Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 [Section 6] Arming the Bear


Inactive Member
Foreman tromped into the lab in her usual ponderous method. Armoured treads clanking against the floor, followed by the hiss of hydraulics. The two Junkers perching on the chassis' right shoulder as she did her best not to disturb anything. She got to a point then paused. Raising the volume on her speaker as she spoke in her static laced voice.

"I am looking for Rose?"

A sharp "EEP!" sounded from a walled off area of the lab and something clattered to the floor, before a brunette poked her head past the barrier from about halfway up the wall. "Oh! Foreman! Come on in, and lemme get off the ceiling."

As Foreman would approach, the area behind the wall.was revealed to be a framework with a sturdy floor mounted to the ceiling, and a seeming mirror of the.lab's floor plan mounted above, suspended by a gravity projector. About four feet separated the standing desk surfaces, with various tools floating in the Lagrange point of zero gravity about two feet above either desk. Two lab techs worked in the space, one jumping up and curling to land on his feet on the inverted floor above, handing Rose a data-slate before picking a tool up from the ground and jumping back down. "Sorry about the mess. I kind of figured that doubling my lab space shouldn't mean doubling my footprint."

Foreman did as was asked and trundled around the corner. Pausing for a moment as she saw the state of Roses lab space. Something like a whistle sounding out from her speaker systems before bursting into a chuckle. One of the Junkers skittered down off her shoulder and slowly but steadily made its way over to the edge of the gravity projector, pausing ever couple of seconds to look back at its 'parent' like a naughty child.

Foreman herself stared for a couple more long moments as something inside her clicked and whirred. She took a couple more steps forwards, peering closer at the area, before looking up to Rose and imitating a clap with her manipulators. The sound of steel clanking on steel echoing through the area for a moment as her ocular orb blinked red.

"You dont need to apologise Rose. Its me that is bothering you." She paused to let out another strange sounding chuckle."Its very impressive! Do you not find it disorientating?"

"At first," Rose nodded, grinning before jumping up and backwards, landing lightly on one foot. "But I grew up in less reliable gravity. I"m more worried about the boys. What can I do for you?"

Foreman fidgeted for a moment. The large manipulator claws making it look entirely far too human for the scarred looking exterior of the chassis she possessed. Her ocular orb focused and unfocused a couple of times as she raised one of the huge claws to scratch the top of the hull awkwardly.

"I am in need of some things designing and prototyping specifically weapons... But also some armour. Though I know roughly what I need and roughly how to do it. I lack the industrial capacity to even attempt to produce something half way usable." She paused for a moment as something clicked.

"I asked several other personnel and they seemed a little intimidating and pointed me this way post haste."

"That old war bot chassis can be a little off putting. But I am proud to say I don't discriminate." The smaller, squishier woman grinned widely, her eyes twinkling a bit as she looked Foreman over. "You might want to get a new paint job?"

She flipped her data pad into the null grav before stepping out into the main floor. A hologram projector came to life between the workbenches lining the front of the lab. A few dots in the air made swirling patterns as the system idled. "You can connect with the projector or describe what you need and my Geist'll project what you're telling me."

Foreman for the briefest moment chuckled once again. Her single eye looking over one of her fore arms at the flaking, slightly chipped urban camouflage and did the closest thing she could to nodding. Wiggling her upper torso forwards a little.

"I have spent so little time around people I hadn't thought. I suppose so. It should be easy enough for me to project what I need." She raised her had towards the projector as she established a wireless connection. Something within the chassis clicking rapidly several times. At that, the projector sprang into life forming into two separate pictures.

The first appeared to be a hull mounted weapon of some description. The clamps adorning its bottom suggested that it was designed to be connected to the top of the centre middle War Droids hull, connecting directly into the bots power pack. The three barrels appeared to rotate, each covered to back to the motor in what appeared to be cooling fins. On top of the motor casing looked to be a camera device. "This is a point defence weapon, if memory serves it was designed back when this chassis was, used for taking out anything the user perceives as a threat automatically. Bombs and grenades and the like."

The second was more simple. It looked like any large rifle, but oversized as if designed to fit onto the mech. A large long bore barrel was connected into a main body which contained an oversized magazine. Underneath the barrel a vicious bayonet poked through. It looked rugged and utterly devoid of any frills and fancy bits. Purely designed to put large holes in large things. "I don't think the main gun requires explanation."

"No problem!" Rose looked over the images, a barely perceptible glow in her emerald signalling a command that rendered the two weapons in vivid detail, down to individual screws. A wire frame model rendered over them, before they seemed to explode, parts moving outwards and away as each individual piece of metal and each circuit board became visible. "We can build these. Let me talk to weapon smithy to make a few attempts at modernising, and then some repairs to your chassis and we can schedule an install..." a quick glance at the holograms and she finished, "Some time next week?"

Foremans internals chirped of their own accord once again as the stray Junker tootled back to the main hull and climbed back onto its usual shoulder resting place. She watched the holograms carefully. Before looking back to Rose, the ocular orb flickering a couple of times.

"That would be greatly appreciated. I am to begin construction of a mining post out far to the west and I would prefer to be armed." She performed a torso bob. "As for a repair... Do you believe you will have the correct equipment? Even I have struggled in the past and my Junkers were capable of scratch-building almost from nothing."

"If you need it, we can build it, right, boys?" Rose put her hands up at the bright affirmation by the two technicians. One jumped up and grabbed onto the lapels of the other's IIS jumper dragging himself down far enough to give the other a kiss. "We have laser sinter 3d printers, a small molecular assembler, and a graphene crystal molecular circuit mill. That's not even counting the myriad of more basic tools, here. We could use a couple of junkers once your facility's up and running." Rose started back into the lab before stopping and pointing towards the worn paint. "Oh, and we're throwing in that fresh paint and a good cleaning as well. If nothing else, to help keep the rust down. You're going to leave that appointment feeling five model years newer."

"Yea! I got some great ideas for color!" the tech in an FSC jumpsuit piped up. His boyfriend looked up and shook his head, smiling.

"They're such a cute couple. I'll shoot you an e-mail when we have the parts ready, yea?" She smiled quickly before a saving load indicator popped up into the hologram. "You won't be goi g out there unarmed or with no gear."

Foreman raised one of her arms and gave a little wave to the pair of techs before crossing her arms with a heavy clank. The Ocular orb flitting between the three people in front of her and then to her arms once again as she clicked and whirred. Letting out a little chuckle of agreement

"For a new paint job and gear AND a little TLC. I will make sure you get as many Junkers as you need." She paused as one of the Junkers stood. Wiggled a little, turned on the spot several times and sat back down. "Thank you for this however, Rose." She paused. Looking to the other two. "And friends... It is greatly appreciated. I wont take up your time any longer."

With that. Foreman gave another little bob, before turning and slowly trudging out with her usual clank of steel of flooring. No doubt upsetting a couple of people on the way past.