her about me, have you?
Sacre: She's got a good head on her shoulders... well most of the time. It's not her I'm worried about misbehaving.
Menelik: Well, the thing is, I hate most Nepleslian culture as much as you do. Everyone thinking with their dick, gun, or beer instead of actually thinking, treating ID-SOL's obsession with manliness as a good thing, a generally disgusting okayness with slavery and owning people?
Menelik: "... Maybe I don't hate them as much as you do, but I hate Nepleslians- they act like a bunch of shortsighted manchildren who care more about being seen as manly than they do about anything else.
Sacre: glances at his marine stripes "Riiiight."
Menelik: I'm Hanyadi- not Nepleslian. And being a Marine is the best way to protect my own people, and maybe do some good.
Menelik: He Frowned I don't expect we'd much better as slaves of the Kuvies. But you can trust me- first hopped up ID-SOL who makes a fried elysian wings joke about Kiki, and you won't have time to draw your knife before I'm on them.
Sacre: "We'll see." pretty clearly doesn't believe him at all
Menelik: There's a sigh from him, and he rubs the bridge of his nose. "I'd ask what I could do to make you trust me, but I'm pretty sure you'd just say 'die'."
Sacre: I trust people on what they have shown themselves to be. You didn't make a good first impression.
Menelik: A laundry mixup doesn't count as a first impression.
Menelik: ... Regardless of you threatening me with a knife, thank you for helping Maradia.
Sacre: Of course it does, that's when you got changed from 'anonymous peon 37' to 'annoying peon 37'
Sacre: Yes, and that's when you became 'crazy snake with a knife.'
Klaus: "Considering my first impression was me telling Sacre she reminded me of my granfather, I really can't say I don't see her point.
Menelik: ... Okay, but Klaus, I know you probably meant that as a compliment, but you should never tell a pretty lady that you remind her of an old man when you first meet her.
Klaus: Yeah, I know that now.
Menelik: This being Sacre, it was probably fine.
Menelik: Rimshot
Klaus: Facepalms
Sacre: "I've been crazy knife snake for a long time tadpole." Laughs
Jericho: I don't imagine most of my first impression are favorable, or even positive.
Menelik: That's because you don't know how to smile.


Menelik: So why don't you got talk to her about it?
Menelik: Actually don't do that, you'll make us fail the Bechdel test.
Sacre: We already passed it, we're in Yamatai, not testosterone soaked Nepleslia
OOC: These are some roleplaying snippets. I didn't write all of the lines.

Klaus: Setsuya, quick question, have you ever been to the Snowdrop Hotel in Aomori in Yamatai?
Setsuya: nooo?
Klaus: Ok, it goes on the list then.
Klaus: I'm making a list of places that are new to us and that could be fun for us to go to. Together. Doing couple stuff.
Sacre: my advice? Avoid Ralt.
Klaus: Not on the list, actually. It's my home and I love it with all my heart, but some of the old timers there can be a bit narrow minded.
Sacre: and It's a frozen wasteland.
Klaus: Hehe. Yup. So Sacre have you been in touch with Gravity? Last I saw her she was doing alright.
Sacre: we talk and write letters.
Klaus: Good. Don't worry about her, she's got her sister and Saya looking after her.
Klaus: I miss them sometimes.
Elenor: I strongly recommend not hitting the bigger tourist traps. They can be nice, but they also tend to be packed.
Setsuya: I'd like to make Terra Multa one of those stops, and Sirris VI as well.
Bjorn: What are these places you speak off, they sound..... pleasent
Klaus: Gotcha. I'll start working on other planets as well. It'd be good to go to Osman as well, see Mark's place.
Klaus: They are tourist spots. Places that have something unique or remarkable that makes people travel there to experience it for themselves.
Bjorn: And what use are these Tourist spots for combat?
Setsuya: Klaus......Mark's place is Sirris VI.
Setsuya: Osman is a military junta now.
Setsuya: There is also a Mark at Terra Multa, he took over for Mr. Arturius before we left for the Artemis.
Bjorn: feels awkward and goes back to his tea
Jericho: Mr. Bjorn, tourist locations are for recreation.
Jericho: Combat is avoided in such locations.
Menelik: What if it's like, cute girls fighting in a mudpit?
Elenor: Rarely do they have much military value, though a few may be set on sites of military actions that have historic military signifiance.
Sacre: At least for you it's just sometimes Klaus.


