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RP [SAINT] Eyes like the ocean


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SET: The paradise world of Koukotsu II

Shiroisunahama Expanse had always been this idyllic. Its alabaster beaches glowed under the system's shining sun the same today as they had as a member world of the United Outer Colonies and then during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War β€” the same today as they had for time immemorial. Now back in Yamatai's blessed fold, the beach town was beginning to fill again with all manner of people and beings from the Empire or otherwise. Nepleslians expatriates had flocked here, to this world and its paradisiacal enclaves, bringing their love for drink and revelry in the form of a thousand dive bars and tiki huts. The Iromakuanhe and Deoradh had presence here too and brought far-flung cultures to a far-flung world in dire need of mystique.

Sanzugawa Mikan and Akechi Kiriko arrived here as all of the others to Shiroisunahama Expanse did, swooping down through the atmosphere aboard an elegant shuttle that made its landing unnecessarily far out on a twinkling bay before cutting its way overseas to the town's bustling marina. As they stepped out from the floating shuttle and onto the wooden dock, their lungs would fill with crisp, briny air while their other senses were bombarded with the sounds and aromas of a true tourist world. Yes, it had its kitsch and elegance all at the same time β€” Geshrin ikayaki vendors sold their scrumptious snacks to plump Abwehran travelers who adorned themselves in flower-print shirts and sandals as if they'd discovered some great generations-old secret here on the recently repopulated world β€” but still carried with it an atmosphere fit for any Yamataian noble.

The two Neko strolled down the dock to the customs checkpoint, which was really no more than a wooden building on the side that looked no different than the storefronts further down on the beach. They each pulled along a wheeled bag that contained their clothes and necessities, but while Mikan's was more plain and utilitarian, Kiriko's bag was decorated with colorful stickers and hanging accessories. The Nekovalkrja chatted between themselves about how beautiful the weather was and how bright the sky was and how it was just the perfect time to be visiting. They seemed to pay little attention to the fat Nepleslian behind the counter as they slid their passports over the polished wooden surface.

Dressed already for fun on the beach, the two blended easily into the crowd of tourists. Kiriko in a bright, flowery sundress that fluttered in the sea air, and Mikan in a light, striped romper suit which she had not particularly liked at first, but Kiriko had insisted and was certainly the more fashionable between the two. It was certainly more comfortable that it had looked on the rack, she had to admit. The Nepleslian lazily eyed their documentation, spotting the common family name between the two: Kirihiko.

"So, are ya sistersβ€” or a couple?" he asked, leering at them with half-lidded eyes and a chuckle. Mikan looked over and offered an annoyed glare back while Kiriko stood beside her with a toothy smirk across her face, causing the Nepleslian's chuckle to roll into a fuller laugh as he went back to filling out their visas.

"Please," he said once his amusement at the girl's unspoken answer subsided, pausing only after that one word to palm a ribbon of sweat from his forehead. A stubby tongue reached out to wet his lips before continuing. "State yer business here on Koukotsu II and th'nature of yer visit."

"Pleasure," Mikan replied, "We're spending some much-needed time away with our fattened bank accounts. Glory to the Empire," she added with a disaffected tone, rolling her eyes as she leaned up her back against the counter and stared up and the magnificent Koukotsu sky. "Getting away from it all."

"Awlright, that's good 'nough for me," the round mammoth of a man conceded before he passed their passports under a volumetric scanner and began sliding them back across the counter in one fluid motion. But just as the Nekos' documents were within reach, his sausage fingers pulled them back and sat them in the space between the keyboard and monitor he was working from. "Huh," he muttered as his hands darted over the console while his eyes did the same. "One moment please."

The Nepleslian customs agent swung around on his stool, inexplicably keeping himself from toppling as he rolled across the deck over to the wall behind him. What could have been hundreds of little cubbyholes covered it, all made with several planks of some indigenous tree. Through one of the spaces popped a deep navy blue envelope that was embossed with a single stylized eye where it folded over on itself for closure, doubtlessly shoved through by another officer in the room separated by the wall. He rolled back, gathered up their passports, and slid all three items back to the waiting Neko.

"Enjoy your stays, Kirihiko Yayoi-san and Aika-san," he said with a wink. "If y'all should need anything during your stay, a branch office of the system gov'nah's right in the center of town. Can't miss it."

Kiriko β€” or apparently Aika β€” shot a glance to her 'sister' Yayoi, her eyes locking in a knowing stare back on the envelope and their passports. She snatched all three up and quickly bowed to the Nepleslian landwhale with her hands in front of her thighs.

"Arigatou," Aika chimed.

Mikan β€” now Yayoi β€” bowed her head slightly to the customs agent as she grabbed the handle on her luggage. "Let's go find our hotel and check in," she told her sister, offering a last, "Have a good day" as the two of them departed. Walking further down past the beach and the boardwalk, past a variety of delicious smelling stalls and shops with colorful, eye catching signs, they hit the main thoroughfare and flagged over a waiting taxi.

