Star Army

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Approved Character Shaun Phillips AKA Driker


Inactive Member
Name: REAL NAME: Shaun Joseph Phillips CODENAME: Driker

General Information

Species: Nepleslian (Human)
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Family / Creators:
Mother: Nepleslian - Molly Phillips = Unknown
Father: Id Sol - Fred Phillips = Deceased
Sisters: Nepleslian - Jenny & Cassy = Unknown

Employer: Yuki Toshiro
Occupation: Weapons Officer
Rank: Senior Crewman
Current Assignment: Weapons Officer aboard SRSS Yggdrasil.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs
Bra Size:

Build and Skin Colour: between athletic and large muscular build. caucasian(White)
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Nothing too distingishing. Facial hair consists of a small goatee. Eye color is hazel.
Hair Colour and Style: Hair is jet black. Hair is cut fairly short.

Distinguishing Features:

Psychological Characteristics

Shaun's personality could be called somewhat strange for his species. He has high morals. He strongly cares about the lives of others, which often conflicts with his work. He hates killing and tries to subdue an opponent rather then take their life. On the outside he often tries to appear serious, but the truth is he loves to just kick back enjoy a good book or a game when given the chance. While he is working he almost never speaks unless talking is called for but when he is just hanging around other people he loves to talk and to listen to other people speak. It reminds him of when he would spend time with his little sisters. He also has an unfortunate part to his persona. During his time as a soldier he developed a social disorder that while one would think could be a normal response runs deeper then many would think. When someone is needlessly killed in front of him he drops into a ferocious rage that completely changes his personality.

Likes: books, games, talking and listening to friends and even strangers. taking a nice quiet walk to enjoy scenery, a good meal.
Dislikes: death, warmongers, thieves, violent individuals or groups. His other side.
Goals: To make as many people as possible safer in the universe and to one day completely remove his other personality.


Born on the Nepleslian homeworld. Shaun grew up around the normal happenings of the planet. However it was obvious almost from the start that he was different then most Nepleslians. He did not enjoy violence and refused the soul transfer system saying that he was going to stick with the body he was given for personal reasons. He showed signs of morals and the need to help others. He barely knew his father as he had been killed only a few years after Shaun's birth. After that he was raised by his mother and two younger sisters. He tried hard to protect his younger siblings and managed to keep them safe until he was drafted into the Uesureyan Army.

After his training he was immediatly dispatched for ground combat. He found himself killing a lot of people and each time the light faded from his enemies eyes it tore away at him from the inside. Each kill he made was added wait upon his mind and finally it could hold no more and it cracked under the immense weight. It was during a simple recon mission that this occured. Not very long after the mission started all radio contact with the squad was lost. Hours went by before another recon team was sent to investigate the missing team. What they found was a horrific site. They found everyone on the team dead and ripped apart as if by some monsterous animal. All except one. Phillips was sitting on the ground slumped forward and at first appeared dead, but when examined he was unconscious and covered head to toe in blood. An investigation was launched and the incident was then closed and classified. Phillips was released from the star army under seemingly honorable conditions but the truth was they continued to keep on eye on the man after he left.

After leaving the star army he went into a slump for a short time. Trying to get by doing different jobs, whether it was spending time as a body guard or simple manual labor.


Communication: He learned how to use basic communication devices as he grew up. Obviously he learned how to operate much more complicated things as a soldier.

Fighting: Shauns ability to fight comes from both growing up on his home planet and learning from many different people all the way to the military. He seems to have an affinity for the ability to fight, despite the fact he can't stand having to do so.

Technology Operation: Shaun always loved to mess with new things. Whether it was computers or games it didn't matter. He just loved to use them. This continued even in the military when he learned how to operate military machines and ships.

Mathematics: Shaun learned what he knows of math from going to school. He doesn't much care for the subject but when he actually tries he can be quite skilled with it.

