Star Army

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RP: YSS Eucharis Secret Agents


Well-Known Member
YSS Eucharis, Rec Room, Simulator

Candon was actually excited about this. A brand new update to the SAINT issue training software that had years more content than the previous. It was the perfect video game for a homicidal career soldier. The best part was, the self-made missions had just as much detail as the ones the SAoY made. Every scent, sound, feeling and even pain was 1:1 replica of real life AND he could run these missions almost anywhere in the know sector AND they were adding more AND this time he had backup!
'OoOOOooooh sounds like a lot of fun' and the time was set as a 'mandatory training session' for him and his roommate to skip the work day.

Breakfast eaten, bathroom used, head in the simulator.

Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

Candon was pouring through the fresh UI. It was from a datapad that he selected everything with the details appearing on the wide screen TV. The suburban house was a simple two bed, one bath house with a garage. I'm the living room is where Candon waited with the datapad.
YSS Eucharis, Rec Room, Simulator

Masumi shook her head and tilted her head, making her cotton candy pink hair fall backwards and away from her sapphire eyes as she stood in the port side of the recreation area. She breathed in softly, filling her core fully before a smile twitched onto one side of her face.

She lived for this kind of stuff.

Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

Masumi strode into the safehouse wearing a black, skin-tight Type 31 SAINT Operative Field Suit. She looked to Candon and a moment later the SOFS disappeared, leaving her body completely nude before it was replaced a half second later by a pleated skirt and cardigan with a collared shirt, penny loafers, and knee highs. Then the image over her body changed again to her bare body and then she was outfitted in the SOFS, again.

"Which works better for the mission, Suites-heisho?" Masumi asked, watching him with her light blue eyes. She was half-aware of the nature of the mission but knew there was more to be found out. She also knew Candon would inform her without her prompting him to. That's what made him a good teammate and a good leader.
Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

"Which works better for the mission, Suites-heisho?"

Despite being jaded toward nudity Candon couldn't help but blush a bit. It really shouldn't have been surprising. They did share the same room, armor up as a team, and in doing so return to shower at the same time. Still, it hadn't even been thirty seconds into the simulation!

"I- um, I found a couple of locations that I thought would be interesting to visit and I really wanted to run an undercover mission," he put three pictures of well known landmarks, "the one I'm most excited about is this one," one of the pictures expanded to show the Kyoto Tower Hotel, "I've actually been here before, it's really nice.. have you ever done this type of simulation before? It's full immersion, pain is exactly like real life. Even dying is simulated like the real thing. And it takes days, I mean game days. Each operation only takes a couple of hours but we could simulate an entire month if we really wanted to take all day. Are you comfortable with this?"
Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

Masumi tried not to smirk and she put a hand up to her mouth to hide her grin, but her blue eyes still sparkled as she heard him ask the question if she had run a full immersion simulation.

After she had finally calmed herself down enough, she said in a high-pitched voice, "Have I ever run one of these simulations before?" Then, in a more even tone she said, "I have. I have, indeed."

She stretched her calves and then her shoulders and said more simply, "I like the look of the Kyoto Hotel, too. Let's do that!"
Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

"Sweet," he responded as he selected the location and generated a random mission, "okay, we're playing a Kingpin mission."

Candon stood up, smoothing the wrinkles in his slacks and plain blue shirt. It was briefing time.
"Alright, Command has assigned us the elimination of Estevan Gorge Ramanathan, Nepleslian expatriate with possible ties to the Black Syndicate. He's meeting with someone in at a formal event tonight and has rented Penthouse 12 for the night. Our orders are to take him out and capture his associate.

"Here's the trick. The hotel is completely booked. If the government forces them to give us access to the room there'll be a possibility of it coming back to them. So it's on us. We'll have to smuggle in any gadgets we want. Security is fairly tight, they don't want weapons at the event. They have a top notch scanner at the entrance so we'll need to get clever.

"The formal event starts at 2000 hours tomorrow, when we go to bed that'll confirm the mission and we'll be waking up at 0500 so… do we accept this mission?"
Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

Masumi bounced on her heels and her bubblegum pink hair, up in a ponytail, flew up in the air and cascaded downwards before flinging itself up again as she continued to hop up and down.

"Yes, yes!" Masumi squealed. "Yes!"
Simulation, Yamatai Prime Safehouse

"Awesome! I'm really excited about this. Let's go to bed," Candon replied, a response which would be confusing given the level of excitement in the room.

As his head was hitting the pillow of the bed in the room he chose at random the itinerary for the "next day" was coming into focus. They would need stuff, spy stuff.
Simulation, Kyoto Hotel Entrance

Wearing a black slip of a dress, one wrist filled with chunky bangles, and her hair up with a kanzashi that looked to be holstering the pink mass up above her, but quite a few strands of the fuchsia floss fell down to grace her shoulder. She wore a pair of pumps that were clandestine, though magenta red.

Leaning in towards Candon as she surreptitiously eyed the scanner and guards in front of the hotel that they were fast approaching, Masumi spoke softly to Candon so no others could hear.

