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Approved Submission [SAOY] Type 41 Advanced Reconnaissance Armor


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
🎖️ Game Master
Something I've been working on for a good while, first discussed it with Wes last year and a lot of changes have been made since then - I feel like this article is in the best state it could be currently but human error is always possible - regardless I'd like to tag @Wes for FM approval of this new armour, hopefully it fills the hole that Eth's stealth suit was meant to but without all the drama.

P.S. I realize it is faster than the Mindy, which was the previous fastest armour but the thrusters are physically bigger and more powerful, with their own quirks - so I would say that is justified but we'll wait and see~
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Again though, differences between a SPACE gorka and a suit of power armour - also I guess I misinterpreted that last bit, I just don't really see why you'd need to specifically bring up the manufacturer but whatever, my bad
Considering the stagnation this article has reached i would like to put its current status as either On Hold or Abandoned . @SirSkully do you wish to continue this submission considering the resistance it has been receiving?
Updated name, lowered the tier of the armour, removed the teleporter and added a section about the wing pack - new links:

Tarsa sounds like some badass mythical creature imo, and I still made the acronym work if you just drop the word "and"

It was almost the Tarla, Type 41 Advanced Reconnaissance Light Armour but I felt like that didn't really work
Reactions: Wes
I don't think I was working on this one Skully, I worked with you on the other armor a bit back.
Oh my bad, sorry, I thought you were dealing with this one too.
I realized something the other day when someone asked if this was approved yet, does this submission actually have a reviewer assigned to it?
Syao has their own submissions they've claimed and ame has a couple too so~ Guess that would be me!

Lets bring up the'ol checklist:

[ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate and are not broken
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ / ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ? ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Here's some fixes this article still needs:

Despite the fact wes gave him FM approval, He later gave some concerns and replied that he wasn't feeling this submission. I'de like him to re-evaluate his approval of this submission to a final Ye/Ne.

Also on the topic of wes, He spoke his desire that this armor not steal the mindys thunder in regards to the mindy teleportation module. I would like him to decide if hes ok with the sub-article about the TARSA sharing any/several mindy/daisy accessories. After all the sub-article seems unfinished as it lists the ability to use most of the accessories but only lists two.

SARP uses American english. Instances of Armour. Colour, Etc. Should be changed to their Americanized versions (Color, Armor, Etc.).

For the sake of foreshadowing future submissions, "Fastest SAOY armour at the time" should be changed to something more akin to "Fastest SAOY armor in use as of [[timeline:ye_41]]"

There was commenting about not wanting or allowing restricted equipment for the SAOY in the past. And i'd like wes's Ye/Ne on if he'll allow it to be branch or usage restricted.

Please also remember that the Yamatai faction requires art for uniforms, armors, etc.

Please make these fixes and wait for our super busy SM to make his judgement and we'll continue on with this submission~
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I guess the attachment page is from when I first started making this and before I really got serious but yeah I can understand that needing to be more fleshed out 100% - I can list off the usable accessories on that unless Wes has any objections to it, which obviously I hope he doesn't? but yeah.

I tried to be good with American English on this one but I guess I wasn't good enough lol, easy fix - along with the "fastest as of x"

Anyway yeah, I'll fix what I can and boop this thread when I have done so, waiting for Wes to give his $0.02USD on the matter
Im still waiting on @Wes to take an FM stance on some things and for @SirSkully to finish up those couple things.

Please also note that while the submission rules state that art isnt mandatory, Yamatai's articles state that for their faction at least, Armor and uniforms require art.

Im going to give this three more days to receive those changes from skully and get an answer from wes. Otherwise i will be marking this as Abandoned on the grounds that it has received no updates in a substantial time and that the faction manager has not/will not approve the article after its changes.
I'll upload my list of attachments later today, thread has been weird with notifications for me but also I do plan to get art if this ever gets approved.
The submission is OK and has my FM approval, but currently Star Army Recon is a cluster, with 3 suit designs including thing one submitted in a short period, and we need to figure out what they'll actually use.
I'd probably say something along the lines that the various suit designs are competing against each other to see which one will get the contract. or something.
Reactions: Wes
Surgeon General warning:
This post may be bad for self esteem but needs to be said... again. Know now that I mean no offense, but after reading this I feel it must be said.

For starters, what qualifies my opinion of this submission? I have been messing with Mindy armor since the M2-2 was Yamatai’s bread and butter. I am VERY familiar with Mindy’s smooth lines, rounded plates, and sensitive electronics. Her and I go back five years and I’m not even her oldest fan. I’ve read AAAALLLLLL of the Mindy articles and have used the suit in many configurations, even the ones Wes doesn’t like. Please trust that I know a Mindy when I see one and that she is very close to my heart.

So, that out of the way...
I’m currently disappointed that this armor is not unique and fills no role an M2-2, M2-4, or even an M2-3 fills. It’s a Mindy with tactical webbing. You can do this with any Mindy. Any operator can wear a tactical vest on her Mindy. Any operator can run in a way to reduce emissions, like turning off shields and aether stuff, using Xilirium(or however it’s spelled), you get my drift.

