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Approved Submission SAINT organization/wiki update


SAINT Director
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Submission Type: Setting submission/wiki page update
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=members:nick:wipbox

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? Yes. PM'd both @Wes and @Doshii Jun before posting and they seemed to be giving me the okay.
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
No, but they may be out of date. Not really sure.
Contains New art? No. Uses art that is in the current version and a few more.
Previously Submitted? No

Back in 2013, I had a SAINT wiki update on the wip section. It was identical to the current page and never changed. Eventually got deleted and nothing ever got updated. So here I am the other day reading about Star Army Logistics and think that article is pretty cool. Had to do one for SAINT! Talked with Doshii about it, since he seems pretty invested in SAINT and he liked the idea of an update. So I spent some time today and came up with this update.

First: All the old information is basically there. No need for a "History" section that basically says nothing, imo.

Functionally, SAINT doesn't change at all. People don't have to use any new acronyms or chains of command in everyday roleplay. Everything important for your standard SAINT Santo Hei is right there at the top! I actually don't have the wiki table of contents included so that you only really see the information if you really want to know or need to use it for an RP.

The structure is there if you need it for narrative, though, and is modeled after MI6, CIA, and FBI organization stuff that they push out to the public. Left enough room for random Shoshos like @Fred's Celeste while still retaining that anything higher than a Taisa is extremely rare within SAINT and actually filled by a white panel former operative.

Threw in an X-Files office, "The Curio Squad," for the off-chance someone wants to RP that in the Star Army.

I used "cool" themed acronyms because SAINT is a cool themed acronym itself. Wes didn't say to change anything other than ONI, which I changed to YOMI. Doshii's always used Jewish mysticism, so I thought I'd stick with the spooky. If anyone else hates them, let me know. Since I have nothing else to say, a little acronym explanation below...

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I came to this thread dreading that something had been done to SAINT that would make it harder for me to use/would be inconsistent with past behavior and instead found an excellent RP tool that just fleshes out on what I'd previously been using, which will be a great help when I do touch SAINT in the RP. Well done!

If I have a reservation, it's the acronym Y.O.M.I. - I'll just make mention that Miharu Light Industries have an aether saber-rifle model of the same name (not an acronym, but inspired by the namesake). This was introduced ICly recently, so, it's not information that's on the wiki yet. I don't mind multiple use of the same name (gotta admit, it's a well-used acronym) so long as you don't.

Well, I have been playing a SAINT guy since the (First) Battle of Nataria, so you should know I was pretty confident the whole time . Thanks, though. I honestly included Associate Directors just for Celeste.

I'll try to find something good. Getting Yomi so quickly after Wes objected to Oni was surprisingly fantastic, can't promise cute results in the future.

Need to submit my three acronyms too. ...

I didn't include ANGL because, at least from your description, it seemed to simply be a commendation designation in an agent's file from the Training Administration, and would better be left edited in there somewhere.
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Accurate. Just didn't want it sitting in soft canon. The other two already are. Just gotta scribble them out.
Accurate. Just didn't want it sitting in soft canon. The other two already are. Just gotta scribble them out.

I tried to add ANGL in the part about SAINT Training Activity, but thought it best you fully explain it yourself someday since there's only that Byakuren OOC to go off of. If you want to PM me anything, I can add it in where I think it'd flow well.

In any case, I added mention of how YOMI information also comes from Fleet-based recon squadrons. Because that's pretty important.

EDIT: I also added in that operative-class soldiers must still obey, and are a part of, the normal Star Army chain of command when assigned to a (plot)ship.
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Sweet, I'll update the live copy. Thanks for looking it over, everyone!
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