"You look dashing, Candon. Now let's hope that's the only dashing you'll have to be doing. I doubt running from the scene will be any harder than being appealing to the eye, though. For you, at least."

She was being undeniably suave, uncharacteristically. But she wanted to elicit from Candon a grin that made the guards hesitate before questioning the couple. She wanted to make it look like they would be interrupting something if they did.
The grin came on cue along with a little red. Candon couldn't remember her ever being that forward with him. There were times when she'd been very personal but this was different. Roommates inevitably either hated each other or came to understand the other and this was an example of the latter. He had an idea of her intention.

Reaching around her back he placed his hand gently on her waist and whispered into her ear, "how could I dash away from the only girl worth dancing with?"
Rusty? Maybe, but he'd been out of the dating game since the second war. This would be the closest thing to a proper date that he'd been on in years and it was a video game. Disappointing? A little, but at least it was the type of environment that you didn't have to worry about effecting real life, right?

His flawed reasoning aside, Candon and Masumi were now facing the guarded scanners. Several lights flashed around them as they stepped through and wouldn't you know it not a single alarm went off.
His basic Tuxedo was apparently all it took to overlook the poison dart pen and pen that housed a throwing spike, never mind the holographic computer wristwatch with a concealed laser, though it was a very well hidden device.

"Hmm, I really thought there'd be more to it," he expressed telepathically to Masumi, then verbally, "I don't see our friend down here. I'd guess he's either eating or drinking. You wanna check the buffet or bar?"
Simulation, Kyoto Hotel Entrance

Masumi's answer was a simple one as she said, "Bar for me."

Her pink-topped head nodded to the guests around them and she became increasingly aware that the place where his hand had been felt warm and tingly as if she had bumped something extremely hot with her hip. She thought it odd, then made the connection between his hand's placement and the feeling and her face grew hot, as well.

Suspecting they were going to split up, she added, "Don't enjoy yourself too much without me. If you do, just shout and I'll join you." Then telepathically while looking to the other guests around her, she said, "We've had one another's encrypted telepathic data for long enough. Let's put it to good use."
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Buffet

"Sounds like a plan," he answered telepathically, then responded verbally, "then I'll be sure to have a plate of something for you when I shout."
With that he made his way towards the buffet line.

Nobody pays what these people pay for a plate and miss dinner, but there were the exceptions. Ramanathan didn't want to be found and would probably just stay in his room. It would be a shame to just assume that and be wrong, though.

He would look over the options, moving a few appealing items onto a plate and moving on. All the while he kept his eyes open for the unfortunate man.

Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

The bartender straightened as he saw Masumi approaching, "what'll it be this evening, ma'am? We serve only the finest from across the empire."
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

Now separated from Candon in the simulation, yet comfortable, Masumi glided to the bar.

"What have you got?" Masumi asked, looking away from the bartender modestly as she scanned the room. She was trying to decide between bribing the man or getting comfortable and letting herself become bait for whatever was to come. She chose to turn towards him and asked for, "A glass of red. Chateau Hanako will do nicely."
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

With a nod the bartender set to finding the appropriate bottle. As he set to work an aging, corpulent man dressed in Grand Star Army formal regalia approached the bar uncomfortably close to Masumi and demanded the barkeeper's attention, insisting that he'd been waiting for his drink order for too long, obviously more intent on complaining than finding a resolution while in the distance Masumi may have noticed an unusually thin woman in a simple black dress looking into a pocket-sized makeup mirror but not actually adjusting her appearance. A closer look at the lady's mirror would cause Masumi to find herself looking right into the woman's eyes.

As the barkeeper tried to make amends for the wait and the portly man spoke down on the service something would happen that would be
unbearably convenient. It was him, Estevan Ramanathan, approaching the bar with a look in his eye, the kind of look reserved for one's most intimate companion and he was apparently headed straight for Masumi...
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

Making sure not to seem too perturbed, though she was made slightly off-put by the man's haughtiness, Masumi worked to look composed while the other guest made demands of the bar keeper.

She wanted to get on with the slow crawl to a bribe until that moment when her eyes made contact with none other than the woman. That woman had secrets held close to the chest and lies open for all to see, Masumi thought. She sent Candon a visual of the woman telepathically with a series of thoughts.

Keenly aware of my presence
Possible connection to target
Seduction by Candon Suites-heisho: Viable

Then, as the man approached, she turned to the bartender, saying in an even tone, "Make that two."

Candon would receive another image, this time of the man, but not just his face. It went lower to his groin, thigh, and ankle. All possible places where he could be packing heat. There was no message or textual thoughts sent with it.

Masumi both considered Candon sharp enough to know what she was getting at and had to look as if her attention was not taken up by anything other than her target as he approached. She turned her cheek towards him and a lock of hair moved from its position curled on her shoulder and fell over her collarbone until it finally rested on her breast, dangling off of her nipple just so.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

The mirror snapped shut as Masumi made eye contact with the thin woman who began adjusting her hair, as if there might be an issue with the immaculately dressed hair she kept in an adorned bun.

