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Approved Submission [SAOY] Type 41 Advanced Reconnaissance Armor


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
Something I've been working on for a good while, first discussed it with Wes last year and a lot of changes have been made since then - I feel like this article is in the best state it could be currently but human error is always possible - regardless I'd like to tag @Wes for FM approval of this new armour, hopefully it fills the hole that Eth's stealth suit was meant to but without all the drama.

P.S. I realize it is faster than the Mindy, which was the previous fastest armour but the thrusters are physically bigger and more powerful, with their own quirks - so I would say that is justified but we'll wait and see~
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think the Mindy was working alongside the speed standards, which this will need to abide by, too. And, yeah, I know the Mindy is 0.5 c above the max standard, but I wasn't a part of its approval so idk.
I'd like to see what Wesman has to say about that part honestly, because it'd be nice to have this as the new "Fast" suit imo because it has a cool double edged blade of being fast as heck but in doing so it also ruins your day if you were trying to be sneaky, so it's a bit of a trade-off.

And as it says in the article, this wasn't made to replace the Mindy, it's just a more specialized suit for Yamland's sneakier bois.
That part seems to have not copied over, my bad, that has now been fixed to include a variation list like with the Mindy - it did at least keep my mention of the danger noodles in the molecure climbing assistance section further down ^^
The Ke-M3-1a is the KYLIE armor. This one would probably be the Ke-M18-1a.

  • Don't say "your" unless you're talking to the player
  • List measurements in metric or metric, then Imperial (US)
FM approved.
My bad, I think I used the nomenclature that Eth's stealth suit originally did so that's just my fault - I'll make some QOL changes, many thanks though ^^
Changes made ^^

Could only find one instance of "Your"
I was thinking some more about this and it occurs to me that this seems to, in some ways, have a lot of things from the new Mindy I wrote (The Mindy 4) just 3 years ago and basically nothing taken away to balance those perks. For example, the Mindy 4 has the new teleportation unit and photonic system and those made it unique...additionally, this armor's speed seems to violate the speed rules and is faster than the Mindy, which is the fastest armor the Star Army has. So I don't like that this armor has everything, no drawbacks, and basically makes mine obsolete. Would you consider giving it speeds suitable for operations around planets (why does it need to go .42c? That's 125,912 kilometers per second) and removing the teleporter?
I have no qualms with removing the teleporter but it does have a few quirks that you may have glossed over, I don't blame you, it is a large article.

it can use the wingpack or dorsal-mounted accessories, meaning that if you want to bring something like a big backpack for gear then you'd be stuck with the suit's gravitic flight capabilities, which are inferior to the Mindy's stock aether thrusters by itself. Additionally the wrists are lacking hull-cutters and the suit is limited to Rangers/Operatives, which means that the majority of people will still be using the Mindy.

It's faster because it has much larger thruster wings, and I feel like that is quantifiable given the drawback that if you have this thruster pack equipped then you can't use things like extended magazines for the shoulder gauss cannons or the leader pack or even a giant fusion generator - the Mindy already violates speed rules and I figured with giving a newer suit larger, more powerful thrusters then it made sense for it to go slightly faster?

It also yes, has built in NSB launchers but they need to dock to recharge seeing as the suit has no CFS systems in place, which limits their flight time exponentially.

Tl;DR it does have downsides you may have missed
@Wes any input on my reply yet?


A) it is only used by rangers and saint operatives
A1) as far as I am aware, they are minorities as far as occupations are concerned, with most people that I have seen join the site usually going for infantry or something that uses the infantry gear - such as a combat engineer using a mindy, or medics doing the same, so I hardly see it replacing the Mindy

B) it does have its quirks and limitations
B1) example I gave was that if you wish to use the wingpack then you sacrifice things like extended magazines for your shoulder weapons or more storage space - so you trade speed for expanding your arsenal or what have you
B2) again, it is pretty much limited to rangers and saint operatives

In conclusion: I don't want to replace the Mindy, was never my intention and still is not the intention of this article - rather I just wanted to give the sneakier occupations in the SAoY a suit more designed around their role, so I'm just asking that you maybe reconsider the points that have been brought up?

1, IC restrictions on use aren't acceptable for Setting Submissions purposes under the rules because you (e.g. submitters) have no control over how the item will be used by the faction in the future or whose hands it will fall into. The other only disadvantage listed was possible joint pain.