The ride to the Hotel Patong was short, and the Nekovalkrja only spent enough time to find their room and secure their luggage in the luxury suite that their travel agent had arranged. Then it was changing into swimwear and back down to the streets and out to the hot sand to relax and settle in to the lively atmosphere the planet had to offer. The resort town itself was very quaint and low but showed the trappings of class, if not specifically luxury, in its architecture and goings-on. No building but the Imperial Municipal Headquarters in the center of town was more than two or three stories tall and the lush rainforest beyond rose up and up along with the sweeping tropical cliff that backed the city.

Yayoi now sported a clean white padded bikini and large reflective sunglasses with a brilliant blue patterned sarong fastened around her waist. She had cropped her long, dark hair before the trip and had it lightened to a cooler brunette that hung to her collar. Aika, on the other hand, wore a bright yellow strapless two piece and a big floppy straw hat whose thick band matched the swimwear. Her black hair was worn up, elaborately braided under the hat, and she looked very at home on the beach with her warm, burnt tan skin.

Reclining stretched out on beach chairs with a large umbrella pegged between them and cold drinks ready to be consumed, Yayoi took out the envelope that Aika had received on their arrival and opened it up, fishing her fingers under the fold to see what exactly they had been delivered.

Aika leapt up from her reclined position on the beachside chaise lounge, planting her feet firmly into the sand as she leaned into see what her would-be sister was reading. This is what she'd been waiting for, after all β€” what they'd both been waiting for.

The dark, Yamatai-blue paper ripped cleanly as it gave way to Yayoi's gentle push. The edges where she tore into it shone white along the rip-line and made a neat, exact place through which she could produce the envelope's contents. Both girls eyes quickly went to reading what the white letter said, intently lost in their new orders.

As the words passed before her eyes, Aika's mouth grew wider and wider, her white teeth shining in contrast against her dark auburn flesh. By the end of the note she was beaming with a grin from ear to ear. Most importantly, though, she was ready.

"Sooo, Yayoi-chan. Do you wanna burn it or can I?" she asked giddily.

Yayoi carefully folded the letter into thirds, the paper was specially treated so that only when a person whose specific genetic signature matched the key sequence would it display anything other than a salacious love letter, but it was still procedure to destroy it just to be on the safe side. "Feel free," she told her recently acquired sister, holding it out for her to take. It seemed fine to indulge the younger agent, after all, they were supposed to have fun.

Aika snatched the paper and envelope it came in. She was almost squirming as she picked a packet of matches off of the low table between their beach chairs. Striking two at once, she held the paper over the flame and let it burn. As she watched, her excited feet calmed down, halting their dance halfway submerged in the sand while her concentrated gaze watched their orders disintegrate. Her grin remained after the orders were gone, the last lick poofing away into carbon ash after the Neko SAINT agent had flicked it away.

Taking a sip from her beverage through the ridiculously convoluted twisty straw that had been provided, Yayoi stared out at the rolling surf through her tinted shades. "The engagement is tonight, we should probably get ready soon," she advised, though even after stating it she seemed to be fine remaining there, laying back in the chair and continuing to enjoy her drink.

"Yeah!" Aika quipped back, returning to her relaxed position too. "Nothing says we can't finish up here, though. We did have orders to 'enjoy' ourselves."

One hour later at the Hotel Patong...

Throwing her luggage trunk up on a table, Yayoi unclasped the lid and opened it up. Communicating with the computer inside via radio telepathy, the volumetric hologram of being packed with clothes dissipated and the reality of the electronics hidden inside was revealed. "The wardrobe should be stocked with plenty of things for us to browse through for tonight," she informed Aika as she began to check the equipment to make sure that everything was in working order.

"Mmnhmmn," came Aika's sing-song acknowledgment through a few hairpins in her mouth. Though still in her bikini, she already had her long shock of hair undone and ready to be restyled. Tonight's a good night for a pompadour, she thought as she pulled tight the hair on the sides of her head, fastening it back so that the strands remained flush and slim against her head.

Her hands preoccupied with styling, she kicked over her own suitcase with a thud and used a toe to fiddle with its fastening switch until it gave way. Rather than swing open on a hinge, the face of the luggage slid back with a hiss as compartments protruded from every side. Aika had seen her portable armory unfold countless times but each occasion brought her the same wonder as always and she watched with attentive eyes as each weapon revealed itself.

In the main chamber, five Type 33 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistols sat ready with their grips sticking up almost begging to be handled. Alongside them were two Type 28 SMGs and the pieces of what could combine to become a solid projectile sniper rifle. From the sides of the case slid flat drawers that held grenades, jamming devices, energized ammo packs, individual bullets and magazines, two Type 29 NSPs, a single SiZi Model 30 Condensed Plasma Revolver, and two Styrling Silver Special .45s in matte black. Some throwing knives, a tanto, and a Bowie knife rounded out the arsenal with close quarters tools.

"Here!" Aika chirped just after she tossed one of the Type 29's in Yayoi's direction. "It may look small but it'll do the job good enough. I like to wear mine here!" she added, standing up on one leg with the other outstretched while pointing to the top of her inner thigh. By now, her pompadour was ready and a long tail of hair spilled to the middle of her back bare back. She disappeared into the wardrobe, throwing the little yellow swimsuit she'd been wearing back out into the main suite as she perused the selection of finery available to them.