Physical: The explination for his physical condition would normally be obvious if not for the added physical prowess the suit lends. Growing up in his hometown with all the fighting going on he had to learn to take a beating and to run, jump and do whatever else it took to make it through the day. These skills were worked on inthe military as every drop of skill and ability was crucial for staying alive.

Starship Operations: Shaun never really enjoyed piloting a ship. He took the classes and ran the simulations, but he always prefered to be a passenger. He now owns a small personal transport. Of course he rarely uses it anymore.

Demolitions: Learning to handle explosives was learned as a soldier. Whether it was planting charges or using a long range explosive weapon. Shaun gained a lot of experience with objects that go boom.
First, I like the effort you've put in. It feels like you care -- and that is one thing we love here. Second, I like the character at a base level. We don't often see such a clear division of a character's personality (calm to rage in 60 milliseconds flat).

Now, the questions.

1. Did he never know his parents?

2. His personality seems like it could be boiled down to professional when on the job, and loose when not. Fair enough. Why does he like to listen strangers and such?

3. Star Army of Nepleslia is fairly new, so you know. You can only have been in it for a couple of years.

4. Simple "portal" mission?

5. Planet's natives? You mean Nepleslians?

6. History's ... just too long. As well as in story mode. This is something that I would argue should be roleplayed out, not just stated. Regardless, it doesn't make sense.

7. The power armor, which is essentially what this is, is unapproved technology. It needs to be approved in this thread. Unless you use a more generic power armor that exists in the universe already, such as the Demon armor.

8. Your skills should be a little more standardized ... but they're not so bad right now. I would recommend you remove or tone down starship operations -- your guy sounds like a basic soldier, and therefore probably isn't experienced in real starship operations.

9. Don't forget contact information and, if you wish for orders, file them here.

My recommendation is that this bio is HELD until edits are made.
There changed it a bit. Hopefully its a bit better. As for the suit. I'm writing up a page for that on the thread you linked me to.
I'm not sure I buy thing thing about him killing his fellow squadmates and then being released.
went ahead and removed all mention of the suit and the recon story from the history. So I cut it down and tried to make it a bit more simple.
Is the jaded killer aspect of the character truely necessary? Most new players have advantage into having their character develop from when they start roleplaying instead of starting out 'strong'. If you eventually come up in a situation where you need to fight and that you, as a writer, get a few things off, it could make things look inconsistant (it happened before, which is why I'm pointing it out).

Also, when this character will be approved, do you have an idea of where he could go/what he could do? While the is a Nepleslian plotship in the work, there's not a lot going on right now on the side of Nepleslia. I don't want you to have the character approved and then end up with little to do. ^_^
the killer thing? Well i'd like to keep it if possible, but if anyone would like a better idea as to what to expect from it, then just think of it as Dissociative identity disorder. As for not having much to do. I was actually planning on starting out with good old fashioned forum posting.

For a starting location. Hmm...that might take a bit of thinking. I could have him floating about in space in a shape. Or possibly locked up in a space army lab somewhere. I'm not really gona be picky about where I start out.
awsome. Thank you.

Now does anyone have any suggestions where to start? I should I just browse for a while to see where some good possible places are for starting?
How about Funky City, in the Nepleslia forum?

Try to hook up with Tom when you can for some chat RP Action.
Its just some different pictures I found and pasted together and added in some words. Colored it in photoshop earlier but I suck at good shading and I thought it looked a lot better with being mostly black and white. The idea is more or less going with the the fact that my character has an inner demon so to speak.

For you 4chaners I added in some more words under the evil face that I think you'll find familar. Oddly they are words that very much fit the evil persona.

"where is your god now"
Driker said:
Its just some different pictures I found and pasted together and added in some words. Colored it in photoshop earlier but I suck at good shading and I thought it looked a great deal better with being mostly black and white. The idea is more or less going with the the fact that my character has an inner demon so to speak.

For you 4chaners I added in some more words under the evil face that I think you'll find familar. Oddly they are words that very much fit the evil persona.

"where is your god now"

Good work shading though, I cant do that myself. Do you draw?

Oh yeah, a qoute like that under the evil face would rock :p