Star Army

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RP (non-canon) Shotty tries GMing

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Chad grunted and tried to bend his torso back up to his boots, failed and straightened out causing him to swing more than ever. His face already began to visibly turn red from the blood in his head.

"Guh, well that was a bad idea." the young marine admitted as a swung through the aisle again.
Miranda giggled at seeing the upside down hanging Marine as it was quite funny to her, despite the being scared half witless and going her her first kill of a sentient being.

She followed the team. hoping not to freeze up at a critical time, psyching herself up as she wrestled with her conscious.
Sawyer looked up at Chad swinging from the ceiling while his rifle lay in a state of minor disassembly from him working on adjusting the mechanism some and said "Now how in the hayl did you end up there? Shoulda had yer seat belt on like I did." Unbuckling himself after reassembling his rifle he slung it over his shoulder and checked to ensure that his pistol was in its holster and he had his combat knife in its sheathe. "May as well load up as well as we can so we don't have to come back for anything, I'd personally advise rigging this thing for destruction so that if it gets found there's nothing telling the enemy who we are or why we are here" he said as he started looking for a method to carry out his plan.
Chad meanwhile had started trying to stomp his way out of his predicament with his free foot, causing some discomforting creaks from the frame of the shuttle but not leading to freedom. "What the hell- did you think- I was wearing?" The young marine replied between stomps.

Stopping for then to catch his second wind, Chad twisted around to try to peer at Sawyer. "Always down for a nice fire ball." He grunted before remembering something. "Speaking of blowing shit up, anyone checked the cockpit yet? See how our Dear Leader fared."
Rita looked down at Henry when he landed face-first in her lap and raised a synthetic eyebrow inquisitively.
"Shouldn't you buy me dinner first?" She asked jokingly, pushing herself out of the seat after Henry stood up. She walked over to Chad and grabbed his bootstraps, carefully prying him free from the rafter and lowering him to the ground. Her hands were warm like a person's should be, but when she applied enough pressure to her kung-fu grip to lift Jimmy up, it was clear the insides were made of high-density metal, as it felt like his ankle was being held in a vice.
"I'm gonna go find out if the LT is mashed potatoes or not." Rita said, exactly like that. "LT." Well, it did have less syllables.

Rita made her way to the front of the shuttle and pried the door between the cockpit and the "cargo-bay" off its hinges, setting it aside and peeking into the aforementioned pilot's chamber. What did the scene look like? Was it PG-13 dashboard destruction, or an R-rated spectacle of bloody guts splattered all over the windshield like a brand new coat of putrid paint? At the same time, Rita wondered if she could see the lurid hellscape of mishhu-inflicted death and mayhem outside, and curiously peered out the window.
What everyone found out was that Chads foot got somehow tangled in net of this rope bolted to the ceiling. It was apparentl that net was supposed to hold and luggage or something else. Of course with Rita using her charms, the rope snapped like nothing and Chad was free.

After short walk to the cockpit Rita challenged doors to the duel of strength. Door battled fiercely and heroicly but that did not stand a change against amazonian strange of the cyborg. As there was nothing in her way now, Rita could see few steps up and cockpit behind them.

Cockpit was rather small with two seets, one occupied by lieutenant Kowalski. She seemed to be alive, since she held her head with both hands.
"Ouch," she said. She seemed okay except from bump on her head.

What Rita could see through the window was not that okay though. There were few figures walking rather rigidly towards the shuttle. All the blood they were covered in also gave away that they were most likely to be attacked by Mishu parasites.

Meanwhile back in the cargo-hold, Sawyer was looking around the room for anythign he could use to blow up the shuttle. Henry moved to the hatch and looked out only to find himself face to face with rather tall man who meanwhile stumbled his was to the shuttle. Man's face looked rather life-less as it blank eyes set itself on Henry. Large gaping hole in his chest was dead giveaway what happened to the man.
"Bluuargh?" he grunted as he managed to meet up with his prey face or face literally.

15 minutes ago

Laura Romero finally got her free day. Young medic just finished her boot camp and was waiting for unit assignment. There was some talking about sending her of to 4th fleet led by Admiral Wazu, but it was not so sure now. Silver-haired youngling did not have to worry about that now though.

She walked trough the busy streets of Funky City enjoying warm smog and friendly people. Most of them seemed to try sell her her something. It was ussualy alcohol, ciggaretes, kaserine or a rocket launcher. Just another busy day in Nepleslian capitol.

All seemed fine until some shouting got young girls attention. It seemed mass of people gathered in front of one shop. It was selling eletronics and many holo-screens could be seen through the shopping windows. What was on them seemed rather terryfying though.