Catching the pistol, Yayoi set it down next to her trunk as she began twirling her hair back behind her head. "You look ridiculous, Aika-chan," she commented to her sister as she walked into the wardrobe. The elder SAINT officer began pinning her hair back into a bun as she walked over to a full length mirror to see how it was sitting. Communicating with the computer inside her case with radio telepathy, Yayoi had the device compile a list of notable persons who would likely also be at the party. She wanted to know how likely it was that they were going to actually need any of their hardware tonight, and who would be the likely instigators.

While that was going on and satisfied with where her hair was for the moment, Yayoi peeked inside the wardrobe to see how Aika was doing. "Did you find something nice?" she asked, looking around at the sort of dresses they had been supplied with.

"Hai!" Aika shot back, wiggling her hips while pulling up a long, form fitting black dress around her form just in time for her 'sister' to be spared the explicit visuals. It fit tight against her modest bosom and gripped the field agent's toned abdomen. The back was cut away, but a series of four crossing straps made sure not to reveal too much while keeping the whole package secure. As the dress fell toward the ground it conformed to her body until just over the knee where it was still slim but roomy enough to actually walk. It all gave the short brown Nekovalkyrja a very sexy, implike image complimentary of her athletic stature.

Yayoi smiled as she got a good look at the gown, she may have been critical of Aika's choice of hairdo, but she had to admit that the darker skinned Neko looked amazing in her choice of dress. "Ah good," she commented, "That looks perfect. I've got the details of the party on the computer now, why don't you look that over while I find something for myself?" She trailed her fingers over a row of dresses, looking through their colors and styles and seeing what sort of choices she had.

The dark-complected 'sister' hopped out of the walk-in wardrobe and toward Yayoi's machine, swiping a pair of yellow high-heeled pumps on he way out β€” almost the same color her swimsuit was. Standing over the computer, Aika was more concerned with the color of her lipstick β€” or, more appropriately, the color she chose to project with her body's holographic manipulation ability β€” than she was with the series of volumetric displays that provided intel on the soirΓ©e to come.

"Huh," she said absent-mindedly while staring at herself in the mirror as the color of her lips cycled, her eyes only casually glancing down as information flowed past. "Looks like the mark's into gambling. Delsaurian Keeper Cards. No stakes. Should be fun," Aika mused, settling on a color with a pucker and a smile β€” dark chocolate colored, almost black. She matched the look with a tasteful, understated makeup job that did little more than accentuate her natural tones and angles before moving back over to her war chest.

Soon the white bikini joined the yellow one outside the floor of the wardrobe as Yayoi found something she found suitable for the evening's festivities. Rustling around for a moment as she dressed herself, the elder sister walked out to present herself for Aika's judgement. A cardinal red strapless cocktail dress with a multi-layered ruffled skirt that hung just above her knees on the bottom and hugged her chest tightly on top. Like the swimsuit before, Yayoi wore a padded bra underneath. The whole ensemble was tied off with a black satin sash that hung at her side. Her legs were covered in dark pantyhose and black strappy heels hung off of Yayoi's hands as she waited for her sister's approval before putting them on. "Maybe I should just carry the sidearm in a handbag," she suggested at first, before giving it some more thought. "Nevermind, better to have it on my person just in case."

By now, Aika had her heels on and dress shoved up around her waist as one leg perched up atop her heavily-armed luggage. She peered up just as she finished securing the Styrling .45 to the inside of her raised thigh and wobbled a little at the sight of her partner.

"Ah, Yayoi-chan!" she cried, scampering over without pushing the bottom of her dress back down too much, which made it look more like a miniskirt. She fell to one knee and lifted her hands high, a giggle just barely suppressed as she spoke. "Your beauty! It dazzles even the most battle-worn Nepleslian hero! It warms the heart of even the coldest Yamataian noble!"

With a finger pressed to Aika's forehead, the elder Nekovalkrja clicked her tongue against her teeth, "Tch. You shouldn't lie so obviously," she scolded lightly, dropping her shoes onto the floor and maneuvering them with her foot for entry procedures. "If the target is into cards, then that's how we'll try and catch her attention. You try and keep nearby, but try not to be too obvious. If she offers an in to a conversation, go ahead and take it. I'll cover the gambling angle and try and get her attention that way." Sliding her feet into the heels, Yayoi swiped the Type-29 from where she left it and propped her foot up on a nearby chair, pulling up the skirt of her dress just far enough to slide the pistol into place. "Anything else before we go?"


Sonozaki Docks: The Peixes

Afternoon gave way to twilight and a hazy orange glow of artificial light replaced the sun's illumination over Shiroisunahama Expanse. Aika and Yayoi made their way to the marina's latticework of docks, stepping boldly down the private pier where their destination β€” Katsumoto Kaoru's yacht the Peixes. Though less busy than the main wharf, the air still buzzed with dignified smalltalk that befit the notables converging on the ship. They spied more than just a handful: The fat Nepleslian customs official was there, no doubt on the dole for the IWL operation on the planet. Present, too, was a high-ranking Iromakuanhe Dream Consort and her sultry entourage, followed quickly by a Gartagen officer on leave and the president of this world's Abwehran trading company.

