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Scheduling Difficulties?


Inactive Member
I am very interested in joining this RP, but I live in the +10 timezone and work a swing shift. This might interfere with my ability to to joint posts. Can someone give me an approximate schedule for the joint posts, or suggest some sort of alternative if I can't get online at the right time?

Also, although this all looks very interesting, it's a bit confusing because of the sheer volume of information I need to take in. The links to the suggested reading on the front page are broken. Can someone give me a link to a story or thread that would be useful for a rank "n00b" like me to read?

I do apologize for starting of here with all these demands for information, but I assure you all, it's just because I'm excited about making this work out. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.


Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Some of the plots are single-post -- if you're worried about time, your best bet is to get on one of those plots.

For the newbie stuff, hit up the wiki, which is above in the blue bar ("Setting Info and Guides"). That front page will tell you all you need to know, or at least link you to it.

Welcome to the SARP, good sir.
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

don't worry about it... we've got people from all over, and not every plot is JP. Also don't worry about asking questions or being a noob. it's good that you're asking questions and we love helping out new people!

Welcome to Star Army!
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Oh, no! The front page links are broken? Technical difficulties always suck. Anywho, try the New Player's Guide first! Also, contact information would be nice. We generally use Yahoo Instant Messanger, if you haven't already noticed. Plus, we have an IRC! :D

This should help you get started. If you need anymore help, please just ask! :D What country are you from? If you can't make it to joint posts, don't worry. Yamatai doesn't do JPs too often. Nepleslia does then a lot, but not all of Nepleslia. Plus, there are several other species/factions to choose from.

Edit: Oh, and welcome to SARP. ^_^ Good luck and have fun! :mrgreen:
I updated those links on the "About Star Army" page. Sorry about the confusion.
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

If Joint posts don't work for you then we also have play by post or SP roleplay plots available for other folks. Sp posts are done here on the forum and go a post at a time, which tends to be more manageable for people with very busy schedules or in an "awkward" timezone from our other players.
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Active, Accepting Nepleslian plots:

NSS Alliance (currently in the Kennewes Offensive, has several 'Squads' to join, primary Nep plotship, and JPs often.)
NSS Banning (SP mostly)

Active, Accepting Yamataian plots:
First Expeditionary Fleet is supposedly recruiting, as well as the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet.

If I have incorrectly stated anything, may an admin please correct me. If I have forgotten a plot, please be sure to mention it.
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Eternally Vigilant, Forever Forwards! Come on and join the Fifth...or, I suppose you could join some...lesser fleet...

Because no one's as zealous as a new recruit. They haven't learned better yet. :)

But more seriously, welcome. Hope to see you around. :)

Player of Santo Hei Inoue Tio
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Heh, Lex... you do know that Wes, our primary admin, has his plotships that he GMs in First Expeditionary Fleet, right? :lol:
Re: Schedualing Difficulties?

Yes, they are. I have yet to have the honor of roleplaying in 1XF, but I do roleplay in 5XF quite a bit. I also am active in various Nepleslian plots. Whatever you choose, Cato, you will have a great time! :D
Thank you all for your warm welcome and the invites to your plotlines. After a bit of looking around, I think I'm most interested in the Nepleslia setting, specifically a space- based engineer type. However, the schedule of the NSS Alliance is listed in different places as being SP with occassional JP, JP with ocassional SP, or just JP. The schedule for the NSS Banning is not posted at all. Can someone fill me in as to what sort of schedule to expect? Most importantly, what days and at what times do the JPs tend to go down?

Also, on the subject of Nepleslia, how many cybernetic bits can you start out with? Don't worry, I'm no power gamer. I'm mostly interested in them for dramatic effect, or convenience. A bulky steel cybernetic prosthesis starting just below the knee doesn't do much good, unless you want to step on someone's foot, and antique hands with a bunch of tools stored in them is a pretty situational weapon, albiet useful for escaping from primitive jail cells.

Nevertheless, I'm still searching things out here, and if you want some sort of engineer for your plotline, do let me know.
On the Alliance, Delta and Epsilon are mostly JP while Alpha is primarily SP.

The whole of the banning is SP based, so no real schudule there, just post when you can.
Ah, yes. My one weakness- spelling. Some words seem to have slipped through the cracks of my public school edumakashun, and schedule is indeed one of them. My apologies- I usually take great pride in my grammar, syntax, and spelling, but, as they say, to err is human. I'll try not to make a habit of it.

I will hopefully be posting a biography for review very soon. Thank you all again for the advice and the assistance.
Well, in that case you may want to try FireFox. It's a damn fine (and very customizable) browser...which also has a built-in spell check feature. :)