Maradia: Maradia appears to be in the VR room, looking in a mirror
Sacre: Sacre also happens to show up in VR room with training knives oh, hey Maradia
Maradia: Oh, hey... She quickly turns off a projection that was being projected over herself
Sacre: What you up to? Sacre asked casually
Maradia: Oh, just uh... looking at... things...
Sacre: Things?
Maradia: Yeah, like uhh... armor?
Sacre: Armor, yes, it's an inportant decision. What combinations were you thinking of?
Maradia: I think... the Mindy with Kalamari arms maybe? Strange, it definitely didn't look like she was in armor
Sacre: Kalamari? Intresting, why?
Sacre: Sacre moved to a new holographic table and put the practice knives down.
Sacre: She casually took off her uniform jacket to reveal a body covered with scars.
Sacre: The only place that they aren't are her forearms with some of them even distinctly dead ending onto the much smoother skin.
Maradia: It'd just be useful to have more arms, I guess...
Maradia: She glances at Sacre then looks at her own entirely metal arms
Maradia: She might have some scars where the implants were installed, but it's not exactly possible to heal out implants
Sacre: Sacre slid over to Maradia. or to have biological arms again.
Sacre: there was a pause.
Sacre: You weren't looking at armor
Maradia: Maradia is silent, the projection turns back on and reveals she was looking at her old self with no implants
Sacre: Sacre nods sadly Sometimes, the changes we under go are not our choice.
Maradia:Maradia keeps the projection on
Maradia: I don't understand why they thought they were making me better. Was this not good enough?!
Sacre:Sacre purses her lips. Then steps forward and shoves Maradia out of the hologram, seperating the two so now there were two Maradias, the hologram and the Cyborg.
Sacre: Does it matter if it was or wasn't? It is not who you are now.
Maradia: Maradia looks down
Maradia: But it could've been... I didn't ask to be changed...
Sacre: Neither did I.
Maradia: Can I ask you something?
Sacre: Anything
Maradia: What did they do to you?
Sacre: Sacre turned away. Clinching a fist and sliding away.
Sacre: Do they eat eggs where you come from?
Maradia: No, why?
Sacre: Sacre looked up to the simulated sky with her back to Meradia.
Sacre: here I grew up, we didn't. Our ancestors taught us that children are precious.
Sacre: It is said that long ago our ancestors made an oath to a fertility spirit. We would not eat any eggs for their blessing. So none of us eat eggs, it is said that the one who eats eggs is cursed by the spirit.
Sacre: Over time, it became worse then murder.
Sacre: pause
Sacre: When I was young, I got into a fight with my father and ran away to the stars. But the blackness between was where I ended up.
Elenor: pokes head in Hey, lunch's almost over you two.
Maradia: What was the fight about?
Sacre: "We should get lunch." Sacre said, the moment broken by the interruption. She put her uniform jacket back on, covering the scars. There was a disquiet silence as Sacre left the room.
Maradia: Maradia follows Sacre, watching the hologram of her original self disappear


Female!Klaus: A female Klaus enter the wardroom, sitting down with a bit of a limp
Sacre: Do I want to know what happened?
Female!Klaus: I've experimented with my lovely girlfriend. She liked it. A lot.
Eric: Eric is sipping coffee and looks over Nani?
Sacre: Well, I think we always knew who wore the pants.
Female!Klaus: If she's happy, I'm happy.
Eric: sips his coffee and nods
Female!Klaus: Now I just need to wait a bit more and Vindication will be mine!! Dramatic pose
Eric: looks up tired can't take Klaus seriously
Sacre: You'll need a lot of it...
Maradia: Maradia looks over and does a little robotic giggle
Menelik: Menelik shrugs "Well, It's not the weirdest thing to happen on a Yamataian ship."
Klaus: Indeed, it is not.