Of course, Yamataians of every stripe filled in the other ranks of Koukotsuese socialites coming to join in for the revelrous evening. The lieutenant governor was escorted by no less than three Yamataian Security Agency heisho and the town's Neko garrison commander β€” a chusa of remarkable stature for her species β€” was counted among the assembled. A few Geshrin wearing black haori emblazoned with a spiraling red centipede milled about, sending a worried tingle down Aika's spine. The Saiga clan were loyal to the Empire, but if those here had been tempted by the IWL, matters were far worse on this paradise planet than she and Yayoi had been told.

The two SAINT agents glanced around at the decadent vessel. Almost too large to still be considered a proper yacht, it was decorated with a plethora of colored, blinking lights and bright volumetric designs that danced along the hull. A security guard stopped them as they reached the gangplank, asking after their names and checking a list before ushering them up onto the wood-panelled deck where they mingled in with the crowd.

"Alright, Aika-chan." Yayoi contacted her partner in crime via radio telepathy, "I'll look around for the card tables. Stick nearby to Katsumoto and feel free to engage if the opportunity presents itself. Let's keep in contact just in case." Meanwhile, she turned to her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her, "I'm going to see what sort of fun there is to be had, stay out of trouble, okay?"

"Of course," Aika chimed back with an elegant guffaw, replying to both the telepathic messages and their verbal cover in one phrase. The main pleasure deck that they'd stepped onto was arrayed before them in magnificent splendor. A gallery hung above a recessed gambling area where the attendant hedonists drank and threw dice and spent money as if it'd be worth nothing tomorrow. More than a few bar areas scattered this level and no doubt the others too. Off deeper in the ship lay less busy areas where higher stakes games were played β€” where the waitresses were tipped more and the conversation was more seductive and purposeful.

"Check out these ones," the combat specialist noted as she split off from her sister and grabbed a flute of Elysian sparkling wine from a passing waitress' tray. Yayoi immediately knew who Aika was referring to by virtue of a telepathic image sent with her words and turned her attention to the odd gathering of biomachine people. "Looks like Kaoru's got some 'Spacer junk lying around. Big one's probably a Type Four. Dangerous if it's with the IWL. Dangerous if it's not. The others are just Type Threes. Still, they might be slippery since they looked hopped up on hallu-stims."

"It gives credibility to there being IWL connections here, at least," Yayoi replied as stepped down a metal staircase to the lower deck where all of the gambling was taking place. The temperature was much higher down here, with all the bodies packed in and protected from the ocean breeze. She gracefully avoided contact as she danced around, peering at the various games going on and the reactions as people made and lost fortunes as dice, marbles and cards decided their fates. Licking her lips she slid behind an Abwehran who was intensely sweating as he peeked at the hand he'd been dealt and found one of the waitresses who was delivering drinks to the customers.

"I'm going to need some chips if I'm going to play, hun," Yayoi informed the girl, who nodded and brought up a volumetric display for the Neko to input her information. Sliding her finger across the air, she connected to the account that had been provided to the agents and with a touch of amusement, selected what seemed to be a sufficiently attention-getting amount. "That should be good, thanks," she told the waitress, closing the display.

"I'll bring you your chips right away," the waitress responded with a bow, disappearing into the crowd as Yayoi walked off in search of her target.

Aika kept to the raised deck without stepping down to the gambling floor, making eyes at every man or woman along the way. Soon, she had crossed around the raucous plebeian area and come to the other side. It was no less exciting here but allowed more intimacy. Through a quieter bar she made her way, sliding her now empty glass to the Yamataian girl tending this one and taking another from an unsuspecting Abwehran who'd looked away. That's when she spotted their target.

Katsumoto Kaoru sat opposite the house dealer β€” her house dealer β€” at the yacht's ultra-exclusive Delsaurian Keeper Cards table. The room that held it was open but raised above the adjacent chamber by three steps. Here, the stakes were so high that most of the people present watched the game instead of joining in. With confidence, Aika went up and straight to the back, choosing a seat across from some young Yamataian businessman. Handsome, yes, but the stool placed her in direct view of Kaoru.

"Exciting, isn't it?" she asked the man with a suggestive wink. She shot the gambling rogue a glance while one of her crossed legs brushed up against her newfound companion under the table.

Being able to receive images from above helped Yayoi out immensely, and she slid onto a place at the card table, two bodies down from where the target was seated. Almost immediately the waitress from earlier popped up from behind, sliding a full tray of chips to Yayoi's position at the table. The Nekovalkyrja nodded politely and waited for the next deal, letting her arrival and the high value of her tray grab attention. Now the only piece left was being able to play well enough to not get completely cleaned out.

The dealer passed out cards to the eight players seated to start the new round, most of whom only took a brief glance at the corner of their hand. Chips clattered as initial bids were placed. Yayoi considered her cards, nothing amazing, but it could lead to a decent conclusion, depending on the flop. It was still early and she could afford to be flexible. The dealer burned a card from the top of the deck and layed out three cards onto the table, flipping them over one by one. As soon as the last one was revealed, two of the players immediately folded, a shaggy-haired Geshrin and the Elysian sitting at the far end of the table from Yayoi.

