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Approved Submission [SAOY] Type 41 Advanced Reconnaissance Armor


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
🎖️ Game Master
Something I've been working on for a good while, first discussed it with Wes last year and a lot of changes have been made since then - I feel like this article is in the best state it could be currently but human error is always possible - regardless I'd like to tag @Wes for FM approval of this new armour, hopefully it fills the hole that Eth's stealth suit was meant to but without all the drama.

P.S. I realize it is faster than the Mindy, which was the previous fastest armour but the thrusters are physically bigger and more powerful, with their own quirks - so I would say that is justified but we'll wait and see~
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I appreciate your subtle jab at me losing my privileges, but if you must know I actually resigned due to not wishing to deal with attitudes like yours, including but not limited to passive insults and declaring that you didn’t say something in a previous post... and then proceeding to say it in the current one.

Now being an honest man I couldn’t possibly say that your justifications for this article are correct by either RL or SARP standards, though if you insist that supplying specialized reconnaissance teams with inferior equipment is a wise decision I suppose I can only take your word for it and wish you the best of luck and smooth sailing along with my deepest apologies for daring to interfere in your submission with my clearly lesser experience with the SARP setting.

If you’ll excuse me, please, I’ll just go back to my corner and wave my little SAINT flag while ensuring that the recon teams in my stories are depicted correctly in accordance with the equipment you are providing.

Submission rules state that any community member can voice concerns, criticism, or help. But i wont tolerate a late term derailing of this submission that has had months to have been voiced. And i wont tollerate "We/they/nobody needs this" from anyone short of the person running the faction. And Wes gave his approval for this article so it will continue with the submission.

ANY submission is an RP tool, Nobody needs just ONE of something. Diversity in doctrine, tactics and what a force can use makes good RP when a GM can decided to use something greater or lesser than something else. I wont tolerate any more jabs, jives, insults or general toxicity or derailing of this article. In which case i will bar the input of anyone i feel is being toxic or unproductive from this submission. And any continued bickering will result in me asking a staff member to take action for the sake of this submission.

That is all.
Rizzo is right though, I agree that this submission is redundant to the Mindy and I'm not sure why it's needed in the Star Army. People seem to be using the new Recon division as a way to shoehorn a lot of stuff into the Star Army lately and I've begrudgingly posted FM approvals, including the one in this thread, because I didn't want to make them feel their effort was wasted or be disappointed and sad. @SirSkully has been really helpful on the site lately and I wanted to throw him a bone instead of shutting him down. Honestly Yamatai has been hurting for participation lately and I am trying to be extra flexible here because user happiness is a major concern for me.

But it's also kind of messed up that the Star Army's equipment list is getting kind of bloated with what I would consider to be excess and temporary stuff for OOC reasons and if I look into the far future when the ranger plots have concluded I can see this thing being put in a box never to be seen again like the Ke-M3 Kylie or other things that people made basically for their corner of the Star Army, simply because we already have the Mindy and it does everything this does. I say temporary because when an item is submitted in conjunction with a plot, its life expectancy for usefulness tends to strongly correlate to the lifetime of the plot, however short or long that might be. And that's not necessarily bad, but it might be. I mean, we recently had a tank approved that no unit in the Star Army has as its standard equipment because the Star Army doctrine doesn't care about tanks at all because it has power armor that can float across any terrain at aircraft-like speeds and carries weapons powerful enough to level a city block. Why would we need tanks when every infantry neko is not only a walking tank but practically a flying gunship? Well because someone wanted it for their plot I guess. And in 4 years and some change the Star Army will look at it for the 5-year review, and gently place them all in a cold storage warehouse in Nataria or sell them to someone who thinks it's a good idea to use tanks in this setting.

Now that I've somewhat depressingly explained my thought process on the approval, I want to say that I am not withdrawing FM approval and I'm going to try to fit this armor into the Star Army's ecosystem as best I can should the reviewer approve it.
Ok lets finally get this ball rolling, Shall we?!

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[ ✅ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ✅ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ✅ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Heres the remaining fixes and i can close this chapter in the book, ye?

SARP uses American english. Instances of Armour. Colour, Etc. Should be changed to their Americanized versions (Color, Armor, Etc.).

The "Accessories" sub-article contains a lot of red-links to non-existed or deleted articles.

The article lists that the armor is easily repairable in the field but clearly contains "zesuaium" which is very heavily regulated material by yamatai and it is something they go to great lengths to keep a monopoly over. Im not saying it has to be changed since the wesman gave his approval. But I will ask that you please consider that this is a material that the star-army doesnt want other people getting their hands on in any amount (Even stripping it from the armor of dead rangers who practically delivered it to their doorstep with no SA personnel nearby to recover it.) and is not a field-repairable part of any armor.

@SirSkully please address these couple changes and get back to me for the (hopefully) final leg of this review.
Sorry if I again cause a stir, but I wanted to offer a bit of insight as to the functionality of Xiulurium as a material. In all other articles Xiulurium and zanarium are always used as a topcoat with zanarium being rigid and Xiulurium being flexible and ‘rubbery’.

In all cases it has been a ‘topcoat’ of sorts, used much like a stealth paint. Traditionally it was not treated as a simple paint or accessory that was applied to vehicles but actually was an armor type.
This has changed as DR systems changed but in SARP Xiulurium has still always been used over metal plating in order to be used, and likewise is susceptible to damage.

