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Approved Submission Shintoism

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
Submission Type: Religion
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:religion:shintoism

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) No
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes, linked here.
Contains New art? (Yes/No) No
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

This submission is an effort to define religion within Yamatai. While Yamatai is generally atheistic, it is important to codify the various belief systems that may be present for the purposes of character development and better RP.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Many people in the SAoY don't have ancestors at all.
I think this statement needs explaining. If you were a human, or came from humans, you have ancestors. If you started life as a Neko, you come from Yui, Uesu, Shinichiro. If you're part of an alien species, something birthed or made you.

If you are a clone or mutant, you came from a human at some point. Might not know who, but still.
I was thinking vat-made Neko. Are you saying that Yui, Uesu, and Shinichiro are seen as ancestors for all Neko?
If you were a human, or came from humans, you have ancestors. If you started life as a Neko, you come from Yui, Uesu, Shinichiro.
That's a weird comparison that I don't think holds true for most Neko.

As Toshi suggests, vat-made mass produced Neko don't really have ancestors.
That's a weird comparison that I don't think holds true for most Neko.

As Toshi suggests, vat-made mass produced Neko don't really have ancestors.

But certainly, the original three Neko (Ketsurui Yui, Yuumi, Yuki) and the Empress are the next best things? It would make sense for them to take the position of ancestors or kami.
I rather enjoy this. The spiritualism of Yamatai.

In a lot of ways yes, the three original neko are the spiritual and physical progenitors of the neko.

I could see some or many in Yamatai venerating them. That being said Yamatai's portrayal over all is rather carnal.

As for the offense---I mean, if it comes up in sure a name change of Yamatai's Shintoism could be easily done if necessary. But we'd likely never know unless we sought out a Shintoist and asked them.
I don't think the Star Army would give out religious items so I moved the Kamidana kit to the Star Army Ship's Store for 100 KS instead of it being free.
Checked out this thread the other day and it struck me that though I don't fully know if Ketsurui Aiko would ascribe to Shintoism, to those that do she would be amongst the pantheon of those treated as living kami so I added her to the page. Her countless victories in war and publicized and trying struggles that she has overcome while fighting against Yamatai's enemies have made her a war hero doubtlessly. But her strategic demeanor and ferocity in battle have made her more than just a piece of propaganda for the Kuvexian War and solidified her having a spirit worthy of embodying. Being the clan matriarch's daughter doesn't hurt either.

That's at least what I think and hey, I FM approve my own change and it's really only minor so I'm only espousing on the idea because I like Aiko. I just think she's neat and fun to talk about.

I don’t really like how Shintoism in SARP focuses on Nekovalkyrja, because I always wrote my Yamataian characters as basically practicing a form of real life Shinto/Japanese-style nature shamanism and then suddenly in SARP it’s all about bio-engineered war androids.

Because it exists, however, it does follow that Aiko would qualify to be counted among the “living kami.” It was already implied in the part that stated all Ketsurui were considered such by some practitioners. So I’m not going to say no to Ame’s ideas or anything; maybe she’s got a plan for some minor mention of a Shintoism practitioner saying “cool Neko” to my character.

For the record, though, my idea of people liking Aiko is grounded more in Neko soldiers (and really soldiers from every species) viewing her as the paragon warrior that she factually is. Whose virtues should be emulated as a good example because her litany of accomplishments, not because she is mystical.
I've always liked the idea that the Empress is not just a national leader, but a spiritual one a well. The nexus of the empire and it's spirit. The combination of being a priest and king isn't an uncommon one through history. For example, the Pharaoh of Egypt, part of their job was to go and do religious' rituals as the embodiment of their nation. The King of England is not just head of state, but head of the state church as well. I imagine that there are several public rituals that the Empress/Emperor does at various shrines throughout Yamatai as part of their duties.
You see, the thing is I've always thought of Himiko as being an atheist like the majority of Yamataian citizens. Yamatai's not Japan where there's a national religion. In fact, the constitution forbids it:
Honestly? I didn't expect that given how much the Shintoism page seems to be deeply in the military machine and Ketsurui spaces. I've kinda drawn parallels to State Shinto which was a political movement as much as it was a religious one. Which is why the Empress might keep up appearances as Shinto to please that aspect of her powerbase. I'm not against her being openly atheist, but it feels weird for the Shinto Religion to be as ... reverent about her and the whole family if they aren't, at least nominally, members of the religion.

That said, religion in Sci-Fi/Fantasy has always been an interesting topic for me.
There is a sect of the whole religion that is vehemently anti-Imperial. Maybe that sect exists because of her beliefs?

But Wes has always played a lot of his characters and the faction as a whole as very non-religious. It's deep in the canon that nobody needs to keep up religious appearances in Yamatai.
I have thought of making a more nature based sect that ignores the living kami, but respects things as just about anything might have a kami in it. One subsect of it is just a bunch of space hippies that like to make sacred rope with Bob Marley music in the background.
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