"Hey. Sexy piece of meat," Ramanathan said as conversationally as talk about the weather. Several people would look in shock/horror/surprise, reactions differing between individuals.

Ramanathan passed Masumi and locked mouths with the grumpy veteran in a make out session that would not recognize the boundaries of Masumi's personal space. Within a second it was becoming a very heated affair.

As this was happening the GSA Vet's drinks reappeared as Candon spilled a tray of alcoholic beverages onto the woman's table, soaking her in the process.
"You idiot!" She screamed.
"Ah'm so sorry, miss!" Candon began apologizing profusely in what fairly convincing Nepleslian frontier accent, "Oh- please, lemme halp ya-"
"Shut up!" The woman howled as she slapped him hard in the face, her rings leaving a visible scratch across his face and knocking him to the floor. She stormed off towards what appeared to be the restrooms.

Dazed and confused with the sheer force of the blow Candon would lay there a few seconds before getting up onto his knees. The joke about getting beat up by a 90 pound woman would not be so funny as the left side of his face was immediately showing that the force applied was far greater than any human her size would be able to deliver.

Holding the side of his head Candon rose off his knees and pushed his way through the gathering crowd of witnesses and disappeared into a hallway marked EMPLOYEES ONLY.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

Surreptitiously, Masumi flicked open the top of the bangle flask on her wrist and then let gravity take its course as she reached her hand over the drinks, letting the liquid from her bangle spill out into the glasses discreetly. While this was happening, she stood up from her seat and made sure the couple's concentration was off what was happening to their drinks and on her as she spouted a series of excited squeals.

"Are you one of the Star Army's finest? I only just noticed but... were you in the military? That's so exciting! Did you see combat or...?" Masumi said ecstatically, gripping the cuff of the GSA vet's sleeve now that the liquid had been poured and her bangle was run dry.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

The boisterous man pulled back his arm indignantly, but his irritation was completely overshadowed by egotistical patriotism.
"I served the Star Army back while it was still Grand. That was before those damned androids took over the government," he reminisced as he took up his glass from the bar, "now all I do is drink and piss."

"Bentley, you're drunk," Ramanathan stated as he tried to dissuade the heavy drinker from his beverage.
"Nonsense! If I'm drunk why can't I do this?!…"
".. Do what?"
"This! You know, this, right here!" the man now known as Bentley exclaimed as he gestured towards the ceiling or the walls, possibly both, spilling some of the drink as he did, "don't you see, I'm doing it right now!"

"I'm so sorry Miss," Ramanathan apologized as he cringed, "come on, Ben, we got a meeting to get ready for."

"A money meeting or-"
"Money first, business later, babe." Ramanathan interrupted. Bentley straightened up, splashing the remaining fluids on the bartender as he set the glass down and followed Ramanathan away from the bar. They would be heading for their room.

Candon was still unaccounted for until a server brought her a random glass of water, "Your drink ma'am.
He set the glass on a napkin with very small writing on it, enlarged when looking at it through the water filled glass.
Need first aid kit.
I'm in men's room.
Employees only.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Bar

Masumi took the drink gingerly and pretended to took a sip before placing it on the bar.

She knew their mission profile, but her thoughts tugged to Candon. She wanted to be there for him, wanted to ease his pain. She also wanted to, in some small part of her mind, impress him by following the target. She vaguely felt a reminding thought that this wasn't real, he was not hurt, it wasn't their lives on the line but their experience. That idea of the truth was minute, though. She had spent too much time in VCE to really take into consideration that it could all be fake. To her, it was more real than it had ever been.

She stood up idly and swayed her hips as she made her way towards the male employee's washroom.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Restroom

Masumi passed through the employee area with hardly a single comment made about her. The hotel workers were working far too hard and had far too little authority to speak to a guest.

The restroom was lined almost entirely with small white tiles with thick checkered stripes of white and red tiles. At the sink stood Candon, hunched over to the counter letting blood run from his nose to the basin.
"Either she's packing a Modus or she's a neko," he stated as he bled, "I can barely see, is it bad?"
Candon looked at her. It was really bad.
The entire left side of his face was bruised and swollen, a trail of blood came from his nose and eyelid which somehow didn't mark his tuxedo.
"I think there's a first aid kit under the sink but I can't get it out of the holder."

It was indeed stuck. Could he have seen better he'd have noticed the rubber strap holding it on to the cabinet wall. In it was everything needed to stop the bleeding and clean up.
Kyoto Tower Hotel, Restroom

Masumi sighed out as she watched him struggle and then she smiled a bit as she unhooked the rubber strap from its mooring and brought the med kit down to his hands. She opened it up with her fingers and began rifling through the packages within. First she took out a package and ripped it open and inside were a half dozen small rolls of material that she fit two of into your nose.

"Should stop the bleeding. Now for this..." Masumi muttered as she worked. She opened up a package and began dabbing the gel on the swollen parts of his face. "Steady..." Masumi said as she dabbed some more on. "This will make the bruising go down."

She then threw away the near-empty mini packages and inspected his face closer, saying, "Where do you want to go with this mission from here?"