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RP (non-canon) Shotty tries GMing

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Miranda "Allycat" Blackfoot nodded respectfully to the Lieutenant and settled back in her seat, wondering what was going on. She looked over Sawyer. She heard of his name as he was abit better at shooting than her in basic training. He had the perfect score, where she had missed several of her shots on the rifle range of varying range pop-up targets.

She turned to look around the windowless cargo shuttle with seats thrown into and bolted down for flight. Hurry up and wait to another scince completeing her advance individual medical training. She was amazed at how intensive it was. But then if she had the formal education she could've been an officer, instead of being an enlisted with backwoods education.
Sawyer noticed Allycat looking at him and turned to her saying "hi, I'm Sawyer, how are you?" He also took note of the somewhat archaic blackpowder rifle she had. He asked her "So I'm guessing you're a pretty good shot with that rifle? Would you be opposed to me taking a look at it and accurizing it for you?"
Some space-station, somewhere

Before Henry-Chad duo could leave in search for coffee and before Sawyer could look at the archaic rifle doors to hangar opened and man walked in. "Attention!" Navy lieutenant called out immediately. First thing that came to mind after seein the man was a mountain. He was well over six-feet tall. His age could be guessed as forty-something. Maybe even more since his belly was starting to grow, but that did not really made his bear-like stature bad. It actually made him more fatherly. He had short well maintained beard and wrinkles abotu eyes, probably from laughter. No rank could be seen on him and he was not even in full unifomr. Instead this bear wore a jacked made of brown leather and stetson. Only his pants was from regular marin uniform.

"Haha, so here you are eh?" He said. His voice was loud and fit well to him as whole. Bear was word coming to mind when they saw him indeed. "Okay you band of mongrels. Let me welcome ya all to my space station. You may all call me Colonel. Yeah I know there is no rank like that, but that does not matter here." He said as he was coming over to the group.

He walked to the lined up troop and walked beside them looking at each other. He was inspecting them with care looking at each other. "Yes," he muttered. "Yes you will do nicely."

"So!" He started anothe monologue. "You guys are now mine. You all could see your orders. Except miss pirate over there," he pointed at Rita. "We still have no name, but we do not really need one. As you might have guessed this is not very official thing. Before you ask, yes we are a black ops unit. Or something like that at least. But dunn worry we are not IFF. We are still marines so basically I will send you shoot something and you will shoot it. Are we clear? Good." He asked and answered by himself immediately.

He then walked to Henry. "Private first class Henry Morris. I heard your brother flies with famous Captain Pavone? That might be useful in future. But that is not the point. You will be leader of this squad in field. You proved yourself on Rok'Veru quite well and it would be shame to keep you in some front-line unit. I will put your talents to better use and I made the best squad for you."

He walked to Chad. "Private third class Chad Cuspel. A little Klutzy but communication expert. And you know how to drive and shoot a gun. Proper nepleslian. I like that. You will be team communication expert, if you could be called that."

Another was Rita. "Miss Rita Stenton or rather Private Four Class Rita Stenton. Welcome to marine corps. You are heavy hitter and I like that. I hope that IFF did not brainwash you so much that you forgot how to kill what I point you at."

Sawyer was up next. "Sawyer Aubrey. Fresh from boot. I heard you know how to use your rifle well. You will be shooter. Hunt some nekoes for me would you, just don't keep trophies. And don't foget to write your little sister as good nepleslian."

And last but not least. "Miranda 'Allycat' Blackfoot. Now that is some name. Did you laugh at you in boot-camp? I hope they did not, from what I have heard you know some mean kung-fu. But that won't be your task. You might not be such quick and shooter like private Aubrey but you still know how to use your rifle well. You are this teams sniper as of now. Oh and you are allowed only one sword on missions. And when you send message to that old fart tell him that Colonoles says hello. He will know."

With that he went back and stood in front of them all. "Now that is all for introdu-, oh I almost forgot." He snapped mid-comment and pointed to Navy Liutenant standing in attention. "This lieutenant Mary Kowalski. She is going to be your new mommy. She will handle logistics and what not. Just not try to suck her teats or she will kill you. So any question marines?" He finished his long monologue and raised his eyebrows in anticipation. Lt. Kowalski did no react to his comment in any visible way as always.
Chads mouth seemed to work but no sound was coming out for a few seconds. Eventually he stopped and tried again. “Um.” He put his hand to his forehead.