Maradia: Maradia is trying to find a way to hide her implants
Maradia: She's in her squad's cabin
Sacre: Sacre comes in, "Concealer, then blend."
Maradia: H-huh?!
Maradia: She hides herself under a very large pile of blankets
Maradia: She takes extra to cover her tail
Sacre: "Are you deaf? I said concealer, then blend it in. That wire is going under your skin."
Maradia: won't work. There's too many and they stick out too much.


Menelik: I feel like a heel. What right do I have to be anything but perfectly happy and cheery when my life has been picture perfect, compared to damn near everyone else on this ship?
//Sacre: because your author is nicer then ours
Menelik: You've all had it worse than me, but you keep on trying every day, giving it your best.
Menelik: What right do I have to even try to help with your issues- I can't possibly know the trauma that any of you have gone through.
Sacre: ... Menelik, your a half blind dopey moron. I might wish trauma on you, but it's for your own perverted failings, not just because I enjoy seeing you in pain.
Sacre: Although that is an added side benifit.
Sacre: There is only one scale, and we measure all of our experiences on it.
Sacre: The worst day of your life might not be as objectively bad as mine, but it's just as subjectively bad.
Sacre: We don't have to go through the exact same experiences to feel empathy or to help.
Sacre: A medic who's never been shot can patch a wound as well as me.
Menelik: "... Getting called a pervert because I love Kiki doesn't make me feel less guilty, y'know.
Sacre: "Your not a pervert because you like a entirely too energetic and peppy bird.
Sacre: I think anyone attracted to the feminine might be dragged along like a idiot donkey watching a carrot on a stick when looking at that one.
Sacre: Or loving someone who's so precious that I'd have to hurt anyone who hurt her.
Sacre: your an idiot if you give her coffee, then all that's left is to hope her new contraption doesn't kill us all.
Sacre: Your a pervert because you put your boxers in my laundry.
Menelik: ... Wait are you still mad about that- that was our laundry getting mixed up, its a simple mistake.
Menelik: And yes, I give her coffee, she likes my coffee, and she's cute when she drinks it!"
Sacre: starts loading up on tranquilizer darts. "Good thing Gravity's not around for her to synergize with."
Menelik: What? She's cute when she's energetic. She keeps me on my toes!
Sacre: ... that's one way to put it.
Menelik: Look, she's important to me, and I've completely fallen for her. Is that enough to at least make you trust me that I won't hurt her?
Sacre: Nope.
Menelik: ... You haven't even talked to her about me, have you?
Sacre: She's got a good head on her shoulders... well most of the time. It's not her I'm worried about misbehaving.
Menelik: Well, the thing is, I hate most Nepleslian culture as much as you do. Everyone thinking with their dick, gun, or beer instead of actually thinking, treating ID-SOL's obsession with manliness as a good thing, a generally disgusting okayness with slavery and owning people?
Menelik: "... Maybe I don't hate them as much as you do, but I hate Nepleslians- they act like a bunch of shortsighted manchildren who care more about being seen as manly than they do about anything else.
Sacre: glances at his marine stripes "Riiiight."
Menelik: I'm Hanyadi- not Nepleslian. And being a Marine is the best way to protect my own people, and maybe do some good.
Menelik: He Frowned I don't expect we'd much better as slaves of the Kuvies. But you can trust me- first hopped up ID-SOL who makes a fried elysian wings joke about Kiki, and you won't have time to draw your knife before I'm on them.
Sacre: "We'll see." pretty clearly doesn't believe him at all
Menelik: There's a sigh from him, and he rubs the bridge of his nose. "I'd ask what I could do to make you trust me, but I'm pretty sure you'd just say 'die'."
Sacre: I trust people on what they have shown themselves to be. You didn't make a good first impression.
Menelik: A laundry mixup doesn't count as a first impression.
Menelik: ... Regardless of you threatening me with a knife, thank you for helping Maradia.
Sacre: Of course it does, that's when you got changed from 'anonymous peon 37' to 'annoying peon 37'
Sacre: Yes, and that's when you became 'crazy snake with a knife.'
Klaus: "Considering my first impression was me telling Sacre she reminded me of my granfather, I really can't say I don't see her point.
Menelik: ... Okay, but Klaus, I know you probably meant that as a compliment, but you should never tell a pretty lady that you remind her of an old man when you first meet her.
Klaus: Yeah, I know that now.
Menelik: This being Sacre, it was probably fine.
Menelik: Rimshot
Klaus: Facepalms
Sacre: "I've been crazy knife snake for a long time tadpole." Laughs
Jericho: I don't imagine most of my first impression are favorable, or even positive.
Menelik: That's because you don't know how to smile.


