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RP: 188604 Salvage of another sort



The cargo the ship had given them consisted of several containers, each ranging in different sizes and a rather damaged ship. The ship looked to be a transporter of some kind, nothing fancy honestly; even more so with the destroyed front. It was clear that the cause of the destruction and the ship going offline was a meteor shower. The ship could be used for scrap and parts, though each container's contents were unknown.

The largest container sat against the wall. There was no labels on the container hinting at what was inside. With the paperwork done, the Members of the skyguard or whoever was sent to deal with the salvage could get to work. With a decent tool, one could get the container open with ease.

Inside the container, a mass laid there. At first glance it was a odd shape but a second glance would reveal the metal bones and even wires sticking out. A robot in simple terms, a slightly big one though.

@Jack Pine (Let him post first and then others can join)
Jack walked through the hold among the crates as other personnel began to spread out to open each cargo unit one by one and discern their contents.

"Ok, I guess I'll start with this one then.", He said as he looked at the largest unit he could find and wedged the crowbar that he brought with him into the door seals.

With applied pressure, the door to the large cargo container slid open, requiring little effort to open it the rest of the way. Jack entered the dark container, turning on a flashlight as he did so, and sweeping the beam across the interior of the unit. Most of the contents appeared to be farming supplies, but something strange caught his eye at the rear of the container. A large heap of something that had metal in it sat in the very back corner, which Jack began to move farther into the container to investigate. Half way into the container he bumped into something metal on the floor, looking down Jack saw that it was a robotic arm of some sort.

"Now where in the hell did you come from?", He said as he picked it up, curiosity increasing exponentially.

walking quickly the rest of the distance, it was now clear that the heap was the the rest of the robot. It had dog like features, and was heavily damaged.

"Let's see if you can still work.", Jack mumbled to himself as he looked over the robot for what might be an on switch. He found what might be it, a very small panel was open on its back through a rip in it's shirt. No longer able to hold back, Jack pressed the button.
There was a sound, kind of like a generic him of a system booting up. A few twitches left the machine before the humming died down. Golden optics opened, giving a small extra source of light in the container. Looking about, the robot slowly tried to move. A louder noise of something grinding could be heard as the robot attempted to adjust their position. Seventeen years without oil and being in a similar position made the gears and joints stick together.

"Wh...ere...." A glitchy sounding groan leaving the robot; their vocal box needed time to heat back up.

For the moment, they didn't notice the human.
Jack remained silent for a bit as he stood behind the robot as it attempted to get up. this immediately brought the damaged leg to his attention in addition to the sad remains of what was left of it's left arm. The robot final found it's footing, and scanned it's vision across the room but stopped immediately when it saw Jack.

"I think you dropped this.", Jack said as he held out the arm that he had tripped over.
Tacticus cringed back from Jack, leaning against the wall slightly. When his arm was held up though, he glanced down at his right arm. Noticing the damage and wires sticking out. Granted, he couldn't tell just how bad the damage was but to a trained eye, they would note that the metal bone was badly cracked. No chance if reattachment.

"Where are...we?" Tacticus asked, looking back at the man.
"Welcome to 188604, which is suspect will be your home for awhile.", Jack said as he studied the bot's movements to discern any hidden damage.
"But...." Tacticus stammered. "This isnt right....why?"

The poor robot didnt know what to do. Instead he just ended up in a laying position. A few shakes left him as he stayed there. Looking down at the ground was as he wondered if he was just discarded.
"Your ship was a wreck floating in space and I bought it for salvage and in hopes of repairing the ship, and as far as I can tell it looks like it was hit by one hell of a meteor shower.", Jack reached out his hand to offer the bot a hand up, but switched hands when he realized it was the one that held the bots dismembered arm.

"Let me help you up, it's not all bad and you haven't even given me your designation yet.", He said extending out the correct hand this time.
''I dont know it." Tacticus answered. ''I was put in the crate after being sold."

The Taurtron didn't know where he was being sent too. All he knew was this wasn't it if his owner wasnt here and that this ship was drifting through space.

Reaching with his only hand, he stood up on all four limbs again. Though it was clear he was still in lesser spirits.
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