Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Say Hello to YE 45!

In a couple of days, as it becomes 2023, we'll switch over to YE 45 in the RP as the current In-Character year!

What's happening?
  • YE 45 Separa'Shan Cultural Expo
    • This is an Open RP that any character can visit! It's an easy start to adding YE 45 events in your character history!
  • Wrap up any last RPs from YE 44 and transition to ones set in YE 45
    • Update your characters' history sections with anything that happened in YE 44 while it's still fresh!
    • Empress Yule Gift Thread will close so get your requests in the next couple days!
  • The YSE will be having elections for Imperial Premier
  • Check if your characters are eligible for promotions now that some time has passed (similar to last year)
  • Setting Submissions should be for YE 45 (e.g. Type 45 Weapon, Ke-V6-W4500)
  • If your character page has their age, check to make sure it's right (it takes less edits if you just put their birth date so that's what I recommend).
  • Resurgence of Yamatai is starting Mission 7! Other GMs feel free to give updates below!
  • OOC Management Activity Check
  • Roleplay Reviews for all Plots to make sure they're still active and updated
  • Hoping to run ads and bring in more players to join our RPs, so make sure we're ready for them!

Here's the way OOC and IC months will line up this year:

IC MonthOOC MonthsEvents
YE 45.1JanElections (YSE)
YE 45.2Feb & MarLove Day
YE 45.3AprHanami
YE 45.4May & Jun
YE 45.5JulKikyō No Sekku
YE 45.6AugOcean Day
YE 45.7Sep
YE 45.8Oct & NovCandy Festival
YE 45.9DecYear-End Traditions
HELLLOOOOO YE 45!! I'm really excited for the RP that can come.

My plans:
  • YSS Kaiyō II
-I am going to fluctuate between group RP and one on one JPs depending on the reliability of my players.
-I am open to more people joining, but I only take flagship characters that are strong heroes narratively that can carry heavy stories I hand them and I want players that are reliable and will stay above all else.
  • Uesureya
-Through this plotship I will be exploring Uesureya simply because I think Uesu is neat. I've enjoyed RP with him in it for years and I count myself extremely lucky to have created interesting RP with him, but I also want to know what other people want to read or write with him since there is more on the horizon. I have about 50 Uesu ideas so whittling them down is the challenge. Wes wants the Southern Frontier expanded and Yamatai wants it definitely under Uesu's rule so I'm taking lots of opportunities to definitely do the former OOCly and ICly try at the latter. I'm not the only one doing this but I'd like to really actually work with others on it this time rather than being the only person doing it again, so please reach out with ideas, requests, and ways to help me whittle down what you want to do, too. The enemy here is either what the Mishhuvurthyar of old have become or what the former Emperor is willing to do to end his fight against them...
-Is there interest in JPing future SAINT RPs?
-The next Open RP will begin at Black Sands, an RP location I think a lot of people would enjoy seeing
-I am creating a list of gadgets and spy gear that I would like to wikify them to give an idea to GMs about what sort of equipment could be custom built by them for their plots. Not a "use these" but a "the sky's the limit, see?" list. Thus it's formatting is strange and I'm not sure where to go wiki-wise. It's one of the ways I feel I can plot fuel GMs without actively RPing in their plots.
-I want GMs to feel comfortable to reach out to me to ask for patching of plot holes or creation of them. My forum DMs are there for a reason, please don't hesitate to do so. If you have a strong passion for your plot, I'll give you 120% of myself to it. For instance, I did this on the Koun when the PSC needed updating and it was a lot of fun for me. I'll happily act in some remote capacity for ships out in the stars or at SAINT HQ.
-I would like to see more foreign embeds. Effy spying on the Nepleslian Premier and then having to do counter surveillance that amounted to saving his life was my first foray into SAINT on this site and I've always pushed for more RP on the relations between the two, so I'll have to talk to @Wes about what he's willing to see happen as far as operatives in Nepleslia. Is there player interest here?
We have more holidays now! (And I've also updated the page in the wiki so it's also up to date.)
IC MonthOOC MonthsEvents
YE 45.1JanElections (YSE)
👘 Coming of Age Day
YE 45.2Feb & Mar💖 Love Day
YE 45.3Apr🌸 Hanami
YE 45.4May & Jun🎏 Children's Day
YE 45.5Jul
Kikyō No Sekku
YE 45.6Aug🌊 Ocean Day
YE 45.7Sep👵 Keiro No Hi
YE 45.8Oct & Nov🍬 Candy Festival (17日)
📜 Constitution Day (35日)
YE 45.9Dec🎄 Year-End Traditions
The current in-character year is now YE 45!

I've updated as many pages as I could find updating the current year, but if you're an FM, please check things like your faction calendars, history pages/sections, and character creation guides to make sure they're updated.
Looking forward to a new year of success for Star Army as a whole. I hope this year brings us a new horizon in terms of recruitment and retention. A healing of any old wounds and a coming together as a community to invest in a future for the site. I look forwards to seeing new players rise up as GMs to tell new stories as well as more of us old-timers willing to give it another go. SARP has so much potential and I hope this year is the year to unlock it.

My own goals simplified:
  • To get Hinomaru Sunrises back off the ground the colonization mission is a reality. I really wish to help tell a good story with it and have something that is a good offering to players.
  • To continue to improve Yugumo's development. I posted a Wanted Design List the other day and I hope it inspires. I really wish to hope to focus on improving whats there versus the new stuff.
  • Continuing refit programs on ships like the Rikei (finished) and the Minori(In progress) to give old ships new life, as well as to help Nash's legacy live on.
  • To get a Tsenlan plot going of some sort, still unsure of the direction but it will be decided.
  • To have fun just being a part of SARP. Time to take a leap of faith and let the slate be clean and work towards something better.
  • To drive just a little of my creativity back to Ayenee to keep that place alive and the lights on, and judging by recent events that show some promise.
Either way, I hope to have fun and I hope the rest of you do as well.
My plans for this year are as following:
1. Continue developing the Rikugun (with Locked_0ut's help) and actually finally wikify what new bases and reforms
2. Continue filling and expanding the lore of the Reds. I really want to start working on the Reds outside of the Fujiko Sector such as those on the Black Moon of Halna and those within Nepleslia itself (largely New Bernese). Actually make madman Dr. X, formally of NRM. I expect to draw a lot from Kane with him.
3. Continue development of the RyuK and the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan and their ties with the Motoyoshi
4. Continue development of the Fujiko Development Corporation and the little Red "State" Project.
5. Have an actual plot started this year. Of what? Dunno
We have more holidays now! (And I've also updated the page in the wiki so it's also up to date.)
IC MonthOOC MonthsEvents
YE 45.1JanElections (YSE)
👘 Coming of Age Day
YE 45.2Feb & Mar💖 Love Day
YE 45.3Apr🌸 Hanami
YE 45.4May & Jun🎏 Children's Day
YE 45.5Jul
Kikyō No Sekku
YE 45.6Aug🌊 Ocean Day
YE 45.7Sep👵 Keiro No Hi
YE 45.8Oct & Nov🍬 Candy Festival (17日)
📜 Constitution Day (35日)
YE 45.9Dec🎄 Year-End Traditions
Sorry to do some necromancy outside of the fall, but I actually was going looking through the wiki and forums trying to find the new information about which IC months correspond to which OOC ones, and I was actually surprised to find that while we do have information about it on the forum, we don't on the wiki, the OOC months aren't currently listed on the Yamatai Calendar page. Would anyone mind if I just throw that second column in there really quickly so that no one else has to go forum searching like I did?
You can. They're on the YE 45 page, but not the calendar page because they don't line up the same every year.