Star Army

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SYNC [Secured] Dr. Shinichiro Tomoko to Mistress Taisho Yui - Urgent Mishhuvurthyar Weapon


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RP Date
YE 45.7

To: Mistress Taisho Yui,

Upon analysis of recently encountered Advanced-Type Mishhuvurthyar, in bodies sent back from the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet in the Kosuke Sector. We have found an anomaly in the autopsy data for these Mishhuvurthyar that does not match any previously encountered. Unfortunately, one of our laboratory technicians found out the hard way, and we were unable to successfully stop the weapon's process. From what we theorize these Mishhuvurthyar are carrying a new body adaptation, which includes a stinger and glandular sac at the end of one of the tentacles. The sac contains femtomechanical and genetic materials that match the current hemosynthetic model for the NH series and completely bypasses our current scanning and detection abilities. We have determined, through letting the virus, which we are calling the Mishhuvurthyar Hemosynthetic Virus (MHV), run its course in quarantine, that it uses our own femtomechanical system and genetic repair systems against us, overrides the body into producing Mishhuvurthyar physical features and then causes a rewrite of the digital matrix of the NH series mind. The way it mimics our own systems is absolutely fascinating and I must admit, I find it humbling to see such progress in our enemy. Previous patches applied to combat the parasite-types are ineffective against the virus. We are beginning to work on heuristics for detection and patching this vulnerability with no success as of yet. I am sending this urgent message to you, that our troops are under serious threat in the field.

I will be remaining at my lab indefinitely, and have my staff on constant rotation and we have heavy quarantine procedures in effect for dealing with MHV.

In your service,
Dr. Shinichiro Tomoko
Lead Hemosynthologist, Ketsurui Zaibatsu

From: Ketsurui Yui

Dr. Tomoko,

Thank you for bringing this urgent matter to my attention. The emergence of this new Mishhuvurthyar Hemosynthetic Virus is indeed concerning. It appears that the enemy has made significant advancements in their ability to infiltrate and compromise our systems. We must act swiftly to address this threat.

I commend you and your team for identifying and analyzing the virus. Your efforts are crucial in understanding the enemy's tactics and developing countermeasures. I have full faith in your expertise in mitigating this threat to our troops.

I will immediately notify the appropriate Star Army units of this new development. We will implement additional security protocols and allocate resources to aid in the development of detection and prevention methods. I trust that you will continue to prioritize the safety of our forces and provide updates on your progress.

Stay vigilant, Dr. Shinichiro, and know that your work is pivotal in protecting our soldiers and securing our future.


Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai

PS: Are you related to Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto, creator of the Mishhuvurthyar?


In response to the need for higher containment levels and security, we have moved our laboratory operations to [REDACTED]. We are slowly gaining a greater understanding of the mechanisms of this virus, unfortunately, its nature is rather adaptive and stealthy in that it masks itself and protects itself using the same biological and synthetic avenues as our genome. We've begun to conduct more intensive trials now that the main laboratory is in a more secure location. It is recommended that we set up at least four or five more locations, perhaps some outside of Kikyo Sector that will conduct simultaneous research to ensure continuity and more eyes on it. I am working on getting those labs set up over the next few months.

In the meantime, all personnel and medical facilities across the Empire should continue to remain vigilant and adhere to the guidelines and containment practices to try and isolate this infection as much as possible. Thankfully, we've concluded that the infection rate is not as high as we originally anticipated. I will continue to report as developments are made.

In your service,
Dr. Shinichiro Tomoko
Lead Hemosynthologist, Ketsurui Zaibatsu

PS. I was produced by the Star Army in Kyoto, what genetic sources were utilized during that production I don't know, I was given this name when I was created. I consider the entirety of our species my family.
From: Ketsurui Yui
To: Dr. Shinichiro Tomoko,

I agree completely that we should have redundant labs in secure locations and give them all the resources they need to work on solutions. We need to be as resilient and prepared as possible and do our best develop the ability to neutralize the Mishhuvurthyar biological weapons.


Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai