Star Army

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RP: Section 6 [Section 6] episode 1: Moving day.

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
188604\\ S6 facility

People and troopers rushed about moving supplies, weapons, documents, food, and personal effects.

The decision had been made, one his counterpart Mark shared, as well as unanimously from the department heads. So Jack had put out the announcement, "Section 6 is leaving the USO. Everyone pack your things and be ready for the transports."

Seemed like such a simple thing to say at the time, but it held so much weight. It had not been one made easily, or lightly, and everyone in Section 6 had been informed the day prior. Now he and Mark were trying to help get things loaded and shipped up to the fleet. To be honest they had much more cargo space then needed, but that just meant extra space for food, water, supplies, and resources. The Hammer and Anvil's fabrication bays would be heavily put to use in the days to come. Maybe even months.

As Jack helped to team lift a hardened crate of lab equipment, he hoped the others trusted him and the others in this. He wanted what was best for his people, but whether they were right, or wrong had yet to be seen. As the crate was finally loaded onto the cart and hauled away, he wiped his brow.

"Progress is at roughly 80% for loading inventory, 40% for personnel. We're making good progress, should be done within the hour. Don't worry this is the right steps.", Sarah said with a pat on the man's shoulder.

"I hope your right. Come on we need to keep helping load this stuff up, this place needs to be empty when we make the jump.", Jack said as he moved over to help with another crate.



Mark directed crews to load up vehicles and shipping containers. Mechs assisted moving shipping containers to help speed up the process. Everything was progressing nicely, only a couple remained.

"Zeke! I need that crate taken to zone B, it's going to the Anvil!", he shouted as Zeke's Oban stode by, the mech giving him a thumbs up before walking to the container.



Neera helped prepare bunks after labs had been cleared the day before and converted to living areas for personnel. Equipment had to be put into storage, food stored in the hold, and rooms made up as the first several groups came aboard.

"Make sure we have plenty of sheets and pillows.", she ordered one of the crew as she worked.

"Yes ma'am!"
Sarah's wife had already loaded their children and what few posessions not already on board into her car, and started the flight up to the Anvil, where she would park and take command of her labs, resuming the unstable experiments and putting everything else on hold until room could be made. The Anvil may have been built as a supercarrier, but people and supplies were filling it fast, and she didn't like how her gravity trick had already been used to help maximize floor space in some of the more cramped compartments.

She also didn't like leaving the university in the hands of a substitute. Fortunately this one actually had a license to teach, and knew the course material.
What in tarnation was going on? Large ships, large metal people controlled by little flesh people going around and loading up crates and containers. Little flesh people lifting littler containters. The masked head of Koroleva slightly tilted to the right as she watched everyone chipping in, putting in their labour. While she just sat there, wondering just what the hell was going on.

She snorted, before pushing herself up, the green-clad Nekovalkyrja moved over to a certain individual. Her step extremely light, inaudble almost, as she approached behind Mark. Seeing him point out a shipping container for the large metal man.

Slowly lowering herself to all fours, Koroleva pounced on his back. Aiming to knock him to the floor, before darting off like a manic cat. Dashing for the container he pointed out to Zeke and clinging to the side as the mech picked it up.
When Aras had been initially informed that the entirety of Section 6 was being moved off planet, they were understandably a little shocked. She had spent what little time she was given packing the various belongings they had accumulated in her stay on 1888604. It wasn't easy, but after just over a day, everything was packed. The things that Aras couldn't carry had already been delivered and were being loaded onto the ships. The few things that they did need were neatly packed into two bags, one for her and one for Abigail.

"Abbie, we've got to go!" Aras shouted up towards her daughters room. The call was soon answered by the young girl jumping out of her room with a cat kennel in tow.

"I thought I told you to let them take the cat."

"What if she got lonely Aras?" The woman sighed and simply signaled for the girl to step outside.

After the relatively short ride to the hangars, Aras and Abbie stepped into the buzzing air. Mechs and vehicles transporting supplies all over. Quickly the two sepped farther, not wishing to get left behind.
A few moments after the crew member left, a mattress started walking by Neera. It would've looked liked it had two pairs of legs and was walking on its own, were it not for the large wings that could be seen under it and the long red cat tails floating mid-air, coming out from under the mattress. "Where do we put this?" asked Adria, who was helping Adilis carry the mattress, neither of whom could see Neera's head from under the big rectangular object.

