Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Halloween SCSC Annual Salvage Giveaway - YE 38

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To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Marcus Rodia


I saw the notification concerning your free salvage sample giveaway. I would like to request a sample pack. We will send a ship marked with the Equilibrium Corporation's logo to retrieve it.

Thank you,
Marcus Rodia
To : Corgan Garret
From: Second Chance Savage Company

Shipped to you:

* Box of NAM Bullets (400 Bullets)
* Box of Constriction Bands (20)
* 165 x Plain Tapestry
* 210 x Flask of Oil (1 lb)
* Computer Processor

- - -

To : Dr. Brigid Piper
From: Second Chance Savage Company

Here's what you got:

* Type 28 10 mm Mass Production Pistol
* Civilian Conversion Bringer of Thunder (Yellow, Has A Hand Replaced With A Shovel Or Drill)
* Several Mattresses
* Shuttle's Plasma Reactor
* Lamp

- - -

To : Freyja Yuuki
From: Second Chance Savage Company

You randomly got:

* Civilian Shoes, Leather, Common, 70 pairs
* SSCC-XL containing Strontium
* SSCC-XL containing fresh milk
* Case of 30,000 condoms
* 1173 x Fancy outfits in the trendy styles of Yamataian upper class

- - -

To : Takeshi Saba
From: Second Chance Savage Company

We've sent you:

* E-Knuckle Duster
* Civilian explosives, for construction
* NAM Universal Mass Driver shell, Red
* 2360 x Bow Saws (5 lb, oldschool lumberjack style)
* A Sound-powered telephone

- - -

To : Gemini Six One
From: Second Chance Savage Company

Here's what we've sent you:

* 21 x Bags of Cinnamon (1 lb each)
* Small Crate of Freight - contains some pretty nice, but disassembled, end tables
* Polished Water Closet sign
* 110 x Small Casks of Wax (5 lb)
* SSCC-XL (semi-truck sized container) containing 40 metric tons of pure gold. Has Star Army of Yamatai markings on it.

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To : Groundbreaker Eight-Four 4242-4286
From: Second Chance Savage Company

We have the following items ready for pickup:

* 6-liter bar-tap bottle of Nepleslian blood (O+ for transfusion)
* Lorath First Aid Kit - First Aid Cabinet
* Electric fan
* Nanomuscle Strand
* Silver dining utensil (giant serving fork)

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To : Santô Hei Navian
From: Second Chance Savage Company

We've charged you 250 KS for shipping and sent the following to Uesureyan Fields for you:

* FIRE1a Power Armor
* Container with small group of armed Nepleslian thugs inside (surprise!)
* Sensor-shielded compartment kit (easy smuggling!)
* Crate of NAM Fragmentation Grenades
* Crate of ammunition

- - -

To : Marcus Rodia
From: Second Chance Savage Company

The following items are ready for pickup:

* 2033 x Wood Axes (8 lb)
* SSCC-XL containing 50 robots
* Lion T3 Transport Shuttle
* Box of basic medical supplies
* SSCC-XL containing urea
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Alec Corbin

Hello there! I would like to partake in this fine giveaway and am willing to pay the 500 DA for shipping. Just make sure it gets to the NSS Sledge Mama.

Alec Corbin
To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Shanota Omoorai

Hey man! Would love to get me some good free trash when I get the chance! Will swing to pick it up later.

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Ella Duville

Free stuff, please give. Will pay the 500 DA for shipping.

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Major Rubi Kalan of USO

To whom this may concern,

I was recently made aware of certain event involving free stuff being given away. I myself would be delighted to take part in this generous giveaway and will be there within a few days to retrieve the parcel; permitted the travel goes without interruption.

With regards,
Major Rubi Kalan
To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Candon Suites

I would like to receive a shipment.
Please send to Hangar 33, northeast of the Uesureyan Fields. I have attached payment to this message.
Thank you.
To: Alec Corbin
From: Second Chance Savage Company

We've sent you the following items:

* Heavily Damaged Nariel Assault Battlecruiser
* Ke-M2-W3002 Leg NSB Launchers
* Box of Awareness Altering Gum
* 20lb chocolate bunny
* Computer Main-Board

To: Shanota Omoorai
From: Second Chance Savage Company

These items are available for pickup:

* SSCC-XL containing zinc
* Datapad with NAM Emblem, contains schematics
* Crate of Lorath Ammunition - Small Caliber (5mm - 10mm)
* SSCC-XL containing fruits
* Box of 20 Star Army Type 30 Fragmentation Grenades

To: Ella Duville
From: Second Chance Savage Company


* SSCC-XL containing peanuts
* Sensor-shielded compartment kit (easy smuggling!)
* NMX Type 31 Ration Making Kit
* SSCC-XL containing Ytterbium
* SSCC-XL containing antigens