Menelik: So why don't you got talk to her about it?
Menelik: Actually don't do that, you'll make us fail the Bechdel test.
Sacre: We already passed it, we're in Yamatai, not testosterone soaked Nepleslia
OOC: These are some roleplaying snippets. I didn't write all of the lines.

Klaus: Setsuya, quick question, have you ever been to the Snowdrop Hotel in Aomori in Yamatai?
Setsuya: nooo?
Klaus: Ok, it goes on the list then.
Klaus: I'm making a list of places that are new to us and that could be fun for us to go to. Together. Doing couple stuff.
Sacre: my advice? Avoid Ralt.
Klaus: Not on the list, actually. It's my home and I love it with all my heart, but some of the old timers there can be a bit narrow minded.
Sacre: and It's a frozen wasteland.
Klaus: Hehe. Yup. So Sacre have you been in touch with Gravity? Last I saw her she was doing alright.
Sacre: we talk and write letters.
Klaus: Good. Don't worry about her, she's got her sister and Saya looking after her.
Klaus: I miss them sometimes.
Elenor: I strongly recommend not hitting the bigger tourist traps. They can be nice, but they also tend to be packed.
Setsuya: I'd like to make Terra Multa one of those stops, and Sirris VI as well.
Bjorn: What are these places you speak off, they sound..... pleasent
Klaus: Gotcha. I'll start working on other planets as well. It'd be good to go to Osman as well, see Mark's place.
Klaus: They are tourist spots. Places that have something unique or remarkable that makes people travel there to experience it for themselves.
Bjorn: And what use are these Tourist spots for combat?
Setsuya: Klaus......Mark's place is Sirris VI.
Setsuya: Osman is a military junta now.
Setsuya: There is also a Mark at Terra Multa, he took over for Mr. Arturius before we left for the Artemis.
Bjorn: feels awkward and goes back to his tea
Jericho: Mr. Bjorn, tourist locations are for recreation.
Jericho: Combat is avoided in such locations.
Menelik: What if it's like, cute girls fighting in a mudpit?
Elenor: Rarely do they have much military value, though a few may be set on sites of military actions that have historic military signifiance.
Sacre: At least for you it's just sometimes Klaus.