Screen showed shuttle footage from above Senate building. Large structure had gaping hole and smoke was coming through it. Military trained Laura could easily say that it was cause by very very large explosion. She also noticed that there was fighiting around the building.

7.5 minutes ago

Laura was running. She had no choice she could either run or get squshed by mass of people trying to get away from what was chasing them and what was chasing them was living nightmare. Wave of parasites was flying high speed and attacking anyone they got to. Laura was running for her life. Without any armour or protective suit she was just breakfast for parasites and she knew it well.

From the sounds behind her, she knew that parasites were close. She was sure that she was done for, when suddenly someone caught her arm and pulled her into alleyway. It was tall man in suit.
"Let's go," he said and pulled her behind him.

Looking over shoulder, Luara could see that parasites were busy with street full of running people and they did not care about alley for now. If she was not pulled in by that man, she would be dead by now or undead rather.

After short run they both got into opening. Man was still pulling her behind him showing that he was rather strong.
"I got car nearby, they won't get us there!" He explaned and tried to run even faster. "Shit, behind us!" He said looking over the shoulder.

Parasites finally found the alley and now they were moving to them. Laura could almost see their bitey mouth opening at seeing delicious hosts. Man started running even faster. Before them was Big boxy ground car.
"Open!" He shouted and driver's doors opened by itself. "Get in!" Man shouted and literaly stuffed small woman inside.

Laura turned back to the man as he tried to geit. He was grabbing the steering wheel and pulling himself in when his body trashed. He must have been hit by something in his back.
"Fuck," he said. "You are on you own kid." He added and pulled himself away. He swinged the doors shut and Laura could almost read his lips as he formulated 'lock' with them. Second after the wave of parasites hit.


Everything around Laura was quite dead. Parasited were hitting the car for few minutes before loosing interest and flying off to find new hosts. Windows of the car had few little spider-like crackc on it, but they were otherwise fine. Being car saves Laura's life. It's owned was not so lucky.

There were many dead bodies all around the car and some of them were already startes twitching and tossing about. It was time to get out and Laura new that not so far was a mall. Funny thing about the mall was that it contained well stocked Styrling Store.
Miranda eyes widen as she was ready and holding a weapon. Seeing what was a "Walking Dead" from some horror show, froze up briefly as it was totaly unreal from her perspective and her mind was trying to simulate what she was seeing.

"th-this go-otta be-be a ba-bad dream!" Miranda muttering softly, unsure what to do next as her mind went blank, yet raced with a million thoughts shooting through her brain synapses.

Hero Material? Bad dream? Wht tha fu....? I'll wake up sooon! Gotta stop drinking MacGee's moonshine! Am I in hell the preacher keeps spouting at church? He looks like Joey the coal miner! what the damn answer to 34 x 67? Ten grains of powder then wadding, then projectile.. ? Did Sarah ever have that baby? The bear trap! I gotta check it out tomorrow!
As his ankle was being forcibly evict from its then-current residence the young marine it was attached to voiced his concern. "Hey! Lady! Lady! Bruising! Bruising!" While he dangled by her grip he couldn't help but get a rather excellent view of her miniskirt.

After making a gentle landing Chad slowly sat up and peered around. "Gee, it all looks different right side up."

He looked over at Blackfoot and raised an eyebrow. " 'The fuck is her problem?" he asked the room, gesturing towards her with a thumb.
"Oh, you're not dead. Cool." Rita said coldly as she turned away from the Lieutenant and toward her squadmates. It was then that she saw the disgusting sight of an infected civilian attacking Henry wildly. She knew she couldn't react before Henry could, but she rushed over just as well, in case she needed to save his ass for whatever reason.
Henry had gotten too used to fighting against the living dead in a power armour, and he'd gotten a swift reminder about them: The living dead stink. He was smart enough to carry his rifle with him, and the first thing he did was slam it sideways into the zombie to push it away, then slam the butt of his rifle into its face - trying to push it away.

"Get away from me," He told the zombie calmly as he fired at it - he was so close that he could've fixed a bayonet to his rifle and stabbed it, but that wasn't in his plans, nor could he affix a bayonet to his rifle. (He never really anticipated this sort of thing) "Please." His courtesy towards the zombie seemed ill paced.
Laura looked around. This was certainly not how the Most Brilliant Medic in the Universe should be spending her free time.

Whatever was going on was not nice and deserved to be shot, if only because she didn't like it. Laura got out and dashed towards the mall and the Styrling shop.
Hearing Henry telling something to get away from him as well as a gunshot, Sawyer turned from hunting for explosives and drew his pistol, taking careful aim at the "zombie" he fired a round attempting to aim for its head.
Poor zombie was rather apuzzled as what happened. Firs the saw nice lunch, then lunch hit him in the face. Zombie/Parasite's mind was too young to process all this as her was sent to the ground. Henry just stepped away and readied his rifle. When Zombie sat up, he was met face to muzzle with Henry's rifle.