To: Rubi Kalan
From: Second Chance Savage Company

These items are ready for pickup:

* Crate of 50 NAM ESGs
* 451 x Snowshoes
* 22 x Baskets
* Crate of exotic Phodian spices
* 364 nice couches

To: Candon Suites
From: Second Chance Savage Company

We've sent these to your location:

* SSCC-XL containing propane
* Men's Work Clothing
* 270 x Handsaws
* 182 x Hardwood, highly-quality wooden desks
* Type 30 Escape pod, unused and fully stocked
TO: North Kyoto Shipping Co.
From: Valencia Ramiro

I've examined the stock of alcohol that was delivered. I've advertised for purchase of the alcohol, and request that you section of a small portion of your parking lot and adjacent pavement area to place the alcohol until it can all be sold off. I exchange for the space, the inconvenience, construction of a canopy above the area to keep the alcohol safe in case of inclement weather, and use of your forklift and other moving equipment, I offer North Kyoto Shipping 10% of my sales..
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From: Ronin
To: Second Shipping Bozos

Here's the planet I'm working at. Sending the cash.

To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Groundbreaker Eight-Four 4242-4286

Marvelous! We shall recycle or reverse-engineer these items, as best suits our needs.


To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Santô Hei Navian

You may have heard; there was an incident upon receipt of your delivery at the Uesureyan Fields, this year. Contrary to some reports, the perpetrators were a small group of Nepleslian plebs, including some ex-military, but were not a crack team of commandos. In any case, they made off with with a large part of the shipment, and some Star Army equipment as well, including the transport shuttle in which the survivors made their escape.

In truth, the hijackers originated within the shipment, with apparent knowledge its disposition and destination. They were able fool the scanners up until I arrived for a physical inspection, whereupon they gunned me down, chased off the inspectors, and seized the FIRE1. Aside from the Nepleslians, there was also at least one Zen Arms SMG and a number of other personal weapons not mentioned in the manifest.

They seemed resistant to stun shots, as none of the crew were captured despite being hit at least twice that I witnessed, though I recall little from between the first explosion and my revival at the hospital. According to one of the doctors there, the Trade characters 'T-R-I-C-K' were found to have been written, reversed, on my forehead, perhaps as a calling card.

As always, I am grateful to be of assistance, but I will review my policies to ensure such events do not recur in future years. I am pleased to report that the majority of the arsenal was ultimately secured, including the nuclear missiles, and positron beam launcher; they did not fight for control of these assets, and they may be useful on the war front. Thank you.


To: Second Chance Salvage Company
From: Scratchjob Naffie blah-blah-blah

Mmm, tasty!

These bullets are huge.

unexpected end of file
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From: Yoshi Katai
To: Second Shipping Company

I would like to take part on this giveaway. Please send It to my orbiting Ship by Leo Start Fortress. I will send the prerequisite fee for the shipping.

Thank you
Yoshi~ <3

From: Misato Suzume
To: Second Shipping Company

I havn't missed a year and I won't now. Please send it to Mevar And Here is the cashy bits!

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To: Second Chance Savage Company
From: Marlice Atreavu, ISS Dig-It

I'm a 100% trustworthy yammie citizen. Please post these items to the Dig-It's current location, and I will return shipping cash money in full. If the payment information accidentally contains the name "Dhaval Dhawan", please excuse the mistake. I changed my name and identity and am now a short porcupine male person. No judge plz.

Marly out.
From: Morioka Naoko

I'm curious what sort of things you're giving away, so of course I'll gladly participate.

Presently staying with a fond acquaintance on Francia, address enclosed.


To: Marlice Atreavu, ISS Dig-It
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items have been shipped to you:

* CASTER Tape Dispenser
* Large Crate of Nepleslian "THRUST" Protein Bodybuilding Soda!
* Air Compressor
* 920 x Chest
* 6 x Small Iron Boxes

To: Morioka Naoko
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items have been shipped to you:

* Power armor Durandium Plates, Mindy or Daisy compatible
* Plasma Compressor
* SSCC-XL containing 40 tons of hemp
* 156 x Leather Couches
* Chilled nuclear-materials container containing Plutonium
To: Yoshi Katai
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items have been shipped to you:

* Barrel of Nepleslian Beer made in YE 34
* 152 x Fine Wooden Cabinets
* Box of brand-new airfilters (Civilian and Starship)
* Small Jewelry Box (Costume Jewelry), has UOC logo on it
* Fine silks for tailoring

To: Misato Suzume
From: Second Chance Salvage Company

The following items have been shipped to you:

* SSCC-XL containing seafood
* Oxygen Tank
* Pornographic Holo-Vid by Flash Bang Entertainment (Kinky Kohana series, "She-Who-Lifts-Her-Tail XI")
* Sack of Potatoes
* 2599 x Small Hunting Trap (4KS value, 5 lb)
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