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Interest Check [SAINT] ISC Lindorm



So I'm deciding to start up an undercover secret agent plot to investigate the PACT and ONI. I want to be able to keep the plot uncensored so what might happen is if I have under 18 interest, there would be a 18+ series of posts and regular series of posts once we get the plot threads rolling. Players will be expected to write IC mission reports every 2 IC weeks using a cipher I will provide at the start of the mission. More information on objectives will be on the wiki. Everyone will have a cover identity and a human appearance pre-mission start. This will be more of a social/intelligence intrigue plot than a shooting one but the course of the plot will be driven on PC actions, decisions and their ability to correctly decipher encoded messages from HQ.
I’m still recruiting for this undercover spy mission! The proposal is done, the ship is done, and some of my GM NPC artwork is coming back complete.

This plot will involve some puzzle elements as well, but I have a code book made for player reference. First posts will be meeting the team.

Plot details: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:isc_lindorm
System Info: Helka System: NSTE -PENDING APPROVAL
Support Base Info: Sugita Base
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All righty. 2nd JP prologue intro is up. Next part to be posted after the puzzle is solved. @paladinrpg

Added a couple of NPCs to the roster. Once we complete this prologue, we'll roll into the mission briefing!
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Part 3 of the prologue is done! All of you should know each other from going through SAINT training at the same time. Next set-up will be the in-brief. Did you want to do it SP or JP? @Ira @paladinrpg @Bullroarer
Ok. I will set this up as a SP for now. We will be having another player joining us once he gives me his character sheet. We can back fill in the mission briefing. Please expect the Mission Briefing post to go up sometime this week!
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Gentlemen, we’ll finish up this round of awkward introductions and jump into the JP pad.
The briefing is up in the 1.0b thread. There are a lot of links out since Hachimitsu is referring to a lot of RP events. Though not required to read the linked threads and articles, it might help a bit for context. You can start asking questions now, but certain things like Pact culture and force composition are going to be generalized since that's what the crew will be deploying to find out. =)
I'm going to post the current briefing responses into the thread so we can continue this as SP through the holidays.
Just got the first art commission for the Lindorm crew rolling starting with Fonzo. I'll post it once the final colors come back. Eventually, I want to have art for both the characters actual selves and their cover identities. I did the art for Yoroko's cover identity already so I just have to get the chibis rolling. =) Let me know which you want to see first and what they will be wearing.

@Bullroarer @Ira @paladinrpg @DJ P4NTSL3SS ; please don't forget to respond to the briefing and the supply request thread! This is the time to set up your load out.
Reactions: Ira
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