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RP: 188604 [Sector Searchers] Mission 1

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
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Alex Hart

Inside Lorath remnant space;

After the government of the Lorath Matriarchy disappeared, the remanants of its space had become somewhat lawless, and while most inhabitants of the area tried to keep on going the way that they had, some turned to piracy and violence to make their way, something that was about to be demonstrated all too well to Alex and his crew.

The salvage fleet Leftovers

Alarms rang out and explosions rocked the 10 ships of the Leftovers salvage fleet as the defense systems of each ship were targeted and destroyed by the mecha of the pirates, which were most likely produced from stolen designs. "Captain!" A voice rang out through the bridge of the lead ship, the Scrapper, "We need to call for help before our antennae are destroye-" The voice was cut off as another explosion caused the Scrapper to begin to drift.

ISS Araxie

A klaxon rang through the ship, disturbing Alex's meal as the AI of the ship spoke to him in a robotic voice. "Captain, there is an incoming distress call from less than 20 minutes away at our FTL speed."

"Put it on the intercom!" Alex shouted as he pushed his plate to the side and sent a message to his crew to meet him at the bridge. Over the intercom, a voice rendered tinny by the speakers rang through; "Attention anyone who is receiving this, this is the salvage fleet Leftovers, we are under attack by pirates and need help, co-ordinates to follo-" An explosion was audible in the transmission and the AI spoke again. "Coordinates were received before the transmission cut out."

Now on the bridge, Alex waited till everyone had arrived to ask, "Alright, what do you think our best course of action is everyone?"

Evee arrived to the bridge short of breath. She was stressed to witness such a violent event so early in her career. She shook all the fearful thoughts away from her head and focused on the problem. Evee certainly wanted to help the troubled fleet but was not sure what action she should propose to her crew. "We should help that crew... What are your thoughts on this captain?", She responded.
ISS Araxie

"I know you, Alex. We're already on our way, and Miss Evee seems to agree." Araxie had been on the bridge already when the transmission came in, casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a blouse. She chuckled a little, "And our weapons are priming. Go get your mecha ready." She stood up from her seat, turning around and pecking the man on the cheek politely.
ISS Araxie

"Alright. Evee, if you would be ready to help repair damage after the battle is over, or to help make emergency repairs to friendly ships." Alex instructed as he raced to the hangar. His custom fighter was already warming up and ready to launch, and he attached a rifle gunpod to the right forearm of his mecha, two racks of ammunition to each wing and two missile pods to each wing as well.

As soon as the Araxie exited FTL travel, Alex launched out of the hangar and flew towards the piratical mecha. Though the enemy were smaller than him, they were much more numerous, numbering at least 40 in total. Unexpecting of him as they were, the pirates were easy targets and two were taken down easily by bursts of gunfire before he peeled off and came to rest in front of the Leftovers fleet.

"Attention pirates, surrender immediately!" He spoke over an open channel, audible to anyone in the vicinity. The pirates simply laughed when they heard the youth's voice and one responded in a gruff voice; "And if we don't what'll you do squirt, take us all on?" The pirate guffawed and the mecha began to pour fire onto Alex, who began to realize that coming in ahead of his comrades might not have been the best of ideas.

As his shields began to splutter, Alex sent a message to Araxie. "Bring in the ship, I may... uh... need a little help." He said in a hesitant voice before darting out of the way of the enemy fire, drawing a few pursuers with him.
ISS Araxie

Evee replied with,"yes captain!" She rushed to her work-station to prepare for some repairs. Then proceeded to hastily assemble a few critical pieces and relevant tools, shoving them into bags and pockets strapped to her body. Evee attached a few crude pieces of her own customized armor, at least it protected her most vital parts. She hoped that it was not needed, but just incase she was caught up in the action Evee equipped her modified GP 13 pulse pistol (Personnel). She started her return back to the bridge to receive further instruction.
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The ISS Araxie flashed brightly with energy, thirty of its smaller turrets sending a web of lasers through the unfriendly mecha, the ship speeding towards Alex. "At least let the calvary show up before trying to talk pirates down, sweetie." She chuckled nervously, the ship's systems adjusting their power to compensate for the draw of the weapons.