“Sir, you're telling me that I have been picked out of my cozy desk job and been dumped into a black ops unit likely about to go on some form of suicide mission?”
Colonel took out silver cigar case from his pocket and lighted one with matchesl. He puffed few times and exhaled gray thick smoke. Marines could smell vanilla very slightly. He then looked at Sawyer and Chad. "First," he started. "Private Aubrey, I meant that I want precise shooting on the battlefield. You will get accurate rifle and kill whoever Private Morrist tells you to. How do they call this position? Designated marksman or something?"

He then puffed again and looked at Chad. "Well Private Cuspel you got that about right. Of course the missions won't be suicidal. I am as long as you do it right." He said and laughed again with bear-like loud voice.
Sawyer noticed Allycat looking at him and turned to her saying "hi, I'm Sawyer, how are you?" He also took note of the somewhat archaic blackpowder rifle she had. He asked her "So I'm guessing you're a pretty good shot with that rifle? Would you be opposed to me taking a look at it and accurizing it for you?"

"one shot, one kill. had to make each shot count. Sharps .50." Looking thoughtful for a bit, "it's about accurate it's gonna get. I am Allycat... Blackfoot."

Then they was scrambling to get in formation as a big..huge man called them to order. She listens to him and gave him a cheeky smile at the remark "Did they laugh at you in boot-camp?" If he called her here, then he knew she put them in the infirmary and had to be recycled through boot as they learned the why she was called "Allycat" and gained their respect through physcal means as she was pretty quiet unless needed to be vocal.

"Whose the team's Medic gonna be, Sir?" Allycat spoke up tilting her head slightly after the others two spoke.
Chad paused for a second, the gears almost audibly ticking in his mind. "Well, I like it!" he said suddenly, grinning widely. "So, when do we get started?"
"Well, fuck you too, buddy." Rita growled, as her friendly gesture was completely ignored by Sawyer. She snapped to attention when the colonel entered and stood up, but didn't salute, unsure how to react when she noticed the lack of a rank pin. If he was the one charge, he must have some mad skills to be allowed to wear a leather jacket instead of his uniform. This unit seemed like it might work out well.

"Miss Rita Stenton or rather Private Four Class Rita Stenton. Welcome to marine corps. You are heavy hitter and I like that. I hope that IFF did not brainwash you so much that you forgot how to kill what I point you at."

"You're goddamn right they didn't," she paused for a moment, then added "Sir."

She had nothing further to say for now, so she stood at ease quietly.
Henry wasn't exactly in the mood to salute, since he distrusted some of what the IPG did since they could have intervened on previous occasions when they were present with Henry and whoever he was serving with, but didn't. He tilted his head upon mention of his brother, John, "That's just my brother, I have severe doubts that his connection to that unhinged mercenary will be useful."

He then looked at himself up and down, wondering why he was so skinny and small for the average Nepleslian and shrugged upon being told that he was the squad leader. There could've been worse things to do.

"Alley raises an excellent point. We do require a medic," He made a quick head count, "We have three marines, one of which is our designated marksman, hell on iron legs and myself, an engineer," He looked over to Alley and Chad, "Well, one of you had better learn quick, or bring the book with you."
Ally shrugged, "I'm sniper as the huge man said I was gonna be. But I can also patch a few wounds to keepya alive. Scince youall be to busy mixing it up close with whomever falls afoul of the bossman." Nodding in the direction of the huge man who had given them their assigned jobs within the group.
"Excuse me, Miss Stenton was it?" Sawyer said to the towering and somewhat intimidating cyborg woman who had told him fuck off. "I'm sorry I did not reply to your attempt to greet me madam, I meant no disrespect. I was negligent in my returning of hospitality and I apologize wholeheartedly for that." "Colonel, sir, thank you for explaining what you meant by terming me shooter." Sawyer said in reply to the Colonel's answer.
"Arright. Best medicine is not to get shot, but if that happens private Blackfoot will work her magic. Kowalski knows first aid too." Colonel replied, largely ignoring the fact that he was called Huge Mane by simple marine even though she was actually pretty right.

"Anyway," he broked that conversation to start new one. "Sadly this station is not fully operationable yet. Officialy it is going ot be big space warehouse or something but in reality we will be here." He said and turned around waving his hand to others to follow him. He talked while he walked. "About kind of mission you will be sent. There will of course be various missions. Search and destroy, assassinations, stuff like that." He said as if assassinating someone was not such a big deal.

Hangar door opened as he walked through it, looking back to make sure everyone followed him. Behind the doors was freshly built steel coloured gray corridor. "But lem'me say one thing." Colonel continued. "I won't have you shoot nepleslians or our allies. Let IPG do that kind of dirty work. Only Nepleslians you will shoot will be traitorous sons of bitches."