As the bets went around the table, Yayoi stayed in, only matching as her turn passed by. What was important right now was learning how the other players made their bets and to see if they had any tells that she could pick up on. At the table, the three Neko would definitely be able to keep track of the statistics in real time, there was a sharp-dressed Nepleslian who looked like he might have the hardware for it as well. A big looking syndicate-type with an ashtray in front of him cradling a smoldering cigar. A Yamataian in a black and green suit folded as well as the bet raised. As soon as he did, the Azorean at the table pushed all of his chips in.

Too early to make any rash decisions, Yayoi folded, as well as did the third Neko at the table. She was dressed in a Star Army uniform and the two stripes on her cuff denoted her rank. That left the action on Katsumoto, who matched the all-in and then the Nepleslian goon who did so as well, with a big toothy grin plastered on his face that seemed to unnerve the Azorean. After the turn, both remaining players with chips checked, and the river card was placed and revealed. Katsumoto checked again, but the Nepleslian decided to raise his bet. Yayoi watched carefully, trying to decide if he was trying to bluff the target into folding or hoping she'd sweeten the pot. With a disaffected expression Katsumoto matched the raise. The dealer revealed the player's hands.

The Azorean had a decent hand: three of a kind, but Katsumoto's card revealed a full house, which the Nepleslian wasn't too happy about. His best hand was a straight, and as the dealer awarded Katsumoto the pot, both players left the table. "Do enjoy your stay," the hostess smiled as she offered a small wave to the departing Nepleslian. Down by two so fast, Yayoi wondered how much time she would have to make an impression.

Thankfully, the next few hands went quick, bad draws and careful plays kept the SAINT agent in the game and after an hour, she had gotten more bold and confident in her bets. As they finished off a round that ended with the Geshrin leaving, only the Elysian and Yayoi were left with the lady of the evening at her table. Aika had been concentrating on catching Katsumoto's attention. She made idle chit-chat with the Yamataian, flirting incessantly with him but just enough to make him bold. The SAINT agent needed him to make most of the moves while she gave their target helpless, longing stares that begged for someone to rescue her from him. But all of that was just for the suspected IWL lackey and Aika did a good job directing the show at her alone.

For her part, Katsumoto kept in the game. Aika's distractions had been partially successful at keeping her out of the lead, an honor that went to the silver winged Elysian man. He was stern and haughty, as all patricians are in some way, and didn't get too bold just because of the mountain of chips in front of him.

"How 'bout you make your move, Yayoi-chan?" Aika sent as the Yamataian she was pretending to court drunkenly nibbled at her neck. "Kaoru's getting pissed off at this one," she added, her telepathic voice tinged with a giggle. "I can just imagine what she's thinkin: 'That damn dirty natrualborn stealin' all the pretty Neko girls!'" she mused in a pouty voice. "For shame, Katsumoto-sama!"

The house dealt the table's next hand and gave Yayoi a suited emperor and ten card β€” good fortune seemed to be with her now. Katsumoto scratched her fingernail on the edge of the table, tapping it when she peeked down at what she had and the patrician gave no outward reaction to the cards he received.

Because it was his turn to bet first, he threw down 100,000 KS into the center of the table, the card-sized tokens clattering effortlessly over the royal blue felt. Kaoru matched to stay in and see what the table's first three cards brought. Yayoi matched as well, noting the behaviors of the other two players.

"I hope you're not too bored over there, Aika-chan," she radioed to her partner, "I'm going to see if we can't drain this Elysian a little. I've got a good hand I'm pretty sure Katsumoto does as well. If we can hit him big enough, he'll likely take the hint and leave."

Aika shot back with a telepathic 'affirmative' that was less in words than it was an empathic feeling just as the house laid out the first three cards in the hand's common pool.

The first was an ace of hearts, drawing little attention from the onlookers. Next, was a jack of spades β€” the same suit that Yayoi's two cards were in β€” and finally an Empress of clubs, which finally garnered some whispered speculation from the crowd. A few good hands were set up with the arrangement, but nothing too statistically exciting had happened yet. Still, the possibilities called more scrutiny now due to the few remaining players. Again, the Elysian tossed down a bet, less modest this time, of 250,000 KS. Katsumoto was okay with the stakes, apparently sure of her hand and chances.

Yayoi tested the waters and raised the bet by fifty grand. It caused her to tense a little as she waited for their reactions. A risky move maybe, as she was down quite a bit and currently had the least amount of money at the table. And certainly SAINT wouldn't look too kindly if she lost everything and had nothing to show for it. But there was some electricity in the air, a one in twenty chance to hit it big. If Katsumoto also stayed in, then it was even more likely she was holding onto good cards as well, so Yayoi felt the odds were good enough to stick it out.

Match, raise. The Elysian dropped down another 100,000 KS on top of Yayoi's 50,000 and Kaoru quickly kept pace, leaving the current pot at 1,400,000 KS. Yayoi matched as well, bringing the pot to one and a half million KS.

With that, the dealer laid down the table's next card. "Ace of spaces," she announced, sliding the card to the end of the stack. The crowd gasped β€” an ace pair on the table and a probable high flush draw β€” and the Elysian gave a serene smile, putting in 500,000 KS immediately. The possible IWL conspirator was still okay with the bet for now and added her chips to the pile.