Chlorate clanked by Mark, carrying a very large stack of crates to a vehicle as if it were nothing. Even though the stack was tall, it wasn't wobbling as much as it should've been because Chlorate had been calculating the exact way to hold it to keep it balanced.

"Alright that's the last of the equipment. As soon as it's aboard, start fully loading personnel.", Jack said giving the last crate a good solid pat before it was wheeled away.

"I'm going to go find Rose and the little ones, maybe help finish readying bunks if needed.", Sarah said giving her son a hug before jogging off to catch the transport.

"Time to get ready to make a statement.", Jack murmured to himself.



Mark was hit hard, and barely caught himself as he did a somersault, before coming back up in a crouch. His head snapped around looking for Koroleva.

"Alright haha, not funny, need to get you on the ship.", Mark said still looking.

Zeke paused when his mech registered a vibration in the crate, a light impact. He leaned the bipedal machine to the right to see her hanging on.

"Hey this chick on a box yours?", Zeke's voice chuckles through the head's speakers.

"Yeah just get her on the transport. We got people waiting still.", Mark said shaking his head, before turning to Chlorate, "Your doing great honey, just drop that off at the ship and we can go."



Nora waded through the crowd with everyone else, her gear already sent up. She cradled her newborn as she went. She stood near Aras and Abigail as they waited.

"Exciting isn't it? Just wish I knew where my husband was.", Nora said with a smile, before offering her free hand, "Nora by the way, nice to meet you."



Neera giggle, "Room 22a, it's in the finished quarters area. Thanks for helping out guys. If you see mom, tell her I've got the first 50 rooms made up."
Aras quickly turned and accepted the handshake. "Aras, nice to meet you too." She sighed while turning back. "Yes, I guess it is rather exiting. It's been a wild ride getting here, but everyone needs a change of scenery now and again." Aras took a moment to reflect on her time here at Section 6. Despite her joining less than a year ago, almost every aspect f her life had changed. She had gone from boundless freedom to a life with purpose and from nowhere to stay to a home she felt welcomed in. Hell, she even picked up a kid along the way.

Before long Abigail became restless, tugging a bit on her foster mother's arm. "Aras, where are we going?" This quickly snapped the woman ot of her trance. "Oh, uh, I don't know." She quickly turned back to Nora. "Do you have any Idea where we're supposed to go?"
With a soft growling and clicking coming from behind the skeletal mask, Koroleva crawled ontop of the shipping container. Hearing Zeke's chuckle and glancing over at Mark again. Who had already recovered. A shame, she would've loved to see him on the ground still, rather than being able to recover. The Nekovalkryja wiggled her butt and glanced up at the metal head.

She started to squirm a bit, before leaping upwards, to grasp at one of the speakers. Pulling her own weight up effortlessly with her human arm, before settling ontop of the head of Zeke's mech. The silver eyes behind the mask glancing over lazily to the transport.
"Alright," Adria said, her tall antennae sliding across the bottom of the mattress as she unsuccessfully tried to look up at Neera. With that, the mattress started walking away, toward room 22a. Unfortunately, they probably weren't going to be doing much seeing from under the cushion that looked giant compared to them.

"Affirmative," the walking forklift said, clanking to the ship. It was questionable whether or not the floor would be safe from her clanky stompers with all the weight she was carrying in addition to her own weight all concentrated on normal sized robot feet. Chlorate looked down, concerned that she might be making foot-sized craters and indentations in the floor from trying to carry such a large stack of crates.
It would be about that time when Sarah's Geist alerted her to an audio call, from the broadcast antenna of Rose's car.

"Hey, hon, this sand storm's brutal, but the car's plenty able to break atmo through it, I've got the kids and some clothes loaded up, and we're taking off, now. See you on the Anvil."

