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OOC Separa'shan on the brain.


Staff Member
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So, I ran into a sort of problem. I have started to think about creating a Separa'shan character, which means I will be rereading the Separa’shan pages, but the problem is

  • I don’t know where I would play her?
  • I don’t know who I should put as her parents and/or sister
    [*]Not sure if her specific species are playable or banned

I was thinking she’d be one of the venomous kind, and I do have an idea of her name though, there’s that.

I’m going to look to see if there’s a specific thing for Venomous Separa’shan. But if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
Ok, a few notes.

First, Separa'Shan can be played anywhere. They are often found as traders and have as extensive trade relationships as they can with anyone who will let them.

Second, in terms of parents, if you want a PC parent, there are very few in play who could. Anslen (the senator for Essia) is one of them, I would be happy for him to have your character be one of his kids. Just message me on discord so we can set up the details.

Third, regarding venom, per the wiki "The Venis is their word for the venom clan or those descended from venomous snakes. ... Unlike Venis the Pythus embrace their emotions though this could be also because they lack a toxin that removes them responsibility with power." That said, I could totally see a Pythus getting a bodymod for venom or something else, possibly more exotic. I would just want that they got the body mod noted down in their bio.
In terms of pc parents, i think argus just about could work as one I’d have to check his age but that’s another idea if it works out.
Ok, so I’d first like to thank you all for responding to this thread with your advice, I appreciate it.

@club24 according to my math which may or may not be wrong [I’m 100 percent considering it wrong because I suck at math], Argus should be 24 years old. So there is still a possibility for me to play her, but she’ll be 4 years old. But since Argus is working for Galactic Horizon that gives her a chance to participate in that group’s plot since Galactic Horizon is one of the choices I have for her to be in, [and also to get her away from Essia easier] since it might be likely she’ll get a ride out, but whether or not this meant that it would be before the Kuvexians had arrived I don’t know.

Unless I am mistaken, 4-year-old Separa vision is still not as good, right? Of course, the only job I can see her performing is that of moral control, making everyone smile with how cute she is.

@Jack Pine with Ezriel, she’ll be 21 years old, which means that unless she makes a Nekovalkyrja Separa my character would be a year old, which is still possible, and I’ll have a shorter History section.

An idea did come to mind, that could work, perhaps my character could have been a younger sister that both characters took in since the Kuvexians are causing problems back home.

@Soban , I feel that in terms of age, Aslen does seem to work as a pc relative since according to your character page he’s 57.
Ezriel doesn't really have any family right now as she's a runaway and the closest thing to a father was the captain who took her in and taught her what she knows. He passed of old age and left his ship to her. So if they were to be sisters, she would have to be adopted, unless being a younger sibling of the family she left behind.
Your character could be one of his daughters, I know that one of his daughters is 26, so right in the correct age range. He could also be an uncle or grand father.
Lol, baby snek giving moral support.

Either way, you can use argus as a sibling or father if you like I don't really mind, if you don't mind his last name that is. Otherwise good luck with whatever you end up choosing