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RP (non-canon) Shotty tries GMing

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Well-Known Member
Yo folks, I though I might give my try at running a plot, but I decided to give it a try here first. So here we go with simple and hopefully fun play. We will play as Nepleslian Infantry. SInce this is non-canon it won't matter how much of this is really fact. Basically we will be playing with infantry without PAs. Just regular marines with shotgun and assault rifles.

Like if PA takes main attack and such, these guys would do support, mop ups and side missions. So yeah you would basically be just infantry with some armour support (There still thsoe beutiful Norris tanks that just don't get enough love). So first five guys whoe posts here can try me out. What I would like from you people is to made a quick character. Appearance, quic history and seven skills we use on SARP. If you want to use your SARP char just send a link of his/her bio.

Anyway you will memeber of fictive Nepleslian unit who was based on one of the NAM station orbiting Funky City just before it was hit. We will do some small talk so you guys can get to know each other and then move on to action. So if you guys like guns, zombies and killing stuff with firepower you are my guests.
Count me in with Henry Morris. Its been about a year since he's done anything, and he's itchy for action.
I'd like to give it a whorl ... yes you guys will have to be less neanderthal scince a female soldier is joining the group.


Sniper / Medic

martial arts trained

5'6, dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. sundarken skin, very outdoorsy type.

put more up as I flesh this one out abit more.
Okay JImmy said he will be with us too so that is five people.Like I said first GM post will be here on friday. Sammy, you can talk the char more with over PMs or just try to catch me on IRC. Same with you Jimmy.

Sammy all you need to give me now are seven sarp skills. Just like this:
FIghting: Marksmanship, martial-art
Rogue: stealth, camouflage
Survival: Wilderness, navigation
Strategy: Team cooperation
Communication: Languages (Nepleslian, Yamatai, Lorath)
Driving: Mecha, tank.

Something like this okay. I do not require regular nepleslian marine skills from you, but please I want the character to be competent soldier.
I'll get something together by Monday. I have to go away for the weekend with family and be away from the internet.
Okay Sammy, you can PM me then. I will still post that first Gm post on friday for others. YOu can join later.
One standard marine, slightly incompetent. Free to good home.

Chad Cuspel

5'8”, Caucasian, 20 years old

Blue eyes, short blonde hair, medium build, no real discerning features.

Chad's record is largely ordinary, except for a subtle twisting that seems to have him swapped to new positions quite regularly, almost like officers were trying to pass him off to the next sucker.

This is not immediately obvious from his demeanour, in fact he seems quite cheerful. It does become obvious however whenever you watch for half an hour. This private is rather clumsy. They couldn't really kick a marine out for falling down occasionally, so they shoved him here.

Shooting: He's a Nepleslian. 'nuff said.
Physical: He's a marine. 'nuff said.
Communications: Yeah, he knows how to use a radio. In fact that seems to be the only job they trust him with right now.
Driving: Got his own back home.
Mathematics: Yeah, he's got himself an education
Knowledge: Bit a' nogg'in.
Technology Operation: Yeah, he can use a computer.
((Okay people buckle up! Sorry for the delay, here we go.))

NSS Acadia, High orbit over Nepleslia - One week after battle of Rok'Veru

Acadia was now home in Funky City for some repairs, R&R and to resupply. Most marines headed out to have fun. Alcohol, food, whores. That meant that ship was mostly empty.
That was not truth though. Several individuals stayed on board. Mainly navy personel and technical crew working on the damaged Acadia. Among them was one Henry Morris. Work was going well and technicians apprecieted any help they could.
Henry was just in middle of checking one of the cicuit bords when female navy lieutenant came up to him with her datajockey in hands. She was about six tall, had long blonde her tied in pony tail. There were two strange things about her. She lacked her right ear, instead she had a cybernetic part with long antenna. There was also one-eye visor on her right eye. Second thing was Styrling .45 pistol in holster at her side. Henry never saw her aboard before.
"Private Morris?" She said. "You have hereby been reassigned please go pack your things, we are leaving in an hour. Shuttle is waiting for us." She said handing him her datajockey to show him the orders.

