As one of the nameless, faceless security guards, Joey didn't much feel like he was in a position to do much of anything but follow the rest of his detail and watch - CAREFULLY - for any nut-jobs who decided that they wanted to die today and wanted to take one of the Senators with them. Still, with all the strange goings-on, especially the two perverted Ittou Heis' crude attempt at a joke, he almost felt tempted to do something exhibitory himself. In the end, though, his inhibitions and his commitment to his duties forced him to shrug off the urge to do anything stupid; this Senate hearing would be a crucial convergence of a great many people from far and wide across the galaxy, and he didn't feel like endangering the chances Yamatai had to establish friendly ties with the other delegates by acting out-of-line.
As the shuttle took off, Joey was reminded of his first out-of-orbit experience: the shuttle he had flown on as he departed from his home on Yamatai to the YSS Celia, where he had been stationed prior to the call for the Senate hearing. He remembered the exhiliration, the vertigo, and the sudden urge to let his lunch jump ship all too well and was forced to relive them as the shuttle left and re-entered the atmosphere, bringing the group ever closer to their destination. Somehow, though, the newly-appointed Ittou Hei managed to hold himself together this time; the ship docked without a hitch, and its egress hatch opened outward, allowing its passengers to disembark.
Trying not to act too hastily, Joey stood up with the others on his detail and prepared to leave their shuttle. He watched as one of the Senators hurried past him and power-walked down the egress ramp, her carry-on left behind in her rush. Joey picked up the forgotten bag, careful not to disturb its contents, and took it with him, planning to return it to its rightful owner upon his own departure.