The turrets of the Araxie took out an even ten of the enemy mecha before they were able to react. Most of the enemy fire simply plinked away at the shields of the ship but a few of the mecha had torpedo launchers and they began deplete the shields in greater ammounts. By the time they began to reload, the shields on the Araxie were at about 75% strength.

Alex laughed a little before taking off in to target the threatening mecha, "Yeah, well hindsight is 20/20."

He cut a swathe through their ranks, but he wasn't destroying them fast enough. Several more torpedoes slammed into the small of his back and caused him to begin to spin out for a moment before he was able to recover.
"Sigh, at the very least use the ship as cover. It can take a lot more punishment than either of you, Alex." The initial burst of fire out of the way, Araxie set the turrets to cycle their firing and focus on a single target at a time, effectively chasing the pirates with a river of laser fire, cleanly slicing them to pieces one by one. The hummingbird inside muttered to herself in seraphim, essentially calling her attacks and maneuvers to the onboard AI. More or less she started to prioritize any of the mechas carrying the larger looking torpedo launchers, since they were the actual threat to the adventuring three.

Evee appeared on the bridge, her arrival made clear from the rattling of her metal tools and parts. She studied Araxie as she directed the fire of the many turrets. Evee didn't want to interrupt Araxie's commands, as they were critical for this mission, so she stood quietly in the far corner of the bridge. A few seconds went by, then a brief pause in Araxie's instruction was the perfect chance to ask, "What should I do Araxie?"
Alex recovered, to his credit, fairly well, and as his shields dropped to zero and collapsed he began to take more care to dodge the incoming shots as the Araxie and her namesake sliced through the enemy torpedo launchers. He transformed with a spin, and sent out a blossom of mini missiles to destroy nearby targets. As conflagration engulfed them, Alex twisted and spun through oncoming fire like a dancer, his shots tearing a swath through the ranks of the pirates.

When there were only 15 mecha remaining, a cargo ship emerged from behind a nearby asteroid. A heavily distorted voice was audible to everyone nearby when they ordered; "Second wave, launch!" This was immediately followed by 50 more mecha pouring out of the cargo holds of the craft, and at least 20 of them were holding torpedo launchers. These enemies quickly brought the Araxie's shields down to half as they circled the ship.

Meanwhile, Alex was hard pressed to continue decimating the pirate forces, and he darted through the carnage like an expert pilot, despite still having barely any shield power left. He would need to recharge them soon or risk taking damage.

When a stray torpedo missed Alex and impacted one of the salvage ships, bodies were sent tumbling into the void as the hull began to buckle. Alex noticed this and shouted over the radio, "Evee! Get out there in one of our power armors with your tools. I want you to help fix up that hole and get those people back inside if you can."

Alex took a few hits to his left arm, which was fortunately not in use at the moment, but it still was a jarring blow. Even his skills were quickly being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of hardened combatants, despite assistance from Araxie and the ship which bore her name.
That ship named after a borb

Araxie sighed to Evee, "I'll get you as close as you can to the ship he mentioned. Go suit up." She swore in seraphim as Alex insisted on staying out in open space, leaving the turrets in control of QUEEN as she brought the escort's port flank roughly half a kilometer from the damaged friendly.

Following through, she called out to Alex, "If you don't pull back to the ship to regroup I will personally fly out to you and drag you back, even in this mess. Stop being cocky."
Bridge -> Armor Bay

"Yes! I am on it.", Evee answered. She backed up a few feet, turning to face the hallway, then proceeded to sprint towards the Power Armor Bay. She moved as fast as her body allowed, but it was never going to be fast enough. Surely somebody that was thrown from the ship was not going to survive the vacuum of space. Evee tried not to think about it. A few moments later she raced through the doorway of the Armor Bay and in one swift move dropped her large tool bag onto the floor. She quickly undid her belt and attached it the the exterior of the power suit in front of her. Evee strapped herself into the power-armor. Being confined inside of the armor was not the most pleasant experience for Evee, her body did not fit perfectly inside, but it provided her some comfort in the fact that she was completely covered. As the power-suit's computer hummed to life and prepared itself for operation Evee mentally readied herself. She picked up her tools and moved towards the bay opening. "I am ready.", Evee notified.

As Alex danced through the deadly hail of incoming fire, he spoke to Araxie. "I can't risk coming back there. It's hard enough as it its to dodge fire without having to worry about bringing the fight back over to those damaged ships and Evee. If shots miss me while I'm over there they'll hit you or friendlies. Out here if a shot misses, it won't hit anything. Besides you can still cover me from where you are with your fire."

As he spoke, lances of lasers from the Araxie tore through the oncoming wave of mecha, cutting their numbers down. Alex mopped up a decent portion as well, flying through their ranks and leaving a trail of explosions in his wake. Between the two of them, almost all of the pirate forces were eliminated, and those left began to flee.

A cheer was audible over the radio, the voices of the crews of the Leftovers fleets raised in unison. "Thank you so much!" Was heard over the radio before the pirates' cargo ship began to advance.

The same heavily distorted voice was heard again.

"If you want something done right..."

The doors of one of the ship's pods opened up and out from it flew a monstrosity of a mecha, about 20 meters tall. It appeared to be constructed from the salvaged parts of many craft, but not wholly based on any one of them. It had a monstrous blade which vibrated violently and held a giant rifle in its hands and had launchers for what looked like ship grade torpedoes on its back.

"Do it yourself!" This part was shouted, as the gun began to thump and rounds were spat out, and began to splash against the Araxie's shields and brought them down to ten percent. A torpedo was launched and one of the ships in the rear of the Leftovers fleet was sent keeling over onto its side, atmosphere belching from its innards.
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The piloting birb sighed, bringing the Kouken escort around to face the pirate boss captain... Guy. She broadcasted out on an open frequency as the starship bore down to the oversized Frankenstein mecha, "Look, that's really a self-rousing speech and it's great and all that, but do you honestly think you'll manage to win this?" The ship was starting to loom over the pirate, even from this range as it came closer. "Just... Look. You don't really need to do all this, stealing and shit. Sure it's easier in some ways but it's harder in others. For example," a potent volley of lasers danced around her target, only a few intending to actually hot while the others would glance around him, "you're much less likely to get your ass whooped by a girl who works on planetary infrastructure as a living." Another volley soon called out, this one intending to kill-at least, unless someone tried to convince Wings to do otherwise.
The pirate boss began to dodge the beams with agility that was uncanny and unexpected for a craft of its bulk, and fired three torpedoes at point blank range into the Araxie. "Shut the fuck up!!!" The distorted voice shouted at the birb as the torpedoes detonated and sent a shockwave through the ship, tearing a gash in the side.

"Hey!" Alex yelled as he raced towards the pirate, and began to circle the franken-mecha. "Over here asshole!" As Alex began to pelt the pirate boss with a constant barrage of fire their shields began to deplete. The pirate began to chase Alex as he lead them away from the Araxie.

"Screw off kid!" They shouted as their rifle shots reached out and failed to hit the faster, more maneuverable mecha.
Serai sighed, tossing a message to Evee over the comms- "Fix their ships or our own. Your choice, but I suggest making it quickly."

The Araxie lumbered towards the two mecha, essentially creating one of those Yamatai "bullet hell" bosses-but the shots were more accurate and traveled at the speed of light. The pilot was... Tired, in a word, and sighed again.
Araxie -> Floating Men

Without any further delay Evee leaped out of the bay and into space. "Leftovers.", she informed Araxie. Helping the Leftovers it was. Even though their own ship had been breached saving multiple lives was of much more importance. She raced across the gap between both ships with lightning speed. Four bodies were drifting in the vicinity of the damaged ship, unfortunately they were spread out about 500 feet away from each other. (Thankfully though, for the ejected crew, they had been wearing pressure suits.) Evee made her way to the nearest bodies. The two men drifting in front of her moved their arms up and down above their heads, it was a celebratory dance. Evee managed to grab them, even while holding onto her gear. "Bringing in two of your men.",she radioed the scrapper ship, hopefully the ship's communications were functional. Evee brought the men back to their ship and focused on retrieving the other two, which were a little further away.