The base layer is a thin Zesuaium shell that acts as the backbone of the other layers, this is then followed by the innermost layer of Xiulurium that shield’s the suit’s systems from interference and obscures them from prying sensors, with the outermost layer being one of Yama-Dura – the Yama Dura’s faint regenerative qualities make for great semi-ablative armour, with the middle layer of less-protective Xiulurium lending the suit a lot of its stealthy qualities and the base layer of Zesuaium being put in place as a final layer of armour to hopefully protect the armour’s wearer.
In theory this is a good idea, but in practice this could stand to compromise stealth and even increase the suits radar signature. Xiulurium needs to be energized in order to function, which means it increases the amount of power that will be generated by the power supply.

True, sensors will have a difficult time scanning what is underneath the layer of Xiulurium, however the suit in general would be just as detectable as before, possibly even more detectable due to the increase in power requirement. That’s not to say that the middle layer is useless, but simply that it would be less effective.

My recommendation would be to have a Xiulurium topcoat to maximize stealth. The inner coating doesn’t have to leave, though. Suppose the armor plate is shot, when the top layer of Xiulurium and Yama-dura is damaged there is now the possibility that the middle layer of Xiulurium can prevent the hole from appearing on sensors. Whether that is realistic or not is debatable, but realistically if someone in a tier 3 armor gets hit be anti-PA weapons the odds of them being able to survive/continue their mission is minimal at best.

As a side note, since the current enemy of the empire is heavily aether equipped the usage of Zesu is now less effective and since it has always been the polar opposite of stealthy with its infinite density and extreme weight it won’t really be missed as most incoming fire is most likely going to punch right through and it will light up on sensors should power to the stealth systems ever be lost.
With Zesu it’s kind of a ‘go big or go home’ situation since a laminate of Zesu will hardly make aether flinch. You’d need a true plate of Zesu to be effective but again, it’s irreparable thus high maintenance. In short, a liability. The Yama-dura will serve the role much better and keep that overall radar profile down. ;)
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Rizzo is correct.
Seeing this and the stance of the FM i will recommend that change as well as proposed by Rizzo and backed by wes.

But also, Seeing the length of time this article has spent in the NTSE and no response from the submitter i will be giving this submission three days (Until 11-2-19) for changes before i mark this submission as abandoned and/or rejected.

Please note that the article being moved to the abandoned or rejected sub-forum does not stop it from being re-submitted in the future.
Okay that should all be fixed now, idk what was up with the links on the accessories page but it should be all good now unless they decide to break again~
I have a, uh, question, and just a bit of side comment because I feel like i'm a neutral enough observer here: So if the person running the plot that would have to use this wanted something different, that was rejected in favor of this; why are we forcing them to use this thing they didn't want?

Like I'm not saying that this is bad, or that Skully is bad or anything; just that I'm on the YSS Artemis and I know that the entire crew and GM staff was hoping for something way different, and that the way this has been going has been demoralizing to some people, which isn't what anyone wants. Maybe there's some kind of compromise we can do for this?
" if the person running the plot that would have to use this wanted something different, that was rejected in favor of this "

There is no "in favor of". In the NTSE i cant reject something in favor of something else because there are two similar submissions. The faction manager can, but not me. And in the context of being forced to use anything is frankly a non-issue.

They dont have to use the TARSA. They dont have to use Rizzos not yet submitted stealth-type mindy. They dont have to use all eihei bodies. These things are just RP tools and not something forced onto a perspective GM of a ranger or stealth-oriented plot. And if that GM doesnt like his/her options they can make something ideal for the situation encountered (like skully is doing here).

Wes stated he feels the proverbial market is being flooded with niche, one-off, Rarely ever going to be used submissions. But i find it as a non-issue from an RP POV. The more options the GM and players have the more flavor they can add or have to work with in their writing. The worst that could come from it is the GMs choice doesnt match with the players ideal (they wanted X, The GM gave them Y.) in which there's little problem at all.

More options adds more variety. It helps keep plots from being "too similar" and gives the GM the option to give their players more advanced or less advanced options or loadouts to increase the difficulty and complexity of the thread or make it easier for players to rule-of-cool and have what is akin to IC plot armor in the form of more advanced weapons and armor that will no doubt have them win effortlessly or have a significant advantage.


Also using something rejected isnt really impossible. You can introduce things in RP before they are submitted and use them in setting. Butits a gray area. For instance its at the whims of the FM who might or might not be OK with it and the GM who might not want it in his plot. And if its outright rejected for certain reasons like being OP or just not wanted in the faction instead of just abandoned or rejected cause you couldnt meet quotas i wouldnt try to force sometihng into RP.
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@SirSkully this is (hopefully) the final review.

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[ ✅] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate and are not broken
[ ✅ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ / ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ✅ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ✅ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ✅ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Sarp uses american English. Instances of "Armour" and such should be changed to "Armor".

Make these changes and i will approve the Tarsa.

Also. I, At this time, Will likely not be accepting any input further for this article from outside sources as any concerns or input, unless brought up by the FM cadre (Wes, Toshi, Andrew) or agreed to by the FM cadre, If a concern or criticism is posted here. As this article has had sufficient time to have such concerns be raised.
*snicker at the English spelling war.*

I think elite Heavy Infantry that want to be more mobile and stealthy than tanks can make use of this design as well. Could do something in the future with MCAS so there is not yet another thing to the bloated inventory. Plus this thread is turning into the F35 of SAoY. lol
[ ✅ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
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[ ✅ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ✅] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ✅] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate and are not broken
[ ✅ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ / ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ✅ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ✅ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ✅ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Please remember to backlink this article to anywhere it has to go (IE: technology pages, Lists of armor, Etc.)
Now for the final bit~

[ ✅ ] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[ ✅ ] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[ ✅ ] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[ ✅ ] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[✅ ] 5. Remind the submitter to link to the newly-approved page wherever it makes sense to do so.