Forty two cards left in the deck. The odds were significantly worse now. Outside of the Empress of Spades, the best she could hope for would be a flush and β€” lacking that β€” two pair with the aces on the table. "We may have to go home in gunny sacks," she communicated the situation to Aika, "If I fold, there's not enough to keep me reasonably in the game." She swirled two fingers in the air over her cards idly.

"Ride the lightning, 'sis!'" Aika shot back as she kneed the Yamataian for getting a little too grope-y. A convenient time, too, as the action drew an eyeward glance from Kaoru and caused the woman's lips to curl at the edge. "I know that I am!"

Hovering her hand over to her tray, Yayoi pulled out five of her remaining chips and tossed them to the center of the blue felt, watching intently as they spun and came to a rest atop the rest of the pot, matching the Elysian's raise.

Whether purposefully or not, the dealer waited longer than usual to pull the last card and reveal it. The entire room of spectators held their breath, having grown from a handful to a crowd in the moments spent betting. Kaoru took a sip of her martini, unfazed at the situation she was a part of and seeming like she enjoyed the attention of her guests. At last, she put down the card, announcing it as she did.

"Empress of spades."

The patrician man showed his gritted teeth through a thin smirk and flexed his wings at the turn of events. There was a clear Imperial flush on the table, but the likelihood of that was astronomical. His hand was perfect β€” perfect β€” and he knew it. He'd known it since the first two cards were dealt to him.

"I tire of your unskilled play," he announced in his posh, nasally voice that was directly pointed at Yayoi. "Two million, raise," came his bet, putting the SAINT agent all-in and putting Kaoru close to it. But it left him with only 1,500,000 KS himself if he were to fail, which he was very confident that he would not. Kaoru didn't take long to consider it. If she called the bet, she'd be down to her last 1,300,000 herself so she threw her cards toward the dealer in a sign that she was cutting her losses and folding.

Yayoi pushed her tray forward toward the center of the table and as it crossed the felt, the Elysian's angelic grin turned into a devilish, hateful frown. "Then you shouldn't have made such a ridiculous raise," came her calm reply, leaving the dealer to reveal her cards for the waiting crowd and letting the Elysian sweat out the final moment as she took a sip from her own beverage.

Reaching over to the patrician's hand first, the dealer flipped his cards and called them out.

"Ace of diamonds, ace of clubs. Four of a kind," she said to a collective gasp and some cheers. Katsumoto raised her glass to the Elysian as a show of respect while he crossed his arms in smug satisfaction. Next, the house girl turned Yayoi's cards over.

"Emperor of spades, ten of spades," she called without reaction from the room, who stared in disbelief at the girl's luck. "Imperial flush. Kirihiko-san wins the hand."

As if reacting to a stinging blade, the Elysian's wing's unfurled to their full span while the onlookers clapped and cheered for the undercover agent's win. None paid much mind to the outburst, though and his departure β€” along with what money he had left β€” went largely unrecognized. Aika jumped up from her seat, seeing the curiously amused look toward her partner on their target's face, and darted over to Yayoi.

"Amazing," Aika whispered, though it was a loud whisper that Kaoru could no doubt hear, as she seductively ran a hand up Yayoi's back. "Just go with it! Don't worry!" she messaged, simultaneously pressing her nose against her sister's neck. "One more to go," the combat operative added, meeting their target's gaze with a sultry one of her own.

"Of course," Yayoi responded, giving the hostess her sweetest smile as the dealer returned her tray to her side of the table full of her winnings for the round. Win or lose here, they'd gotten the target's attention. "I have to ride it out."

Kaoru simply shook her head, still smirking β€” perhaps cursing her luck that these two Neko she'd had eyes for would end up together by the end of this evening β€” and raised a hand to signal that she was done too. She gave a nod at the winner Yayoi and her apparent prize Aika before downing the last of her martini and elegantly sauntering off as two Yamataians with Nekovalkyrja ears like hers fell into step behind.

As the crowd began to disperse Yayoi left the table, throwing two chips to the dealer in tip as she left the rest of her winnings to be collected by the staff for her use later. By now the yacht was far out onto the bay and the two SAINT agents went out to look over the night sea. Behind them, one of the waitresses interrupted with a note for them on a silver platter.

"Katsumoto-dono requested you join her in the VIP suite." The Yamataian bowed as the lighter skinned sister retrieved the note and Aika peeked over her shoulder to see if there was anything else interesting written for them.

"Arigatou," Yayoi thanked the waitress as she handed the note over to her sister. "Let's not keep her waiting."

To be continued...
SET: Aboard the Peixes on Shiroisunahama Bay

It was calm out on the yacht's deck, the always-warm air of Koukotsu II sending Yayoi and Aika's hair flopping around in messy tangles as the choppy bay lapped up against the boat's hull. Having so finely displayed their prowess as SAINT agents just minutes before β€” though that fact was unbeknownst to those who witnessed it β€” they now made their way to Katsumoto Kaoru's private chamber on invite from the woman herself. Hopefully, now, the undercover 'sisters' could actually further their assigned mission and ascertain the former Star Army soldier's allegiances. Whether they remained pure or if her sympathies now put her at odds with the Empire she served for so long.