A wing pack? Why? Wing packs are not stealthy. They increase your profile and and emissions.
Zesu? Why? This is heavy and hard to repair. This is not low maintenance. Yamatai is very much used to aether-charged gunfights and knows that Zesu is only replaceable, not repairable. It’s heavy, not something you’d want to lug around when you power down and crawl through the mud for that sneaky approach.

Don’t get me wrong, I know what you’re trying to get and I applaud it. I’m love me a gritty story, but this- this isn’t new. It’s just different. A permutation, if you will. As a permutation I like it! As a unique armor set... eh, nah. It just doesn’t make sense.

I mean no disrespect, of course, I know you’ve worked hard on this but at the end of the day effort doesn’t determine success. You can swing a hammer all day, but if you don’t hit the nail…
I could see a Mindy mission package out of this, or a refit, but as it stands you should probably try a different approach because if it talks like Mindy, acts like Mindy, and uses all of her parts...
It’s a Mindy.
Rizzo, this thing has been in the NTSE for months and I feel that if Wes didn't want it because it was a Mindy clone then he would have said so, he has raised concerns about it and I have modified the article accordingly to suit his demands, so please don't rush in here right after he gives his FM approval to try and get this PA cancelled at the last second - It's not just "A Mindy with tactical webbing" and if you read the article thoroughly then you'd agree.

Hell changes were made specifically to counter it "stealing the Mindy's thunder".

Regardless of all that, the accessories page has been fixed up @Charmaylarg Dufrain to have a comprehensive list of what can be used with the Tarsa but for some reason a few of the links are red despite being taken from the mindy attachments page themselves so I don't know what to do about that

Edit: I also touched up the main article a bit and I think that everything should be up to scratch now.
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Skully, Wes is not the only voice that matters here. This has been in the NTSC for months… Shouldn’t that tell you something? That should be your first clue that there is something wrong and beyond the initial issues. He’s FM approved it after months of you pushing... Shouldn’t that tell you something?

Let me just lay my cards out on the table. It is stupid to field elite soldiers with underperforming equipment. If you want to put your grunts and relatively untrained personnel in inferior equipment to cut down on financial burden, okay that’s a military doctrine with a long history of proven results, but your bad bois that need to acquire vital intel AND deliver it to HQ should not be the ones we skimp on. You say, this is not a Mindy, but that is exactly what this is! It is a Mindy, minus the shield generator and sporting less armor with slight increases to it storage!

You say I’m trying to swoop in here and get this to not be approved as armor, fine. You yourself have said so, and only you.
As a former NTSE reviewer that had to go as far as to tell one of his closest SARP friends, “no, you can’t cleverly break the Weapon Limitations for a faction we both built” and reject the submission with prejudice I’d hope you could see me as someone who isn’t just trying to screw you over INSERT MOTIVE OF CHOICE HERE.

I take no delight in seeing you have trouble in the NTSE. I have nothing against you.

But I have read the article twice and can tell you true, this IS a cheap Mindy. It’s literally an underperforming Mindy for the sake of being harder to detect. Having been invested in SAINT AND Yamatai for FIVE YEARS I can confidently say that this PA is not the equipment our toughest troops need. This is not the suit for troops we invest heavily into UNLESS it is a mission package for special applications.

Consider this, recon guys might go weeks at a time without returning to base. If they fail their mission and the team is wiped out, how will their commanders know? How will they know to clone them? If these recon guys die, it might be months before the SAoY throws in the towel and says Presumed KIA. That’s months without a recon team!

We shouldn’t be reducing their survivability, we need to increase it! SARP warfare still obeys the rules of The Art of War. Who has the best troops, weapons, and leadership?

RL US military supplies cheaply made, quality but cheap, M4-A1s to their general forces but will spend over $20,000 on just the stock of a sniper rifle. What does that tell you? Who is being favored? Specialists need the favoritism. A military force can go a few months wondering if Johnny Grunt is still alive somewhere but Mr. Years-of-Education goes missing that’s a problem!

If a Recon guy wants to keep a low profile he can turn off his shield generator and reactor just like anyone else and run off of his battery supply for a few days. No problem!
The Star Army can afford to equip our quiet girls with Xilirium. No Problem!
This is a post-scarcity society, we have all the resources we need but if push comes to shove and our special forces NEED something we’re taking it from little miss doesn’t need it and overnight shipping it to the huge investment of a specialist upon which our security depends! If that means supplying them this article as a a refit to their existing gear, done. If that means giving them an entire new suit of armor, done. But we are certainly not expected to tie their hands behind their back when the enemy inevitably wants to kill them, are we?!

Don’t skim what I just said, please. Read it and get the sense of what I’m saying here. I know it’s a lot of work to revise an article and if you need it I will personally help you every step of the way with whatever you need, no matter how menial!
I am not your enemy.
I never said Wes was the ONLY person whose voice matters, but he is at the heart of the Faction and makes these decisions so I am more likely to listen to him than someone who lost their NTSE privileges - plus the fact it has taken months for me to change the article as requested (Not months of pushing as you apparently think) is due to me being a little lazy at times and also waiting for Wes' busy schedule to open up enough for him to take a look at this, though mostly me being lazy to be honest here.

This isn't real life, Rizzo, it's a sci-fi RP forum, it's less protected to balance out the fact it goes so goddamn fast - it's like how games give the more powerful weapons less ammo and slower reload times, it's to balance things.
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