"Gruugh?" grunted zombie as something came throuh his mind. Said thing was of course high-velocity bullet fired from the rifle. Before the zombie even fell to the ground, two other bullet hit it. Sawyers fire was devastating too as one bullet struck zombies shoulder and other hit its neck. With so much damage done to it the zombie was surely undone.

Meanwhile in the shuttle, LT finally stumbled from the cockpit into passenger area. It seemed that 'bump' on her face was a little more severe as half of her face was covered in blood.

"You!" She said and pointed at very unarmed Chad. "Take this, I am half-blind!" She said handing him her Silver Special and extra mag.

She then turned to private blackfoot who clearly freezed in her seat. LT raised her arm and swinged it, slapping poor girl right across the face in a wake-up slap.

"You, get hold of yourself! These are no longer people! Everyone out of the shuttle. I want some perimeter or some shit, get your butts moving." She then said, pointing outside the shuttle.

Sawyer, Henry and Rita meanwhile got outside seeing that they were indeed in very large mall. It appeared that they landed on large balcony and over the railing it could be seen that there was only one storey under them and one above them. Downstairs was full of zombies who were now all looking up. Apparently firing a rifle was something can bring attention of even zombies. Luckily for the team, there were no stairs neaby, only elevator and zombies were too dumb to use those. That said zombies migh have been dead but they were surely not idle, as they turned away and started stumbling away to nearest escalator, which was about 200 meters away.

Unfortunately not all zombies were downstairs, which could be seen as ten or so stumbled their way along the shops lining both sides of the mall.


Laura found herself in new predicament. Parasites were gone, that was surely good new. Bad news was where they gone. Dead bloodied peopel around her started slowly getting up on their legs as she ran by them and there were quite many. Luckily they were dispersed enough for Laura to run by them and move. Mall was not very after all.

After few minutes of running she got there. It was large two storey builiing which seemed likde two boxes joined by glassed corridor in the middle. There were still zombies about, but not so many. Problem was when Laura looked over her shoulder, she saw large pile of dead-walkers slowly following her. It would take them some ten minutes to reach the mall she calculated.

Suddenly she heard a rifle being shot from inside. Not wasting time, Laura ran inside the mall through main entrance. There was a lot of blood, broken glass and shopping bags lying around. She also noticed about hundred zombies right in front of her, all turned back to her, stomping away to the escalotor. They did not noticed them, but there was also no way around them, except for open elevator doors nearby.


20 minutes ago

Busy day was busy. Paul Broman had a shift and there was ferry after ferry. This kep going on and on. Poor fellow fellt human urges at the end of the shift. Urges that everyone has sometimes. He needed to use that room that even Yamataian empress uses alone.

Luckil for Paul, there was mall nearby so he did not have to relieve himself in stinky alley. Parking in front of it he soon found himself rushing inside the and to the toilets. Two minutes later he was the happiest man of the moment. Just as he was washing his hands he heard some trouble from outside.

He poked walked out of the toilets only to see many people runnign and screaming deeper into the Mall. Turning his head to the entrance made entirely from glass he could see a wave of small little twitchy bodies of NMX parasites headin right at the mall.

"Arrrghhh!" he heard a shriek of young woman stand next to him. He also knew that there were toilets right behind him and doorst looked sturdy. Young woman apparently knew that too. Soon after they were inside the rather large tiled room with glasses and could hear bangs of small bodies on the doors.

"What are we gonna do?" asked the obviously scared woman. Waiting was only answer of course so they waited.


"You think it is safe to go out?" WOman whispered. She was covertin in the corner of the room. While they waited Paul had time to looke at her seeing twenty-something young woman, with large breasts, dressed in under-knee pants, t-shirt, jacker and sneakers. She wore her ginger hair in bobcut hairdo and freclkes sprinkled her face.

Before he got chance to answer they both heard rifle going out outside and above. It must have been from first storey. It also meant that someone up there must be alive. Sparkle of hope was there, but unfortunetly doors opened. Man with big bloody hole in his chest walked in looking at both survives inside.

"gruuuhuugh?" He said which probably meant something along the lines of 'breakfast?'.
Sawyer noticed the small army of zombies coming for them and rather calmly pulled his DSR off of his back and took careful aim at one of the zombies through his scope figuring that a shot through the brain followed by a shot to the pelvic plate would incapacitate a zombie and even if it was still able to move it would only be able to crawl and would be simpler to kill at a later point, he also dropped his survival bag and told everyone "hey ya'll if you don't have a gun there's 2 pistols fully loaded in here so you'd better kit yourselves up."
"OW!" as the pain of the slap unfroze her, picking up her weapon and followed the rest of the team out of the shuttle. Seeing the Zombies down below and heading towards the escalator, Miranda got in a good spot and began picking off the Zombies.

