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Sci-Fi Shows and Movies


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So I was watching this trailer:

And it got me thinking. Man, there's a ton of cool sci-fi coming out recently. So much I want to watch! This is actually a really interesting time for sci-fi fandom in general.

I was thinking, would it be worthwhile for Star Army to compile a list of sci-fi media and reviews for it from members who watched them? Not sure if that would belong on the wiki or not (I mean, it could have an OOC namespace like the audio one perhaps) or we could add an extension for articles to the forum perhaps. At minimum we could share our cool finds in a thread. What do you guys think?
There is a lot of movies and series coming out that caught my interest in regards of scifi, such as Star Trek Discovery , Picard and Star Wars. Totally would love to review those
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I am excited about the new season of Star Trek Discovery and the new Picard series.

However, more importantly, the best Sci-fi ever ( by my opinion anyway -ducks incoming tomatos-) to which I have an open invitation to the set and meet the crew (Will do a broadcast some night of the exclusive content I was sent), I have to bring to everyone's attention - Season 4 of The Expanse is out! It is on Prime for those who have it. I have to admit it has been out almost a month and I have yet to watch it, have been waiting for some quiet time without interruptions.

There is also a new seaon of Lost in Space on Netflix. I enjoyed Season 1 a lot.
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