"Probably shouldn't have this down there," Aika chirped, hefting the big .45 caliber pistol from between her legs. "At least you've got that little thing. I'll stow this here. It's not too far away if things go bad," she added as an afterthought, shoving the gun behind a box of life jackets as they neared the high-deck door to Karou's shipboard penthouse.

"Just remember to grab it before we leave," Yayoi radioed in reply, "The last thing we need is for someone to find that nearby Katsumoto's room." The seriousness of the communication was offset by the happy, smiling face as the two approached the private cabin. "I think our luck is on the rise," Yayoi commented as she waved the invitation in the air. Spotting the muscle posted outside of their target's door, the lighter-skinned Neko sauntered up to the man and continued to fan the air with the invitation. "We're expected," she told him with a wink, holding the paper steady enough for him to take.

The big, thick Yamataian-looking Nepleslian man grunted and jammed a meaty thumb back in the air as indication they could pass and then crossed his fatty, muscled arms and went back to his vigilant watch, no longer interested in the pair of Neko. Entering the threshold, Aika and Yayoi were immediately bombarded with heavenly, damp aromas and the sounds of light revelry from within.

Delicate, traditional Yamataian music twinkled in harmony with a more modern beat and captured the scene in here well. Styled much like the rest of the Peixes, the chamber was open and expansive. Orchids, lilacs, and chrysanthemums spouted around from ornate vessels and incense haze hung in the air. Pillows piled high around the room's periphery and silken curtains hung to separate the varied debauchery taking place all around. For her part, Karou sat near the back on a large, throne-like seat and sipped at a cocktail. Nekovalkyrja, Geshrins, an Elysian cherub and other beings laid lazily around her, some conked out from imbibing too many spirits or worse.

"It appears our hostess has good taste," Yayoi stage whispered to Aika, not making any real effort to be unheard.

"Not my kind of thing, but I'll make it work," her combat counterpart quietly shot back.

"Thank you for receiving us, Katsumoto-san," the elder SAINT agent greeted the woman on the throne with a respectful bow. "You have the most wonderful accommodations here, I must say."

Katsumoto Kaoru grinned back, her mouth almost unnaturally wide as it crossed from ear to ear. They were in the style of Nekovalkyrja, though she was purported to be a Yamataian now, and covered in the same dark green hair that flowed in thick, long strands from her head. It was the same color as Ketsurui Yui's β€” Kaoru's idol, after all β€” and framed her face in a lengthy hime cut. A fine black yukata hung loosely from her shoulders, showing just enough to suggest the fullness of her perfection. Her immaculately manicured eyebrows shot angled in just the right way and sharpened teeth nipped at the edge of her martini glass as Yayoi spoke.

"It's my pleasure," she said in plain tones that were as dry as her cocktail. Her lips quivered strangely as she sat the glass down, but it didn't diminish her commanding presence "I'd never pass up the opportunity to invite a pair like you to my inner sanctum. Such a shame that you're one another's."

"My sister and I are thrilled to be here," Yayoi continued to flatter their hostess, "We were excited to be able to come here tonight and β€”," she pause for a moment to grin at the thought of what she was about to say, "enjoy such a fine game. Certainly cannot complain about that."

"Sisters?" Kaoru questioned, very amused. "All the more exciting β€” I think this suits me more than my assumptions would." The apparently ruthless traitor giggled aloud as the cherub pawed at her feet. She kicked it away, focusing her attention on the SAINT agents. "You are Nekovalkyjra like me," the woman revealed without fear of anyone hearing. "Thus, I assume you are Star Army soldiers, as I too once was. Tell me, though: Why gamble?"

Aika stepped in, her teeth bared from under a devilish smirk as one balled fist pushed at her waistline and gave her a very striking silhouette. "Yayoi-chan is a great card player β€” perhaps the greatest. And this is what we do during our leave," she said, stepping slowly toward Kaoru at her seat. "We may as well use the prestige system for something worthwhile, after all," the girl continued, sliding up to sit on the target's lap β€” Kaoru was taller than Aika by a fair amount, so it was easy for the slender agent to make herself useful here β€” and laying a kiss on her neck before speaking again. "We like to reward and repay ourselves for all of the fighting where the Star Army does not."

Katsumoto grasped at Aika's form, nipping at her collar with a more eager show than she'd made all night. "That Yamataian boy not good enough for you, then?" she laughed, glancing back up at Yayoi. "And you? More modest than your sister?" The question was almost rhetorical, given the slightly more conservative beauty the elder agent went with.

"Oh! Oh! Sis!" Aika quipped excitedly via telepathy, attaching herself again to Katsumoto Kaoru's neck. "Get her to take us away! To her office β€” for intelligence gathering! We've already confirmed that she's in possession of Star Army property with this body!"

"Well, money is pretty much the only thing they let us keep," Yayoi explained herself, "So it's a lot more of a β€” valuable commodity to us." She averted her eyes to glance at the throng passed out in the room, "And I am a bit more careful than my sister. One of us has to keep a level head after all." She turned back to Kaoru with a smile and her arms clasped behind her back, "Not that I'm immune to having fun, though."