True to her word, a push of Rose's thoughts opened the garage door, and the car gave a slight shudder, not waking the infants as Rose reclined her seat and slipped into Geist control. The sensors as her eyes, she blasted for the sky, engines churning and sand bouncing off the thin bubble shield as she felt it start to degrade, and fail the instant before the sky turned blue, then faded to black as the atmosphere was left behind. Orbital trajectories filtered across Rose's mind as she subconsciously corrected course to circularize and make intercept with the Anvil. Setting the autopilot to park in her designated spot, she pulled back and into the real world, unbuckling to tend the children with their favorite toys. She sent Sarah images of the orbit and her safe exodus from the atmosphere, with all four kids burbling happily in front of the car's windows.

Sarah smiled as she received the image of her children. Something she wish she could of been there for as she shed a happy tear. She was happy to be alone on the back of the U5 as it drove. She would have been embarrassed to be caught crying.



Zeke walked the mech onto the U7, setting down the crate before moving over and kneeling the unit. The chest opened and he hopped out before it closed.

The blonde man looked up to the neko perched on top, "Happy I could be your taxi."

"Just set them over there honey, thanks for helping out.", Mark said jogging up the ramp, "Zeke, signal the pilot we're clear for take off."



Nora thought for a moment, "I actually don't know. I hear we're heading into space to look for a new world. Someplace better then here."

She looked up at the sand over head which flew over them, as shield barriers redirected sand from the storm. As well as blocked by the barriers of the ships they waited to board.

"To be honest this isn't a great place to raise a child. This is a good change.", she added after a moment as she looked back to Aras and Abigail.

She was still wondering where Frank was.

"ALRIGHT! Please board the ships in a orderly manner. First 60 step forward please, all families stay together.", Mark Tazar shouted to the crowd of passengers gathered as he began with help directing people onto ships.



Adria and Adilis would have no trouble finding the room as all had been marked near the floor. The room would be rather empty other then a bunk frame.
"Hon... You realize you're on an audio call, right? I can... Here, patching you in to my vision so you can see the girls live." Rose felt the uplink connect as she pushed the connection a bit.

"My orbit takes me a fair bit above the fleet, so I have to wait a full orbit for them to come back around, then tighten a bit to make the parking maneuvers. Till then, we get to play with the kids in zero grav, the girls can hear you in the speakers, and hey, Nadine, say hi!"

The infant gave a burbling sound, laughing. and Rose continued with a deadpan "No? Not yet? Why you gotta do me like that, girl?"
Koroleva gave a lazy wave to Zeke as he said something she couldn't really understand. But the Nekovalkyrja looked over to see the android walking. And Mark telling her something. Still so many words she couldn't really understand. A soft murmur rose from her chest as she jumped down from the head, landing with a soft thump.

Crawling, before getting up to normal walking, over to Chlorate, she moved up behind the android and crawled ontop, sitting in Chlorate's neck with a content rumble coming from her chest.
Operations Commander Nagato. That was going to take some getting used to. As he walked to the flag bridge, he contemplated the future of Section 6.

As he arrived on the flag bridge of the Anvil, he heard the soon-to-be familiar call - 'Commander on deck!'. "At ease" he responded, still not entirely comfortable with this kind of reverence. These men trusted him to guide and command them, many as far as death. Sure, Pine was in overall command, but he had to run the civilian side of things as well. It was simple really - Pine made the big decisions, and Nagato would execute them. And now, he would guide this new force into the stars.
Frank arrived in the hangar in the "barrowed U1 fighter" he had yet to return

Hoping out of the fighter he modified threw various pay checks he looks around the hangar "guess I missed a lot" he said out loud to himself before searching for Nora "hey hunny, guess I'm a little late for coming to say hi huh" Frank says his body more armored than the last time he saw her his right eye replaced with a obvious robotic one with fresh surgery marks around it due amount of burn marks on that half of his face "have you seen your granddad around I was thinking about applying to join s6"
Aras was about to reply when the order to move forward came. She decided to continue talking while going forward. "Well, wherever we're going, I just hope it's a bit colder. It's always baking here." After finishing, she looked to Abigail. The girl was simply looking forward, obviously anxious about leaving. The two continued forward though, keeping up with the line until directed.

Sarah calmed herself as the feed came through and straight to her vision. She began to talk as the vehicle drive up the ramp and into the bay of the waiting U7 transport Mark and Zeke had just loaded.