2. Were any of the suggested changes made to the article?

I'm not really feeling this article - I don't remember being asked if the Star Army even wanted this, there's no art or plan for art and I can't afford to drop $210 on it like I did with the Mindy 4, and the article comes off to me as a tweaked version of mine.

I checked this and found the following parts were largely copypasta:

Again, my suggestion is to remove the teleportation module so this doesn't steal the Mindy's thunder (the Mindy is an iconic part of the setting like Nekovalkyrja).

Also, and this is a minor thing, but KFY has named every other power armor a five-letter female name (MINDY, DAISY, TASHA, etc.) is there a 5-letter version of TARA?
I mostly just wanted to confirm what things needed to be changed seeing as it had been a month since the last response for this, I may have forgotten that IC restrictions aren't viable for some reason though~

I originally spoke to you on discord about this in october of last year or roughly around then at least and you seemed fairly on board with it then, though to be fair, a few aspects of it have changed since then.

there's no art or plan for art

If this gets approved I could get art if that was needed of me, I don't recall ever stating I had no plans to get art for it though?

I have reasons those two sections were copied over, first one was just to keep the operational parameters for the teleporter the same and the second was because I felt any prose I tried putting into that section fell short imo.

I have no issues removing the teleporter, as I have said the past.

I do not believe there is a 5-letter version of Tara, no~ or at least not one I have been able to find, but I didn't look very hard~

I have a few ideas for modifications I could maybe make to the article though:

I could drop the armour's tier down to 3, which would make it lighter (makes sense to me, it is sneaky armour) and it being lighter might possibly also help explain the armour's speed?

Redefine the easy to repair part because I seem to have goofed that, the internals of the suit and most of its systems are easy to repair due to it using parts from a lot of common bits of saoy, but the primarily xiulurium composite armour is not so much - due to it being expensive, that's just a mistake on my part.
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Tarah, or Tahra.

Could do Terra as well -- TYPE 41 ELITE RAPID RECON ARMOR. (Wes is much better at this than I am.)
There's a "wingpack" or "wing wack" or "wings" mentioned a few times. Once the article is linked to the Mindy hyperspace fold booster. But I can't seem to find a sub-header where this is described in detail (its appearance, weight, dimensions, how it changes the suit other than giving it a fold which armors generally don't get by default) or a link to a new module (since it's similar but not exactly like the Ke-M2-P2903). Am I missing where this is? If not, it'd be helpful to see this information fleshed out and included because it's only present in passing right now.

From an in-canon standpoint, I don't understand why the SAoY's stealthy professions would need anything more than the Mindy and its available modifications at first glace. The Mindy is truly a beast and doesn't really sacrifice much during clandestine missions. But it appears to function sort of like a WW2 seaplane in that it can go out alone and scout before returning to base with recon info kind of like a scout fighter. I dunno what if anything can be done with this comment or if anyone else notices the same, but there's a bit of a mismatch between what it's supposed to be for and what it seems to actually do.
If you really need to be stealthy and don't want any of those pesky signatures showing up, don't you have the Shinobi, also developed for the SAoY's stealth operations by GH?
It could be Type 41 Advanced Role Reconnaissance Armor and be TARRA tbh

How is this coming though @SirSkully
I'll refine it a bit more @Ametheliana , but it would still be nice for @Wes to get back to me about some things - but I feel like I'll just end up ripping things like the teleporter and the fold booster pack from it as well as downing it to a tier 3 to make it seem lighter and speedier with the downside of having less armour.

@Alex Hart first off, there shouldn't be any mention of Galactic Horizon at all in the article, and if there are any mentions then that is simply a mistake, so the whole
...also developed for the SAoY's stealth operations by GH?
is kinda a moot point - I even checked just now and the words "Galactic" and "Horizon" never actually appear once in the Tara's article so...

Secondly I really don't think I need to point out the differences between a space gorka with kick-ass stealth systems vs a suit of power armour with kick-ass stealth systems, so I'm not going to bother getting into that.

@Doshii Jun I totally forgot you can just throw a H into names sometimes lol, I'll play around with making the name longer.

@raz I think I'll keep what is in the article currently about the wing pack as well as adding its own section in the systems section, kinda an oversight on my part ngl - should have done that from the get-go.
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