"We'll need any information we can get on her IWL activities or any contacts she has that are sill in the service," Yayoi responded to her Aika's radio chatter, "and if we can plant some listening devices in her private rooms, that's all the better."

Kaoru gave Aika a gentle nudge to stand and the undercover operative followed along, feigning insatiability as she tried longingly to maintain a connection. The target stood once she was free and Aika stumbled on her heels over next to Yayoi, wiping her mouth as she giggled all the way.

"Perhaps we should retreat to somewhere more private, then," Kaoru declared, joining her hands in front of her and nodding at the help that she'd be retiring for the moment. "While this one has been fun, you intrigue me more β€” Yayoi-san, was it?"

"Well, that's certainly better than calling us Kirihiko-One and Kirihiko-Two, Katsumoto-san," Yayoi joked as she and her sister joined the illegal Neko, following her to an adjacent room. The things I do for my Empire, she thought to herself as she walked closely beside the suspected terrorist. "Or you could skip ahead and just call me Yayoi-chan," she giggled, failing to hide it behind a raised hand, "Like my sister does."

The three Nekovalkyjra went back to Kaoru's quarters, joining the suspected terrorist in bed. A torrent of sensual revelry followed as the SAINT agents got better acquainted with their mark, extending unabated for hours into the early morning.

"I can do this thing forever," Aika confessed with a chirping voice belied by her blank, tired eyes as she pulled Katsumoto Kaoru down on top of her for another uncounted continuance of their sloppy, uncouth exchange. "It's not hard to keep our kind amused when they haven't got training like us!"

"Keep it up for a little while longer," Yayoi messaged back as she slowly sank out of the far side of the bed and reached for her discarded dress on the ground to pull out the listening devices β€” and her NSP, just in case. With Aika's exuberance it hadn't been difficult keeping her equipment hidden from their target. Softly padding off to the adjoined office, the SAINT agent was careful to be as quiet as possible, covering herself with a darkened hologram for extra security as she breached Katsumoto's inner sanctum.

Sliding the door to the side with a minimum amount of effort, Yayoi slipped in and began casing the joint for good locations to bug. There was a variety of small electronics, some which recorded only and were made for retrieving later β€” others which broadcast what they recorded in small, specifically timed intervals. Taking a glance at Katsumoto's computer, Yayoi wondered if Aika would be able to keep the terrorist distracted for enough time for her to get a crack at it.

"A little while longer, I'm going to see what I can get from her main system," Yayoi reported in as her fingers trailed over the volumetric display, recording the images in her digital brain as she trawled records of business transactions and social meets, looking out for any interesting tidbits on Matsumoto's alleged shady dealings.

Yayoi could stay on the console for some time as her sister continued to satiate Kaoru. The combat arts Aika was trained in as a SAINT operator went hand in hand with creating pleasure just as she knew how to deal intense, exacting pain. But good things β€” like Yayoi's continued session at the computer β€” rarely last forever and commotion sounded from outside after a time.

"What?" Kaoru questioned, trying to back off of Aika to get a better handle on what was happening.

"Shh, shhhh," Aika soothed while attaching her mouth to the woman's neck again, more concerned that Yayoi was making the noise than anything else. "It's nothing, your guards will taβ€”"

Krrrrchtch sounded through the little private room with a thunderclap as booming footsteps crashed through the wood-paneled door. Through it, the Patrician from before burst with his wings unfurled and what Aika immediately recognized as a Atromos Particle Beam Rifle in his hands. It was aimed from the hip and the tip was still white-hot from recent fire. Screams from outside billowed in with the smoke from whatever destruction the angel had wrought outside.

"COLLUSION!" he bellowed, just as Aika shot a hasty message to her sister that was something like 'help' but in a way that was more frantic expression than it was actual language. "You will burn for your sins, Nekovakyrja! Prepare yourself!"

With such a warning of all the noise he was making, Yayoi was ready with the only thing she still had on her β€” her NSP. Aiming right for the center of mass as he burst through the wall, the trained SAINT agent put three quick shots into his torso and then a final shot into his head, just to make sure. Closing out the windows she'd been working with, it was clear that she needed to beat a hasty retreat and get back into the bed with her sister. "That crazy Elysian," she complained over telepathy as she slid the firearm back into clothes and rolled back into the bed, joining the festivities once more.

Aika breathed a mental sigh of relief toward her sister, keeping Kaoru down as the electronic warfare operative returned.

"Worry about him in the morning, Katsumoto-chan," she squeaked, wrapping herself around the rogue Nekovalkyrja. "For now, there's just us. And your men will take care of the mess β€” at least what's left of them."

Kaoru seemed to relent in trying to spring into action, presumably sending telepathic confirmations that she indeed had men left. She allowed the sisters to continue in her company for the rest of the evening, rolling in ecstasy through the darkest hours. When dawn broke, the trio came up to the yacht's bow, refreshed despite having little rest. Aika sat on the railing, her legs dangling off the edge while Kaoru and Yayoi stood in a casual embrace nearby.

"You two are really the most useful sisters I've come upon in some time," Katsumoto Kaoru said at last as the sky turned from a deep purple-red to something more blue with the sun's march upward. "Let me tell you about my sisterhood, the Independent Worlds League."

Mission Accomplished. Until next time.
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