Corridor was pretty long and they missed several doors and one elevator. Colonel walked to one of the doors and they slid to side. Behind it was modest mess hall. It couldb e for about about thirty people with several long tables and chair. In the room was a tall woman. She was dressed as cook. Her ruby coloured hair were cut in short bob-cut with cute cook hat on her head. Everyone could notice that her eyes looke rather blank. She did not even looked at them until Colonel spoked again. "Coffee for everyone." He said and sit at one of the tables.

"So while we are getting this station operational I want you to speak your mind. What do you think so far? This job won't be easy, but it is gonna be imporant. We will be doing job that needs doing and we won't have any red tape in our way. Tell me how you feel about this." He asked.
Miranda followed the Bossman as directed to the designated room, which turned out to be a mess hall. She settled in the seat across the table from him. She looked thoughtful for a brief second or two.

"Whot about room? We share or we bunk alone?" Miranda spoke softly in awe at the place, looking around the messhall with interest. This was definitely was going to be different than the regular Marine Company she was probaly expecting.
Chad raised an eyebrow at the idea of him being medic. "I would pity the fool that placed himself under my care." He answered, shrugging it off.

When the crew reached the hallway he looked around quizzically, joking hal-heartedly "Nice digs, property value can only go up, not too far from the local school..." He thumbed towards the large space around them and asked "We expecting company?"
Rita followed quietly untill they reached the mess hall, keeping her hands in her pockets. When they arrived, she sat down and crossed one leg over the other, waving a hand towards the cook, whatever her name was. "None for me, thanks." It appeared that Rita had purposely ignored Sawyer the same way he had done to her, her own little attempt at "vengeance," silly as it was. He couldn't tell whether she had taken his apology to heart or not.

When they were asked what they thought, Rita took a moment to reflect on the situation before speaking up. She really only cared about one thing, and that was how many people or things she was going to get to kill. Assassinations sounded a lot more fun than search and destroy, especially because Rita's targetting software made it damn near impossible for her to miss. Of course, she was going to need to download long-range fire controls if handed a marksman's gun. "I'm disappointed that there aren't any heads mounted on the walls. Yet."
Henry looked at the coffee and contemplated it for a brief moment before getting a hip flask and putting a dab of the contents into a cup of coffee and drinking it. It was brandy. He always kept it on hand for when he was on his time off.

"Chad, I agree with the boss: Prevention is the best medicine," Henry mused dryly before taking a sip of the warm coffee. The alcohol might've been diluted and broken down by the heat of the coffee, but it was the taste that mattered.

He took a moment to look around the warehouse, "This place could do with some drapes. What's our front for this place? Just another bunch of traders? Surely we need a more elaborate or at least believable way to sell ourselves as such."
Chads hand moved to scratch the back of his head at Rita's shocking taste in decor, but he kept his opinion to himself eying sideways away from the intimidating prosthetic woman.

Instead he turned to Henry "What? You never wanted to become a shopkeeper? I imagine I got called in to be receptionist." The young marine looked slightly disappointed, he'd only had short stints in combat units. Most of the officers there were competent enough to ship him off fairly quickly.
Colonel nodded as people were talking, listening to one question and idea after the other. No one really talked about bussiness they were about to do. Did that means they already went with the idea of being black-ops operative?

Colonel smiled when Chad sad his last and started answering. "Well Private Blackfoot, this station is inflatable, but I managed to poke the builders a little and there are few rooms. Girls get room of their own, but you gonna need to share bunks fellas." He said looking at Henry, Chad, Sawer group. "At least for now."

There was really not much need to respond to Chad's first comment so he went on. "Well Private Stenton, I would prefer not to have my walls covered with head of dead squids and nekoes. I would prefer if you brought nekoes alive." He said and laughed out loud.

"As for you Private First Class Morris. Drapes would be nice, but this will be military warehouse so you won't get to play shopkeeper sadly. But well it brings some luck for us since we won't luckily get to see private Cuspel in a miniskirt. Plus he really lack a decent pair of tits to be receptionist anyway." He said and chuckled.

As he finished and was about to drink from his coffee cup which said 'Boss' on the side the doors opened. Another woman walked in. She wore a marine uniform, but something was wrong since marine uniforms are not usually out of mini-skirt and thigh-high stockings. She had black-coloured bob-cut and blue eyes. Woman was also very attractive and sporting a D-cups under her uniform.

She walked straight to Rita and handed her a package. "This is your uniform Miss Stenton." She said with emotionless voice.
"Top bunk." said Chad, soundly slightly absent minded as he slowly began tilting sideways to get a better view of that miniskirt.
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