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SAOY - Type 32 Flashlight

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A new flashlight for the Star Army that leaves the soldiers hands free and because it is not on them when operating it does not pin point the users position to enemy gunmen.

Type 32 Flashlight
I made a couple of minor grammar edits. This is a pretty basic setting addition so unless anyone has any objections, this submission will automatically approve in 24 hours. (meaning I am posting my "Approved" post in advance).
What type of engine does this use?

Also, does it have any onboard sensors that allow it to see where its user is so that it can follow or is its movement entirely remote controlled?
I'm also wondering about the engine -- the energy to hover is likely a great deal more than it takes to power some LEDs, so the fact it just uses 3 times as much energy when floating compared to when not is unlikely. Of course, battery technology could surely be more advanced than 12 hours, so the "when not" could be boosted.

Also, about the lens cover -- is it diamond composite or transparent durandium or something? What is the flashlight's casing itself constructed of?

I also think it could have some additional elements installed to be more useful. Perhaps a new version of the standard issue Survival Knife with a folding blade could be attached to or stored in its base?

I could also see some audio/video capabilities and data storage added to make it akin to a floating Camera or even a soldier or Power Armor-specific Black Box of sorts without taking up much more power. The tech could be based on the Uno Sunglasses or their SA Covert Op variant. Its PSC/HUD/Communicator control could be utilized to transmit/access this data even, or bridge a link to an xIES/MEGAMI via PSC or to PANTHEON via that or the communicator.

It's a good concept, but I think it could be made even more versatile. How versatile, however, is limited by an element of cost, size, and power needs.
Also: Consider just giving the optional solar panel its own page so you can use it with other devices more easily.
As for the solar panel, when this gets approved, I can create a subpage for it.

I also modified the operating time to only 6 hours in hover mode at walking.

With regards to the propulsion is clearly states anti-grav.

As for its capabilities. The NSD's for the Mindy's are close to the same size and they have generators and capable of STL speeds. So power and propulsion are not really valid.
I put information about the body and lens.

Its a flashlight, a simple floating flashlight. Not a camera, not a sensor and not going to carry a survival knife. This is a SAoY item not a NAM item.
They really are valid when the mindy has unlimited power from an aether generator and this has to rely exclusively on its own power source (or solar power)

Also without any kind of sensors the flashlight would always have to maintain communication with the power armor in order to maintain position near someone (as it has no way of determining this on its own).
Not true Uso. The user can give it instructs for it to move as they go. And it has a link to the docking unit. Which serves as its point of reference.

And the NSD's do not get their power from the armor. What part of "hand-sized self-recharging multi-function drone units" did you not understand. So if an NSD can have a generator, I could just as easily put one in the flashlight and it would be able to run indefinitely. But that is not what I was after.
A user can not instruct this device to move as he does, the device lacks sensors so it can not detect the user or figure out how to move along with him. The only way it would be able to pull that off would be for some other device to be monitoring where the flashlight is, where the user is, and constantly sending instructions out to the flashlight.

I also think we are having a hard time believing that the anti gravity is only going to be a few times more power intensive than the flashlight part.
Making that little STO-inspired floating flashlight because it looked cool and that there was a desire to partake in that same coolness in SARP is gradually looking convultedly more complicated than it ever needed to be.
6 Nodal Support Drones, each drone can support 200 shots without recharge from the Mindy's CFS - contact with CFS restores 100 shots per second. 1 second of operation out of the Mindy's CFS bubble expends 10 of those shots to power movement.

Nash, those drones have a life span of 20 second outside of the CFS from the Mindy. That means either their generators suck massively, or they have none at all. Don't use them as your example.

Self-recharging doesn't mean they can run without support, it means they can recharge without your direct input.
Fred said:
Making that little STO-inspired floating flashlight because it looked cool and that there was a desire to partake in that same coolness in SARP is gradually looking convultedly more complicated than it ever needed to be.

I could kiss you for saying that.
Okay, the power situation is dealt with because I updated the page. The lamp and the anti-grav use separate power cells.

As for controlling the flashlight, the page already said that it uses the docking unit as its point of reference. However, to add redundancy, I have added a laser range finder to let the flashlight monitor its elevation. and accelerometers which detect its movement so that it can keep track of where it is, and how its oriented with regards to the docking unit.

And yes, if the user decides to position it a meter to their left and walks through a door. The flashlight will obligingly hit the wall.
Anti-grav up to 6 hours of operation while floating at a walking pace, higher speeds decreases the operating time proportinally.

Please correct to either "proportionately" or "proportionally"?

Connecting the contacts on the bottom to a BR-28 Magazine drains one charge.

Do you mean one charge as in exhausting the battery fully, or only by one weapon discharge/one shot's worth of energy from the NSP battery?

The Type 32 Flashlight can be controlled by the following methods:

Telepathically via Psionic Signal Control
Verbal Control via Type 29 Communicator
Wireless link to Power Armor HUD

The Type 29 Communicator has a PSC built into its current stock configuration, as do concepts of the Type 33. Shouldn't the communicator thus allow for telepathic control as well?
Fixed the proportionally

As for the communicator, sure I suppose they could. But if they were telepathic, why use the communicator. Take out the middle man...

As for the BR-28 its one shot charge. Not the entire mag
It's because the communicator's PSC encrypts the telepathy and also keeps the flashlight from being controlled by someone who shouldn't control it. It also means that one can control the flashlight safely and telepathically no matter where they are as long as they have their standard equipment -- even when away from their ship.
And the Flashlight has PSC so as I said, it is actually redundant to use the comm to relay the telepathic command. IMO
I still think this is way too elaborate for a simple floating flashlight that follows you around and lights up stuff where you're looking at.

I understand the attention to detail going into this, but the more detail seems to go into it, the more ridiculous it starts sounding. Too much is on occasion worse than not enough and this is such a case.

I'd suggest we focus more on what it can do rather than how its built. Seriously, I'm seeing way too many power armor components come up here for a damned simple floating flashlight. Especially considering how nodal bits and drones don't nearly need such obsessive details poured into them and are very similar.

I can't help but realize that this kind of item will get used by new people, or non-tech savvy members like Tom and Kyoki whom will just read over this and go "Uh?" So, I'd bring up the K.I.S.S. acronym: Keep It Simply Stupid. User-friendliness should trump over all other concerns and it's not what I'm seeing here.
Then I'd suggest getting this approved already in a fashion which is no longer open to discussion.
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