Bang! A zombie head exploded and dropped and so did the one behind it inline with the first.

It was to easy to just shoot the undead that was soon begining to pile up at the foot of the escalators.

Seeing one breaking for the elevator, she sent a shot that way, hopefully to discourage it from using it as cover.
Chat accepted the pistol with an enthusiastic "Yes, ma'am!" and quickly checked it while stuffing the spare mag into a convenient pocket. He made sure the safety was on before shunting the pistol into the front of his belt and leaning down to open up the survival kit.

His mouth twisted in an unamused fashion as he surveyed the EMP pistol in the bag, he reached back in for something more useful, pulling out the .45 this time, this one received much greater approval.

"Hey, lady!" he said, trying to get Rita's attention as he offered her the .45, plus two spare mags from the bag.

He then fetched the prybar, one of the survival axes and a knife for himself, each going into seperate sections of he belt before closing the bag up and hoisting it onto his back as a backpack.

He looked over to the outside and tried to make out the signs above the shops. "We need to find a gunstore or something to get armed and maybe take shelter in for a while, shouldn't be to hard!" he shouted to the others.
Paul knew that his scratched and burly appearance from serving a tour of duty in the (then) SAoY looked naturally intimidating, so he always as in this case, spoke in a low but firm voice. He offered his hand to the obviously scared girl. "Come on young miss, trust me we have to go. It isn't safe here with our backs to the wall."

Before she could respond however, the zombie burst into the room. Paul turned quickly to face the intruder, somewhat eager square it out and set things right again in his neighbourhood, but was slightly taken aback by what he saw. He had encountered Zombies before back on the Kennewes Campaign, where desperation had forced the Red Army to pump its soldiers with re-animation drugs, making them fight even after taking mortal damage. Fortunately he had not seen one up close then... Until now.

This 'person' was obviously gone beyond too far. But the strong armed Nepleslian could not make simply dispatching the man impersonal, the Civil War was supposed to be over, Nepleslians should never have to kill Nepleslians again, especially at home. He showed the Zombie the contents of his palms as a sign of trust, his right hand was empty and his left had a small metal ball. Despite this apparent vulnerabilty, he was quite ready for the zombie to try something and justify a counter-attack. "Man, we don't want any trouble. Please."
"Shit yeah. And give me that axe, too, buddy." Rita took the gun and checked the magazine before shoving it into the holster that was normally reserved for her HHG. Then, she reached into the bag and took out the axe that was in it. Chad handed her his axe, and with both in a tight grip, she leapt off the precipice, flying into the zombie horde like an asteroid striking the surface of a moon. "WOOHOOOOOO!", she screamed as she fell.

The force behind her fall was so excessive that she went right through a zombie, squashing it like a bug into the floor, which cratered beneath her. The force distributed through the ground was so strong that it created a shockwave, knocking zombies around the point of impact off their feet. In a flash, Rita went to work, swinging her axe into the neck of a nearby zombie that hadn't fallen, kicking it back with enough force to send it literally flying into the air, and landing another hack with the axe in her opposite hand into the head of one of the zombies she'd knocked over. "Let's tango, fellas! I warn you, I'm a CLUMSY dancer! AHAHAHAHA!" Her booming laughter could be heard easily from the roof.
Chad handed over the axe without comment, if the big nearly-a-foot-taller-than-him psychotic combat cyborg lady wanted something not even he was crazy enough to be a jackass. As she jumped off the balcony he made as if to stop her, but instead ended up just looking over as she lay into the horde.

He swallowed "Well, at least we know what would happen if she went to a moshpit." his mouth twisted in distaste as he watched an arm fly up to his eye level before falling back down into the melee. He turned to the others, pistol up. "I dunno about you guys, but this'd currently be a good place not to be."
"Well, seems like Berserkergang is off to a good start," Henry lamented as Rita carved up the zombies like some maniac barbarian woman from a comic book. He wondered if he should've bought a grenade or two with him, thanks to his good throwing arm, "HE Grenades would've sufficed, but I suppose this is just as entertaining."

He peeked out from cover and watched a dismembered limb fly in his direction, landing beside him and twitching in undeath throes, "A gunstore would be our obvious bet, if it hasn't already been ransacked."

He noticed that there were Zombies advancing on where he and the others had landed from outside of the mall, and started picking them off one by one with the Henry Rifle. He was aiming for the head rather than the centre of gravity, since the 30-30 calibre rounds were small, but made up for it with punch and precision.
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