Maradia: Maradia appears to be in the VR room, looking in a mirror
Sacre: Sacre also happens to show up in VR room with training knives oh, hey Maradia
Maradia: Oh, hey... She quickly turns off a projection that was being projected over herself
Sacre: What you up to? Sacre asked casually
Maradia: Oh, just uh... looking at... things...
Sacre: Things?
Maradia: Yeah, like uhh... armor?
Sacre: Armor, yes, it's an inportant decision. What combinations were you thinking of?
Maradia: I think... the Mindy with Kalamari arms maybe? Strange, it definitely didn't look like she was in armor
Sacre: Kalamari? Intresting, why?
Sacre: Sacre moved to a new holographic table and put the practice knives down.
Sacre: She casually took off her uniform jacket to reveal a body covered with scars.
Sacre: The only place that they aren't are her forearms with some of them even distinctly dead ending onto the much smoother skin.
Maradia: It'd just be useful to have more arms, I guess...
Maradia: She glances at Sacre then looks at her own entirely metal arms
Maradia: She might have some scars where the implants were installed, but it's not exactly possible to heal out implants
Sacre: Sacre slid over to Maradia. or to have biological arms again.
Sacre: there was a pause.
Sacre: You weren't looking at armor
Maradia: Maradia is silent, the projection turns back on and reveals she was looking at her old self with no implants
Sacre: Sacre nods sadly Sometimes, the changes we under go are not our choice.
Maradia:Maradia keeps the projection on
Maradia: I don't understand why they thought they were making me better. Was this not good enough?!
Sacre:Sacre purses her lips. Then steps forward and shoves Maradia out of the hologram, seperating the two so now there were two Maradias, the hologram and the Cyborg.
Sacre: Does it matter if it was or wasn't? It is not who you are now.
Maradia: Maradia looks down
Maradia: But it could've been... I didn't ask to be changed...
Sacre: Neither did I.
Maradia: Can I ask you something?
Sacre: Anything
Maradia: What did they do to you?
Sacre: Sacre turned away. Clinching a fist and sliding away.
Sacre: Do they eat eggs where you come from?
Maradia: No, why?
Sacre: Sacre looked up to the simulated sky with her back to Meradia.
Sacre: here I grew up, we didn't. Our ancestors taught us that children are precious.
Sacre: It is said that long ago our ancestors made an oath to a fertility spirit. We would not eat any eggs for their blessing. So none of us eat eggs, it is said that the one who eats eggs is cursed by the spirit.
Sacre: Over time, it became worse then murder.
Sacre: pause
Sacre: When I was young, I got into a fight with my father and ran away to the stars. But the blackness between was where I ended up.
Elenor: pokes head in Hey, lunch's almost over you two.
Maradia: What was the fight about?
Sacre: "We should get lunch." Sacre said, the moment broken by the interruption. She put her uniform jacket back on, covering the scars. There was a disquiet silence as Sacre left the room.
Maradia: Maradia follows Sacre, watching the hologram of her original self disappear


Female!Klaus: A female Klaus enter the wardroom, sitting down with a bit of a limp
Sacre: Do I want to know what happened?
Female!Klaus: I've experimented with my lovely girlfriend. She liked it. A lot.
Eric: Eric is sipping coffee and looks over Nani?
Sacre: Well, I think we always knew who wore the pants.
Female!Klaus: If she's happy, I'm happy.
Eric: sips his coffee and nods
Female!Klaus: Now I just need to wait a bit more and Vindication will be mine!! Dramatic pose
Eric: looks up tired can't take Klaus seriously
Sacre: You'll need a lot of it...
Maradia: Maradia looks over and does a little robotic giggle
Menelik: Menelik shrugs "Well, It's not the weirdest thing to happen on a Yamataian ship."
Klaus: Indeed, it is not.


Maradia: Maradia is trying to find a way to hide her implants
Maradia: She's in her squad's cabin
Sacre: Sacre comes in, "Concealer, then blend."
Maradia: H-huh?!
Maradia: She hides herself under a very large pile of blankets
Maradia: She takes extra to cover her tail
Sacre: "Are you deaf? I said concealer, then blend it in. That wire is going under your skin."
Maradia: won't work. There's too many and they stick out too much.