"Hey guys, hope your behaving for your momma. It's time to leave the sandbox behind kiddos. We're going someplace better, and with less gritty sand. Mom will see you in a bit.", Sarah said softly and sweetly, a contrast to her usual public sassy personality.

"The transport is taking off now honey, we should be arriving just a few before you do. I'll be waiting for you in the hangar.", She said now more to Rose as the U7's ramp lifted and the ship rose.

Zeke joined Mark as they watched Koroleva interact with Chlorate. They discussed the current load aboard and where they might possibly be going next.



A U7 took off as three Sand Demons landed, the ramp of their large bays opening up.

"Alright. First 60 onto the ship on right, next group board the ship on the right, and the group following them board the center transport. Please store all luggage to the side of the bay. Travel to the Anvil will take approximately 7 minutes.", Mark announced again as he directed the now moving crowd aboard the waiting ships as sand buffeted their shields.

"I agree.", was all Nora would say to Aras as Frank approached. She immediately gave him a very stern look which she fought against becoming an outright scowl.

"Frank, where have you been! You were off getting yourself hurt again weren't you?! I can't keep dealing with you repeatedly coming close to death all the time, not after you putting me through one death already! While you were off being careless, you missed the birth of our child! Who you will be happy to know is a healthy baby girl.", She chastised quite thoroughly, all the while still holding the bundle in her arms. A whining started to emanate from the bundle, but quieted as Nora began to sooth the baby.



The siblings would find that the bed frame was rather tall.

Aboard the bridge, the communications officer swiped a few holo displays aside as incoming comms traffic buzzed with progress reports, as most were showing that departure could be done completely in the next hour.

»»» Incoming Priority One «««

A new alert flashed before them as a priority call came through from the Hammer. A quick tap and it was brought up on the large screen, Mark Oaklen staring back.

"Nagato report. What is the status of personnel boarding operations? Pine will be giving an address to the fleet, and we need to finalize a timetable for departure.", The older man asked without delay.
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"Yes, girls, listen to your mom." Rose smiled warmly, before looking over at Thistle trying to shove her whole foot in her mouth. "Your eldest still thinks her feet are delicious."

Micheal started to fuss as Rose unbuckled him, opening her nursing top and pulling him close to let him eat. "Orbital path gives me 90 minutes. Save me a parking spot, yea? I'm glad to be getting out of the sandbox, I'll miss it, but the politics were starting to get toxic. Hey, when you get up there, could you double check the negative mass storage vessel? If that inertial damping container destabilizes, those new drives'll be the least of our problems. I love you, and I hope there's a kiss waiting for me on that flight deck."
Frank sighed he didn't mean to be gone as long as he did but he was to fix the problem before he could return. "Nora my intention was never to hurt you, hence why I had to. Stay away until my programming was fixed I had a specific directive in my program to kill all biological creatures like lazuras so to protect you and our child I had to go away to fix it." Frank said sonberly before running a hand threw Nora's hair and looking down at the child "and what's your name little one"
Adria and Adilis tried to slide the mattress onto the bunk but quickly found they weren't raising the mattress high enough to get it on. "What the..." Adria said. She tried to flap her wings to fly up, but realized that the mattress was interfering with the top of her wings and was too heavy to fly with, in addition to the fact that she would need to get Adilis to fly too. "Raise it higher you shortie!" Adria called to Adilis. "I can't!" he said. Adria tried to flutter her wings even though they were rubbing against the bottom of the mattress, but neither of the insect siblings' short legs were bringing them high enough to put the mattress on the bed. Seeing that they couldn't reach the bed frame, Adria's long tail whipped the floor in frustration. After the commotion they created trying to get the cushion onto the frame, Adria could be heard grumbling in the room as she tried to figure out how to reach the top of the bed.

Chlorate let out a surprised beep as Koroleva climbed onto her, being caught off-guard. The robogirl felt metallic, save for the large plastic plates covering her back which still were not heated. She almost lost her balance with the tall stack of boxes in her metal hands, but fortunately managed to regain it. The gynoid looked at her hard feet again, knowing she was probably coming close to her chassis's weight limit and becoming concerned that she could be damaging the floor now that Koroleva was sitting on her as well. "Hello mother," she said, attempting to get the cargo to the ship before something bad happened.