NMC training facility, Funky City - One week after battle of Rok'Veru

Sawyer Aubrey and girl nicknamed Allycat just completed his training. They were in large hall with all their mates from bootcamp. One after another they were getting their assignments. Marine after marine was leaving the room, but not orders were coming to the duo. Soon the room was empty and orders stopped coming and Sawyer and Ally still di not received theirs.
Sound of footsteps made both marines turn their head to their source. It was Master Chief Mason. Man who trained them both. With him was blonde navy lieutenant with blond hair and cybernetic ear.
"Ally, Sawyer." He started, "I am sorry but you won't be assigned to Power Armour corps. Your post will be different. Go with LT, she will take you to your new post." Mason said and poined to woman next to him.

IPG correctional facility, Funky City - One week after battle of Rok'Veru

Rita Stenton was in her cell. It was only few weeks after he operation and she finally got hang of her new body. She was ready for whatever IPG planned for her.
Metal door slid aside and Rita could see one of the agents. Tall man in black uniform without any insignia and faceless helmet with black visor. "Get up convict. Fun time is starting." He said. His helmet made his voice sound eletronic. Rita noticed he was unarmed, but it was sure he had certain switch at him. And she knew that one flick of that switch and she would die.
Behind man stood woman in uniform of Nepleslian Navy. Her rank was lieutenant. It was easy to notice cybernetic ear with antenna. Her holster was empty now though.
"Miss Stenton, I will take you to your new post now." Woman said without showing any emotions in her face.

Starbase Hayes, orbit around Planet Nepleslia - One week after battle of Rok'Veru

Chad Cuspel's current position was not very entertaining. He sat in communication room and was sending ships in their assigned dock. It was pretty dull job for a marine. He was ussualy on guard duty before but for some unknown reason his commanding officer just wanted him to job any secretary could do.
Door to the comm room have opened and he could see good looking woman in Navy uniform with rank of lieutenant come in.
"Private Third Class Cuspel. I need you to go pack your things. You have been hereby reassinged to new position." She said and then showed him her datajockey. "Here are your orders. You can check them if you want."
Henry looked to one side without much thought and then looked back and said: "Hmh, fine." He didn't seem that concerned since his service on the Acadia was good soldiering, and nobody doubted his abilities. His P1C rank proved that he was a cut above the rest, even though he was frequently overshadowed by ID-SOL, and the shortest Marine of the lot.

Henry moved to his bed bunk and gathered what few things he had. His stacks of books, his guns that he bought rather than had issued to him, including his .45 pistol, Styrling Dart, some EMP grenades, and the Henry Rifle that he assembled himself, and his marine uniforms, which after so many years of use were in dire need of a replacement. With some time and effort, he was able to stuff it all into a duffel bag.

He was wearing what he could describe as a 'casual marine' outfit, with a jacket emblazoned with the black star on a green circle and a red scarf. He had his .45 pistol by his side, and his rifle on his back. Amusingly, he had a hair-coloured clip to keep his fringe from interfering with his face.
Chad had his feet on the desk when the lieutenant came in without warning, he immediately tried to get his feet off the console and stand to attention. At the same time. The result was short drop and sudden stop on the floor in a tiny tangle of limbs.

Chad quickly picked himself up and snapped to an actual half-decent attention. He carefully took up the offered datajockey and looked at it for a few seconds, he'd certainly seen enough to be an expert on assignment orders “Um, everything seems to be in order, ma'am.” voice slightly puzzled as he passed the datapad back. “When do I leave?”
Snapping to attention Sawyer replied "aye aye Chief" as he bent and retrieved his Styrling Special .45 pistol and his own personal designated sharpshooter rifle that he'd had special made for his own personal usage.
Rita stood up and craned her neck to either side, stretching out the artificial muscles. She towered at least a head over the two who had come to greet her. Rita slammed her fist into the palm of her opposite hand with a loud CLANK and put on a menacing grin. "It's about time."

Rita followed the two soldiers out of her cell and remained calm with the two of them, at least for now. She knew that they could kill her with that switch at any time, and it would be pointless to try to fight that. Instead, she'd get her fill of wanton murder and destruction by directing her hate toward the Imperium's enemies.
Allycat rolled her eyes as this was gonna be something unique. But then that what you get for being the class clown in medical department other training. It seamed like she was in some sort of trouble, but not enought to warrent anything more than a harsh chewing out by the instructors.

Grabbing her simple pack of stuff of what she had left after selling most of it off to the others, figuring on getting it replaced at her new assignment and a rolled up piece of heavy duty canvas that held something within them.