Menelik: I feel like a heel. What right do I have to be anything but perfectly happy and cheery when my life has been picture perfect, compared to damn near everyone else on this ship?
//Sacre: because your author is nicer then ours
Menelik: You've all had it worse than me, but you keep on trying every day, giving it your best.
Menelik: What right do I have to even try to help with your issues- I can't possibly know the trauma that any of you have gone through.
Sacre: ... Menelik, your a half blind dopey moron. I might wish trauma on you, but it's for your own perverted failings, not just because I enjoy seeing you in pain.
Sacre: Although that is an added side benifit.
Sacre: There is only one scale, and we measure all of our experiences on it.
Sacre: The worst day of your life might not be as objectively bad as mine, but it's just as subjectively bad.
Sacre: We don't have to go through the exact same experiences to feel empathy or to help.
Sacre: A medic who's never been shot can patch a wound as well as me.
Menelik: "... Getting called a pervert because I love Kiki doesn't make me feel less guilty, y'know.
Sacre: "Your not a pervert because you like a entirely too energetic and peppy bird.
Sacre: I think anyone attracted to the feminine might be dragged along like a idiot donkey watching a carrot on a stick when looking at that one.
Sacre: Or loving someone who's so precious that I'd have to hurt anyone who hurt her.
Sacre: your an idiot if you give her coffee, then all that's left is to hope her new contraption doesn't kill us all.
Sacre: Your a pervert because you put your boxers in my laundry.
Menelik: ... Wait are you still mad about that- that was our laundry getting mixed up, its a simple mistake.
Menelik: And yes, I give her coffee, she likes my coffee, and she's cute when she drinks it!"
Sacre: starts loading up on tranquilizer darts. "Good thing Gravity's not around for her to synergize with."
Menelik: What? She's cute when she's energetic. She keeps me on my toes!
Sacre: ... that's one way to put it.
Menelik: Look, she's important to me, and I've completely fallen for her. Is that enough to at least make you trust me that I won't hurt her?
Sacre: Nope.
Menelik: ... You haven't even talked to her about me, have you?
Sacre: She's got a good head on her shoulders... well most of the time. It's not her I'm worried about misbehaving.
Menelik: Well, the thing is, I hate most Nepleslian culture as much as you do. Everyone thinking with their dick, gun, or beer instead of actually thinking, treating ID-SOL's obsession with manliness as a good thing, a generally disgusting okayness with slavery and owning people?
Menelik: "... Maybe I don't hate them as much as you do, but I hate Nepleslians- they act like a bunch of shortsighted manchildren who care more about being seen as manly than they do about anything else.
Sacre: glances at his marine stripes "Riiiight."
Menelik: I'm Hanyadi- not Nepleslian. And being a Marine is the best way to protect my own people, and maybe do some good.
Menelik: He Frowned I don't expect we'd much better as slaves of the Kuvies. But you can trust me- first hopped up ID-SOL who makes a fried elysian wings joke about Kiki, and you won't have time to draw your knife before I'm on them.
Sacre: "We'll see." pretty clearly doesn't believe him at all
Menelik: There's a sigh from him, and he rubs the bridge of his nose. "I'd ask what I could do to make you trust me, but I'm pretty sure you'd just say 'die'."
Sacre: I trust people on what they have shown themselves to be. You didn't make a good first impression.
Menelik: A laundry mixup doesn't count as a first impression.
Menelik: ... Regardless of you threatening me with a knife, thank you for helping Maradia.
Sacre: Of course it does, that's when you got changed from 'anonymous peon 37' to 'annoying peon 37'
Sacre: Yes, and that's when you became 'crazy snake with a knife.'
Klaus: "Considering my first impression was me telling Sacre she reminded me of my granfather, I really can't say I don't see her point.
Menelik: ... Okay, but Klaus, I know you probably meant that as a compliment, but you should never tell a pretty lady that you remind her of an old man when you first meet her.
Klaus: Yeah, I know that now.
Menelik: This being Sacre, it was probably fine.
Menelik: Rimshot
Klaus: Facepalms
Sacre: "I've been crazy knife snake for a long time tadpole." Laughs
Jericho: I don't imagine most of my first impression are favorable, or even positive.
Menelik: That's because you don't know how to smile.


Menelik: So why don't you got talk to her about it?
Menelik: Actually don't do that, you'll make us fail the Bechdel test.
Sacre: We already passed it, we're in Yamatai, not testosterone soaked Nepleslia
Can i be gravity?
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