Evee flew to the other two bodies, which were near a cluster of debris. Both of the bodies appeared to be knocked out, they must had been flung onto the debris upon ejection. Evee approached the nearest body. Alarmingly when she tried to move the body it moved with the mass of twisted metal, like it was glued on. Evee's body fell numb and her heart sank as she realized the guy had been impaled, twice, his body nailed onto the debris by two large metal poles. She checked the man's vitals and broadcasted, "I need help! There is a critically injured scrapper out here, he has been impaled twice in the back! He is still alive... barely. We can still save him!" Evee wept, what disgusting people would want to hurt the innocent? She had to stay strong and tried her best to focus on the situation. Evee was relieved when she found that the man (or rather the women) next to the impaled body had not caught onto the floating hunk of debris. The guy had to be back into atmosphere immediately, Evee will come back for the women. Evee carefully brought in the man (along with the hunk of debris) close to the scrapper ship. So much going on at once! Evee did not even have the chance to repair any ships! She stayed close to the injured body and repeated, "Your going to make it... Stay with me!" It was unlikely that the man could hear her, but she tried to comfort him anyways. Evee was overloaded and had a hard time concentrating on the reality of the situation. She had to go out and retrieve the last body, when she went to grab the last body Evee missed a few times, this current scenario was stressing her out. With all the bodies rounded up near the ship she waited for any response.
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Hallelujah it's floating men!
As Evee brought the bodies back inside the ship, a bulkhead sealed behind her. "Thank you!" A salvager exclaimed joyfully at Evee, "Say, do you think you can help with our ship while our doctor tends to these men?" A man in white clothes approached and began to examine the ones that Evee had brought in.


The two mecha danced between the beams from the Araxie, Alex circling the pirate, the pirate tracking him and occasionally scoring a hit. The sight was reminiscent of a rave of some sort. The pirate shouted at Alex angrily, the distorted voice growing louder. "Damn you... Just stand still!" As the pirate shouted, they lunged forward with their vibrating blade and thrust it at Alex, catching him in the left arm and causing him to grip it with his right hand.

He let out a yell of pain as he felt his counterpart's sensors and circuts severed, the sensation akin to human pain. "Aagh! Dammit, that hurt!"

The pirate let out a low chuckle. "Good."

The two reengaged in their deadly dance, Alex dodging and the pirate attacking. This continued for minutes on end until the pirate slipped up, and a beam from the Araxie sliced into one of the legs of their mecha and sent them spinning.

"FUCK!" The pirate shouted as Alex took advantage of this opening to get in some fire of his own, before closing in and kneeing the enemy in the chest, sending it back before he grasped the mecha by the neck and fired the laser cannon built into his/ his mecha's arm into the face of his enemy, melting it off and damaging a few antennae.

"Fuck fuck fuck shit fuck!" The voice yelled, as distortion faded and it changed to that of a prepubescent girl.

"Alex, can you tie this one up?" Araxie sighed sadly when she heard the voice start to change-a little girl, caught in this at all? Even if they have a potty mouth...
"The Ship"

Evee beamed with pride and joy, she lightly bobbed her head. "Your welcome! Happy to make a positive impact.", she replied. She was glad that her rescue may have saved a few lives. "I can deficiently help with repairs!", Evee responded. Three members of the rescued crew were now in safety and they will surely recover their minor injuries. But Evee's smile turned into a long frown. She studied the mangled body lying on the floor. The Doc pronounced the man dead. Evee covered her face and looked away. Despite her best efforts, somebody she tried to rescue died... right in front of her. She held back her emotions, it would ruin her image as the rescuer. Evee shook her head and cleared away the tears. She still had to tend to the ships and repair a lot of equipment. Even though Evee moved on for the moment the image will remain forever scared in her mind.

Evee couldn't talk, the knot was still tight in her throat. She covered her mouth. There was no covering her disgust or unhappiness over the dead man.
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