She nodded to Chief with a smile, "I thought you was gonna keep me here cause of my charming personality?" Laughing softly at his glare she recieved from him to follow Sam and the Lieutenant.

As Henry was packing, the navy lieutenant waited patiently. She did not say one word and when he was done packing and stepped outside his room she just turned away and strode into the hall. Few minutes later, they were sitting in the shuttle. "Please sit down Mr. Morris." she said and went into the cockpit.

Henry was left alone in what seemed to be passenger compartment. Soon after he he felt as shuttle lifted off. Sadly it had no windows and lieutenant closed the door behind herself.

About ten minutes after he felt that shuttle sat on something solid. The ramp went down and he could hear the woman in the speaker. "I will have to ask you to step out and wait here while I get the rest of the team Mr. Morris."

Just a few steps and he was out of the stuttle it what seemed to be rather large hangar that completely empty, except for few large metallix boxes. Shuttle behind him closed the rampe and flew out. He could see space outside the hangar doors.


Navy leutenant standing above chat lifted her left eyebrow as he took a nosedive into the floor. After he stood up and askehd his question, she responded with one word. "Now," she then turned aways and walked. Chad walking behind her found himself in front his room. "Pleaase pack, we will be leaving shortly." Woman said and waited for him to pack his belongings.

It was not surprise to Chad, that his next destination was shuttle bay and one shuttle inside. Woman walked inside and went straight for the cockpit. After he walked in side, ramp closed right behind him and he could feel the shuttle flying out. Few minutes later he felt landing and ramp went down. "Please step outside Private. There are others I need to pickup." He stepped out into vast, almost empty hangar occupied just by one P1C who looked as clueless as Chad himself.

Sawyer and Allycat

"Carry one, Private," was all Chief replied to both privates, giving mean look to Ally. He then saluted, turned around and left. Both marines had luckily their things with them. Navy Lieutenant looked at both saying, "follow me." So they followed. They had to take a drive to nearby airstrip where shuttle waited for them.

After boarding, they soon took flight. THey did not flew long before landing again. Liutenant walked outside the cockpit seconds after. "Wait here, it might take some time." Was all she said before walking out, closing shuttle behind herself.


Navy Lieutenant gave Rita's fist one emotionless look. She was about to turn away and walk out, but IPG agent stop her. "Hey, lady you better watch out for this one. She is murderer." He said, before handing her a datajockey. "Here is data about killswitch. She is your trouble now." He added and then simply walked away leaving Rita with the agent.

Lieutenant checked datajocked quickly before raising her head and looking at Rita. "Let's go," she said. Rita found herself soon outside again. She was inside for motnhs and it was nice to see outside again. Small shuttle waited for them outside. Lieutenant lowered the ramp and walked in. Rita could see two marines waiting inside.

Sawyer and Rita waited for about ten mintues before ramp went down again and navy-woman walked inside heading straight to the cockpit. She was closely followed by another woman in black jump-suit.

Ramp closed behind Rita nad shuttle'S enginges started roaring. "Buckle, we are heading outside the atmosphere," could be heard from speakers. It was a good idea since Shuttle started rocking itself very hard. Small ship was pulling itself from the gravitaion of planet Nepleslia. Soon after they were in space and landing again.

Empty Hangar

Henry and Chad had some time to talke each other before shuttle got back about an hour later. It landed on almost same spot as before and ramp went down. Three other people walked outside, followed tightly by lieutentant. "Please feel free to meet each other. It will be several minutes before colonel arrives." She said before putting a datajockey out and started doing something on it.
The young private looked at his latest company for a few seconds before raising his hand in greeting. "Hi." he said simply, followed by "You want to go get some coffee?"
Henry nodded in reply to Chad and said: "I can't think of a reason not to," He took a look at the others on board. A distantly feminine cyborg, two (maybe three) other marines, "Hey, any of you wanna place an order while we're out?"
Rita looked at the Lieutenant and eyed her carefully. She was... Short. About a foot shorter than Rita, in fact. "Someone didn't drink enough milk." Rita gibed, before being pushed along outside. She covered her eyes for a moment, the cybernetic lenses readjusting to the sun's light from months in dim artificial illumination. Rita followed her captor into the shuttle. Once inside, she gave the man across from her the once-over. She didn't appear to be uptight at all, and had a quizzical, wide-eyed expression on her face. "Cozy afternoon, eh? Private Stenton, but you can call me Rita." She said, extending a hand to shake.
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